Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1478 The completely released lake water

At this moment, the situation fell into a brief stagnation.

Although the supernatural bus successfully stopped the ghost ship, it was completely damaged and turned into a pile of old scrap metal. However, although the bus was destroyed, the supernatural conflict continued.

Anyone with any sense of judgment knows that the Supernatural Bus lost in this collision.

But even if they lose, the goal has been achieved for all the captains.

They don't need to completely destroy the ghost ship, as long as they can intercept it, as long as they can make it less easy for people from the king's organization to control the ship.

"The impact of the supernatural conflict is slowly decreasing. I can feel that my own supernatural power is reviving. I thought this situation would last for a while, but I didn't expect it to turn around so quickly. This is not good news."

After a while, Yang Jian was keenly aware of his own changes. He was now able to use his supernatural silence due to driving the supernatural bus.

However, it was still seriously disturbed and there were not many supernatural beings that could be used. It would take a while to return to normal.

But the other captains were less affected than Yang Jian.

At this time, gray-white paper dust fell again in the sky. It was the ghost realm of ghost paintings. However, the amount of paper dust falling was very rare and intermittent. This showed that He Yuelian's ghost realm had not yet been formed, but it was better than before. much better.

"If we continue at this speed, this supernatural conflict will be completely over in fifteen minutes at most, and the impact on us will be smaller the further we go from now on. We have to prepare early." Lu Zhiwen said.

"There is no need to prepare early, start taking action now. I can already use the ghost lake's supernatural power at this time. Although it is not much, there is no problem in starting the big flood plan." Yang Jian said with a cold expression.

"Then just release the evil ghosts in the ghost lake. If we don't feel good, don't make the other party feel better. They started the trouble first. It's time to let the other party suffer a little." Liu San immediately agreed with Yang Jian's idea. practice.

"The scope of influence of the ghost lake is much larger than that of the ghost ship. Once the ghost is released, there will be no room for recovery, and many people will die by then."'

Wang Chaling adjusted his glasses and said: "To be honest, those people organized by the king don't seem to care much about the deaths of ordinary people. The flood plan may not have the desired effect. If the other party is really afraid of our plan, This time we won’t drive the ghost ship directly to Dahai City, I think there seems to be something fishy in it.”

"Naughty? What do you say?" He Yin'er looked at him and asked.

Wang Chaling said: "Of course, this is just a conjecture. Whether it is the ghost ship plan or the flood plan, they are essentially releasing ghosts and making supernatural events out of control. Therefore, I guess that the real purpose of the other party is this, so they Don’t worry about our so-called flood plan. Some people were afraid of the big flood plan before, but it was just some people. The real decision-makers of the King’s organization seem to really want the supernatural to get out of control, and it doesn’t matter whether the out-of-control party is the other party or us, as long as the supernatural is out of control.”

"It's not good for anyone if the supernatural is completely out of control. Why would the people in the King's organization do such a thing? Do they want to live in a world full of supernatural beings?" He Yin'er frowned and expressed that it was difficult to understand.

Even if the captain has the ability to protect himself, he doesn't want to face supernatural events all day long, nor does he want to live in a world where ghosts roam.

"This is exactly what I can't figure out, so my idea is just a conjecture." Wang Chaling said.

Yang Jian said: "Maybe there are some tricks here, but I can't control that much. If I don't start the big flood plan, my ghost lake can't trap the ghosts, so I must release all the ghosts in the ghost lake, so that I can control it." Only in this way can the ghost lake regain its proper function, otherwise there will be no way to deal with the ghosts coming off the ghost ship."

"As for what the outcome will be, that's not what we should be thinking about now. If we can't pass this level, we will have no future at all. I'm going to start releasing the ghost lake. You guys should step back. It's best to go to higher places. This time I will The area covered by Ghost Lake will be somewhat large.”

"That's right. If we can't pass this level, we won't have a future." The others nodded and thought it made sense.

Immediately, all the captains retreated again. They came to stand on the roof of a nearby building to avoid being affected by Yang Jian's ghost lake.

A few more minutes passed by now.

The paranormal conflict between the Ghost Bus and the Ghost Ship has once again been reduced in impact.

At this time, Yang Jian's feet began to gradually seep out water, and not only his feet, but also the surrounding environment began to become moist, and the surrounding air also had a moist smell.

The water soon gathered more and more, starting from a small patch under your feet, and finally puddles all around. Then these puddles of different depths connected together, forming small ponds, and then the ponds gathered together again. It started to turn into a lake.

It's just that the lake is still small and not deep enough. It seems that you can touch the bottom of the lake with your hand, but soon, the water level of the lake continues to rise.

The pavement of nearby streets was submerged soon, then cars were submerged, and finally the shops on the first floor were submerged by the cold lake water.

As the ghost lake expands, it also continues to get deeper.

And the change isn't just here.

After the ghost lake in Dahai City appeared, it was immediately connected to waters invaded by ghost lakes all over the world.

There are many horrible corpses immersed in the depths of the lake. These corpses have not rotted for a long time and have not rotted all year round.

Because these corpses are not ordinary dead corpses, they are all ghosts.

After being imprisoned in the ghost lake, these evil ghosts could not leave and could only sink forever in the bottomless lake. However, these ghosts did not die. Once they left the ghost lake, these evil ghosts would revive in the shortest time.

Now, Yang Jian is about to launch a big flood plan.

