Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1479 The supernatural being off the boat

"Where is this?"

Zhang Xianguang is now out of trouble and awake. His consciousness has been trapped in the world of ghost dreams for a long time, and he has been staying in that narrow classroom with no way to move freely. It is inevitable that he is a little uncomfortable now.

After moving his stiff and cold body, he slowly stood up from the water.

"This is Dahai City. The people organized by the king have decided to start a war in Dahai City. The current situation is not optimistic." Yang Jian said seriously.

Zhang Xianguang's eyes moved slightly. He glanced around, and finally his eyes rested on the intercepted ghost ship not far away. Although he didn't recognize the ghost ship, such a large ship was placed so abruptly in the city center. Its location cannot be ignored by anyone.

Although he didn't know any information about the ghost ship, Zhang Xianguang could feel the strange aura coming from the ghost ship just by standing here.

"That ship is indeed extraordinary." Zhang Xianguang said calmly.

Yang Jian replied: "This is just part of the crisis. The real danger is already hidden in this city. A group of top ghost masters organized by the king are now dormant and plan to take advantage of all of us to deal with supernatural incidents. There are a lot of them, and we can’t face the attacks of terrifying ghosts and top ghost masters at the same time, so tonight is destined to be difficult.”

"So, how do you want me to help you when you let me out this time?" Zhang Xianguang asked.

Yang Jian looked at the lake at his feet.

Then a cold corpse gradually floated up in the water. This corpse was holding an old broadsword in its hand. This broadsword was the supernatural weapon Zhang Xianguang used before.

Yang Jian picked up the supernatural weapon from the water and threw it towards Zhang Xianguang: "I won't restrain you, and I can't restrain you. Do what you are good at and help me kill as many kings from the king's organization as possible. As long as you kill them all With them, this war is over.”

Zhang Xianguang took over the familiar sword, his eyes still calm: "Even if you win the war with people, you can't win the war with ghosts. What is left after defeating the King's organization is... A mess.”

"If too many top ghost masters die today, the loss of control of supernatural beings will definitely intensify in the future. This is the general trend and it can never be changed. Maybe you should seriously consider my previous plan. After all, you now have the means to implement it. The conditions are just a hair’s breadth.”

Even Zhang Xianguang, who had just woken up, still did not forget his opportunity.

This is something he has planned for his whole life, and it is also a path he thinks is right, so he will always go on it unremittingly.

"I didn't let you out this time because of what you said." Yang Jian said: "If you can't kill at least two kings in this fight, I will suspect that you deliberately held back. You almost killed one of them in the beginning. Five of our captains died."

"Reality will prove that my method is right. You are still too young. But since those foreigners dare to make trouble, I will naturally deal with them. The two kings have too few heads." Zhang Xianguang said no more and carried the The big knife turned and left.

He quickly disappeared into the night after leaving the scope of the ghost lake.

At the moment Zhang Xianguang disappeared, the people in the King's organization began to worry, because they were facing a powerful ghost controller who was more terrifying than the captain, and they did not know any information about Zhang Xianguang.

It can be expected that the people in the King's organization will suffer a big loss from Zhang Xianguang.

Yang Jian felt a little relieved after watching Zhang Xianguang leave. The enemy would definitely be frightened by such a character hiding in the darkness.

"Now all the preparations that need to be made have been made. The only thing left is that Sister Hong did not appear in Dahai City." He then thought of the last foreign aid.

However, Sister Hong was too uncertain. This woman acted according to her own preferences and was very willful. Who knew if she would change her mind midway, so Yang Jian didn't count on her.

After releasing Zhang Xianguang, Yang Jian's ghost lake was completely emptied, leaving nothing but some supernatural items that he had left in the ghost lake.

So now Yang Jian no longer has to be distracted by anything else, but concentrates on staring at the ghost ship.

He was not the only one. The other captains were also surrounding the ghost ship, ready to deal with the ghosts at any time.

As the impact of the supernatural conflict continued to decrease, the ghost ship began to gradually undergo some changes.

Crunch, a loud crunching sound suddenly echoed.

The ghost ship that was originally stopped by the supernatural bus actually started to move slowly again at this time. The pile of scrap metal blocking the bus in front had completely lost its effect at this moment.

"This ship can still move after this?" Yang Jian's face sank, the situation was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He thought that after stopping the ghost ship, the ship would stop moving. Unexpectedly, the supernatural bus only temporarily stopped the ghost ship from moving forward, but did not completely stop it.

"Has my interception plan failed?" Yang Jian's eyes flickered. He had opened his ghost eyes at this moment and was observing the situation.

"No, it was not a complete failure. Although the ghost ship moved, the bow was seriously damaged, and the hull was still tilted, with no sign of recovery. Although the collision did not completely stop it, it interfered with the normal navigation of the ghost ship."

He found that although the ghost ship set sail again, its course was crooked and it was moving very slowly, as if it had lost most of its power.

Just after the ghost ship gradually recovered, the worst thing happened as expected.

Passengers began to come out one after another from the depths of the ghost ship's cabin. These passengers came to the deck and stood motionless, like statues. These passengers had strange figures, cold breaths, and no trace of living people.

"Here we come, the ghost in the cabin came out." Yang Jian immediately put away all his thoughts and focused directly on the ghost on the ghost ship.

"Captain, the evil ghost has come out. You should deal with it carefully." Li Yang stood on the building in the distance and shouted.

He is currently leading a team of seven people, including Tong Qian, Su Fan, Lin Long, Wen Zhong, Zhang Lei, and Liu Qi, to take charge of an area. With the cooperation of many people, they assume the responsibility of a captain.

"Just take care of yourself. Don't worry about the captain's affairs. Don't separate your team at any time, otherwise it will be easy to get lost here." Yang Jian replied, urging them at the same time.

Although these seven captain candidates are very powerful together, they will definitely be destroyed once they are separated and face the king-level ghost master.

As time passed, more and more strange figures gathered on the deck of the ghost ship, almost filling the entire deck. It looked densely packed and crowded.

And it's strange that so many evil ghosts gathered together without any supernatural conflict.

They seemed to be controlled by something, and their actions were somewhat unified.

"This number is really scary. Even the captain cannot fight so many ghosts at once."

Seeing the situation on the deck, many captains' expressions changed.

This is the first time they have faced so many ghosts. Although they have faced a large number of supernatural beings before, those are not real ghosts, just derivatives of supernatural beings, but the ghosts on this ghost ship are different.

"The ghosts started falling off the boat, as if there were too many people being squeezed off the boat." Liu San's eyelids twitched at this moment.

At this moment, one after another strange figures fell from the boat like dumplings.


However, underneath the ghost ship is Yang Jian's ghost lake. The ghosts who fell off the ship faced the ghost lake for the first time.

Some ghosts sank immediately after falling into the ghost lake, never floated again, and simply disappeared without a trace.

The ghosts in the ghost lake have been cleared by Yang Jian at this moment, so the ability to restrict the ghosts is now the strongest. Some ghosts that the ghost lake usually cannot control have to sink in the cold lake water now.

"Thanks to Yang Jian's Ghost Lake, he has reduced the number of ghosts to a minimum, but he still can't be careless. The ghosts that can escape from the Ghost Lake will be absolutely terrifying. If you encounter them, you can't have any luck."

Wang Chaling adjusted his glasses and observed silently. Four strange figures stood beside him, surrounding him.

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