Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1607 Extra: Soul Calling (1)

Ohara City.

The newly built Taiping Town sixty years ago has now become an ancient town full of age.

The mottled walls and uneven green brick roads bear witness to the prosperity of this small town.

But things have changed and people have changed, and now this town is lonely again.

Only some elderly residents still live in the town. Most people have gradually moved away due to various reasons. Only during the tourist season do some foreign tourists come to visit.

There is an ancestral hall in Taiping Town.

Even after many years, outsiders are still prohibited from entering.

At night, the ancestral hall is empty and deserted, but it has been maintained for sixty years and there is no sign of dilapidation.

Today, incense is still lit in the ancestral hall as usual, and a faint scent of sandalwood fills the air.


A middle-aged woman about fifty, wearing an old floral dress, was standing motionless in front of the rows of memorial tablets. She looked at the names on the memorial tablets, her eyes slightly complicated, as if she was recalling something. matter.

She is He Yin'er.

The last person in Taiping Ancient Town.

He is also the last generation of spiritualists.

"The new generation of supernatural recovery has begun. According to normal circumstances, as the spiritual summoner of Taiping Ancient Town, I should start to train new ghost masters at this time, reopen the ghost streets, strengthen Taiping Ancient Town again, and even find the right people. Succeed me and become the fifth generation spiritualist."

He Yin'er sighed faintly at this moment: "I have even made a lot of plans and preparations for this, and I have even begun to plan to take action, but it is not necessary."

"Yang Jian is still alive. He has become that unique being who has the ability to completely end the supernatural era. As the fourth generation spiritualist in Taiping Ancient Town, it is better to stop it and let this place become an ordinary town. The unfortunate supernatural There is no need to continue passing it on.”

After thinking for a long time, He Yin'er made a difficult decision.

She gave up her career that she had worked hard for for sixty years and was willing to be swallowed up by the peaceful era. She was unwilling to let the name of a spiritualist appear in the supernatural circle again.

"Without the soul-callers, there is no need to keep the secrets of this ancestral hall." He Yiner thought for a while, and then took out all the relics that had been treasured for a long time under each spiritual tablet.

These relics were originally passed down from generation to generation as the foundation of spiritualists, in order to fight against those terrifying ghosts.

But now, these relics have lost their value, because there will no longer be evil spirits roaming around outside.

"It's not a good thing to disturb the souls of the dead, but they should also know that today, the supernatural era is over and they can rest in peace."

He Yin'er looked at the pile of old objects in front of her. She took a deep breath, and then her eyes instantly became determined. Without the slightest hesitation, she directly used the psychic ability of the spiritual summoner.

Use relics as a medium to summon the souls of the dead to linger in reality.

The returning souls will have all the supernatural powers they had during their lifetime and can help the spiritual callers deal with various supernatural dangers.

However, the summoned souls also have memories of their lives, so there are many uncertainties. It is very likely that the awakened souls will be hostile to the soul summoner, and may even attack the soul summoner without hesitation. Therefore, soul summoning is a very important thing. Risky things.

He Yin'er touched a pile of relics, and strange white smoke began to fill the surroundings.

The supernatural power of summoning souls affects this ancestral hall.

After many years, that familiar cold atmosphere filled the air again.

"The spirits summoned this time are very dangerous. They are all the top ghost masters during the Republic of China. Once they lose control, I may even be killed." He Yin'er couldn't help but slowly retreat at this moment, trying to get away from the smoke as much as possible. A shrouded place.


He Yin'er retreated to the door of the ancestral hall.

At the same time, several cold and strange figures emerged from the thick smoke.

"I didn't expect that I would still wake up. This kind of supernatural power should be the spirit summoner of Taiping Ancient Town."

A hoarse and lifeless voice echoed, representing the resurrection of the ghost master of the Republic of China who had passed away.

"Luo Qian, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. What happened this time? The spiritual summoner actually summoned us old guys in one go." Another old but cold voice responded.

Out of the white smoke walked out an old man with corpse stains on his face and a cold body. His name was Luo Wensong, who was the first manager of the ghost post office.

