"Recently, Huashan sect and other four sects wanted your majesty everywhere. If your majesty is OK, the slaves will be relieved. There is also Qingcheng sect's Miemen Fuwei escort agency. It seems that it wants to rob some martial arts secret script, but it doesn't seem to be successful. It's chasing the only descendant Lin Pingzhi. The latest thing in the Jianghu is the Hengshan sect's Liu Zhengfeng golden basin wash hands meeting, All the sects and schools sent people to the city one after another

Xiao Qingzi reported the recent events to Mo Yi one by one. These are the things Mo Yi explained before.

"So far, a large number of our people have infiltrated into the sun moon god religion, and even many of them have become the invincible guard of the East," xiaoqingzi said.

"Very good, continue to penetrate, and spread the news that the secret script of Zixia's magical skill was transported to heimuya to me." Mo Yi nodded and then waved his hand.

Mo also plans to use the Zixia magical skill to kill people with a sword. Although the Wuyue sword sect is not strong enough to resist the sun moon cult, it can still play a role.

"Yes, slave, yes."

Xiaoqingzi answered and turned to go out to deal with the spread of the wind.

Later, Mo also explained Zixia magical skill to Shuanger and Jianning. Although Mo has never practiced Zixia magical skill, he also knows how to change muscles. It's easy to explain. He's also a BCCC level master.

After one night's explanation, the second daughter almost understood how to practice Zixia divine skill, and Mo also understood many of the key points one by one, which also saved her the hard work of understanding.

"Xiaoqingzi, prepare the carriage, we Hengshan city will attend the golden basin washing hands meeting"

The next morning, Mo Yi takes shuang'er and Jianning out of the room and orders xiaoqingzi.

Soon, the carriage was ready. Mo Yi, shuang'er and Jianning entered the carriage. Xiaoqingzi controlled it outside. With the turbulence, he gradually went to Hengyang City.

In the carriage, shuang'er and Jianning's cheeks show a trace of purple, which is a sign of practicing Zixia magic skill.

The breath of Zixia divine skill cultivation is long and soft. It's also suitable for women's cultivation. Its power is also good. Its stamina is great and continuous, so the power of Zixia divine skill is not small.

With this skill, Yue buqun is in the world.

Shuang'er and Jianning both took dahuandan before. They both had a certain internal power base. They can quickly get started by practicing Zixia magic skill. They don't need to feel the sense of Qi. They can directly practice by virtue of their inherent internal power.

The two girls were practicing, and Mo also had nothing to do. She directly put on some very strange movements and began to practice the Yijinjing. The real Qi in her body kept running and entered the state of practice according to the line of Yijinjing.

From Huashan all the way to Hengshan, the road is not near, said far is not far, to the carriage journey, also spent nearly a month to get to the Hengyang City.

In the past month, Mo Yi, Shuanger and Jianning have been practicing, except eating and sleeping.

With the original majestic internal power, shuang'er and Jianning entered the country very quickly. They had already begun to practice Zixia divine skill dozens of days ago. During this period of time, their strength has greatly improved.

In addition, with Mo also at the side of the guidance, the second daughter did not take any detours, very smooth cultivation of the purple haze magic.

"Your Majesty, let's have a rest here. Now at night, the gate of Hengyang City has been closed." xiaoqingzi stopped the carriage on a grass and cried.

"Good" Mo also nodded, took Shuanger and Jianning to walk down from the carriage.

The surrounding scenery is pleasant, but also good, and he is not a spoiled person, camping is nothing.

Xiaoqingzi quickly fiddled with it, raised a fire on the ground and fiddled with the food.

"View two person properties"

Mo also saw that Shuanger and Jianning didn't have a rest after they got off the car. They were still in the process of cultivation, and their faces were purple. They couldn't help but want to see how strong the second daughter was.

"Name: Shuanger

Alias: good Shuanger, good Shuanger

Martial arts: Huashan sword

Internal skill: Zixia magic skill

Combat power: C

Psychology: cultivate quickly and improve your strength, so that you can help Xianggong better. You can't let Xianggong worry any more. Shuanger should protect Xianggong. "

Shuanger's property list first appeared on the table, which has the basis of great internal power. Although it's just the beginning of practicing Zixia magic skill, it also has the strength of CCCC level.

Next, Jianning's property sheet also appears in it.

Name: Jianning

Alias: Princess

Martial arts: Huashan sword

Internal skill: Zixia magic skill

Combat power: C

Psychology: only by improving the strength quickly can we catch up with the young master "

Jianning's strength is similar to Shuanger's. their psychological performance and goal are to improve their own strength. But for Shuanger, she wants to be strong and not drag Mo Yi. In her heart, Mo Yi is her favorite and most concerned person.

For Jianning, Mo Yi's status is above her. For her, Mo Yi is more like a person of obedience and love. She hopes that she will not be left behind.

"These two little girls" Mo also looked at their psychological performance and couldn't help chuckling.

"Your Majesty, have some dry food first. Come to the city tomorrow morning and get something to eat."

Xiaoqingzi took out a package, in which were some big cakes with a long shelf life, which were suitable for dry food. If some snacks or meat, they would stink after a long time.

