Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1498 Respective losses

At this moment, Yang Jian and Wang Chaling successfully escaped from the strange supernatural space and returned to reality.

Also returning to reality were the four dead souls around Wang Chaling.

Yang Jian finally succeeded in getting Wang Chaling's parents, grandparents out of the building. If he didn't do this, Wang Chaling, who had no inheritance of the dead soul, would instantly fall from the captain level to an ordinary ghost controller. In this case, it is not advisable to compromise one's own strength.

Therefore, Yang Jian still focused on the overall situation, put aside some personal grudges, and chose to help Wang Chaling.

"Based on the current time point, the first attack organized by the King should have ended. Whether we win or lose, I believe there will be a result soon. Although I don't care much about other people's situations, there must have been someone at this moment. Many people must have died in this battle."

Wang Chaling looked weak at the moment, and he spoke feebly, as if he had been severely injured and has not recovered yet.

"Deaths and injuries are inevitable, but as long as the opponent's losses are more serious than ours, the war will be considered won." Yang Jian said calmly, he had already been prepared in his heart.

Wang Chaling said: "I can't participate in the next battle with the king. My current physical condition is very bad. I can at most help deal with supernatural incidents, so I have to find a place to recover in the next period of time. If I were to face a king-level ghost master in this state, I would definitely be killed."

He fell into the hands of missionaries before. In order not to be killed, he used too much supernatural power, and now he is somewhat supernaturally unbalanced.

Fortunately, Wang Chaling had a way to prolong the recovery of the evil ghost. This was what his parents told him when they summoned the ghost last time, so Wang Chaling could not die for the time being, but he had to leave the scene temporarily.

"Since you said so, just rest for a while and wait until your condition recovers before participating in the action."

Yang Jian did not refuse, because he could also see that Wang Chaling was indeed in a bad state. If he continued to hold on, he might even die from the ghost's resurrection.

"Thank you for your understanding."

Wang Charing nodded, and then promised: "I will kill another king after I recover. This time I am facing the attack of three kings at the same time. I will be in this situation. If it is a single pair If I am alone, I am confident that I can kill anyone on the other side."

He has grown a lot after this incident, and his words reveal confidence.

Apparently he has begun to understand the importance of himself, the third generation of the Wang family, and has a clear positioning for himself.

"Don't be overconfident. There are some extraordinary beings among the other kings, which will be fatal if you encounter them." Yang Jian reminded.

Wang Chaling said: "I don't think I will be so unlucky that I will meet such an opponent by chance, but I will still remember your reminder, but I will not participate in the next thing, so you need to pay more attention."

"Of course." Yang Jian nodded.


Yang Jian and Wang Chaling separated. He had to deal with other things and had no time to stay here and chat with Wang Chaling.

What Wang Chaling said at the beginning was right. The first attack organized by the king is probably over at this moment, but this also means that the second attack will come soon, and what kind of outcome will this second attack have? No one knew how to start, so Yang Jian felt it was necessary to contact other captains to determine the current situation.

Take a look.

Yang Jian did not hesitate and immediately headed towards the area where Liu San was. After all, in this case, only Liu San's paper man could obtain all the information in the shortest time.

As the ghost realm covered him, he disappeared immediately.

When he appeared again, Yang Jian had already appeared in the area where Liu San was, and Liu San's paper man had already appeared next to Yang Jian.

However, the paper figure of Liu San stood motionless, without any movement.

"Liu San." Yang Jian tried to shout, but there was no response.

He walked over and reached out to touch it. Liu San's paper man immediately lost his balance and fell to the ground. His stiff body was even more stretched and straight, without any softness.


Yang Jian suddenly frowned. He found that Liu San's paper man no longer had supernatural powers. Now he was just a simple paper man. Standing here, it could not play any role except to infiltrate people.

"Obviously the paper man is intact, but the supernatural power that maintained the paper man's existence has disappeared. Is this a hidden danger left after the battle with the king, or is Liu San also encountering something unexpected?"

He suddenly had some bad suspicions.

Because only the ghost controller is completely restricted and unable to use supernatural powers, this kind of paper man will also fall silent together. Under normal circumstances, even if Liu San's paper man has his head cut off and his body dismembered, the remaining The supernatural power can still make the paper figures move.

"Look for it." Yang Jian's ghost eyes opened again, and he scanned the nearby streets.

There are many paper figures left on the street at this moment. These paper figures are the same as the one just now. They have completely lost their spirituality and stand motionless on the street.

And with the spread of Yang Jian's ghost realm, the number of such paper figures has increased.

"What kind of danger did Liu San encounter? He actually broke so many paper figurines." Yang Jian thought to himself.

When his ghost domain covered a building, a paper man standing in the middle of the building lobby did not remain silent at this moment. Instead, he suddenly twisted his neck and looked in the direction of Yang Jian.

"Sure enough, there are still moving paper figures." Yang Jian immediately took a step forward.

Taking this step, he ignored the distance in reality and came directly to the lobby of the building, where he saw the movable paper man just now.

"Yang Jian, you're here." The paper man spoke. It was obvious that his move just now was specifically designed to attract Yang Jian.

"You seem to be in a bad situation, do you need help?" Yang Jian said calmly, and then he paid attention to the building.

There is no danger here, no enemies, and there is only one paper figure in front of you in the whole building.

