Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1383 Restart Collision

"about there."

As time passed, Yang Jian's preparations were completed. The water under his feet spread to every corner of Dachang City, soaking the city in the cold lake water.

Although the water is not deep, it is enough. As long as this small amount of water can locate the ghost, Yang Jian can immediately drive the wishing ghost into the ghost lake so that it will never come out.

"You are ready to take action. Liu Qi, just protect Miao Xiaoshan later. I will deal with this ghost." Yang Jian said at this moment.

"Don't worry, I will pay attention." Liu Qi nodded.

After Yang Jian's instructions, he immediately started to take action.

According to the rules set by the ghost before, no one is allowed to interfere with the supernatural games in the Peace Hotel, so he did not choose to invade the Peace Hotel immediately, but chose to gradually surround the building with the ghost lake.

The supernatural power of the ghost lake can easily affect reality.


The ground nearby began to sink, and was gradually swallowed up by a layer of inconspicuous water. The entire Peace Hotel was also sinking.

But the water did not seep into the Peace Hotel, so the change was not considered a violation at all.

As the ground sank deeper and deeper, the building continued to sink, and finally fell into a deep pit and was about to be buried.

"It is necessary to flood this building in the shortest possible time, and then directly pull Zhang Wei, Wang Shanshan, and Yingying out through the ghost realm to end this supernatural game, flood the building through the water of the ghost lake, and blockade the entire Dachang City. The tone completely blocked the evil spirit, leaving it with no way out."

"The ghost will definitely restart again at the last moment, but if it can restart, I can also restart. Even if my restart time is not long, I can still stop Li Gui's restart, and at that moment, I can directly imprison him. , completely put an end to this supernatural incident.”

A cracked spear emerged from the water at Yang Jian's feet.

This time, he must try his best and be perfect enough. He must not let this evil ghost escape, and he must not let this evil ghost successfully restart for the second time.

The water in Ghost Lake is brewing and churning, and the surrounding water is getting deeper and deeper. At first it was only below the ankles, but now it is below the knees.

"Miao Xiaoshan, let's leave here and stand on the roof of a nearby building. Yang Jian is going to flood the Peace Hotel and imprison the ghosts. If we stay here, we will be affected." Liu Qi said, and he immediately took Miao Xiaoshan to evacuate. , find a higher place to stay to avoid being submerged by the ghost lake.

Miao Xiaoshan did not refuse and immediately followed Liu Qi to evacuate here.

As the surrounding lake became deeper and deeper, the time gradually came to eleven-fifty.

The game is over with only ten minutes left.

But in the last ten minutes, Zhang Wei, Wang Shanshan, and Yingying inside the Peace Hotel were facing frequent and terrifying attacks from evil spirits.

At this moment, there is no light around, and there is darkness everywhere. Normal people can't see anything at all, and everything depends on their feelings.

The ghost in the game is wandering around the three people at the moment. Although the ghost has lost the weapon in his hand, the ghost in the game still has the advantage, because the ghost cannot be killed, even if it is really killed by Zhang Wei's axe. If hit, new ghosts will appear again and continue this supernatural game.

Although this game is as fair as possible, in fact, people will die but ghosts will not. This is the biggest unfairness.


The cold breath gathers around you silently. Only those who are sensitive to supernatural phenomena and are calm enough can lock the correct position in the darkness. Otherwise, once you panic, your attention and perception will decrease and you will ignore it. Without these subtle changes, you will no longer be able to determine the direction of the ghost.

There are only three seconds between the appearance of the ghost and the attack, so you must be decisive.

The eagle took action at this moment. He took the red piece of wood in his hand and swept it towards the darkness next to him.


A dull sound echoed, like wood being slapped against a dead body.

But something unexpected happened.

A cold silhouette that had just emerged in the darkness was hit hard and fell straight away. The sound of rolling corpses could be heard in the darkness. It was unknown how far it rolled until all the sounds disappeared.

"This red piece of wood can directly knock the ghost away after hitting it." The eagle was surprised.

Although his swing was very strong, it was far from enough to knock a heavy dead body away more than ten meters.

