Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1138 Blockade Plan

Its daybreak.

Sunlight disperses the darkness and illuminates this abandoned motorway service station.

Several people came out from various places in the service station one after another.

Yang Jian didn't sleep all night.

He is not tired, nor tired, because he no longer needs to rely on sleep and body functions to maintain his life as an alien. What supports him to survive is only supernatural power and the will to survive.

Li Jun, A Hong, Cao Yang, Feng Quan and others met and gathered together.

They want to discuss the follow-up actions of the Ghost Lake incident.

"Where are Yang Jian and Liu San? Why didn't they show up? Are they still sleeping? Contact us and ask them to come over quickly." Li Jun looked around and saw no sign of the two people.

A Hong on the side picked up the satellite positioning mobile phone and prepared to contact Liu San.

But the next moment.

Liu San walked out of the toilet next to the service station: "Sorry, I went to the toilet. Do I need to gather so early today?"

"Discuss countermeasures. It will be beneficial to everyone to act early." Li Jun said.

"I only rested for a few hours. This time is not enough to adjust my condition."

Liu San walked along as if nothing happened, saying nothing about the attack on the spiritualist He Liansheng in Taiping Town last night.

Cao Yang looked at him: "Liu San, you are uglier than a dead person now. You were not like this when you came back from Ghost Lake yesterday. What happened last night?"

He became a little suspicious, because Liu San changed a lot in one night.

"It's nothing. I consumed too much before, so it's normal for my condition to deteriorate." Liu San said casually.

"That's right, you had a hard time yesterday." Cao Yang knew he was lying, but he didn't ask any more questions.

It is foolish to pry too much into other people's secrets.

Liu San said no more.

He is indeed not in a good condition right now, and killing the spiritualist He Liansheng last night also took a considerable risk.

"Only Yang Jian is left. Isn't he still sleeping?" Li Jun said again; "Feng Quan, go call him. It's already late. It's time to decide the next action together. Now everyone is waiting for him to be alone.”

"Okay, I'll call Yang Jian." Feng Quan nodded.

Yang Jian did not have a satellite positioning mobile phone in his hand, he only had a personal mobile phone.

However, when Feng Quan dialed the number, it showed that the other party had turned off his phone.

"Yang Jian's cell phone should be damaged and cannot be contacted," Feng Quan said.

"I'll go call him. Yesterday I saw Yang Jian enter that room and never come out again." Cao Yang said and walked towards the nearby hotel building.

Several people were not in a hurry for this moment and chose to wait.

Without Yang Jian, there is no need to discuss the next actions. After all, he is the key to breaking the situation after the Ghost Lake incident, so his opinions and ideas are very important.

However, Yang Jian was not in the room.

He appeared near Zhongzhou City and was checking the supernatural influence.


Yang Jian stood next to a large river. This river did not exist on the map. It appeared after he changed the landform yesterday. After a night, the originally turbulent river water had completely subsided. However, the river water was slightly turbid. This This is because new rivers appear in such a short time and need time to settle.

He squatted by the river and waved his hand gently.

Immediately, the river parted on its own, revealing the submerged bottom.

"It's still under control, which means the spread of the ghost lake has been contained." After Yang Jian pondered for a moment, he turned and left, and he went to other places.

This is outside the county town.

Originally, there was a river near the county seat, but now it has become a flat land with no trace of the river at all. Many nearby residents came to this flat land in surprise, taking photos and taking pictures, marveling at it.

Yang Jian's appearance was inconspicuous.

He checked briefly to make sure the area was undisturbed and then left.

Changing the landscape of a ghost domain has significant side effects.

Geological collapse, rivers flowing back into cities, and groundwater gushing will cause natural disasters if not handled well.

Yang Jian spent some time going around, correcting some unreasonable things, and at the same time determined the spread of the ghost lake.

Although the operation of imprisoning the ghosts was very unsatisfactory, fortunately the spread of the ghost lake was contained.

That is to say.

The ghost lake only flooded Zhongzhou City and affected several nearby areas, and did not erode other places along the water.