Liu San's paper man shook his head and said: "No need. I fought with that king for a while before, and both sides suffered some losses. In the end, the other party saw that he couldn't kill me for a long time, so he didn't want to continue with me. , the king has retreated now, it’s a pity that I couldn’t keep him.”

There was a hint of helplessness in his words.

"Which king are you fighting for?" Yang Jian asked.

"The old man at Xiangjiang Pier, holding up a withered hand." Liu San said: "This person is called a coffin bearer in the king's organization."

"It's normal that you can't kill that guy. That guy is extraordinary. Even I can't handle the coffin in my hand. If you really want to kill him, you probably won't survive either," Yang Jian said.

"Yes, I have evaluated my and his strength. If I want to kill him, I will have to pay the price with my life. I guess the other party is also aware of this, otherwise he will not retreat in time." Liu San said.

Yang Jian continued: "Since the other party has retreated, my previous estimate is correct. The first round of attacks organized by the king should have ended. Now I want to know the situation of all the captains. You should have arranged for the paper men to be there before. Come near the captain."

"Captain Yang, you know everything about the ghost domain coverage, why did you make a special trip to find me?" Liu San became a little confused.

Yang Jian's ghost domain covers not only the nearby area, but also the entire Dahai City.

"The supernatural interference is serious. My ghost domain cannot cover this area as desired. Moreover, there are still residual supernatural beings nearby that have not been cleaned up. I don't have time to investigate them one by one." Yang Jian said.

"I understand, I'll contact the others right away." Liu San nodded and began to control the other paper figures to move.

Yang Jian's guess was correct.

There are Liu San's paper figures hidden in various places in Dahai City. Each of these paper figures has its own role. Even though many paper figures were destroyed in the previous battle with the king, many paper figures still survived.

Yang Jian stood aside quietly waiting for the news from Liu San.

It didn't take long for Liu San to quickly grasp the current changes in the situation. He immediately said: "The situation is not optimistic."

"Elaborate." Yang Jian frowned.

"I did a preliminary investigation and found that several captains seemed to have lost contact. My paper man couldn't contact them. I guess they probably encountered an accident." Liu San's paper man said.

"I know something happened to Zhou Deng. Besides him, are there any other captains who have been lost?" Yang Jian's expression became solemn.

Liu San's paper man nodded and said: "It has been confirmed just now that Lu Zhiwen seems to be dead. He was attacked by three kings. Although He Yuelian came to support him midway, the opponent was very decisive and chose to kill Lu Zhiwen before evacuating."

"Except Lu Zhiwen, I saw his body in the area where Lin Bei was responsible. His body was mutilated, his head was smashed, his consciousness was gone, and even the supernatural beings in his body were stripped away. I guess Lin Bei was assassinated by a king, and the thing that killed Lin Bei was probably coffin nails, because Lin Bei's body showed no signs of struggle, and only after being nailed by coffin nails could the contents of his body be taken away so easily. Supernatural power.”

Then, another piece of bad news came.

"What? Lu Zhiwen and Lin Bei are gone?" Yang Jian's expression suddenly changed.

If Zhou Deng is included, three captains have been lost within half an hour today.

"One died from being surrounded and killed by the three kings, and the other died from the nails in the opponent's coffin. This result is also expected. After all, the opponent came prepared. Although we have taken good precautions, there is still a gap in strength. Here, casualties are unavoidable." There was a hint of emotion and helplessness in the tone of Liu San's paper figure.

In fact, this is the best result.

If Yang Jian hadn't provided timely support, He Yin'er and Wang Chaling might have died.

"With such damage, we no longer have the ability to deal with the next attack." Yang Jian said in a suppressed voice.

Liu San's paper man said: "Captain Yang, although we have suffered heavy losses, the other party's losses seem to be even worse. My paper man has found two strange corpses. Through identification, it is certain that they are both kings of the King's Organization."

"Who killed him?" Yang Jian asked.

"Judging from the traces at the scene, it should be Zhang Xianguang's hand. He seemed to be secretly hunting the king, and he succeeded at least twice." Liu San said.

Yang Jian felt a little relieved when he heard such words.

His painstaking efforts were not in vain, and he released Zhang Xianguang from the world of ghost dreams despite the pressure.

If Zhang Xianguang suddenly rebelled, then he, the law enforcement captain, would have to bear full responsibility. Now that Zhang Xianguang has killed the two kings, it undoubtedly proves how correct his previous choices were, and it also greatly helped change the situation.

"It seems that no one took much advantage in this encounter. Although the King's organization had premeditation, we were also prepared and prepared some countermeasures."

At this point, Yang Jian changed the topic: "Liu San, help me notify all the surviving captains and ask them to assemble. I want to make sure how many of us can move at this moment."

"Are you going to ignore the rest of the supernatural events?" Liu San's paper man asked.

Yang Jian said: "We can't control it anymore. If we continue to control it, we will be wiped out by the group. We have to reunite the team, evaluate our strength, and see if we can concentrate our efforts to defeat the King's organization at once. The remaining supernatural incidents that have not been dealt with can be dealt with later. .”

"And after previous handling, I believe that even if a supernatural event occurs, the loss will be within the tolerable range."

"Okay, now that you've decided, let's do it." Liu San didn't object. After all, no matter what choice you make, you have to pay the corresponding price.

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