At the foot of Shaoshi mountain, xiaoqingzi drove a carriage outside and quickly went up the mountain to Shaolin Temple.

In the carriage, Mo Yi, Shuanger and Jianning did not continue to practice. After all, the combination of work and rest is the best. What can the three without practice do? I can only do something shameful.

However, in the previous match with Dongfang unbeaten, it was a draw. It was not as fast as Dongfang unbeaten. Dongfang unbeaten was not as good as moye in internal power and defense. They were also tied at the end.

In the carriage, the three of them naturally do what they should do. Shuang'er and Jianning have long been determined by Mo yinei. Although they don't plan to eat their second daughter too soon, some intimacy can be done, and they can't always practice martial arts, can they?

After the meizhuang war in West Lake and the invincible war in the East, Mo and others went all the way to Shaolin Temple, hoping to meet him before leaving. Although he is familiar with the plot, it is a different situation in practice.

In addition, Shaolin Temple has a mission figure, master founder, who can complete a mission.

"Bang..... Pop... Bang. "

Just as Mo Yi's carriage was about to approach Shaoshi mountain, the sound of a fight came. Although it was very far away and the sound was very small, it could barely be heard.

"Little Qingzi, stop the car"

Mo also drank directly, the carriage stopped quickly, and then gradually stopped.

"Shuang'er, Jianning, you two stay here first, and I'll go out to have a look." Mo Yi turns his head and instructs the second daughter, and her body directly jumps out of the flying horse to watch the movement in the distance.

Soon, the fighting of the Millennium ancient temple in the distance stopped, and the two figures quickly used their lightness skills to escape. Although they were not on Mo Yi's side, Mo Yi could clearly watch them escape.

"One man and one woman, one old and one young. The male looks old and has deep internal skills. The female is young and beautiful and has a little shallow internal power. It seems that they are really letting themselves go and Ren Yingying's father and daughter."

Mo Yi watched them escape from the edge of Shaolin Temple and quickly went in another direction. When he gathered his eyes, he could see their situation clearly.

"Another mission to complete"

Mo also light Nan a, then body shape move, fast toward let me go.

However, Mo Yi's speed is extremely fast, and his lightness skill is exquisite. He has the ghost speed of Yijin classic and the knack of Shenxing. Mo Yi soon catches up with Ren I Xing and Ren Ying Ying.

"Where are the experts"

See this a ghost like figure flashed by, let me drink a light, and Ren Yingying stopped together.

Mo Yi's figure also appeared in front of them. He looked at them quietly and scanned them. Although he was old, he was energetic and handsome. No wonder Ren Yingying was the most beautiful woman.

View this person's properties

Mo also looked directly at Ren Wuxing and said in his heart. Although according to the plot, Mo can infer that they must be Ren Wuxing and Ren Yingying, it's better to confirm them.

"Name: Ren Wuxing

Alias: Ren jiaozhu

Martial arts: Sun Moon sword technique

Internal skill: absorbing stars

Combat power: BCCC

Psychology: the body method is a bit like the speed of sunflower classic, but the body method is extremely wonderful. It's not a sunflower classic. I don't know who this person is. "

Soon, the message of letting me go was revealed in Mo Yi's mind. Mo Yi not only confirmed his identity, but also knew his strength and psychology.

After all, the strength of let me go is still lower than that of Mo, and there is also Eastern unbeaten. It's only one step short of entering the double B level, but it's just this step that many people can't cross all their lives.

"Let me go?" Mo also eyes stare at two people, smile slightly, ask a way.

"It's me."

Let me see Mo also this young appearance, raised his head, haughty snorted.

"Compare it" Mo also calmly spit out a, and then the body shape in vain, a palm directly hit the tianlinggai.

Mo Yi's body shape is close to his own. When he walks to the middle of the road, his true Qi and internal power are surging. The so-called "once an expert makes a move, he will know if he has it.".

"Yingying, step back" let me push Ren Yingying away, and then summon up all my strength, but I can't avoid Mo Yi's attack, and raise my hand directly.

However, when his hand touched Mo Yi's hand, he turned his wrist, cut his hand, and stopped Mo Yi's palm lightly. Then he went up to the palm, and a force like a dark hole came from his palm.

However, just when he was excited, he felt that Mo Yi's inner power of true Qi was like a paste, which was extremely difficult to absorb, but he couldn't absorb much of it with all his strength.

Mo Yi's true Qi and internal force are as vast as a sea. It's not a child's joke to use the A-level skill Yi Jin Bao Dian. The quality of the true Qi and internal force cultivated by Mo Yi according to Yi Jin Bao Dian is far beyond the ordinary true Qi and internal force. It's extremely difficult to absorb it with the star absorbing method.

