Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1198 The thrown bones

After leaving Room 101, Yang Jian and others moved very quickly and ran directly deeper into this supernatural land.

At the same time, in the dim corridor, the sound of doors opening was heard endlessly. These sounds came from all directions, covering almost the entire area, and there was no safe direction at all.

But Yang Jian still did the opposite.

Because even if all the rooms are opened, not all rooms may have ghosts. Even if there are ghosts, there are different levels of horror.

Therefore, he judged that returning the original route was the most dangerous, while other routes would be relatively safer.

"106121, captain, the room number seems to be getting bigger and bigger. We are going in the wrong direction. This is not the direction to room 100." Li Yang ran while paying attention to the house number hanging on the door nearby.

Yang Jian didn't stop: "I know that if you go back from the intersection in front and go around in a circle, you can find room 100. Since Xianglan chose that room to record information, it means that room is It’s safe, we can stay temporarily after entering room 100.”

"Xianglan didn't seem to be following." Tong Qian looked behind her and found that Xianglan had disappeared.

"Don't worry about her. She can't die. Even if she dies, she can be resurrected in Room 101. We just have to do our job well." Yang Jian said.

Tong Qian nodded when she heard the words and no longer paid attention to the disappeared Xianglan.

Several people seized the time to run quickly in the dark and narrow corridor, and soon came to a crossroads.

Yang Jian, who was at the front, chose to go to the right. He planned to go back through the intersection in front and find Room 100.

There is nothing wrong with this idea, but it will waste more time and take a detour. In theory, this will increase the danger, but sometimes personal judgment is more important in supernatural places.

Yang Jian's judgment seemed to be correct.

Running all the way, although the doors of nearby rooms were opened, the danger did not happen.

This means that there are probably no ghosts in the rooms that we passed just now. Even if there are ghosts, they are not the kind of ghosts that can immediately trigger the killing pattern, so there are no dangers on the way.

However, although the judgment is correct, it does not mean that danger will never come.


The door of a room was opened, and a yellow light shone out from inside, but the light was flashing crazily, as if it had been disturbed by something.

While the lights were flickering, Yang Jian saw that the flickering light at the door of the room was distorted and formed a human-shaped shadow, as if there was something standing at the door.

But this is ordinary sight, but it is different in the ghost eye's sight.

What was at the door was not a shadow at all, but a lifeless woman with a black body and old and tattered clothes. But rather than saying that she was a woman, it was more like a ghost that had just walked out of the room.

"Is there a ghost in room 108?"

Yang Jian paid attention to the house number of the room again, and then he raised the cracked spear in his hand without hesitation.

Without hesitation, he threw the spear first.

As long as the spear with coffin nails is nailed to the ghost, it can directly suppress the ghost to the point of sleeping, and even cannot wake up.

The cracked spear was made of gold and could not be affected by supernatural forces, so Yang Jian dared to throw it out without fear of being lost due to supernatural interference.


The next moment, a hole was nailed into the ground.

The cracked golden spear passed directly through the body of the ghost in front of Room 108 and nailed it to the ground.

No surprises.

The Coffin Nail attack was successful.

The black and cold body of the evil ghost was twisted and lay motionless, like a dead corpse. The supernatural interference also disappeared, and the flickering lights at the door returned to normal.

"Don't stop, keep moving." Yang Jian was slightly relieved when he saw this scene.

Several people passed by the door of Room 108 quickly.

But Yang Jian couldn't let the coffin nails nail the evil ghost all the time. He needed to pull out the coffin nails to release the evil ghost, but this was very risky.

"never mind."

Yang Jian hesitated for a moment and gave up on releasing the evil spirit now. Instead, he directly carried the female corpse with a cracked spear and continued moving forward.

He didn't want to waste time, nor did he want to be in danger at this time, so he simply ignored the nailed ghost and planned to deal with it later.

With a fierce ghost on his body, even though he was suppressed by the coffin nails, he could not help but feel pressure in his heart.

Yang Jian instinctively felt that this ghost was very scary, and they should get rid of it as soon as possible without getting too entangled. However, the current environment did not allow them to stop and deal with this thing, because the doors of the surrounding rooms were all open. Here If you stay for one more minute, your chances of encountering a ghost will increase.

"Can't you pull out the coffin nails easily? I'm afraid this ghost is very vicious." Li Yang glanced at it and couldn't help but feel worried.

That cold, black female corpse could make a captain make the decision not to pull out the nails from the coffin, which was definitely a problem.

The three of them continued on without saying a word.

At this moment, after going around in a circle, it is indeed effective.

Not only did he avoid most dangers, but he also successfully found Room 100.

just in front.

But this corridor is a bit long, and it has to pass through three rooms.

