Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1367 Simple Breakfast

When Yang Jian woke up from his ghost dream, it was already the next morning.

Although it took a lot of time, the good news is that he successfully captured the Nightmare Castle. In a few days, the evil dog will be able to control new supernatural powers. This is a good thing worth looking forward to.

"you're awake?"

Next to her, Jiang Yan's voice sounded. She rubbed her eyes and just woke up.

"Why are you in my room?" Yang Jian asked.

"I saw the light in your room turned on yesterday, so I came over to stay with you. Didn't you like to sleep before? Why did you sleep for so long this time? I thought something had happened to you, which made me worry for a long time. In the end, I really I fell asleep when I couldn't survive it," Jiang Yan said.

"I had a dream." Yang Jian said casually.

"What dream?" Jiang Yan blinked and asked curiously.

Yang Jian said: "Of course it's a nightmare. If you want to know, bring my notebook over. I want to record Baishui Town and what happened last night."

"Okay, I'll get it right now."

Jiang Yan immediately went to the desk drawer in the room and took out a thick notebook with interest.

This notebook records all of Yang Jian's supernatural experiences. Very few people have seen it. Only two people have seen it so far, one is Jiang Yan and the other is Zhang Liqin.

Both of them have one thing in common, that is, they are ordinary people.

After recording what happened in Baishui Town and the dream, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

At this time, Zhang Liqin's voice came from downstairs: "Mr. Yang, breakfast is ready. Come downstairs to eat quickly."

"Sister Qin, wait a moment, we'll be down soon."

Jiang Yan replied, and then added: "By the way, my aunt has also come back from her hometown. She has been trying to find time to talk to you recently, but you are on a business trip and are not free, so today I will make my own decision for you to tell Liu Xiaoyu took a day off and told them that you won’t go to the company today and will rest at home.”

"Is my mother looking for me?" Yang Jian's expression changed.

After being reminded of this, he recalled that it seemed that he had not eaten with his mother for a long time.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian immediately got up, got dressed, and asked at the same time: "During my absence, you and Zhang Liqin should take good care of my mother, right?"

"Of course. Sister Qin and I often go back to our hometown to visit our aunt. For this reason, I used my small savings to buy a car specifically for the convenience of going back." Jiang Yan raised her neck slightly and said very proudly.

"How is my mother doing recently?" Yang Jian continued to ask.

Jiang Yan said: "It's very good. Auntie often chats with relatives in the village, and occasionally watches TV and grows vegetables. You haven't been back to your hometown for a long time. You should really go and see the villa we spent a lot of money to build in our hometown. , and now even the safe house has been completed.”

"That's good, but I'm too busy. There are a lot of things in the supernatural circle and the headquarters, so I don't have much time to rest." Yang Jian said calmly.

"Actually, I also want to live an ordinary life, but after reaching this point, many things have become out of my control, and there is no way to stop. However, thanks to your help along the way, I have saved myself a lot of worries. You You have not betrayed my trust, I should thank you."

Yang Jian is well aware of Jiang Yan's efforts. What she has done has long gone beyond the responsibilities of an accountant.

Jiang Yan blushed slightly and said, "Don't say that. We are all a family and we should help each other. And I also like to help you with things. It's just that my abilities are limited and I don't play any important role in many cases." As long as you don’t dislike me.”

Her feelings for Yang Jian have long gone beyond the normal relationship between men and women. More often, she regards herself as a member of Yang Jian's family.

It's just that Jiang Yan has deep feelings, but Yang Jian is a ghost controller with weak feelings. This situation has caused a gap between the two.

"Actually, you are better than I thought. If possible, I hope you can continue to follow me."

Yang Jian said: "But sometimes I also think that you are young and pretty. You should have your own life. It is not a good thing to get involved in the supernatural circle."

"Danger, terror, or even involvement in the supernatural circle. Any little thing may ruin your entire life. Therefore, I sometimes thought about modifying and erasing your memory while you are sleeping, so that you will forget all this and return to the world." It might be a good thing for you to get back to a normal life.”

"I don't want it. I don't want to live an ordinary life. I just want to live with you."

Jiang Yan snorted and immediately refused: "I know you must want to get rid of me. Would you rather live with Sister Qin?"

"Zhang Liqin?"

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly: "You are wrong. I will feel sorry for destroying you, but I will not feel particularly sorry for destroying Zhang Liqin. It is precisely because of this that I will keep Zhang Liqin by my side. After all, I also need someone around me." people."

"Then you must not modify my memory and make me forget all this. Since I have chosen you, I will not regret it. I can jump off the building once or a second time for you." Jiang Yan said very seriously .

"What if I die one day?" Yang Jian said.

Jiang Yan was stunned for a moment: "How could you die?"

"Everyone will die, especially those who control ghosts." Yang Jian said.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about this problem." Jiang Yan said at a loss.

Yang Jian smiled slightly: "You have managed all my assets. If I die, you will use my money to live well and take good care of my mother."

"Stop talking nonsense so early in the morning. You will definitely live a good life. Okay, let's stop talking and go downstairs to eat. Don't keep Auntie waiting." Jiang Yan interrupted the topic and pulled him. Yang Jian's arm walked out of the room.

