Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1197 The Open Door

"What do you mean by that?" Xianglan looked at Yang Jian, not quite understanding what he meant.

Li Yang said: "What the captain means is that if you don't control a ghost, what you can see is very limited. But if you become a ghost controller and control some special ghosts, you can see a lot that ordinary people can't see." s things."

"Use the supernatural to interfere with the supernatural, and the truth will emerge."

"That's it." Xianglan fell into thinking, and she carefully recalled her previous experiences.


She hasn't tried this route yet.

In the past, I only thought about how to leave here and find a safe room to survive. Although I had the experience of being invaded by evil spirits, I never thought about going back to Room 101 to investigate again.

It is precisely because of this that Xianglan has never solved the secret of why she keeps resurrecting.

"I want to use your body as a medium to investigate this room again." Yang Jian said again at this moment.

"What?" Xianglan was startled and became a little wary.

But her expression soon changed, because she found that her body was out of control at this time, as if it was being controlled by something, and she felt like she had been reduced to a puppet.

"What did you do to me?" she said immediately.

Yang Jian said: "It's nothing, I just took over your body temporarily. The reason why your consciousness can return now is because there is another ghost temporarily in your body. That ghost helped you suppress other supernatural beings in your body, so Now you have no problem at all, but when it comes to supernatural things, there is often a price to pay.”

The ghost is still in Xianglan's body, controlling her body so that Xianglan cannot move freely.

But that alone is not enough.

Although Yang Jian cannot invade Xianglan's consciousness and change her memory, he can use her as a medium to steal her behavior and sight.


A hideous gash opened on Xianglan's cheek.

No blood flowed out, only a scarlet eyeball popped out.

"Is this an eye?" Xianglan's eyes narrowed slightly, and she felt an indescribable strange feeling.

The ghost shadow controlled the ghost eye and used Xianglan's body as a medium to look at Room 101 again.

this moment.

Yang Jian's vision has undergone earth-shaking changes. The originally very ordinary room has many non-existent things in the ghost eyes.

The old walls are mottled and peeling, leaving many strange traces.

There are several faded portraits placed on a broken wooden table. The person on the portrait cannot be seen clearly, but you can vaguely make out that it should be Xianglan, because the woman in the portrait is wearing a The clothes are exactly the same as what Pandan wore before.

In addition, there were some bowls and chopsticks on the wooden table, but the food had long since rotted and turned black, making it inedible.

But it can be seen that someone paid homage to Pandan here at some time in the past.

"Sure enough, it's as I guessed. We need to use the cursed Pandan as a medium to see clearly what the real Room 101 is like." Yang Jian controlled Pandan and looked at everything around him, and his previous speculation was confirmed. confirmed.

At this moment, Xianglan's neck twisted unnaturally, and she looked in the direction of the bedroom. In the sight of the ghost eyes, the vision of the bedroom was distorted, and there was strong supernatural interference.

"Go in and take a look." Yang Jian controlled Xianglan's body and asked her to walk towards the bedroom.

Xianglan couldn't resist the ghost's control. She could only walk towards the room step by step.

However, everything in her vision was still normal, and nothing had changed around her.

However, there is another scene in the ghost eye's sight.

The moment when Xianglan walked into the bedroom.

A truth appeared in front of Yang Jian.

There was originally an ordinary wooden bed in the room, but at this moment, the wooden bed had disappeared, replaced by a strange tombstone. The tombstone was placed upside down on the ground, with a twisted inscription on it. Black writing, but those writings seemed to be squirming and deforming in the sight of the ghost eyes, making it impossible to see clearly what words were engraved.

But the most important thing is that there is a person pressing under that tombstone.

A person who looked exactly like Pandan, to be precise, a corpse.


That should be the real pandan

Yang Jian's expression changed. Although he had never seen this situation before, his experience and intuition allowed him to make a correct judgment.

"If the corpse under the tombstone is that of Pandan, then the Pandan living outside now is not the real Pandan, but a person derived from the supernatural. Only in this way can we explain why Pandan always appears after death. Resurrection here.”

"So the key to resurrecting people in Room 101 is the tombstone in this room? Because the tombstone was placed in this room and pressed against her body, she was never able to escape the constraints of this room."