The only possibility is that this red wood has some kind of supernatural power. Although it looks ugly, there is no doubt that this is a supernatural weapon.

However, after the ghost was knocked away, the cold atmosphere around him did not dissipate and was still gathering.

There was a cold outline hidden in the darkness condensed.

The ghost's previous attack failed, but a new attack is coming again. As long as it is not guarded against, one of the three people will die immediately.

"I come."

Zhang Wei also reacted very sharply and noticed the abnormality. He raised his hand and struck at that place.

There was no movement in the darkness, but Zhang Wei felt that he had hit something, and he must have succeeded.

But the next moment.

In the darkness, a cold hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Zhang Wei's neck. Then a terrible force came, making his neck rattle, as if his bones were about to break.

Obviously, Zhang Wei's ax did not kill the ghost, giving him room to fight back.

Just when Zhang Wei was about to have his neck strangled and die on the spot, the eagle's attack followed closely.

Li Gui flew out with a bang and disappeared into the nearby darkness.

"Ahem." Zhang Wei touched his neck, his face turned red and he showed a painful expression.

"The ax didn't kill that thing. It hit a big cripple and was almost killed. Damn it, I couldn't see clearly just now. Otherwise, how could I lose."

Eagle said calmly: "Don't be careless. Even if we have weapons, we may die here."

"The frequency of ghost attacks is getting faster and faster. Such a passive counterattack will cause trouble sooner or later. Let Zhang Wei light the lamp. When the oil lamp lights up, we will be able to see ghosts. By then, we can fight against the ghosts with two supernatural weapons, and There isn't much time left, we can't let anything happen at the last moment." Wang Shanshan suggested.

"When the lights come on, the horror level of the ghost will increase again, as I have said before."

Eagle said solemnly: "But your suggestion is also reasonable. If the ghost attacks with such high frequency, sooner or later we will be able to succeed. Without vision, we are too passive. How much time do we have left now?"

"Ten minutes left." Zhang Wei said. His watch was fluorescent and could be seen in the dark.

"It's really hard for us to survive the ten minutes of continuous attacks." Eagle assessed the danger.

He felt that this game could be won, but the probability of attrition within ten minutes was very high. The only way to avoid attrition was to light the corpse oil lamp and shine out the ghosts, but he was worried about what changes would happen to the ghosts as a result, which would make the original The temporarily stable situation was completely out of control.

Such a choice in a supernatural incident is very difficult, because no one can predict what will happen next, and it is not sure whether it is better to maintain the status quo or make changes.

"Light up, Wang Shanshan is right. Our two supernatural weapons can be used to fight. We can't blind ourselves. In this dark environment, our advantages cannot be used. On the contrary, the ghost's attack will be smoother. We must take the initiative at the end." The Eagles made a decision after thinking briefly.

Finished speaking.

A fire quickly lit up in the darkness, and then a dim oil lamp was lit.

This oil lamp dispels the surrounding darkness, brings light, and at the same time reflects the ghosts hiding around.

It's just that the range of the oil lamp's light is limited, which is different from that of a normal oil lamp, but for the eagle, this range is enough.

The light comes on.

A cold figure appeared in the darkness nearby. It stood there abruptly facing this way, staring at the three people with strange eyes.

The eagle was startled, and Zhang Wei on the side subconsciously wanted to take action.

But the ghost was retreating, leaving the range of light, and finally disappeared in the darkness.

"This is not a ghost in the game, this is a wishing ghost. It has been staring at us just now, and it was the oil lamp that illuminated it." Wang Shanshan's expression changed slightly, and she felt scared at the same time.

Unexpectedly, the ghost that Yang Jian wanted to deal with was hidden beside them.

"This ghost is not well-intentioned and is standing not far from us. He probably wants to take action at the last moment and kill us directly to win the game." Eagle guessed.

Zhang Wei said in surprise: "It didn't let the leg brother take action before, but it ended up hiding here. Isn't this a lie?"

"It's not a cheat. As long as the card time is accurate, it can end the game at twelve o'clock and kill us at the same time. In this way, it can accurately win the game." Eagle said.

"Isn't this considered a scam?" Zhang Wei opened his eyes wide.

