Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1139 Strange Phenomenon

Three days is neither long nor short.

After getting the permission from the headquarters, everyone's opinions were completely unified at this moment, and they chose to end this supernatural incident by sealing off the area.

Of course, this end is only temporary. If the ghost lake continues to get out of control, the action will continue again.

On the first day.

The ghost lake is still calm, and no new supernatural events have been heard nearby. It seems that the blockade has worked.

The next day, everyone only found some strange corpses in some rivers. However, after confirmation, they found that they were not ghosts, but some scattered corpses in the ghost lake. They escaped from the ghosts for some reason. The lake was abandoned into other bodies of water, and it would be fine with a simple treatment.

However, on the second night,

Everyone conducted the last investigation of the day, but at eight o'clock in the evening, Liu San sent a message indicating that there was a supernatural phenomenon and that everyone needed to come over.


In the suburbs at night, an invisible thick fog drifted in from nowhere.

After the thick fog came, it quickly dispersed into two halves, and Feng Quan's figure appeared from inside: "Liu San, what did you find? It actually requires the rest of us to come over."

"I encountered an incredible supernatural phenomenon. I don't know if it has something to do with the ghost lake, but I feel it is very unusual." Liu San said and looked at a county not far away.

"Is there a problem in the county?" Feng Quan asked.

Liu Sandao: "This county seat was not on the map before, so I want to ask Yang Jian if he moved a county seat here when he used the ghost domain to change the landscape. If so, that's okay. If not, it's okay. That would be bad."

However, the words are not finished yet.

Li Jun, Cao Yang, Yang Jian and others arrived one after another.

The place they were investigating was a bit far away, so they arrived a little late.

Yang Jian's complexion was pale and bloodless at the moment. He walked over with an indifferent expression: "I didn't bring this county here, and it's not a county near Zhongzhou City. This is a county that has never appeared before. In reality, There is no comparison object in the world, so it is basically certain that this has something to do with the supernatural."

"Do you think it's a supernatural phenomenon, or that this is the ghost realm of a fierce ghost? I remember that there was a ghost that walked out of the ghost lake before, and then gradually disappeared. Could it be that it was lingering in the ghost lake? A fierce ghost nearby?" Liu San asked.

Cao Yang said: "I personally think that this so-called county is likely to be a ghost land, but whether it was formed by the ghosts staying in the ghost lake is unknown. If we people are not afraid of death, we can go and have a look. "

He thought it was a supernatural event and suggested that he go and have a look.

Li Jun said: "It's okay to go and have a look. If it's a supernatural incident, it can be solved easily. We may be a little reluctant to deal with the ghost lake, and we may die in the ghost lake incident, but there is definitely no problem in dealing with ordinary supernatural incidents."

"So, come over and take a look?" Liu San said and looked at Yang Jian.

Yang Jian frowned, his ghost eyes ignored the darkness of the night and looked at the county town. However, the more he looked at it, the more familiar the county town seemed to him, as if he had seen it before somewhere.

Search through the vast memory. He quickly found memories of a county like this.

That was when I took the supernatural bus to deliver letters to the post office and passed by a station. There was a station similar to this county town, but it probably wasn't the same one, because the station I passed by was definitely not closely related to Ghost Lake. big,

"Let's go and take a look. This is some chain reaction caused by the Ghost Lake incident, and it is very likely to have some kind of close relationship with the Ghost Lake. It would be better to go and investigate and understand the situation." Yang Jian said.

"Okay, let's go." Li Jun said immediately.

Without any disagreement, the group immediately approached the county seat.

"It is indeed related to the ghost lake." As soon as they got closer, everyone saw that the ground in the county seat was wet, as if it had been washed by rain.

But after just experiencing the ghost lake incident, they could see that the wet water was lake water and contained supernatural powers.

"The water stains on the ground are slowly disappearing, as if they are gradually being dried in the sun, and the wet breath is dissipating." At this moment, Cao Yang noticed a detail.

As the incident passed, the county in front of me was gradually getting rid of the influence of the lake.

"This shows that the supernatural beings in the county are fighting against the ghost lake, and the supernatural beings in the county seem to be a little stronger, so the lake is disappearing, giving the illusion of being dried up." Yang Jian stopped, Standing outside the county town.

There was a dirt road under his feet, but one step forward was a cement road.

It seemed that he only needed to take one step forward to step into the strange county boundary, but he did not take this step.

Because Yang Jian is very cautious.

If the supernatural power of Ghost Lake is dispelled by this strange county, will Yang Jian, who stole the supernatural power of Ghost Lake, also be affected in some way?

So he did not choose to rush forward, but stopped and squatted down, stretched out a hand and touched the cement floor of the county seat in front of him.

Rough, cold, and hard, the touch of the concrete floor is extremely real, and the feeling reflected back on the skin proves this.

But the ghost realm is very deceptive. Yang Jian will not feel that this county is real just because of the touch, because he can do it to this extent.

"What's wrong? Did you find any problem?" Cao Yang stopped and asked.

Yang Jian said: "The supernatural power of this county has had some influence on me, and it has little to do with you."