"En, good" Mo also immediately took out a big cake and chewed it directly.

"Make a fire, my friend?"

I saw an ugly looking camel, carrying a camel sword, eyes showing fine awn, coming towards Mo Yi.

"Casual" Mo also raised his eyes to look at the camel, eyes calm.

And the camel's eyes stare at Shuanger and Jianning. From the moment he sits down, he has never left the second daughter.

"Camel, your eyes are not very clean." Mo Yi made a heavy voice while eating dry food.

"Oh? What if it's not clean? " Mu Gaofeng turned his head and looked at Mo Yi, sneered, and then said, "it's you who stole Zixia's magic power. Is that really a good skill? People from black wood cliff? "

Mo Yishi looked up at Mu Gaofeng again, chewing dry food and nodding. He grinned a cruel smile and didn't speak.

"Let's keep this move." Mo Yi put down the big cake in his hand with a fierce light in his eyes. His body moved in an instant, just like a shadow towards the peak of the wood.

Mugaofeng didn't expect that Mo also came into his hand suddenly, and the action was very fast. In a big surprise, he quickly pulled out the camel sword between his waist and stabbed mo.

"Lock the Dragon hand"

At the moment of mugaofeng's hand, before he attacked Mo Yi, Mo Yi had already seen through the way of the move. He clasped his wrist with one claw and turned it at will, and the camel sword was in Mo Yi's hands.

"Master" wood peak heart surprised, quickly turned to escape, without the slightest melancholy.

Mo Yi's body was moving and his feet were changing. He quickly stopped mugaofeng. He turned his wrist and grasped the sword with his backhand. His eyes were full of fierce light.

"General decision"

Mo Yi's arm moved and his sword was shining. At the next moment, Mo Yi's body turned back to the fire.

In place, the camel sword fell to the ground, mugaofeng's eyes splashed blood in the sky, and he knelt on the ground, a pair of eyes had been abandoned by moye, and all of them were blood and tears.

"Ding, congratulations on beating mugaofeng, 50 bonus points"

Soon, the sound of the system reverberated in Mo Yi's mind. As long as some of the more famous martial arts experts in the Jianghu were defeated by Mo Yi, they would have certain points.

Mugaofeng is a good martial arts expert. He travels between the Central Plains and Mongolia. He is known as the "Ming camel in the north of the Great Wall".

However, it is obvious that mugaofeng's strength is not as good as Yue buqun's. After Yue buqun was defeated, he was rewarded with 80 points, while he only had 50 points. However, these 50 points are extremely important for mo.

"490 o'clock. I'm tired."

Mo also looked at his points. He had reached the peak of 490 points. He was only 10 points short of 500 points. He could integrate the skills and methods, but he was only 10 points short.

"Xianggong, what happened?" Shuang'er seems to be awakened by the fight between Mo Yi and Mu Gaofeng. He stops practicing and then opens his eyes.

"It's OK. If you meet someone who doesn't open his eyes, open his eyes for him."

Mo also looked at the distance trembling away from the wood peak, casual smile.

"Young master" Jianning also opened his eyes, stretched a stretch, Jiao Yin.

"Well, have a rest. Camp here tonight and go to town tomorrow morning."

Mo also picked up before the big cake, continue to bite.

After they had a good meal, they went to sleep. Xiaoqingzi was watching outside.

In the carriage, Mo, holding her two daughters, quietly went to sleep and recovered her spirit and motivation.

Even though Mo Yi has a very high personal fighting power, he has not broken through the category of human beings. Maybe he can use the real Qi in his body as his driving force in eating and sleeping, which is more prominent than ordinary people. But he has not broken through the category of human beings after all. He still has to eat and sleep after all.

The next morning, when they woke up, they saw that the gate had been opened and drove into Hengshan city.

"Xiaoqingzi, go to prepare the meal and ask for two bedrooms."

At the gate of the inn, Mo also waved xiaoqingzi to prepare ahead of time. He, holding Shuanger in one hand and Jianning in the other, walked slowly into the Inn and sat down at random.

"Little master, come on, have a drink, have a drink"

"I'll give you a kiss or a drink."

On one side of the table, I saw a man holding a wine glass, it is constantly toward the side of a little nun forced to drink, and the little nun is also a face of reluctance.

"Why are you again?"

I saw Linghu Chong go to the table and sit down. He clapped the man's hand and cheered.

"Don't you just want to find someone to drink with you? I just want to drink with you. Why bother a little nun?" Linghu Chong picked up the wine cup, took a sip, and said with a smile: "once you see a nun, you will lose every bet. This nun can't be seen. Brother Tian, why don't you let her go and have a good drink?"

"I, Tian boguang, go all out on my own. How can I worry so much? This little nun, anyway, we've met each other, and let her accompany us here. "

Seeing this, Tian Bo Guang casually smiles and drinks a glass of wine. He is proud of himself.

"Tian boguang? Today I'm going to get rid of harm for the people. "

Not far away, a sword light to make, the man holding a silver sword ruthlessly toward Tian boguang to kill.

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