After a while.

Yang Jian and Jiang Yan went downstairs, and at this moment, their mother Zhang Fen and Zhang Liqin were already sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry. Seeing that you didn't come down for a long time, my aunt and I ate first." Zhang Liqin said apologetically, her eyes turned to Yang Jian with a bit of tenderness and a smile.

It seems that Jiang Yan failed again last night.

"It took me so long to come down to eat. Don't do this again." Zhang Fen criticized.

Yang Jian came over, sat down and said, "Mom, I heard Jiang Yan said that you came to me for something. I wonder what it is?"

"The first thing is about your cousin last time. She has been missing for a long time. Didn't you say you agreed to help find her last time? Why has there been no news after so long? I want to ask what the situation is." Zhang Fen said.

Yang Jian took a bite of the sandwich on the table, and then pondered: "It's difficult to get a result on this matter. There are too many people missing these days, but I have asked the headquarters to pay attention. Once there is news, they will definitely Notify me."


Zhang Fen sighed: "I knew it wouldn't be so easy to find someone, so I just wanted to ask again to make sure, so I could go back and give them an explanation."

Yang Jian didn't speak and just continued to eat the sandwich.

Although the supernatural events have not completely spread now, people who should know already know it, and the people in the village also know very well that when it comes to supernatural things, if a person is gone, he is really gone. If you want to find it back, it is basically It's impossible. It's just that there is always a thought before people die.

"The second thing is your marriage. I don't think you can go back to school. You're not young anymore. It's time to find a wife and start a family. What do you think of Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan?" Zhang Fen asked .

"Ahem." Zhang Liqin, who was drinking coffee, immediately coughed violently and her face turned red.

Jiang Yan buried her head, as if she didn't dare to see anyone.

Yang Jian's face was very calm, as if there was no fluctuation: "They are both very good, one is mature, sexy, and the other is young and beautiful. They are highly educated, smart, and capable. They help handle many things in the company."

Zhang Fen smiled and said: "That's good. I have asked both of them before, and also consulted their parents. They and their family members all agree to be with you, but no matter how outstanding this person is, You can only have one wife, if you could choose one of them, who would you rather marry?"

"If you can finalize it today, then Mom will take it upon herself to finalize your affairs."

Yang Jian put down the sandwich in his hand, moved his eyes slightly, and glanced at Zhang Liqin.

Zhang Liqin looked panicked, did not dare to look at her, and felt guilty.

She knew that there was a big difference between her and Yang Jian's status. It was good enough to be by her side to help Yang Jian. She didn't dare to ask for too much. But her aunt asked her if she wanted to be with Yang Jian. How could she answer? , I can only say that I am willing.

However, she may not have no illusions in her heart.

What if Yang Jian needs a woman to act as a 'wife'? So why can't I be the one who is needed?

Jiang Yan buried her head, her face almost touching the table, but her ears exposed outside her hair were already red, and she felt uneasy, fearing that Yang Jian would be angry at this time.

After all, no matter how you look at this matter, you and Sister Qin both want to join forces to plot against your aunt.

A secretary, an accountant, wants to get promoted through his aunt and become Yang Jian's wife. If this news gets out, people will probably scold him to death.

But Yang Jian just asked another question: "Do their parents even know about this?"

"Of course we have to discuss such a big matter with their parents." Zhang Fen said matter-of-factly.

"In this case, this matter has spread." Yang Jian said calmly: "This is a bit troublesome."

"What trouble can there be? It's something you and I agree on, and it's not against the law." Zhang Fen said in confusion.

Yang Jian said: "It's not that I'm in trouble, it's that they are in trouble, because I have a special status now. Once someone knows that I'm getting married, a large group of people will swarm in and use various means to make friends and show favor to the woman. people, so that they can better connect with me.”

"Isn't this a good thing?" Zhang Fen still didn't understand.

Yang Jian said: "If you are in the business world, this is of course a good thing, but the circle I enter is the supernatural circle. It attracts not only rich people, but also ghost controllers. Ordinary people come into contact with the supernatural circle. That’s a bad thing.”

As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Liqin and Jiang Yan's expressions changed immediately. They had not considered this.

Now that I think about it, it's true.

The identity of Yang Jian's wife is not easy to assume. Once she has this identity, she has entered the supernatural circle. If she is not careful, the whole family will suffer.

"That will indeed cause some trouble." Zhang Fen somewhat understood.

"Let's put this matter aside for a while and eat." Yang Jian said.

Zhang Fen said: "But you can't delay your affairs. What do you think of Wang Shanshan, the child of Wang Bin's family in the community? Mom, I have seen that girl. She is fair and tender, very beautiful, and she is also your classmate, right? Now, speaking of classmates, wasn’t there a girl named Miao Xiaoshan who was very close to you in the past? Have you still been in contact with her? "

Yang Jian's calm face showed a hint of helplessness.

It seems that he is being urged to get married again, and in a hurry.

If it didn't work out, he would just create a woman to be his wife. It would save time and effort, the body and appearance would be absolutely perfect, and he could be resurrected even after death, so he wouldn't have to worry about loyalty issues.

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