Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1382 Taking it by force

Stepping in the cold stagnant water, it was obvious that the stagnant water was not deep, but when I looked down, it looked like an abyss with no bottom. There were even many horrible corpses floating in the stagnant water. These corpses seemed to be They are still alive, with a pair of strange eyes open, staring at the people on the water.

It seems as if these corpses will rush up and pull people into the bottomless water, completely disappearing from this world.

"This is the supernatural power of Ghost Lake." Liu Qi was frightened when he saw it.

Even though I was prepared, I was still horrified when I actually saw the ghost lake covering most of Dachang City.

As long as Yang Jian is willing, this ghost lake can sink the city into the water, let alone the ordinary people living in this city.

But the ghost lake covering a city is just to deal with one ghost at the moment.

Although the wishing ghost is invisible, it will definitely appear in the water if it comes into contact with the ghost lake. This is also a supernatural characteristic of the ghost lake, which can reflect some ghosts that do not exist in reality.

It's just that the ghost lake invades reality too slowly. Unless you prepare in advance, it will be difficult to have the opportunity to appear during the fight against the supernatural.

"Yang Jian, at this speed, how long will it take for us to take action?" Liu Qi asked.

"Ten minutes." Yang Jian didn't hide anything and said directly. He wasn't worried about being heard by ghosts.

The wishing ghost has long been aware of such a big movement, but the ghost is bound by the rules of the game first. Even if it knows what Yang Jian is doing, it can't stop it, as long as Yang Jian's ghost lake does not invade the Peace Hotel in front.

"The time is now 11:40, which means Zhang Wei, Wang Shanshan and the others still need to hold on for another ten minutes. This is not easy. I heard gunshots from inside just now. They must have encountered a ghost. I don't know what the casualties are now. I hope they are all okay." Liu Qi frowned, worried.

But there was nothing he could do to help now, and there was no use worrying.

"We should believe them. After all, they have survived after so much and will not die here easily. Moreover, today's matter must be resolved, otherwise the hidden dangers will be great." Yang Jian said calmly.

Liu Qi nodded and could only wait quietly.

Ten minutes seems to be a short time, but for a few people in the Peace Hotel, it is a very long time.

Because as time goes by, the ghosts will become more and more fierce, and the frequency of attacks will become faster and faster, and someone will die if they are not careful.


After experiencing the collision just now, Yingying and Wang Shanshan had understood some characteristics of ghosts, and gradually gained some confidence in their hearts. They got together with Zhang Wei, did not wander around, and still stayed in the empty hall.

"Ghosts will appear in the darkness nearby at any time. The entire Peace Hotel is equivalent to being in the ghost domain of evil spirits. However, there are signs before ghosts appear. First, the surrounding air will become extremely cold, and at the same time, ghosts will appear in the darkness. I calculated the time for a human-shaped outline, and it took about three seconds from the time it appeared to when it attacked us ghosts."

Eagle said what he had observed at this moment: "These three seconds are the time for us to fight back, but the ghost will not die. Even if Zhang Wei cuts down the first ghost to the ground, there will be another ghost. The second ghost takes over and continues the game, so we can only waste time. Of course, if there is a chance, it is best to seize the red wood from Li Gui's hand."

"But even if you really succeed in taking away the weapon from the ghost, don't be careless. Once the ghost gets close, it can easily break your neck. Of course, this supernatural game is not dangerous everywhere, and there are still safe areas. Yes, just like where we are now, because there is light shining in through the windows outside, ghosts will not emerge directly from the light."

"I understand. What you said is very detailed." Wang Shanshan nodded.

Experienced people are different. In just a few minutes, they can analyze all the ghost information and even determine the safe area.

Eagle stared at the light projected outside the window and said: "But don't be too happy. According to my estimation, the safe area will soon gradually disappear due to various circumstances. The closer it is to twelve o'clock, the brighter the area will be." few"

His words were yet to be spoken.

Whether it was a coincidence or some kind of supernatural influence, the bright area they were in suddenly darkened.

I don't know when a dark cloud drifted outside the window, blocking the light.

However, Yang Jian, who was observing outside the hotel, did not see any dark clouds blocking the light.

