Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1358 Meeting on the Stairs

While Yang Jian successfully left the second floor and walked downstairs, Wang Shanshan was still trapped on the stairs.

The stairs that seemed to be only one floor high were like a strange and strange world at the moment. There was no end in sight for the stairs at the front and back. No matter how Wang Shanshan walked forward, she could never finish the stairs in front of her, but she did not choose to retreat. Still gritting his teeth and moving on.

She didn't know how far she had walked, but Wang Shanshan only knew that every time she got tired, she would use the deceiver's necklace to restore her physical strength with supernatural power.

Fortunately, the deceptive ghost's supernatural powers only affected her, an ordinary person, so she did not recover so quickly. Otherwise, she would still have to face the risk of the deceptive ghost reviving.

"There's no point in going any further. This staircase is a ghost realm. It's impossible to get out."

At this moment, Wang Shanshan stopped and did not continue walking.

Although she had known this result for a long time, she was unwilling to give up just like that, because she would not be able to stop the human skin conspiracy if she did not return to the second floor.

But reality told her that her actions could only go so far.

"If nothing else happens, I will be trapped on this staircase forever. Either I will be killed by the ghost on the stairs, or I will starve to death here."

Wang Shanshan secretly thought that after she stopped using the deceptive ghost's supernatural power, her body began to feel tired, and she could only sit on the stairs to rest.

Silence and darkness came.

Wang Shanshan doesn't feel scared in her heart. She has experienced a lot of things, from the knocking ghost incident to the starving ghost incident, and then raising ghost children and entering Baishui Town. As an ordinary person, such an experience is already bizarre. It’s a miracle that I’m still alive today.

"The only hope now is that Yang Jian can wake up in time. If he wakes up, he can reverse the situation and change everything with his ability. But the only good news now is that I am still alive, which shows that Yang Jian is Time is not dead yet, there is still a chance for everything.”

Wang Shanshan determined Yang Jian's survival through her own condition. Although she gave up and returned to the second floor, she did not give up hope.

She felt that what she had to do now was to ensure her survival as much as possible.

As long as you live, maybe everything will turn around.

"But the only good news is that at least I trapped the ghost who attacked Liu Qi on the second floor on the stairs."

Wang Shanshan suddenly heard the rapid and scattered footsteps coming from the steps again. It seemed that someone was walking downstairs quickly.

But she listened to this voice for a long time and never met the ghost upstairs.

Obviously, although the ghost upstairs kept walking downstairs, he couldn't go to the first floor smoothly. Similarly, the ghost couldn't go back and attack Liu Qi and Ghost Tong, which could buy them some time to be safe. .

While waiting, new dangers appeared again.

Because another footsteps appeared, this footsteps came from the stairs behind Wang Shanshan.

Someone seemed to be going upstairs.

Wang Shanshan's expression suddenly changed and she stood up suddenly.

There are no people in this wooden house now. They are all ghosts. There is no doubt that the one who is going upstairs is definitely a ghost. It is very likely that it is the ghost lingering on the stairs.

"We can't stay here, we have to move on."

Wang Shanshan took action immediately after realizing that something was wrong, and began to walk quickly upstairs again.

But no matter how she walked, fast or slow, the footsteps behind her not only didn't get farther away, but got closer and closer.

"I can't get rid of it at all. I will soon be caught up by the ghost behind me." She began to get nervous, holding the deceitful ghost's necklace tightly in her hand. After all, this was her only support.

He continued to run forward quickly for more than ten seconds.

At this moment, Wang Shanshan slowed down, and when she looked back, her eyes narrowed.

A terrifying figure loomed behind him in the darkness. Although he couldn't see the appearance clearly, Wang Shanshan could still barely identify it. This was an old corpse that looked like it had just been laid into a coffin. At this moment, the old corpse had its eyes closed tightly, as if it was sleepwalking. I usually walk forward step by step on the stairs.

But that was all, Wang Shanshan also found that every time the old corpse took a step, the steps behind him collapsed and disappeared.

Without the steps, there is no place to stand, so you will definitely fall into the darkness, and you will definitely die by then.

Wang Shanshan began to feel uneasy and impatient. She could only grit her teeth and move on, continuing to try to distance herself and buy some time for her own survival.

Although she knew that she was likely to die here and was even ready to die, she didn't want to sit here and wait to die.

At least you have to make an effort.

What if a miracle happens?

But the reality is very cruel. The evil ghost behind him is approaching again. At this time, it is less than seven steps away from Wang Shanshan.

But Wang Shanshan ran forward a dozen steps, and the distance between these seven steps still existed and was not widened.

As soon as she turned around, the ghost was only five steps away from her.

"We can't move forward, we have to fight hard."

