Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1497 The sudden appearance of nails

The night in Dahai City has disappeared at this moment, and the sky in the distance is dimly lit, but the battle between the king and the captain is still going on.

At this moment, the entire supernatural circle is paying attention to the direction of this war.

Some people think that the final winner must be the King's Organization, because the King's Organization not only has a large number of people, but also successfully landed the ghost ship and released a boatload of ghosts. In this situation, it is impossible for the domestic captain to resist.

Some people also think that the captain is very strong and has a high probability of being able to withstand pressure and come back from desperate situations and create miracles.

As time passed by, information about Dahai City was also spread out one after another.

"Zhou Deng was killed by the three kings of the opponent team?"

In the conference room of Dadong City, Wang Guoqiang was connected with Cao Yanhua from the headquarters, paying close attention to the trends in Daedong City. However, when they heard such bad news, they were both stunned.

"The other party should have gone for the soul summoner He Yin'er. Obviously Zhou Deng was killed to protect He Yin'er. However, in the end, He Yin'er succeeded in summoning the soul. The other party's two kings, codenamed Projector and Clown, were damaged, leaving only One of the captains escaped." Wang Guoqiang said in a deep voice.

"At the same time, Wang Chaling and Lu Zhiwen were also attacked by many kings. It seems that the opponent's purpose is very clear. They want to reduce the number of our captains by joining forces in the first attack. If successful, , then we will be very passive in the next battle."

Cao Yanhua frowned deeply: "Wang Chaling, how is the situation over there with Lu Zhiwen now?"

"Wang Chaling is missing, and Lu Zhiwen is also missing." Wang Guoqiang shook his head slightly: "The current situation is not optimistic."

"Where is Yang Jian?" Cao Yanhua asked again.

Wang Guoqiang said: "Yang Jian was almost entangled by the manor owner, but fortunately he got away in time to go to support. Yang Jian chose He Yin'er for the first wave of support. I believe He Yin'er's side should be fine. "

"How is the situation with foreign aid?" Cao Yanhua asked while smoking a cigarette.

"The situation is unknown at the moment, but what is certain is that they all fought against the King's organization in Dahai City and did not retreat." Wang Guo said forcefully: "And Ye Zhen arrived in Dahai City first, and he took down a king codenamed Killer. This is an incredible record, and although other captains helped, it is undeniable that Ye Zhen’s contribution is undeniable.”

"It seems that both sides suffered casualties in the first attack, but we have to wait for the latest news to come out as to the outcome." Cao Yanhua probably understood the current situation.

At present, it seems that the members on our side who have clearly lost include Lin Long and A Hong, and the captains include Zhou Deng, Li Jun, and Cao Yang.

But the losses to the King's organization were even more serious. This time, the three kings, the Code Killer, the Joker, and the Projectionist, were lost in one fell swoop.

The reason why such a gain was achieved was because the opponent misjudged the strength of the soul summoner He Yin'er, and He Yin'er summoned the terrible cemetery master Luo Qian again, which made the opponent's three kings suddenly The kick hit the iron plate, instantly reducing the number of two people, and the loss was heavy.

Under normal circumstances, He Yin'er wouldn't be able to hold on for long after the three kings killed Zhou Deng.

But He Yin'er's counterattack made the situation at the headquarters suddenly improve a lot.

If Cao Yanhua and Wang Guoqiang had received the latest news at this moment, they would definitely not be so worried now, because at this time Wang Chaling not only killed a king, but also successfully survived with the support of Yang Jian, and Yang Jian During this time, he even killed two kings named Captain and Preacher one after another.

In addition, Zhang Xianguang also killed the code-named pianist and the butcher.

In this way, the kings that the opponent lost this time included a killer, a clown, a projectionist, a captain, a landlord, a preacher, a pianist, and a butcher, a total of eight kings.

Counting the scary old woman, the black man covered in oil paint, and the cowboys, the king organization has lost eleven kings.

Even if other kings were added later, the losses would still be heavy.

However, the news of Lu Zhiwen's murder has not spread yet, and the war is still going on and is not over.

