Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1359 Asking for help in the darkness

It was obvious that the coffin nail had penetrated the evil spirit in front of him, but the ghost on the stairs had not dissipated. This situation was a bit unreasonable.

But in supernatural events, various situations will happen. Yang Jian just frowned slightly and was not too surprised.

"It seems like the supernatural thing on the stairs is not as simple as imagined. Since you can't deal with this kind of supernatural thing, just ignore it."

Yang Jian immediately changed his mind. He continued to use coffin nails to suppress the old corpse with closed eyes in front of him, then bypassed it and continued to move forward.

However, there were no steps behind the old corpse, only darkness, which made people feel uneasy.

But Yang Jian still chose to go on the road. His will-o'-the-wisp spread, lighting up the darkness, turning into steps, and extending into the darkness.

After everyone got around the old corpse, Yang Jian no longer restricted it, but took back the cracked spear and released it on his own initiative.

There are many ghosts here, and Yang Jian's coffin nails cannot always stay on this old corpse. They must remain usable at all times.

Speed ​​forward.

Yang Jian and others quickly shook off the released old corpse and continued to move forward in the darkness.

"Yang Jian, the old corpse seems to have followed here again."

Suddenly, Liu Qi heard movement behind him, and heavy footsteps approached again. This time it was no longer the sound of going upstairs, but like going downstairs.

"Ignore it. The old corpse is a manifestation of the supernatural, not the source of the supernatural. Even if I nail it with coffin nails, I can't make the supernatural on the stairs disappear. The most important thing now is to get out of here and waste time on this body. It’s not worth living on an old corpse.”

Yang Jian replied and moved on.

"Although we have now entered a ghost realm, my will-o'-the-wisp paving is equivalent to forcibly opening a road in the ghost realm, so we can definitely get out by walking along this road, but It will take a while, because the ghost domain has changed the distance, and I am not sure how long it will take to leave."

Liu Qi nodded, but he was alert behind him and didn't pay too much attention.

After a while, several people had completely entered a dark environment.

There are no stairs or walls here, and I can't tell the direction. I don't know where I am. It's like an endless abyss.

The road formed by will-o'-the-wisps is like a fragile bridge, spanning this dark world, as if it will be swallowed up at any time.

But the supernatural power of the will-o'-the-wisp is still strong, and it continues to spread and spread forward, paving a path more than ten meters long.

Yang Jian moved forward one meter, and the path spread forward one meter.

It's not that he doesn't want to expand the scope of the will-o'-the-wisp, but the larger the scope of the will-o'-the-wisp, the more scattered the supernatural beings will be. Once something happens, there is a high probability that something will go wrong on this road, and in this case, danger will definitely arise when the road is cut off. , even if it is continued again, there will probably be problems.

"It seems like there is no end here. Can we really go out?" Wang Shanshan said, feeling increasingly uneasy.

"The footsteps behind us are still following us, and now there seems to be more than one, two, no, no, three." Liu Qi said in a suppressed voice.

"Every ghost in this wooden house is unusual. It is not so easy to escape. You need a little patience at this time." Yang Jian said very calmly: "No matter how many footsteps follow you, as long as they do not appear within the range covered by the will-o'-the-wisps, You don’t need to pay attention to it.”

"If other ghosts want to attack us, they have to step over the will-o'-the-wisp first."

His words gave the two men some confidence and calmed their uneasiness.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the dark space. This voice came from the depths of the darkness, calling Yang Jian and the others: "Juniors, junior students, wait a moment."

The appearance of this voice immediately made Yang Jian's expression change. He subconsciously stopped and looked in the direction of the voice.

Even with the ghost eyes that could peer into the darkness, Yang Jian couldn't see through the darkness. He could only roughly judge that the sound that appeared was at least a few hundred meters away from him.

"Is there anyone else in this ghost place?" Liu Qi opened his eyes wide and looked shocked.

"It doesn't have to be a human being, it might be a ghost. Some ghosts can imitate people. It's easy to be fooled if you're not careful."

Wang Shanshan said that she suffered the loss of human skin and was very taboo about such sounds.

However, the voice sounded again: "Wait a minute, young people, I am not a ghost, I am a person who has been trapped here for a long time. I haven't met a living person here for a long time. I hope you can help me get out of trouble. I will be well." I will never let you suffer in return."

"Can there be any living people in this ghost place? Do you think I'm stupid?" Yang Jian replied coldly.

"I am not an ordinary person. I am a person who can control evil spirits. That is why I have not died for so many years." The voice in the darkness explained.

Yang Jian said: "Although this reason can barely be explained, you still don't expect me to save you. No one will take such a big risk and change the route just because of a voice. You'd better find a way on your own."

"If I could get out of trouble, I would have escaped long ago. Housheng, please do a good job and rescue me. I will repay you heavily." The voice begged again.

"The fact that you haven't died after being trapped for so long means that the supernatural power you control is extraordinary. Even someone like you can't escape from the trap and leave. Why do you think I can take you away?" Yang Jian said without hesitation. Keep going.

The voice in the darkness continued: "There are specialties in the art industry. I am trapped here because I do not have the ability to deal with the ghost realm."

