Mo Yi went back to the place where he had stopped before. Several people found a place to spend the night in the open. Mo Yi took a rest overnight, and his strength almost returned to the peak.

The next day, early in the morning, Mo Yi directly used his lightness skill and sneaked into Shaolin Temple.

At this time, Mo is familiar with the plot. At this time, the Shaolin Temple is a gathering of heroes. I don't know whether Ren Yixing and Ren Yingying will sneak into it again.

But there are so many people in it, such as founder, Shaolin abbot, Chongxu Taoist priest, Wudang sect leader, Yue buqun, ningzhongze, Zuo lengchan and Tianmen. They don't dare to take Shuanger and Jianning with them. They can only let their two daughters stand by.

For people in the Wulin, it's extremely easy to cross the wall and enter the house. Although Shaolin Temple is guarded by monks and soldiers, it's extremely easy for Mo Yi to sneak in.

Mo also listened to the movement of each Zen room, and finally fell down on the roof of a Zen room. He opened a tile and looked at the situation inside the Zen room.

In the Zen room, Ren Zixing, Ren Yingying, Fang Zheng, Chong Xu, Xiang Wentian, Zuo lengchan, Yue buqun, Tianmen, Yu Canghai, Xie Feng and others have all appeared in the room, and they are fighting each other.

There is a person Linghu Chong, hiding in the eaves, is also a careful look at the situation.

"I'm working on the authentic Kung Fu of Riyue sect, and the master is working on the authentic martial arts of Shaolin sect. We're authentic to authentic. This one was meant to fight. "

Mo also came here, the first voice is let me go, but a mouth is to start a fight.

"It seems that they've been fighting for some time, otherwise they won't start fighting as soon as they open their mouth." Mo Yi carefully looked at the situation below and said in his heart.

"Bah, you are not afraid of ugliness." Yu Canghai said sarcastically when he heard the words.

"You? Abbot, I'll kill this dwarf first, and then I'll compete with you. "

Let me be extremely angry, words fall, the internal power of the whole body is raised, the potential to kill the sea of hate.

Seeing Ren Wuxing's appearance, Fang Zheng said in secret, "no good." then he took the lead and said, "please accept me, benefactor." he palmed at Ren Wuxing because he knew that if he didn't do it, Ren Wuxing would fight Yu Canghai. With Yu Canghai's strength, he might not be the opponent of Ren Wuxing. He might be seriously injured or even die.

In an instant, one palm turns into two palms, two palms into four palms, and four palms into eight palms. The shadow of the palms is heavy, and the virtual and real hand over hand. It is the unique skill of Shaolin school, the thousand handed Tathagata palm.

Let me see this, do not dare to trust big, quickly lift gas to fight, and Abbot to recruit.

Compared with the Abbot's exquisite thousand handed Tathagata palm, the technique of letting me do it is simple, one move in one style, but attacking one point is inferior to the others.

The two of them broke up and fought each other in succession, and let us open and close the attack. Their internal power surged very fast. They fought against founder and pushed it out flat, but they beat him back and made him retreat three steps in a row.

However, founder is also a veteran of martial arts. This thousand handed Tathagata palm has been trained very well. Once he turns his hand, he will turn the situation around again. The palm speed on his hand will speed up, but it will force me back.

The secret of Yijinjing is extraordinary. It not only has strong internal force, but also continuously suppresses and allows me to move. As a result, the whole body is full of breath. At this time, it is the Abbot's inability to parry.


With the exclamation of the crowd, I saw Ren Wuxing turn around and clap his hand directly at Yu Canghai's tianlinggai. Fortunately, although Yu Canghai is not as good as Ren Wuxing, he is also a master of martial arts. For a moment, he did not lose.

The ups and downs were unexpected. However, master Fang Zheng's reaction was not slow. He gave his hand to let me go, forcing him to give up Yu Canghai and turn over to resist Fang Zheng.

But I don't know, Yu Canghai is saved, but let me go is a point to Fangzheng Tanzhong point hit.

“。。。。 I dream of sleeping in the wind and fighting in the wind. The swords and soldiers talk about the chaos. I once went to the river and lake to drink together. I played the piano and flute together with the drunken people. I was proud of the river and lake

At the time of crisis, it is a melodious sound of Xiao, with beautiful melody and ups and downs. The worries in the world, the battlefield and the pride in the world are all in it.

When people listen to the melody, they unconsciously resonate with each other and immerse themselves in it, which is more attractive than the beautiful sound of Guangling San.

However, all the people present were people with profound internal skills. Although they were slightly immersed in it, after a while, they all woke up and resisted the sound of the flute.

And founder is also able to get rid of the blow of letting me go, can be regarded as no injury and back.

Mo Yi's Xiaoao Jianghu song is integrated into the music attack technique. Every syllable is blown with the real Qi and internal power. Xiaoao Jianghu song, with its beauty, makes people sink into one of the main music attack effects.


Let me shout angrily, and fly directly to the eaves. With a "bang" sound, a big hole will be opened in the roof, and a palm will hit Mo Yi.

And Mo also body shape slightly retreat, you Yuxiao in the hands of a turn, and then a little bit out, block away the arm let me go.

"It's you?" Let me stop and look at Mo Yi strangely.

"He's mine"

Mo Yi said flatly that Founder is a task figure, and Mo also doesn't know whether it will count after founder is injured and defeated. After all, the task is to improve Mo Yi's strength. If founder's strength is too low, he won't be selected as a task figure.

"Well, he'll give it to you."

After listening to Mo Yi's words, my eyes brightened and I nodded.