I believe that a new king or captain will still die next.

"It's finally solved, and now I can finally go back to support others."

At the same time, Lin Bei from Dahai City breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. He couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead when he looked at the box in front of him where the devil was imprisoned.

He was lucky, although he almost encountered a king, but then the king disappeared again for some reason, but when he planned to go to support, he encountered a terrifying ghost again.

In order to imprison this terrifying ghost, Lin Bei had to spend some time and even pay a price. After all, the ghosts who can escape from the ghost lake are not simple things. If he is not careful, the captain may die in it. In the hands of Li Gui.

Therefore, even though Lin Bei was anxious, he had to deal with it carefully.

Leaving the mirror world again.

Lin Bei appeared on a street in Dahai City.

The sky was slightly bright at the moment.

But the area he was in was horribly sleepy. There was no one around, and there was a cold atmosphere everywhere. The air was even filled with the faint smell of corpses.

Lin Bei looked around, identifying the direction, and thinking about who he should support first.

"Go to Liu San's place first. Liu San has more information and may be able to understand the latest changes in the situation." He thought for a moment and immediately headed in the direction of Liu San.

However, just when Lin Bei was about to take action.


Lin Bei noticed something, and an inexplicable sense of crisis came to his heart, and then strong supernatural interference appeared around him.

"Is this... a ghost land? No, I'm being targeted."

Lin Bei suddenly stopped. He realized that there was a king dormant around him. That king had been secretly waiting for him to appear. He actually naively thought that he was a special case and had not been targeted.

He immediately counterattacked after realizing that he was covered by the opponent's ghost realm.

The mirror world that isolates reality appears again.

Lin Bei tried to use this method to prevent himself from being affected by the ghost realm, and this method was very useful.

There was nothing wrong with his decision-making.

However, an accident happened today. The mirror world that Lin Bei had just appeared seemed to have been severely damaged at this moment. With a shattering sound, the mirror world that could have isolated the supernatural was shattered at this moment.


Lin Bei suddenly opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

But the danger did not stop because of his shock.

As the mirror world was breached, the previous ghost realm once again enveloped him, and this time the ghost realm invasion carried a very deadly supernatural attack.

Lin Bei felt his body tremble, and then he seemed to have lost all his strength. He fell to the ground, hitting the ground hard, and finally rolled for an unknown number of times before he stopped.

"Is this... a coffin nail?"

Lin Bei seemed to be paralyzed at the moment, unable to move, but when he saw the familiar coffin nail inserted into his chest, he instantly understood what was going on.

Obviously, this coffin nail is not the one held by Yang Jian, but the one organized by the king.

"I didn't expect that I would be targeted by the king with the nails in the coffin. I'm really unlucky." Lin Bei tried to struggle at this moment, but to no avail. He understood in his heart what his fate would be.


A figure appeared on the calm street. The figure strode towards this side without any warning at all. It seemed that he was convinced that Lin Bei had lost the ability to resist and there was nothing to be afraid of now.

"You are the first captain to die on this nail, but you will definitely not be the last." A calm voice sounded.

Lin Bei tried to raise his head to see the person clearly, but he couldn't even do this. The whole person was like a corpse, unconscious.

"Am I going to die here like this? What's going on? I haven't lost yet." He shouted angrily in his heart, wanting to resume his actions and fight the man in front of him.

But the suppression of the coffin nail was too unresolvable.

At this moment, Lin Bei realized the powerlessness and unwillingness of those enemies when facing Yang Jian.

Facing the nail in the coffin, no matter how many methods you have, it will be useless. Once it is penetrated, all the supernatural powers in the body will be silent.

"You can see the strong unwillingness in your eyes, but I don't have time to listen to your story. I will deal with you as soon as possible. I have to deal with the next target." The man finally stood in front of Lin Bei. Then a heavy and old hammer was slowly picked up.

Lin Bei's eyes suddenly shrank.

As the hammer fell, Lin Bei seemed to hear the sound of his head breaking.

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