Wang Shanshan stopped suddenly at this moment. She held the deceptive ghost's necklace in her hand and decided to try to use the deceptive ghost's supernatural power to influence the serious ghost.

It's best to let this evil ghost turn around and leave.

Holding the necklace tightly, she closed her eyes and began to fantasize and deceive.

The deceitful ghost's supernatural power spread, and a cold aura lingered around him.

The originally pure crystal necklace began to turn black rapidly at this time. The spreading black was like an evil spirit imprisoned in it, struggling, wailing, and possibly escaping from the necklace at any time.

It's easy for a deceitful ghost to influence an ordinary person, but now it's not an easy task to fight against a terrifying ghost.


Then a crack appeared in the crystal necklace.

During the supernatural confrontation, the deceitful ghost revived and the supernatural items began to be damaged.

However, the Li Gui coming from downstairs had no influence at all and continued to move forward with stiff legs.

Obviously, in the supernatural confrontation, the liar lost completely without a doubt.

Feeling the necklace in her hand break, Wang Shanshan opened her eyes at this moment, showing a bit of helplessness.

At this moment, she chose to give up and stand there waiting for the ghost to kill her.

But when the ghost approached.

The darkness above Wang Shanshan's head was dispelled, and a piece of light green fire came in, seeming to form a road that extended all the way.

The appearance of the light made Wang Shanshan feel a little uncomfortable. She squinted her eyes slightly and looked up above her head in surprise.

In the light of the fire, she saw a familiar figure striding towards her.

"Yang Jian." Wang Shanshan was stunned for a moment, and she doubted whether she had seen it wrong.

However, during this brief moment of hesitation, the surrounding situation had changed dramatically.

The road paved with will-o'-the-wisps extended downwards, while the ghosts coming from downstairs were moving forward. The two seemed to collide with each other with Wang Shanshan as the boundary.

The will-o'-the-wisp tried to ignite the approaching ghost, but when the ghost took a step forward, the incoming will-o'-the-wisp was instantly extinguished.

"Don't hesitate, come here quickly." Yang Jian said at this moment.

Then a cold hand suddenly grabbed Wang Shanshan.

Wang Shanshan was immediately pulled into the fire out of control.

The will-o'-the-wisp was burning, but it didn't ignite her.

When Wang Shanshan passed through the fire, she came to Yang Jian's side without any danger. Only then did she see that Liu Qi and Guitong were also safe and sound. Although their bodies were full of wounds and very tragic, they were still alive in the end.

"You finally woke up."

At this moment, a smile appeared on Wang Shanshan's fair face.

Only by experiencing desperate situations and dangers can we understand how important Yang Jian is.

So now Wang Shanshan also understands why Liu Qi would rather take risks, or even die, to rescue Yang Jian as much as possible.

Because as long as Yang Jian is still there, there is still hope for everything.

"Now is not a happy time. Although no one has died yet, there is still a problem whether we can escape from this wooden house smoothly."

Yang Jian said and grabbed Wang Shanshan's hand directly: "Give me the liar's necklace. Let Liu Qi recover first."

Wang Shanshan loosened her palms and allowed Yang Jian to take the necklace back.

Yang Jian immediately used the deceiver's necklace after getting it.

Immediately, the mutilated Liu Qi, who was carried by the ghost boy on his back, was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few seconds, his missing legs, feet, jaw, flesh, and bones were all back.

"It's really good. My body has become even better than before."

Liu Qi stood up and moved his body, feeling the changes in himself. He found that he was no longer thin and shriveled, but had become stronger.

"It's only temporary. Over time, the supernatural erosion of itself will worsen. This thing only treats the symptoms but not the root cause." Yang Jian said, and then put away the necklace.

"It's good to use supernatural power to restore the body even temporarily." Liu Qi said: "Now that I can move and use supernatural power, and Wang Shanshan has also been rescued, it's time for us to escape from here."

"Of course, act now. I will clear the way for you to protect Wang Shanshan and pay attention to any abnormalities around you."

Yang Jian walked forward without hesitation.

He stepped on the will-o'-the-wisp, which was equivalent to being in the ghost realm, and the sleeping old corpse in front of him was still approaching.

Just relying on will-o'-the-wisps cannot stop the ghost on the stairs. At most, it will only slow down the progress of the evil ghost.

The cracked spear in his hand now left the ghost realm and extended out, and at the same time, a coffin nail penetrated the body of the old corpse in front of him.

The ghosts here are indeed fierce, but unfortunately, the coffin nails in Yang Jian's hands are even more powerful.

Having such a supernatural weapon can directly reduce the number of ghosts by one in supernatural events.

The fierce ghost in front of him immediately stopped and became motionless.

However, the ghosts on the stairs did not dissipate.

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