Originally, the following leaders were all covetous of him, but others had few hands. Now Mo is here, and it's best to say that he wants to deal with Fang Zheng.

Mo Yi takes a look at Fang Zheng and jumps directly into the Zen room. He attacks Fang Zheng with one palm, but a hand shadow flashes by. Fang Zheng's arm blocks Mo Yi's move.

"Little benefactor, why is that?"

"It's no use saying more, just fight again"

Mo also has no expression, not cold, but calm, as if above everything.

As the words fall, Mo also continues to search. The Dragon locking hand of the series moves attacks Fangzheng fiercely and fiercely. The biggest effect of the Dragon locking hand is to block, while the attack means inherits the coagulation claw and the dragon claw hand. It is extremely cunning, fierce, and eccentric.

But Fang Zheng, as the abbot of Shaolin, was not afraid. He reacted very quickly. He quickly attacked Mo Yi with a thousand hands of Tathagata palm, and his palm shadow was countless.

Mo also regardless, a direct blow to the chest of founder, and founder is a few palms continuous toward Mo also clap.

Unfortunately, Fang Zheng's attack on Mo Yi only made Mo Yi step back a few steps. However, Mo Yi's blow sent Fang Zheng out and hurt him.

"It's really vigorous to let the true Qi out and protect the body. Even at a young age, it opened the second bridge of heaven and earth."

Fang Zheng's face turned red. He covered his chest and stood up. Looking at Mo Yi, he said in surprise.

All of his previous moves failed to hit Mo Yi. They were all blocked by Mo Yi's outward Qi, which turned into body protecting Zhengang. If they were the so-called top experts, none of them could get through the second bridge of heaven and earth.

"It's impolite, abbot." Mo Yi's look didn't fluctuate at all. He bowed slightly and said.

Now, all the people are surprised to see Mo Yi. They didn't expect that this young generation should be such a master. Even founder was defeated by him, and he also opened the second heaven and earth bridge. This is the point that neither let me go nor founder has reached.

"Ding, task completed, defeat founder (task reward: 300 points)"

With the rise and fall of Mo Yi's defeat of founder, the system also judged that Mo Yi's task was completed.

"In this way, there's one last task left."

Mo Yi whispered in his heart that he didn't know how long he could stay in the world, but he knew that if he stayed too long, he would be found by the rules of the world and crushed to death. After all, if he didn't belong to the world, he couldn't stay here. The reason why he was here was because of the system.

"Young xia Mo, long time no see" Yue buqun looked at Mo Yi with a slight embarrassment and said with a smile.

Today's Mo Yi is stronger than before. Even Fang Zheng is not an opponent. If Mo doesn't let him go, he will not be able to leave at all. Moreover, they had conflicts before.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Leader Yue is here to ask for Zixia's magic power?" Mo also calmly looked at Yue buqun and asked with a ghost smile.

Yue buqun could afford it and put it down. He quickly said with a smile, "young xia Mo is joking. Now who in the world doesn't know that Zixia's magic power was stolen by the evil cult, but someone in Yue wronged him."

"The Oriental dog thief's eyes are getting shallower and shallower. I have countless divine skills. It's ridiculous that I even want to steal a useless book." Ren's figure also leaped down from the top, and he said arrogantly.

"You..." Yue buqun took a look at Ren I xing, and his face turned red. The nine skills of Huashan are the best of Zixia. He said that the Zixia skill is the treasure of Huashan school. It was said that it is useless.

However, his strength is not enough to allow me to be strong, so he can only look very angry, but he can do nothing.

"Young Xia, you are young and powerful. How can you help the leader of the demon sect?" Chong Xu Taoist priest looked at Mo Yi and asked.

Originally, the leaders of the Zhengdao sect were present today, which was the best time to deal with Renxing. Originally, they all planned to win Renxing at one stroke, but they just jumped out of this moye. They were so powerful that even the abbot of Shaolin was defeated, which made everyone dare not fight at once.

"I'm just here to learn your skills. I don't want to help anyone. If I want to help, that's to help myself," Mo said calmly. In response, he was indifferent and calm.

"If you want to say that the one with better martial arts among us is the leader of the sect. Young Xia, why don't you challenge me?" Yue buqun said directly, planning to bring disaster to the East.

And Yue buqun's words also made everyone see it in front of their eyes, and he said: "yes, being the leader of the sect is the best martial arts in the world at that time. If you want to understand the skills, it's naturally the most appropriate way to understand the leader of the sect."

"Let me go? I've learned his skill, but I'm not better than you

Mo also looked at let me go, mercilessly said, also did not give let me face.

As far as he is concerned, let me go is actually just this ability. His strength is stronger than let me go, so there is no need to be afraid of letting me go.

"Yes, a few days ago, young xia Mo had come to me to learn, but I was not strong enough to be defeated by him." I didn't care and admitted it directly.

After all, the strength between him and founder is also five, founder has been maimed by Mo, what does he mind.


Everyone took a cool breath. They didn't expect that Mo Yi's strength was so strong.

"Leader Yue has challenged, great leader has challenged, founder has challenged, and leader Ren has also challenged. Only nvxia Ning, Taoist priest Tianmen, left leader and Taoist priest Chongxu have not yet challenged."

Mo Yi looked at the crowd indifferently and looked around. His voice and emotion did not fluctuate. However, his voice was invisible and made people feel uncomfortable. Mo Yi was just like a lifeless person at this time. He was indifferent and indifferent, but made people feel uncomfortable.

"I'm not willing to challenge you, I'd like to ask Taoist priest Tianmen for advice."

After Mo Yi's voice, he moves and attacks directly to the Taoist priest of Tianmen. It's full of points.

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