"The evil ghost who escaped from the ghost lake disappeared." Yang Jian then discovered another hidden danger.

During the previous fight against the ghost lake, several fierce ghosts came out of the ghost lake. They were wandering and lingering nearby, but now there are no traces.

This shows that the ghost has left this area.

"It's definitely not easy for a ghost to escape from the ghost lake. I'm afraid there will be a few more supernatural incidents in the future." He frowned at this moment and had a headache.

But at that time, I couldn't control that much. After all, the impact of the ghost lake out of control would be huge, and other supernatural events were not important.

After searching for a while without any results, Yang Jian returned to the highway service station where he had rested.

"Yang Jian, where have you been? We have been looking for you. Cao Yang looked for you before, but you were not at the service station at all. We thought you were in trouble. If you want to leave, you should say hello in advance. So as not to worry others." Li Jun said immediately as soon as he arrived.

"I took the time to walk around. The impact of changing the landform is a bit big. I need to confirm the situation myself. So far, it's a mixed bag." Yang Jian said.

"What do you mean?" Li Jun said.

Cao Yang, who came back, said, "Tell me what you think."

"The blockade of the Ghost Lake has been relatively successful so far, and the spread of supernatural beings has been stopped. However, when the Ghost Lake invaded reality yesterday, a fierce ghost came out of the lake and is now gone. This is a potential hidden danger, which indicates that in the future, There will be an increase in paranormal incidents near Ohara City.”

Yang Jian said calmly: "Which captain is in charge of Ohara City?"

"It's Captain Yinzi, but she had an accident and sank into the ghost lake. However, the older generation of ghost masters in Taiping Town seemed to have rescued her from the bottom of the lake yesterday. The situation is still unknown. "Feng Quan said, he usually knows some basic intelligence information about the headquarters, so he is relatively clear.

"No, the latest situation is that Captain Yinzi is online." Cao Yang revealed the latest secret.

Liu San said in surprise: "This is impossible. She is already dead. All of us have seen how it is possible that she is still alive."

"The latest news from headquarters can't be wrong."

Cao Yang said: "Don't make a fuss. There must be a reason why those people in the ancient town tried their best to salvage the bodies yesterday. It's a good thing to be resurrected now. At least we will have one more manpower in the future."

Even so, Liu San was not happy.

Because if that Captain Yinzi was really from Taiping Ancient Town, then he would probably seek revenge on him after he killed He Liansheng, the Captain Yinzi, last night.

This is not good news for him.

"We will discuss the matter about the person in charge of Ohara City later. We should now discuss how to deal with Ghost Lake and deal with the matter at hand as soon as possible. And after a night of rest and thinking, I think everyone has some ideas in mind. "Li Jun interrupted everyone's conversation at this moment and continued to discuss the Ghost Lake incident.

After all, dealing with the ghost lake is the mission and goal of their trip.

Liu San was the first to speak: "The evil ghost in the ghost lake has appeared before, and it is on the wooden boat in the middle of the lake. If we really have to deal with it, I think it is better to find another way than to fight head-on. Li Jun, do you remember That supernatural camera? I think we can try this solution."

A supernatural camera?

Li Jun's expression moved slightly as he remembered this supernatural item.

This thing can take pictures of ghosts. Once the shooting is successful, the ghosts can be imprisoned in the photo. However, the cost is not small. There is a risk that the supernatural camera will lose control during the shooting process. Once the user loses control, he or she will be imprisoned in the photo. , very evil.

It was used during the ghost painting incident, but it was bad luck and failed.

"Supernatural cameras are very feasible. This is a good plan." Li Jun nodded and said, "Yang Jian, what do you think?"

Yang Jian said: "The ghost lake cannot be dealt with. I think this supernatural incident can be ended here."


As soon as he said this, Li Jun was immediately surprised: "Abandon the mission? No, the impact of the Ghost Lake's loss of control is unimaginable. If we don't deal with it this time, it will be over if it gets out of control next time. We have gathered so many people this time, I am fully capable of fighting against evil spirits, this is the best opportunity."