The doors of the two rooms on the left and the two on the right are all open, and the room No. 100 is also open. It is precisely because of this that Yang Jian's ghost eyes can clearly see the house number.

"Found it, the last room in front is No. 100." Yang Jian's eyes narrowed.

"It looks like there was no danger." Tong Qian said.

Li Yang said: "Don't be careless. We have to pass by three rooms. Although we don't see any danger in the corridor, there is no guarantee that there will be a ghost wandering in the room."

Yang Jian still didn't say much, but quickened his pace.

Nothing happened when the three people passed by the first room. It seemed that the first room was empty and there were no evil spirits.

When passing by the second room, Yang Jian was fine, but when Li Yang passed by, an accident happened.

Something seemed to be suddenly thrown out of the dark room and hit him directly.

"What?" Li Yang was highly alert. He noticed something flying towards him and subconsciously wanted to avoid it.

But as soon as he dodged the flying thing, it also changed its trajectory and hit him directly.


Li Yang was hit, and the thing fell to the ground, rolled several times, and finally stopped to see clearly.

It is a piece of bone, and judging from the shape, it should be a human bone.

Yang Jian immediately stopped and looked back.

"I'm fine." Li Yang said immediately.

"Li Yang was hit by a bone that flew out of the room just now, but the room was pitch dark and I couldn't see clearly, but I guess there is a ghost in this room."

Tong Qian was at the back and saw what happened and told Yang Jian what happened just now.

However, before he finished speaking, another human bone flew out of the room.

Although Tong Qian was not standing at the door of the room, the human skeleton hit the wall, changed direction, and flew towards Tong Qian again with great precision.

"Huh? Is this okay?" Tong Qian immediately avoided.

With preparation and precautions, he wouldn't be so stupid to get hit by this thing.

Tong Qian successfully dodged and the bone did not hit Tong Qian. Then she rolled on the ground a few times and then stopped without making any movement.

"If you rush over quickly, you won't be hit." Li Yang said, but before he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed suddenly, and he fell down weakly while holding on to the wall.

Seeing this scene, Yang Jian's expression moved slightly, and he immediately turned back. Then when he was about to reach out to help Li Yang up, he suddenly froze.

He saw that Li Yang's body was decaying rapidly, his flesh and blood disappearing, revealing his pale bones.

"I, I'm going to die."

Li Yang raised his head with difficulty, part of the flesh on his face had melted.

The only thing that was not affected was his withered arm. That arm carried the terrifying curse of death if he opened the door. It was dismembered from the ghost in the post office and belonged to the ghost's puzzle piece.

"Is it because I was hit by that bone? It's just that the speed of decay is too fast. Even Li Yang, who controlled three ghosts, couldn't resist it."

"We have to think of a way quickly, otherwise he might really fall here,"

Yang Jian's expression changed, and his mind was thinking of ways quickly.

But the flesh and blood on Li Yang's body disappeared faster and faster, and he would be completely dead in a few seconds.

Li Yang, who has not become an outlier, is really dead once he dies.

However, in such a short period of time, he could not think of a way to temporarily prevent Li Yang's deterioration.

"Use the six-level ghost realm, delay the time first." Yang Jian directly opened his ghost eyes and activated the six-level ghost realm.

Everything in the sixth-level ghost realm was stopped, even the supernatural beings were no exception.

Li Yang was shrouded in the six-layered ghost realm, and the speed at which his flesh and blood disappeared stopped. However, despite this, all the flesh and blood on his body had disappeared. It was as if his human skin had been ripped off alive, dripping with blood. , terrible to look at.

"Successfully delayed his death." Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

But the six-level ghost realm cannot be maintained indefinitely. He must think of a rescue method within this time.

"When I open the seventh-level ghost realm, I can only restart myself. If I want to reboot on a large scale, I must open the eighth-level ghost realm. Therefore, opening the eighth-level ghost realm and pulling back the time here to thirty seconds ago can change Li Yang's results." Yang Jian thought of the first way.

"It would be nice if I still had a scapegoat in my hand. I could transfer the curse directly. Unfortunately, my last scapegoat has been used long ago."

"The third method is to activate the curse of the music box, preserve Li Yang's consciousness first, and then find a way to deal with the curse of the music box."

"I can also try to use ghost scissors to cut off the curse, provided that the ghost's attack is related to the curse."

"As for other methods, they are not advisable."

Yang Jian's mind was thinking quickly, and he came up with four ways with the help of the pause time in the sixth-level ghost realm.

However, there are only two methods that can be operated, either to activate the eighth-level ghost realm, or to activate the music box curse. At this time, there is no time to cut off the curse.