The scenery inside and outside the hotel is completely different.

"The light has disappeared. Move to a safe area immediately." Eagle said immediately.

There is also an area shrouded in faint light ahead. As long as they advance about ten meters, they can be temporarily safer, but they know that ghosts are hiding around and are ready to attack them at any time.

"What are you afraid of when the light disappears? I have an oil lamp. As long as it is lit, the light will be fine." Zhang Wei said carelessly at this time. He took out a golden oil lamp with his other hand.

This is the corpse oil lamp that Yang Jian gave him before.

The eagle immediately said: "You'd better not do this. Although the corpse oil lamp can illuminate ghosts after lighting it, using supernatural items will also increase the difficulty of the game. The horror level of ghosts will definitely be reduced by then." Changes, and the oil lamp is not very helpful to us and cannot have a decisive impact, and as long as we are careful, we can completely target the evil ghosts in the dark."

"For a little light and to increase the horror of ghosts, it's not a good deal."

"Is there any mistake? Such a good thing is not allowed to be used." Zhang Wei complained, but he still followed Eagle's advice and did not choose to light it.

He doesn't want to cheat his teammates.


The eagle took the lead into the darkness ahead, and he was responsible for clearing the way.

Then Wang Shanshan followed closely, and Zhang Wei was at the back.

They moved quickly through the darkness, heading towards a place with a light source.

However, after taking only two steps, the eagle suddenly stopped. He felt a cold aura surrounding him, and there seemed to be a human silhouette standing there in the darkness, waiting quietly.

"not good."

Eagle's expression suddenly changed. He couldn't see clearly in front of him. He just relied on some experience and subconsciously avoided to the side.

This evasive maneuver saved his life.

He felt something whizzing past in the darkness, bringing up a gust of cool wind, as if something was passing through the air.

Although he didn't know what happened, the eagle understood that he had just been attacked by a ghost and walked back and forth on the edge of death.

"I can't see the ghost attack at all. This time I dodged it narrowly. I may not be so lucky next time, but ghosts have the ability to kill us easily, and we also have the means to fight back against ghosts. This time There are still supernatural games to play." Eagle thought to himself.

He did not dare to be careless and continued to move forward, but the route changed. Instead of moving straight towards the bright place, he bypassed the front.

"Follow me, don't go in a straight line, go around a little bit. The ghost is waiting for us to fall into the trap. Now the ghost has not sent any footsteps, so its position is difficult to locate." The eagle shouted loudly at this moment.

Wang Shanshan's heart trembled, and she immediately changed her direction and detoured left and right, making her route complicated and difficult to guess, but the general direction remained unchanged.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take care of that thing." Zhang Wei held the ax and swaggered in the darkness, his eyes wide open, trying to find the location of the evil ghost.

But found nothing.

He doesn't have ghost eyes, so he can't see through this darkness.

"It's a near miss." At this moment, the eagle breathed a sigh of relief. He stood in a place shrouded in light, feeling a little safer for the time being.

With his success, Wang Shanshan quickly circled around from the other direction and walked into the light.

"I was not attacked. The people the ghost is targeting this time are you and Zhang Wei. To the ghost, you and Zhang Wei are the biggest threats." She calculated the ghost's actions based on her own situation.

"Zhang Wei hasn't appeared yet, the ghost is targeting him." Eagle's face darkened.

But there was no way. The three of them were moving, but the ghost blocked them in the middle and had to go around separately. Then the ghost would wait for the opportunity to attack the last person who was alone. As long as they succeeded, they would immediately reduce their numbers.

"Zhang Wei cannot die. He has supernatural weapons in his hands that can fight against evil spirits. You stay here and I will go find him." Eagle said.

"No need to help, I, Zhang Wei, am not afraid of this ghost's sneak attack. Today I will open this ghost's eyes and let him know what it means to have reflexes that have been trained for many years." Zhang Wei's voice came from the darkness, and he heard it The conversation between the two people indicated that they did not need help and could do it on their own.

Wang Shanshan said: "Zhang Wei, don't be brave. We really can't light the corpse oil lamp. We must get through this first."

"No, we can't light the lamp now."