He rejected Yang Jian's idea without hesitation.

Cao Yang and Liu San started to ponder at this moment.

They were not surprised by Yang Jian's proposal, because Yang Jian had already said before that the ghost lake had been successfully sealed, and strictly speaking, this supernatural incident had been dealt with.

It's just that the place where Ghost Lake is imprisoned is a bit big.

If we continue to choose to fight, if something goes wrong again, it won't be so easy to deal with.

"There are many evil ghosts silent in the ghost lake. Once the ghost lake disappears, those evil ghosts will be out of trouble. What will happen to these problems then?" Yang Jian said expressionlessly.

Li Jun said: "I can send those ghosts into Ping An Building in one breath."

Yang Jian glanced at it and said, "What's the difference between what you're doing and Ghost Lake? Ghost Lake and Ping'an Building are both places where ghosts are imprisoned, and they both exist in reality. The only difference is that Ping'an Building blocks a building, and ghosts The lake blocks a city, and except for the different area, the nature is exactly the same."

"And if there are too many ghosts installed in the Ping An Building, can you guarantee that it won't get out of control? There are two S-level supernatural events, namely ghost painting and ghost difference. Once the blockade fails, the impact will be no less than that of the ghost lake."

Li Jun was silent at this moment, his brows furrowed.

Because what Yang Jian said makes sense. If you think about it carefully, Ping An Building is no different from the blocked Zhongzhou City.

Yang Jian withdrew his gaze, looked in the direction of the ghost lake and continued: "And the ghost lake has a very terrible growth rate. If this attack fails, many people will die if the ghost lake grows again. Now it is difficult to block this area. Zone, if it gets out of control again, no one can do a second lockdown."

"It's not that I don't agree with taking action now, it's just that it's not safe. After all, there is a risk of failure, and the risk of failure is too great to be worth fighting for."

"It makes sense. Now that the Ghost Lake has been sealed off at the minimum cost, it's hard to say what the consequences will be if we take another risk." Cao Yang understood what Yang Jian meant.

It's not that I don't want to do it, but I can't afford the consequences of failure.

The reason why Guihu had to gather captains to solve the problem before was because the supernatural influence of Guihu had spread to other cities. In addition, two captains and one person in charge were missing because of this, so they had to attach great importance to it.

But although the ghost lake has not been solved now, its impact has been reduced to the scope of Zhongzhou City, and there is no longer a tendency to spread.

If you go back and forth like this, you may not get a good result.

It's better to accept things as soon as possible than to take risks and take risks.

Liu San also said: "Exchanging an abandoned Zhongzhou City for an S-level supernatural event is an affordable price. Yang Jian's words are right. We have come into contact with the ghosts in the ghost lake before. The ghosts are indeed terrifying. My The ghost camera project only exists in theory and may not really succeed, and the follow-up is also a difficult problem.”

"I suggest that this supernatural incident be postponed. The horror of the ghost lake has been seen. As long as we continue to grow, it will be much easier to deal with it in the future."

"If we don't deal with the ghost lake, then our trip will not be in vain, and it will be difficult for the headquarters to explain." A Hong said hesitantly.

Yang Jian said: "There is no rule that supernatural incidents must be completely solved. The ghosts have not been solved, and the ghost paintings have not been solved. In addition, many level A supernatural incidents still exist in the archives of the headquarters. Faced with the situation that cannot be dealt with, When there are supernatural events, as long as the harm is small enough, you can acquiesce in their existence."

"That's why the ghost paintings and ghosts who were blocked in the Ping An Building were like this. The two ghosts couldn't wander out and caused no harm. Naturally, the headquarters turned a blind eye. If you don't believe it, please report the hazard assessment. See what Cao Yanhua says, he will definitely agree with my blockade plan."

Li Jun said: "Yang Jian, don't make a decision in a hurry. Let's do this. I'll contact the headquarters first and see what they say. We will discuss it later."