Eagle smiled and said: "It's just a game with each other. You don't think that Yang Jian will play games with ghosts honestly. The rules are set by ghosts. It is absolutely impossible for Yang Jian to win or lose in a game made by ghosts." I believe that the outcome of this game is not within the game, but outside the game."

"We just need to hold on now. I believe Yang Jian will take action soon."

"Then why do you want us to play this game?" Zhang Wei didn't understand.

Eagle said: "If you don't play, how can you use the rules of the game to restrain the ghosts? Although I don't know what Yang Jian plans to do, he must have his own considerations. We just need to believe in him. Therefore, we can win this game." .”

Although nothing changed, his words gave Zhang Wei and Wang Shanshan confidence to a great extent.

And confidence is the key to supporting them to survive supernatural events.

But at this moment, new changes began again.

The number of cold figures emerging from the surrounding darkness now increased, no longer one, but three.

Three figures hovered outside the light of the oil lamp, looming and moving back and forth.

"The number has increased? It seems that the harm after lighting the oil lamp has appeared, but it is still within the tolerance range. Although the number of ghosts has increased to three, we have a field of vision and can see clearly."

The eagle was slightly relieved when he saw this scene.

Even in this case, the advantage is slightly greater than before.

Three ghosts hiding in the darkness came together at this moment, their pale skin reflected in the dim light, like three walking corpses.

"I'm ready. Just take charge of one of the eagles and leave the others to me." Zhang Wei took a few sips and clenched the red ax in his hand.

"Don't be brave," said the Eagle.

The ghost approached slowly at first, then its pace gradually increased from slow to fast, and finally it ran in a weird posture, its speed was a bit scary.

But right now.

Wang Shanshan suddenly raised her head and looked at the ceiling.

A drop of water actually dripped from the top of her head and fell on her forehead.

water leakage?

She touched it and found that it was indeed water, but the water droplets were squirming like living creatures, slipped from her hand to the ground, and then gathered together to the side.

I don't know when, a large pool of water suddenly appeared around me.

The water was pooling and leaking everywhere.

The emergence of stagnant water broke the rules of the game in the Peace Hotel.

Zhang Wei, who was just about to take action, was stunned for a moment because he saw ghosts appearing one after another in the nearby darkness. The number was far more than three, but they were densely packed.

"Eagle, I'd better change it. I'll be responsible for only one. If you're capable, I'll leave the rest to you." Zhang Wei swallowed his saliva.

Eagle's face suddenly darkened.

To face this kind of quantity is to make it clear that you are going to die.

However, when the ghost just made a move.

The nearby darkness was suddenly shrouded in a burst of intense light, and then the three of them disappeared instantly in the light.

After they disappeared, a large amount of water poured in from all directions and directly submerged the building.

In the darkness, there was a strange sound, like the wails and roars of a ghost, which seemed to be angry at Yang Jian's cheating.

But ghosts have no emotions, they won't really get angry, they will only struggle and then sink in the cold lake water.

Yang Jian outside was watching all this happening. His attack was fierce and did not give the ghost a chance to react or breathe. Even if the ghost had a ghost domain, he could not escape from the ghost lake. The only thing he had to worry about was the ghost. Unreasonable restart.

"There is no flaw in this attack. It is almost perfect. After all, it has been prepared for so long. There is absolutely no possibility of mistakes."

Yang Jian stood very calmly on a lake, observing the deep pit that was quickly filled with lake water.

At this moment, he saw a terrifying figure emerging from the deepest part of the water, trying to escape the blockade and get out of the lake.

That seems to be the wishing ghost hidden in the Peace Hotel.

Yang Jian just saw Li Gui's figure emerging, and then he felt dizzy, and his consciousness became blurred at this moment.

"It has begun, the restart of the wishing ghost."

With his previous experience, although he was vaguely conscious at the moment, he was already prepared in his heart.

The ghost eyes suddenly opened at this moment, and the ghost realm was superimposed, opening directly to the eighth level.

This area is shrouded in eight levels of ghost realm and is also undergoing a restart.