He saw that the skin color of his palm that was touching the ground in the county began to change. It was pale and bloodless, but now it had regained some blood color. Although this change was not big, it was very obvious.

This shows that the ghost lake spirit in his body has been affected to a certain extent.

But it's just some influence.

After stealing 40% of the ghost lake's supernatural beings, the erosion suffered was more serious than imagined. It cannot be suppressed by this weird county. This only slightly reduced some of the superficial impact.

Yang Jian's test was just in case.

"There is something really wrong with this county. Everything around us seems to be disappearing."

At this moment, Li Jun had already stepped on the ground of the county seat. The will-o'-the-wisps in his empty eyes were beating, emitting a gloomy firelight.

The stagnant water in the entire county began to become blurry after disappearing. Although the touch was still real, if this continued, the county would disappear in a short while.

"It's very simple, because supernatural beings influence each other, and the lake water becomes a medium to make this county appear." Yang Jian stood up and said.

"Let's go and take a look. I'm very curious about what kind of secrets this ghost land like a county town will hide in the ghost lake before."

As he spoke, he no longer hesitated to step into this supernatural land.

Several captains joined forces to enter the county, believing that they can face various emergencies.

This county town is not big, with only four streets, which seem to be distributed in a tic-tac-shape, and the buildings are in the style of the 1970s and 1980s.

Other than that, this place was eerily silent, with no noise at all, and no one around. It was like a ghost town, and everywhere was filled with a weird feeling that people couldn't get used to.

"There's nothing, it's just that this place is weird." Li Jun said.

Liu San frowned at this moment: "I feel that as the water in this county disappears, something is emerging. No, to be precise, something that should have appeared after the supernatural interference disappears is about to appear. ”

"Listen, there's some movement."


Some strange sounds suddenly echoed in the quiet county town. The sounds were very small at first, but then they gradually became louder, which suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

"Follow the sound and see."

Yang Jian's face was expressionless. He seemed to have no fear and rushed over quickly.


At the end of the road, after turning a corner, his eyes immediately shrank, and a look of shock appeared on his face, as if he had seen something very terrifying.

It was a stage. The ground made of wood was covered with a black cloth, but the top of the stage was hung with long white cloth strips. This black and white combination gave people the feeling of a funeral. I really don’t know whether this stage is built for the living or the dead.

It's just that there are no people or ghosts on the stage, it's empty.

But there are long wooden benches placed under the stage. These wooden benches are covered with red paint, as bright as blood.

Likewise, the wooden benches were empty, with no one taking a seat.

"Everything very familiar."

Yang Jian stared closely at the strips of cloth hanging down from the stage. The rectangular white strips of cloth looked very much like the shrouds he had gotten when he was at the headquarters.

It's just that the shroud at the headquarters is very dirty. It has wrapped the corpse before and left traces of the corpse. However, the cloth here is very clean and not dirty at all.

The wooden bench under the stage was a supernatural thing that he had even seen before.

When he was in Dadong City, he encountered a red wooden bench blocking the road. There was a fierce ghost sitting on the red wooden bench.

Now it seems that the ghost on the red wooden bench may have come from here. Even if it does not come from here, it is probably inextricably related to it.

"Perhaps, the red wooden bench is not empty, but full of people. It's just that there is a lack of media, so we can't see it for the time being."

Yang Jian thought of the murder pattern of the red wooden bench.

Once you sit on it, you will be killed by the evil ghost, but you can also see the evil ghost sitting on the red wooden stool.

If you don't sit on it, all you will see is an empty red wooden bench.

"Yang Jian, what did you find?"

Li Jun was striding forward at this moment. He was not cautious at all and had no fear of being attacked.

But he also has the confidence that as a ghost in human skin, he cannot be killed at all.

"An empty stage?"

A Hong, Liu San, Cao Yang, and Feng Quan quickly approached and were stunned when they saw the thing.

"Don't come close."

Yang Jian stopped Li Jun and warned: "The ghost is there. If you get too close, you may be targeted by the evil ghost."

"I didn't see anything." Will-o'-the-wisps danced in Li Jun's eyes, and even the light of the will-o'-the-wisp couldn't reflect anything supernatural.

"It's dangerous if you don't see anything. This stage is not as simple as you think. I don't recommend you get involved. Of course, if you really want to die, I won't stop you." Yang Jian reminded seriously.

Several people couldn't help but feel shocked when they heard this.

They really didn't notice anything dangerous, they just felt like there was an empty stage in front of them.

"There is something wrong with just such a stage here. I haven't seen any other dangers. Since you think this stage is unimaginably dangerous, then don't get close. Anyway, this county will disappear soon." Liu San said.

He was also aware of the danger and was afraid, so he did not dare to get too close.

"The sound came from the stage. The sound was not loud, and it sounded a bit noisy. I couldn't hear it clearly before, but now I can probably guess that someone is singing." Cao Yang frowned: "The sound of singing and opera coming from the empty stage is not a good sign."

Yang Jian didn't speak, but took a deep look at the stage, then turned and left: "At this juncture, I don't want to be too troublesome. I just need to record the matter and create a file. There is no need to violate any taboos."

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