"I'm just a part-time worker. I can fish Cao Yang out, and I've done my best to block the ghost lake. Cao Yanhua doesn't want to see us die here." Yang Jian said.

Li Jun was already contacting the headquarters and reported what Yang Jian had just said.

There is a group of dedicated people at the headquarters responsible for handling such important matters.

Soon, the message was responded to.

Li Jun put down his satellite positioning phone and looked at Yang Jian: "Minister Cao agreed to your blockade plan. The ghost lake matter is allowed to be put on hold temporarily, but the premise is that you must ensure that the supernatural power of the ghost lake will not spread."

"Supernatural things are full of uncertainty. How do I ensure it? Sign a guarantee? If I break the contract, will I go to jail? How many years will I be sentenced to this situation?" Yang Jian looked at it.

At this moment, the satellite positioning phone is not hanging up.

Cao Yanhua heard Yang Jian's words and replied loudly: "Yang Jian, I only need you to monitor the ghost lake occasionally. In addition, if there are signs of losing control, I will recruit you again. I hope you can arrive in time."

"In this case, you have to pay more." Yang Jian said.

"That's owed." Cao Yanhua said.

Yang Jian said: "There is interest on the debt, and the interest is very high."

"Then you have to owe it first."

Cao Yanhua said: "This matter has not been dealt with. It is good that I did not ask you to get back the things you had before."

He was also expressing his attitude. He couldn't let Yang Jian push the envelope every time, otherwise it would be difficult to invite him if he got a big appetite.

"Then if you say that, next time you come to me to do something, I will accept the money and you will still owe me the debt." Yang Jian said, "You are forcing an honest person like me to become a rogue."

Cao Yanhua was speechless for a moment, and then said: "There seems to be a collection of ghost money here at the headquarters. I'll look for it later. If I find it, I'll give you three yuan."

"Only three yuan? No, it's seven yuan." Yang Jian said.

"After I find the ghost money, I'll give you as many pieces as you want. Stop talking about it. If you have a plan to deal with the ghost lake, I'll let you go into the detention room and take it as you like." Cao Yanhua said and drew a piece of cake.

Unfortunately, the cake was too small and Yang Jian was not interested.

"No, there's nothing I can do about Guihu. I've reached the limit of what I can do. If you want to deal with it, bring in another captain. If you surrender, you'll lose half of it. The worst I can do is refund half of your overtime pay." Yang Jian said.

Cao Yanhua suppressed his discomfort and said slowly: "That's not necessary. Let's just finalize the matter. You should pay close attention later and report any problems in time."

Finally the conversation ended.

The headquarters confessed and agreed to the plan to blockade the ghost lake.

Cao Yanhua has always had a steady style. Although he really wanted to solve the ghost lake, he was also worried that several captains would be wiped out together. Now he finally recovered Cao Yang and Captain Yinzi, although he lost Cheng Hao, the person in charge of Zhongzhou City. , Shen Lin disappeared, but the overall situation has improved greatly. It would be a shame to send everyone out again this time. After all, the spread of supernatural phenomena in the ghost lake has been stopped.

"You have all heard it. Cao Yanhua agreed. The Ghost Lake incident will be put on hold and will not be dealt with for the time being." Yang Jian looked at the others: "What are your opinions?"

Cao Yang shook his head and said: "I have no objection. I agree. I also feel that the Ghost Lake incident can only end here and cannot continue."

"I agree too." Liu Sandao.

He had already been affected by the death of a spiritualist He Liansheng, and he did not want to continue to fight.

Li Jun said: "Of course we must abide by the orders from the headquarters, but the premise is that the Ghost Lake has been sealed. What if we leave and the Ghost Lake gets out of control?"

"If you are worried, we people will stay here for a few more days." Yang Jian said.

"Observe for three days. If there is no abnormality after three days, I will have no objection. Otherwise, I will not agree." Li Jun said.

"Okay, just observe for three days." Yang Jian didn't mind staying a few more days.

He also wants to study the new supernatural ghost lake.

After all, this is his new supernatural power, and he still needs to explore it slowly.

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