These strange corpses that have accumulated for who knows how many years are about to be released.

Immediately, there were waves in the depths of the peaceful Ghost Lake.

A stream of water began to appear suddenly.

These currents wash away the dead bodies soaking in the lake, bringing them from the depths of the ghost lake to the surface.

An old corpse wearing a long robe that had been soaked and turned white came out of the water due to the movement of the current. Then it was beaten by the waves on the water and finally washed to the shore.

However, the place where the old corpse appeared was not in Dahai City, but in an unknown lake somewhere abroad.

Not long after the old corpse washed up on the shore, the soaked and white old corpse suddenly opened its eyes and woke up.

However, those were not the eyes of a living person. Those eyes were equally pale and empty.

In this way, a fierce ghost escaped from the confines of the ghost lake and woke up in reality.

And more than one corpse is like this, many corpses are in the same situation as this old corpse. After they surface, they appear in various places in reality, and then wake up.

As soon as the ghost was released, some places abroad were already affected.

For example, in the toilet of a house, the water in the toilet was bubbling and quickly became turbid. At the same time, the lights of the house also became dim inexplicably.

When the head of the household heard the noise and went to the toilet to check, he let out a terrified scream.

A rotten arm stretched out from the toilet. At the same time, the lights in the room exploded instantly, and the surrounding area fell into darkness. At the moment the lights went out, the head of the household vaguely saw a rotting corpse appearing in the toilet mirror. among.

For another example, in a swimming pool in a certain school, cold corpses emerged from the water one after another, and then floated on the water. In just a moment, the corpses floating on the water had completely covered their bodies. The pool is filled.

The smell of corpses filled the air, the cold breath spread, and the entire swimming pool was occupied by terrifying ghosts.

There are many similar situations, and supernatural beings are eroding every corner of foreign countries.

At the same time, the number of ghosts soaking in the ghost lake was decreasing at an alarming rate.

And as the number of ghosts decreases, the ghost lake's supernatural beings are also getting stronger, because there is no need to separate some of the supernatural beings to suppress those ghosts.

Therefore, the area of ​​ghost lakes in Dahai City is expanding at an alarming rate.

Fortunately, the other captains had evacuated the entire nearby area before the ghost ship appeared, otherwise Yang Jian's ghost lake would have drowned countless people.

But even so, he still controlled the scope as much as possible.

Because only people in this area have been evacuated, Dahai City is very large, and there are ordinary people in other areas. If the ghost lake is not controlled, only 40% of the ghost lake controlled by Yang Jian is enough to flood a city.

Yang Jian stood expressionless on the lake at this moment. He did not sink, but was controlling the ghost lake at his feet.

"It's just a matter of releasing the ghosts. Since the people of the King's organization have not attacked ordinary people in our country on a large scale, then I do not intend to set off a flood and submerge the opponent's city. I will let the people of the supernatural circle solve the matter of the supernatural circle."

He finally restrained himself.

Otherwise, if he uses Ghost Lake to affect the water area, he will flood many places abroad.

Yang Jian didn't want to take the initiative. He was also afraid that the kings in the king's organization would be provoked and stop attacking the ghost controllers, and instead directly attack the ordinary people in the city.

In the presence of a ghost domain, it only takes tens or even ten seconds to wipe out a city's population.

Therefore, both sides have restraint and do not want to go to that point.

"It's a ghost lake that makes people both love and fear it, but is this okay?" Liu San looked down at the nearby flooded area and couldn't help but ask.

Yang Jian heard the voice and said: "Now that there are no more imprisoned ghosts in the ghost lake, they have all been released. The ghost controllers organized by the king will probably have a headache, but releasing the ghosts is of no use to us now." The only effect of any help is to clear the ghost lake and prepare for the next imprisonment of the ghosts on the ghost ship.”

"The supernatural conflict is almost over now. Once the supernatural conflict is over, the ghosts on the ghost ship will no longer be affected. They may all disembark by then. However, the first thing these ghosts face when they get off the ship is the ghost lake. After passing the ghost lake, It is estimated that the number of ghosts in the future will not be particularly large. When the captain takes action, he should be able to control the losses caused by this ghost ship incident within a reasonable range."

"That's enough. Captains, we should prepare to fight tooth and nail." Lu Zhiwen said, and then looked at the others solemnly.

"Take action."

Immediately, all the captains spread out and surrounded the surrounding areas with the ghost ship as the center, forming a line of defense to prevent the ghosts from entering other areas of Dahai City.

Each captain has his own area of ​​responsibility and each bears some pressure.

Only Zhou Deng has been following He Yin'er, protecting the spiritualist in Taiping Ancient Town. Even the Faceless Man is stationed nearby and seems a little uneasy about He Yin'er.

"It's your turn now, Zhang Xianguang."

At this time, Yang Jian reached out and grabbed the lake at his feet, and he fished out a special corpse from the ghost lake.

Then the figure of a vicious dog was reflected under the water next to it, and there was a vague figure shaking next to the vicious dog.

But the figure quickly disappeared and seemed to merge with the body floating on the water in front of him.

next moment.

Zhang Xianguang, who lost the restrictions of ghost lake and ghost dream, suddenly opened his eyes.

His consciousness returned to his body and he woke up in reality.

"At this juncture, did Yang Jian choose to release Zhang Xianguang?" All the captains saw this scene.

But the captains did not object.

Because at this time, we really need any help.

After all, this battle cannot be lost.

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