It's just that the last time he opened the eighth-level ghost realm, he used the corpse of the old man in the ancient mansion. Yang Jian himself couldn't do it, but now he has stolen 40% of the ghost lake's supernatural beings and grown himself, so now he may not be able to directly Open the eighth level ghost realm.

The music box curse is much simpler.

There is no need to take any risks by releasing the curse after opening it, but it is difficult for people who suffer the curse of the music box to survive after the curse breaks out.

"Restart it. It will take time to release the curse. I'm not sure whether Li Yang will die first."

Yang Jian took a deep breath and made a decision.

no way.

He didn't want to lose a teammate here. If he could get back after the restart, it would be worth it.

"And I also want to try to see if the supernatural power of the fourth-level ghost lake can support me in opening the eighth-level ghost realm."

Yang Jian made up his mind and put other thoughts behind him.

The ghost eyes opened again, and the ghost realm overlapped.

The sixth-level ghost realm became the seventh-level ghost realm, and then became the eighth-level ghost realm.

The taboo of reversing life and death has been opened.

The entire aisle was shrouded in a scarlet light.

Yang Jian's body was dripping, he was soaked all over, and his ghost eyes were turning restlessly, but the ghost lake's supernatural power was also terrifying, with 40% of its supernatural power eroding itself, suppressing the ghost eyes to prevent it from losing control.

A broad reset has begun.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Everything around him was moving backwards, as if the hands of the Wang family's pendulum clock had been moved.

Having experienced a large-scale restart, Yang Jian was somewhat prepared.

But he felt particularly strenuous.

His body seemed to be being torn apart, and his consciousness seemed to be blurred.

A terrifying supernatural power seemed to be swallowing him up.

After just three seconds of dialing, Yang Jian felt something was wrong.

At this moment, he realized how difficult it was to restart on a large scale.

It would be too difficult to resist the resurgence of the ghost eyes without the help of the old man's body.

"Although it is difficult, I can still hold on." Yang Jian felt that the supernatural power of the ghost lake had an effect and the ghost eyes did not lose control.

Ten seconds, thirteen seconds, sixteen seconds.

Every second seems like an hour has passed.

Things have changed in the aisles.

Li Yang, whose flesh and blood had melted, had returned to normal at this time. He did not fall to the ground now, but stood beside him, but the bone had already hit him.

So sixteen seconds is not enough.

It must be restarted before Li Yang is hit by the bone.

Twenty-five seconds.

The bone happened to fall on Li Yang's body.

For twenty-six seconds, the bones flew in the air, but it was still not enough, because Yang Jian was too far away to stop it.

Twenty-seven seconds.

Bones flew out of the room.

However, at this moment, Yang Jian's body was full of water stains and showed signs of melting.

While suppressing the ghost eye, Ghost Lake's excessive use of supernatural powers began to corrode itself.

It turns out that the biggest threat now is not the resurrection of ghost eyes, but the deadly ghost lake supernatural.

"That's enough." Yang Jian closed his ghost eyes at twenty-eight seconds.

The eighth-level ghost realm disappeared.

The widespread reboot is over.

This aisle returns to twenty-eight seconds ago.


Li Yang just passed by the door of the dark room.

At the same time, a piece of bone suddenly flew out from inside without any warning.

Li Yang was alert and avoided subconsciously.

However, the bones changed direction in mid-air and still flew towards him.

There is no deviation in the script, it is still exactly the same as what happened just now.

But at this moment.

Yang Jian raised the cracked spear in his hand and blocked Li Yang's side accurately.

The bone hit the golden gun shaft, then bounced away, and finally fell to the ground.

The ending has changed.

Li Yang was not hit.

But Yang Jian's arm holding the spear was trembling slightly. Water was seeping all over his body, as if he had just been fished out of the lake. His face was particularly ugly, and some of the skin on his body even began to show signs of melting.

"Stay far away from the door of the room. Don't be hit by the bones thrown from the room, otherwise you will die miserably." Yang Jian pulled Li Yang forward quickly and opened a safe distance.

Li Yang's expression changed at this moment. He was shocked to see Yang Jian like this.

It was fine just now, why did it suddenly become like this?

"What's in that room? What happened just now?" Li Yang asked hurriedly.

After the restart, he and Tong Qian lost their previous memories. Only Yang Jian will not be affected by the restart and understand the future.

Yang Jian did not answer him, but turned around and said: "Tong Qian, don't be frugal, just light the ghost candle and rush through the door."

"Okay, I understand."

Tong Qian also stepped back several meters, keeping a safe enough distance from the open room in front, and then lit a red ghost candle.

Before coming, Yang Jian had already allocated resources, and Li Yang and Tong Qian also had Guizhu.

It's just that what happened just now was so sudden that no one could have imagined that Li Yang would be crushed to death by a flying dead bone.

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