Eagle shook his head and said: "If you light the lamp at this time, Zhang Wei's counterattack will be affected. Once the ghost attacks, he will definitely die. This time Zhang Wei is right, just fight with the ghost to react. As long as you notice the cold atmosphere around you, judge the ghost's Position, making the first move, he can win.”

"That's right. Don't worry about me all day long. I'm much better than you."

Zhang Wei responded. At the same time, he stopped moving and raised his ears to listen to the movements around him.

Listening and arguing is his basic skill.

If Zhang Wei doesn't move, the ghost standing in the darkness will be unable to catch him and throw himself into the trap.

In a moment of tranquility.

The Li Gui who was standing a few meters away from Zhang Wei disappeared again at this moment, and then a vague outline gradually emerged behind Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei remained motionless, still listening with his ears raised.

The outline of the ghost became clearer and clearer, but in the darkness ordinary people couldn't see it at all. Even Zhang Wei didn't notice it because the ghost didn't walk and this way of movement was silent.

After the ghost completely appeared, he raised the red piece of wood in his hand.

However, he hasn't taken action yet.

The movement of lifting the wood seemed to produce some slight noises.

next moment.

A red ax passed through the darkness and hit Li Gui's forehead accurately.


Li Gui was severely injured and fell to the ground stiffly.

"I've cut it, hurry up, touch the corpse, touch the corpse." Zhang Wei shouted excitedly.

At this moment, the eagle who heard the movement rushed out without waiting for Zhang Wei to speak. The distance between the two people was not far away. Soon the eagle rushed over. He stepped on the cold body that fell on the ground and immediately reached out his hand. Go and touch.

A piece of red wood was caught by an eagle in the darkness.

But just when the eagle was overjoyed and was about to take it back, the other end of the wood was grabbed by something. It was so strong that it almost took the red wood back.

"The third ghost has appeared. Cut it, it's right in front." The eagle shouted hurriedly.

"Don't worry, I've heard it." Zhang Wei became more and more confident, and he once again struck the front where the movement came from with his axe.

Then the pulling force in the darkness suddenly disappeared.

"Success, go back quickly."

The eagle successfully took away the piece of red wood from Li Gui's hand. Before he could feel happy, he pulled Zhang Wei and ran towards the bright spot where Wang Shanshan was.


The two successfully evacuated the dark area and arrived at a temporarily safe place.

"Your performance is really amazing. We have a great chance of winning this supernatural game." Eagle weighed the piece of red wood in his hand and said.

Zhang Wei said proudly: "Of course, this game is not difficult at all for me. If I hit it with an ax, it won't work. It's simply too empty."

"Don't be too happy, this supernatural game is not over yet." Wang Shanshan said calmly.

Eagle said: "Without this thing, ghosts can't kill people instantly if they kill people. Even if they want to strangle people to death, they can give people some reaction time. When the time comes, we can completely counterattack. From now on, as long as we don't scatter, we persist." It’s not that difficult to get to twelve o’clock.”

Even so, he understood that if it weren't for Zhang Wei's amazing performance, the game would have been lost.

After all, Zhang Wei was the one who got hit three times in the game.

If the Eagles can't seize the opportunity after such a performance, then he, the former messenger, can jump off the building and die.

"There are three of us now, two weapons, and the opponent's bare hands. Isn't this a face-saving attack? I didn't expect that I, Awei, would one day become the thigh, hehe."

Zhang Wei let out a lewd laugh, and had already fantasized in his mind that he would become famous in the supernatural circle like Leg Brother, and wherever he went, people would respectfully call him Ah Wei.

"But in the end, we have to be careful of the ghosts' counterattack. The game time should have reached the later stage. The ghosts will attack us more frequently than before. Be careful of falling down in the end." Eagle was not too happy, he was still very calm.

"You're right, the ghost is coming again." Wang Shanshan looked up.

The light from the window is gradually disappearing again.

What disappeared this time was not the window where they were located, but the light from all the windows in the hotel.

Soon there will be no safe areas left.

"Get together and don't move no matter what happens." The eagle weighed the piece of wood in his hand and said.

This thing can be used by ghosts to beat people, so of course he can also use it to beat ghosts.

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