"What do you want? Here you are

Mo Yi smile, the whole body real Qi internal force directly run out, all toward the body of let me go.

As soon as I open my eyes, I will start to absorb all the Qi and internal forces that flow into my body.

"Boy, it's a pity that I spent so many years just to perfect the defect of my divine skill." let me continue to absorb Mo Yi's true Qi and internal power, and chuckled.

Mo didn't speak, but he just tilted his mouth and gave a little smile to release his internal power.

"It's a mistake, isn't it? "Boy"

No matter how much Mo Yi's true Qi and internal power is, I'll absorb it all. When I'm free, I can't help laughing at it.

Mo also looked at me and said calmly, "then try it." when the words fell, Mo's internal power surged stronger and moved towards me.

And Mo is also a few steps in a row, forcing me to retreat.


Soon, let me make a sound, his face began to rise red up, arms in a slight trembling.

"Can't do it? It's just the tip of the iceberg. "

Mo also strange smile, a force several times stronger than before, rushing to let me go, the body surging, just like the sea of stars, heavy suppression, let me go is unable to absorb.


Finally, let me spit out a mouthful of blood, fly backwards, slide a few meters on the ground, is to stop.

"Dad" Ren Yingying was in a panic. He quickly picked up his pale face and asked, "Dad, Dad, are you ok?", Say, constantly looking at let me go.

"Don't worry, dad is OK" let me line slightly gasped a breath, a hand, hard said.

After the defeat of Ren Wuxing, Mo is not fighting, there is no reason to kill. Now, the defeat of Ren Wuxing is for the task, not for the task. After all, if Ren Wuxing wants to regain the position of the sun moon god cult, he will deal with the East invincible. For some purposes, they have a common enemy.

However, at the end of the day, it will be the enemy to let me go, because Mo Yi's task is to destroy the whole sun moon cult, which is extremely arduous.

"Ding, finish the task, defeat Ren Wuxing (task reward: 300 points)"

Soon, the voice of the system rose in Mo Yi's mind, and the three hundred points reached him instantly.

"Fierce, fierce, I haven't been out of the river for decades. I didn't expect that such a powerful person appeared in the river." Ren Zixing looked at Mo Yi, clapped his hands and sighed.

You know, he used to be a first-class martial arts expert, and his martial arts skills can compete with him in the Jianghu, but now he has made up for the shortcomings of the star sucking method, but he never thought that he would be defeated by a boy as soon as he got out of the mountain.

Mo Yi didn't say a word. He just turned around and planned to leave. Now that he had defeated Ren I xing, he planned to go straight to get Fang Zheng and get 300 points.

"Young Xia, stay here"

Let me see Mo also ready to leave, hurriedly cheered, the figure of the faint step forward a few steps.

"What's the matter?" Mo Yi frowned and turned around.

"To tell you the truth, I have an enemy, Dongfang Bubai, who has a deep blood feud. Although I don't want to admit it, I really can't fight with Dongfang Bubai alone. Young Xia, you have good force. If you can join hands with me, you will surely win the Oriental dog thief." let me look at Mo Yi with an urgent hope in my eyes.

"Today's No.1 Eastern invincible in Wulin? I'm not going to die yet. Besides, what's the advantage of promising you? " Mo also quietly looking at let me ask.

"After I recapture the sun and moon god religion, I promise the position of deputy leader, under one person, above ten thousand people." let me go, as if I had thought about it for a long time, and said without hesitation.

Because let me know, there is no free lunch in the world. If you want others to help you, you must pay a price.

"I'm sorry, I'm not very interested in power and interest." Mo Yi shook his head and said with a smile.

Let me go of double eyebrows tight wrinkle, he looked at Mo also did not resolutely leave, know that there is still room to turn, but he did not take out can let Mo also things.

"If you have any conditions, just mention them, as long as I can take them out," he said with a wave of his arm and hands behind him.

"I heard that the sun moon god sect had obtained the Taijiquan Scripture of Wudang school in the early years." Mo Yi gave me a glance, then took back his look and said calmly.

"Well, as long as you help me, young Xia, Taijiquan is offered by both hands." let me listen to it and answer it quickly. These two things are not very precious to him. After he got them back, they have been hidden in the snow.

"When are you going to deal with the Asia invincible?" Mo also has no facial expression, ask a way directly.

"Of course, the sooner the better, but at this time, I still need to adjust my breath, and some things have not yet been decided. We will leave for heimuya in three days." let me think about it, and then say.

"Well, gather here in three days. I'll go first."

Mo Yi nodded, then turned around, and had already practiced the method of step lifting. At the same time, the real Qi in the body was running fast, and the body was far away from ghosts.

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