The wishing ghost can restart for forty minutes, which is a very long time, exceeding the restart time of the pendulum clock in the Wang family's ancient house. Yang Jian's large-scale restart time is very short, and can only last for a few minutes at most. As time goes by, he is worried about the ghost eyes. will be out of control.


The ghost wants to go back to forty minutes ago, start everything over, and have a third contest with Yang Jian, but Yang Jian doesn't want to go back to forty minutes ago, he just wants to go back to a few seconds ago, because a few seconds ago he The advantage is still there, and the ghost still cannot change the fate of being swallowed by the ghost lake.

The two restarted supernatural powers collided at this moment.

This is something that has never happened in the supernatural world so far. No one can predict the results of such a collision.

"You don't need to defeat the evil ghost, you just need to intervene in its restart." Yang Jian's idea was very simple, his requirements were very low, and he didn't have any great expectations.

Under the terrible supernatural interference, reality distorts, then deviates, overlaps, and then distorts again

Everything was chaotic. At this moment, Yang Jian's ghost eyes couldn't see everything around him clearly. His vision was losing, and his consciousness was sometimes blurred and sometimes restored.

I thought that Yang Jian, who only restarted for a few seconds, would soon become depressed, but in fact this was not the case at all.

Under the influence of the wishing ghost's restart, Yang Jian's ghost eye seems to have no limit and is always in a restart state, because whenever the ghost eye cannot hold on anymore, Li Gui's restart will bring the ghost eye back to its state, so this leads to Ghost Eye has been maintaining the state of the eighth-level ghost realm and is not worried about the resurrection of the ghost.

This is very similar to the time when the double ghost eyes were infinitely restarted in Whitewater Town.

The wishing ghost has no limits at the moment. It is a evil ghost. It can be restarted all the time without worrying about the evil ghost resurrecting.

The collision between the two is constantly escalating and maintaining.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still, but at this moment it seemed that a long period of time had passed.

Yang Jian was lost in the restart, and the wishing ghost was also lost in the restart. The result at this moment became unpredictable, and no one could predict how this situation would end.

But the supernatural conflict cannot go on endlessly. If the supernatural conflict really has no result, then something will happen over time.

That's Li Gui's death plan, just like Tong Qian's smiling face and crying face.

In reality, the situation seems to be moving in this direction.

Yang Jian's ghost eyes are gradually falling into a dead state amid the endless restart conflicts.

A ghost eye was silent at the moment, no longer turning restlessly as before.

Then, the second ghost eye also fell silent.

After a long time, the third ghost eye was also silent.

Yang Jian, who has been worried about the resurrection of Ghost Eye and longed for Ghost Eye's death, did not expect to encounter such an opportunity today, which was completely beyond his expectation.

But that seems to be a good thing.

Yang Jian now very much hopes that the wishing ghost can hold on and stop crashing. Otherwise, the restart collision will end immediately, and his ghost eye's road to death will also be interrupted.

The death of the three ghost eyes means that he can use the three-level ghost realm at no cost. Although he could use it at no cost before, that was because of the ghost shadow's suppression. Now the ghost shadow does not need to suppress the three ghost eyes. This means that Yang Jian's upper limit will increase.

Originally it might only take three minutes for a large-scale restart, but now it can take five minutes for a large-scale restart.

The collision continues with the restart.

Yang Jian's fourth ghost eye fell into a deadlock and showed no signs of recovery.

The wishing ghost has not reached its limit at this moment and is still being restarted.

"Very good, keep holding on." Yang Jian was a little excited at the moment.

If all nine of his ghost eyes die, it means that he can use the nine levels of ghost realm at no cost and directly reach a new level.

But this was just a thought. Yang Jian knew very well that the wishing ghost would retreat if all nine ghost eyes failed, so now he just wanted to make as many ghost eyes freeze as possible.

After the fourth ghost eye died, after a long period of confrontation, the fifth ghost eye gradually showed signs of dying.

Another period of supernatural confrontation passed.

The fifth ghost eye stopped moving and fell into a state of panic. The ghost's instinct disappeared and was completely controlled by Yang Jian.

The collision of restarts continues.

The wishing ghost's limit has not yet been reached.

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