Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1368 Reckless inquiry

Yang Jian didn't stay at home after breakfast. He decided to drive out for a walk.

Perhaps because they felt guilty about urging the marriage, Jiang Yan and Zhang Liqin did not choose to go together. They hid at home to help clean up the dishes and do housework, and behaved very well.

But the fundamental reason is still afraid of Yang Jian's anger.

After all, their idea of ​​'being on top' was exposed.

Yang Jian was driving in Dachang City. He looked absently out of the car window, still thinking about what happened just now.

"My mother is right. It is indeed necessary to start a family. And to me, it doesn't matter who the wife is. She can be Jiang Yan, Zhang Liqin, or anyone else. What's important is As a wife, I need someone to help me handle everything reasonably and legally, and who can make some decisions for me when I'm not around."

But if you think about it carefully, among the people Yang Jian knows, there is really no one who meets the requirements.

In fact, Wang Shanshan had discussed this topic with him before.

At that time, Wang Shanshan was also urged to get married by her parents, but her own situation was special and she could not live a normal life, so the best way was to start a family with Yang Jian. At the same time, Wang Shanshan's parents would do their best to help maintain the family. As for the operation of the company, they will continue to work even if Yang Jian dies.

Therefore, the two of them, who are neither humans nor ghosts, are very suitable to stay together, and the fate of the two people is truly involved.

"It's a pity that Wang Shanshan is not suitable, because when I die, she will die. She can't help me deal with my posthumous affairs. If I really want to get married, I must be an ordinary person to act as my wife, and this People must also have contact with the supernatural circle and not be corrupted by the supernatural. In addition, they must have the ability to deal with things and be loyal enough."

Yang Jian thought secretly in his heart.

"So Zhang Liqin directly ruled out that she was parasitized by a ghost baby. This is a hidden danger. Although it is okay for the time being, who knows if there will be any consequences in a few years or ten years. Moreover, she is just a secretary I hired casually. , cannot meet my inner requirements.”

Yang Jian drove the car, blowing the wind outside the window, and his thoughts continued to wander: "Actually, Liu Xiaoyu is not bad. She is my operator and knows me very well. She is also from the headquarters. Her background is innocent and her stance is correct. It's a pity that It has also been affected by supernatural beings, and there may be hidden dangers.”

At this moment, he put aside his personal emotions and thought about the person who might become his 'wife' in the future from an absolutely rational perspective.

Of course, it is best to create a person with supernatural powers, but we also face the same problem, that is, if Yang Jian dies, these people created by supernatural powers will also be finished.

Yang Jian continued to think and select suitable candidates.

In the end, he only felt that two people were suitable, one was Jiang Yan and the other was Miao Xiaoshan.

Jiang Yan has known her for a long time, and the two have experienced many supernatural events. Yang Jian also trusts her. Of course, Jiang Yan is also very firm towards Yang Jian. She has never betrayed anyone, and her ability to do things is also good.

Miao Xiaoshan can be regarded as half a childhood sweetheart, carrying the emotions of Yang Jian's student days. Moreover, she is kind-hearted and has a gentle personality, but her ability to deal with things is weak.

"If you choose one of the two, who is more suitable?" Yang Jian asked himself a question.

He wouldn't think that the two people would be unwilling, because in this era, many people actually don't have many choices. They have been exposed to the supernatural circle and know the horror of this world. If they want to live an ordinary life in ignorance, it is already impossible. It’s impossible.

After all, no one wants a family to live well, suddenly encounter a supernatural event, and then die in despair.

Even if you don't encounter any supernatural events, after nightfall, when you think about the terror of ghosts, can you still live a stable life?

The reason why these people are living a pretty good life now is because of Yang Jian.

Encountering terror, he knew in his heart that Yang Jian would come to save him.

With hope, you can sleep peacefully in the dark night.

While he was thinking, Yang Jian's phone suddenly lit up, and a text message was sent.

"Whatever you want comes to you. I didn't expect that Miao Xiaoshan has already come to Dachang City." He took a look and immediately stepped on the accelerator.

The vehicle accelerated suddenly and then disappeared out of thin air on the road.

When it appeared, the vehicle had already appeared on the road to the airport, and then quickly rushed towards a plane that had just landed.

Passengers who were getting off the plane and preparing to leave the airport were stunned when they saw this.

Is drag racing still allowed in the airport?

However, when the airport staff saw the car, they did not stop it. Instead, they acquiesced to the car's existence.

What violates the airport management system and what dangerous driving.

These are none of their business, because one of the very important points in their training is that the appearance of some cars cannot be stopped. Even if the car intercepts the aircraft on the runway, it must cooperate. And as it happens, Yang Jian's car is one of the vehicles that cannot be blocked.

After all, this is the car of the person in charge of Dachang City.

Yang Jian was not that domineering. He was just picking up someone on the way and had no stupid idea of ​​stopping the plane.

Miao Xiaoshan, who was queuing up to get off the plane, felt a little embarrassed when he saw Yang Jian coming out of the car.

"Why are you here? Didn't I send a message saying that I have arrived in Dachang City and will go to your place in a while?"

"I happened to be fine. I was wandering around and came here on the way." Yang Jian said calmly: "Let's go, get in the car."

Miao Xiaoshan nodded, without much hesitation, and hurriedly got into the car, hoping to leave quickly so as not to cause trouble to other people at the airport.

Yang Jian drove the car, turned around and drove away towards the outside of the airport. However, the moment he turned the corner to avoid the eyes of most people, the car disappeared.

next moment.