Yang Jian didn't respond to the voice anymore.

"Young man, please"

The voice in the darkness continued to plead, hoping that Yang Jian would change his route and take a detour to help him.

But Yang Jian was indifferent. It was impossible for him to do such a stupid thing.

As they continued to move forward, the voice soon became smaller and smaller, and finally it could no longer be heard, completely disappearing into the darkness.

"Yang Jian, do you think what that person said is true or false?" Liu Qi couldn't help but ask curiously at this moment.

"It's not important whether it's true or not. What's important is that doing this will take a lot of risks. First of all, the voice is not close to us. If we leave the fixed route, we may get lost here. Secondly, even if we really save the person, Then no one can guarantee whether this person is good or bad.

"A ghost controller who has been trapped here for a long time, even if he is still alive, his spirit and mentality have long been distorted. Once he escapes from the trap, he will definitely cause trouble, and he may even kill us with his backhand."

"Just listen to the story of the farmer and the snake, but don't do it."

"Other than that, no one can be sure that the voice must be a human. Wang Shanshan's guess is also reasonable. The source of the voice is most likely a ghost, just to trick us into coming."

Yang Jian explained that he had not wavered from beginning to end and did not want to pay attention to this matter at all.

Liu Qi nodded: "That's right. The probability of a living person appearing in this ghost place is really low, but..."

He wanted to talk about the weird thing he encountered on the second floor of the wooden house when he was attacked by a supernatural being. At that time, there seemed to be a person standing not far away from him and talking to him.

However, after thinking about it, he finally did not reveal the information to avoid unnecessary questions.


The road paved with will-o'-the-wisps comes to an end, and there is a turning point ahead.

The missing steps appeared again.

"It seems that we have only walked half a flight of stairs after walking for so long. Judging from the previous situation, we still need to walk another half a flight of stairs to get to the first floor of the wooden house, but there is a fork here." Yang Jian said again Frowning, they stepped on the old wooden boards.

This is where the stairs turn.

But there is not one step to go down, but one on the left and right.

Obviously, there is only one right way.

Wang Shanshan said: "According to the layout of the wooden house, the correct staircase should be on the right, but supernatural beings are not that simple. Maybe the left is the right one."

Yang Jian's face was calm, and he walked towards the stairs on the right without hesitation.

However, as soon as he stepped on it, there was a clicking sound, and the wooden stairs broke apart, and his body fell down uncontrollably, which made him retreat hurriedly.

"How could the steps break? Although the wood is very fragile, things made of supernatural materials are not so easily damaged." Liu Qi also became confused. "Did you go the wrong way? Let me try the left side."

Then he tried walking to the left.

The result was the same, the steps broke and he almost fell into the darkness.

Yang Jian looked at it and said, "My will-o'-the-wisp can't continue to pave the way. The terrifying supernatural beings on the steps interfere with the will-o'-the-wisp and cannot form a ghost realm."

Although his will-o'-the-wisps are still burning, they are only scattered and cannot be gathered together.

"Hunters, if you are willing to save me, I will tell you how to get down from this step, and you have to do it quickly. The ghost will not let you escape from here easily. Coming here means that you have entered a dangerous area. Will you be able to survive by then? It's all the same problem." Suddenly, the voice in the darkness sounded again.

Only this time the voice was closer, as if it was following him all the way.

"Tell me the method first, and maybe I will consider saving you." Yang Jian said coldly.

"That won't work. What if I tell you and you leave me?" the voice said again.

Yang Jian said: "You have no choice, and I don't necessarily need your help."

The voice fell silent, seeming to be thinking.

"Okay, I'll tell you the method." Soon, the voice in the darkness compromised.

"You should take the steps on the left, but you can't start from the first step, because this is going downstairs, and some taboos are reversed. You need to start from the second step and go downstairs. You don't have to go down the even-numbered steps. Falling, but there are ghosts blocking the steps, so I'm not sure whether you can go down smoothly, it depends on your ability."

"Is it that simple?" Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly.

The voice in the darkness said: "This wooden house was built deliberately. Everything has traces to follow. Once you know the method, everything will become relatively simple."

"Yang Jian, I remember folk rumors say that the odd number of stairs is yang, and the even number is yin. The last section of the stairs that living people take is always an odd number, but the ghosts in the underworld always take an even number of steps. Then People asked us to leave on even-numbered steps, telling us that living people cannot leave here, only the dead can leave." Liu Qi said in a suppressed voice.

"Whether it's true or not, you won't know until you try it."

With that said, Liu Qi plucked up the courage again and walked down the steps on the left.

The broken steps on the left were now back to normal again, but instead of stepping on the first section, he stepped directly on the next section.


The method was true, Liu Qi did not fall into the darkness, he landed firmly on the steps.

"I won't lie to you young people. After all, I don't want anything to happen to you. Can you help me save me now?" said the voice in the darkness.

Yang Jian said: "If we can leave here alive, I will come back and take you out of here in three years, but not now."

After saying that, he led Wang Shanshan and Guitong down the even-numbered steps quickly.

"Three years?"

The voice sighed: "Well, I will wait for you here for another three years, and you must not forget it."

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