"And if you want to undo this curse of constant resurrection, you only need to move the tombstone so that the real Xianglan's body is no longer pressed."

"So everything here is deliberately arranged by someone."

After seeing the truth, a lot of doubts in Yang Jian's heart were suddenly solved.

Soon, he came to his senses and stopped manipulating Pandan, letting her return to normal.

Xianglan felt that her body was free, and she immediately walked out of the bedroom: "Did you control me to find the clue?"

"I already know the reason for your resurrection." Yang Jian said bluntly without hiding anything.

Xianglan's expression changed: "Real or false?"

"I don't have to lie to you."

Yang Jian said: "The reason why you are constantly resurrected is because you were cursed by a supernatural object. The real you has always stayed in this room and never left. The current you is similar to a fake body, so you are There is no point in leaving this supernatural place, you will come back in the end."

"The curse protects you and allows you to survive here in a special state, but it also binds you."

Xianglan was a little distracted when she heard this: "So that's it. Then, wouldn't it be true that people like us will always be wandering here and unable to escape?"

"Theoretically, this is true. After all, the real you is dead, so it is impossible to escape from here, but it should not be difficult to escape."

After Yang Jian finished speaking, he turned around and said: "There is nothing to explore here anymore, let's go to room 100."

Knowing the secret of resurrection means that he can already kill people like Xianglan and Anan who are cursed to be constantly resurrected.

"Wait a moment."

Seeing Yang Jian and others leaving, Xianglan suddenly called him again.

"Is there anything else?" Yang Jian frowned.

Xianglan said: "Since you already know the secret of resurrection here, can you tell me how to prevent my continuous resurrection."

"I won't tell you the method, but if you want to die, I don't mind helping you." Yang Jian said.

He's not that stupid to let the information out.

Xianglan fell silent immediately.

At this moment, Yang Jian, Li Yang and Tong Qian had walked out of Room 101.

"Captain, something is wrong." Li Yang, who had just walked out of the room, looked down and his expression suddenly changed.

A series of dense black footprints appeared at the door of their room. These footprints lingered back and forth at the door, as if they had not left for a long time.

"When did it appear?" Yang Jian immediately looked around alertly.

Nothing unusual.

"I have always paid attention to the movements nearby, but after Xianglan appeared, I didn't pay much attention to the outside for a while. This should be the abnormality that just occurred." Li Yang said.

Tong Qian said: "Are we being targeted by ghosts again?"

Although there are many dangers here, being stared at by ghosts is a common thing, but being able to get close to the door without them knowing is enough to make people feel uneasy.

"Ignore it. If it's a ghost and it dares to appear, I will take action immediately and continue to room 100." Yang Jian said very calmly.

"Wait a minute." Li Yang didn't move at this moment. He noticed something and stared at the aisle in front.


At this moment, the door of the front room suddenly opened slowly for some unknown reason.


Yang Jian frowned.

But there is much more to it than that.

Further ahead, the door of the second room opened with a creak at some unknown moment, and then the third room, and the fourth room. All the way to the depths of the corridor, and at the intersections on the left and right of the intersection. Turn on the sound.

"How could this happen? Such a situation has never happened before." Tong Qian's face suddenly changed, realizing that the danger was coming.

Yang Jian narrowed his eyes slightly: "This is an anomaly for us. It seems like something wants us to die here, doesn't want us to leave alive, or doesn't want us to go to Room 100."

"Is it Zhu Jian, Dong Yulan, Wang Genquan and others who did it before?" Tong Qian looked back and found that the sound of the door opening was heard from behind.

"They don't have this ability. There is something else in this ghost place." Yang Jian gradually became serious.

Because there is a ghost in the room here.

Normally, the room is safe when the door is closed, but now that the doors are all open, it means that the ghost in the room can come out at any time.

"Let's go, move quickly, don't hesitate." Yang Jian shouted loudly at this moment, opened his ghost eyes, and moved forward quickly with a few people.

Li Yang and Tong Qian also understood the situation they and others were in, so they acted very quickly.

However, Yang Jian did not go towards the road here, but went deeper.

He still wants to go to room 100.

This is not reckless, but Yang Jian feels that the way back will be more dangerous.

If everything here is really controlled by humans, then the unknown road must be the safest, because it is impossible for the other party to predict the trajectory of Yang Jian's actions.

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