Vehicles are driving normally on urban streets.

"How many days do you plan to stay in Dachang City this time?" Yang Jian asked.

"I have to leave tomorrow. I asked for leave this time. After all, I am still studying and don't have much time."

Miao Xiaoshan said helplessly: "Sometimes I really want to drop out of school. I feel that it doesn't make much sense to continue studying like this. After all, there are supernatural incidents everywhere, and you may not know what will happen again one day. It's better to live a good life according to your own wishes, but My parents won’t agree. It’s hard to get into a good university, but if I drop out like this, they will definitely beat me to death.”

"If you don't study, you will have no future. Look at Awei and I, we have nothing to do all day long, wandering around and causing trouble. If I don't hit others today, they will hit me tomorrow. I feel like I will be hacked to death on the street sooner or later." Yang Jian. Said: "Although the supernatural incidents are getting more and more intense, they will pass sooner or later, so we still have to make plans for the future."

"Besides, what did you do after you dropped out of school?"

Miao Xiaoshan squinted his eyes and smiled: "I have thought about it, I can go to work in your company, and you will definitely hire me, right?"

"Although I will hire you, don't be in a hurry to leave school and work. You will have plenty of time to work for the rest of your life, so you should finish your studies well. This is what everyone hopes for, isn't it?" Yang Jian said.

"Yes, I thought so before, but I feel more and more uncomfortable recently." Miao Xiaoshan said.

Yang Jian asked: "What's the reason?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's because Sun Yujia told me your story that it made me feel anxious. Maybe it's because I've been a little irritable while writing a book recently and always want to change my lifestyle." Miao Xiaoshan thought for a while. said.

"Are you anxious? I probably understand, but there's nothing I can do about it."

Yang Jian didn't say much, he understood this anxiety.

The more we learn about supernatural events, the more we feel that the world is going to end. Ordinary people will naturally become anxious and feel that there is no point in doing anything. It is better to do what they want to do while they are still alive.

"What are you busy with recently?" Miao Xiaoshan asked.

"Of course it's to deal with supernatural events, but recently my mother has begun to urge marriage. She feels that my eldest son is too young and needs to find a girl to marry." Yang Jian said.

Miao Xiaoshan was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "You will also be urged to get married one day, but with your ability, there must be many girls willing to marry you. You must know that you are the famous Ghost Eye Yang Jian, as long as If you let out the word, the girls standing in front of your house will probably have to line up for ten miles."

"But there are very few suitable people." Yang Jian said.

"I heard you say that there is a suitable candidate?" Miao Xiaoshan was sensitive and asked pretending to be casual.

Yang Jian said calmly: "After careful consideration, I currently have two candidates."

"Who is it? It can't be Wang Shanshan. I think she is a good match for you. After all, she used to be a famous beauty in the class and had a lot of suitors." Miao Xiaoshan said insinuatingly.

"It's not Wang Shanshan, it's Jiang Yan." Yang Jian said.

Miao Xiaoshan's heart suddenly tightened. She knew Jiang Yan because this person had known Yang Jian for a long time and had always lived in Yang Jian's home.

"She is very nice. She admires you very much. If you choose her, I believe you can get along very happily." She said some beautiful words, but there was a bit of nervousness and uneasiness in her tone.

Yang Jian then said: "There is another person who is you."

Miao Xiaoshan stopped talking immediately, and then looked at Yang Jian with wide eyes, looking shocked: "Why, why me? I, I just promised to be your girlfriend before, but no. This is too fast, I’m still studying.”

For a moment, she shook her palms repeatedly, her face turned red, and her heart was beating wildly.

She didn't expect that she and Yang Jian, who hadn't seen each other for a long time, would go straight to talk about marriage when they met. This was so unexpected.

Yang Jian continued to drive, his expression still calm, as if he was just discussing a trivial matter.

"But even if I agree with this matter, I still have to ask my parents for their opinions." Miao Xiaoshan blushed and said this after a while.

Seeing her at a loss, Yang Jian suddenly said, "Your parents' opinions don't really matter, do they? After all, I can settle everything."

Miao Xiaoshan suddenly blushed and became silent again, and at the same time began to think about this matter seriously.

This is no small matter.

Because this decision is likely to affect your life.

But no matter what, Miao Xiaoshan was still surprised and happy because she knew that Yang Jian had included her when thinking about this issue.

"If you don't think about it well, don't think about it for now. It's not something that you have to make up your mind immediately. I'm just asking." Yang Jian said, "This question of mine is quite reckless, just opening my mouth to raise such a topic."

"It's okay, I understand you. After all, you are now at a high enough level. You must not be like normal people when it comes to emotional issues. My roommate Liu Zi told me that rich and powerful families pay attention to Marriage, instead of focusing on free love, if you can put aside the interests and consider me, I am actually very happy." Miao Xiaoshan said with a blush on his face.

"So I will think about this issue seriously, and I will give you an answer no matter what happens."

Yang Jian nodded and said: "As long as you can understand, okay, this matter is over for now. I will send you to Shangtong Building first. The class reunion has to wait for Zhang Wei's arrangement. After you go, contact him. I don’t know what this guy has been busy with these past few days.”

"Okay." Miao Xiaoshan nodded.

"Also, don't wander around when you have nothing to do. Dachang City has been unstable recently, and people have been dying one after another." Yang Jian added.

Miao Xiaoshan said: "Don't worry, I won't wander around."

She looked at Yang Jian who was driving, still happy in her heart, feeling that this trip was not in vain.

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