"I didn't find any other ghosts around. Are the spiritualists using relics indiscriminately? It's not a rational behavior to squander all the relics left by several of us in one go. Ahem."

There was a slight cough, but it was a hunched old woman who slowly walked out of the white smoke carrying an old bamboo basket.

"Meng Xiaodong? It's so interesting. I didn't expect that we people would get together again after so many years of death." Then, a sweet laughter sounded, like a female ghost echoing in the mountains and forests, which made people feel inexplicably scared. fear.

A flash of red light shone out from the thick white smoke, and a strange, graceful, young and beautiful woman wearing a cheongsam emerged.

"Zhang Youhong? I really envy you. You died earlier than me, and now you are still so young when the souls of the dead are resurrected." After Meng Xiaodong finished speaking, he sighed: "It's a pity that I can't see my elder brother. Even the soul summoner can't save him." Invite."

"Luo Qian, Luo Wensong, Meng Xiaodong, Zhang Youhong. It's interesting. I can probably guess the reason why we old antiques got together." There is a figure emerging in the smoke, a blind old man with skinny skin, but at this moment his face is... Appeared with a smile.

His name was Zhang Bohua, and he was the last survivor of the Republic of China.

"Zhang Bohua, the moment I saw you, I roughly understood that it should be the one-in-a-million special case you mentioned." A tall black figure suddenly appeared at this moment, his whole body shrouded in shadow, It gives people a sense of suffocating oppression.

This person is Li Qingzhi, who once blocked a supernatural place by himself.

The appearance of this person also represents the reappearance of the top ghost control team from the Republic of China period.

Just because of the special nature of Zhang Dong, even if there are relics left behind, there is no way for the soul to return.

"A one-in-a-million exception? Who is it? I just scanned the ghost area for a hundred kilometers. Except for the spirit summoner at the door, there is not a single ghost controller. I don't even see a ghost, let alone the spirit summoner. It’s that special case. Although she’s not bad, she’s not qualified for me to weigh her.”

Luo Wensong squinted his eyes and tapped his thighs with his fingers covered with corpse spots. He exuded a strong dangerous aura and seemed to be ready to take action at any time.

"Calm down, Luo Wensong, don't think about taking action even if you disagree. Now that you have determined the surrounding situation, you should know that the biggest abnormality in the supernatural era without supernatural beings." Li Qingzhi said.

"So, it's not that there are no ghosts around here, but that the ghosts have been dealt with, so it's so peaceful outside?" Cemetery owner Luo Qian's dead eyes rolled slightly, and then stopped at He Yin'er at the door.

"Who, who successfully ended the supernatural era?"

At this moment, Zhang Bohua became slightly excited. He did not expect that what he had been waiting for his whole life would actually succeed today.

Zhang Youhong on the side turned her eyes and showed a frivolous smile. Meng Xiaodong's face condensed and he also looked at He Yin'er seriously.

The six top ghost masters from the Republic of China period are all waiting for the answer.

He Yin'er can be regarded as someone who has seen strong winds and waves, but she is still under great pressure at this moment. She calmed down and said: "You are all seniors in the supernatural circle. Many things do not require me to explain too much, and you also guess It has exceeded the purpose of recruiting you."

"The age of supernatural beings has completely ended. We will no longer need the soul summoners in Taiping Ancient Town, nor will we need you dead souls to reappear in the world. So this is my last time to summon souls. I want you to see this beautiful scene." s future."

"Of course, I am not the one who ends the supernatural era."

"Where is he? There is still time to summon souls. With my ability, I still have time to rush to see him." Zhang Bohua asked immediately.

Luo Wensong narrowed his eyes: "It won't work if it's too far away. I also want to leave some time to weigh this young man."

"Luo Wensong, save it. The person who can end the supernatural era has definitely surpassed any of us. If you want to weigh others, you are probably not qualified." Luo Qian said unceremoniously with a dead face. Strike.

"So, where is the person?" Meng Xiaodong said.

He Yin'er immediately replied: "He is everywhere."

As soon as these words came out.

The six top ghost masters of the Republic of China were immediately stunned, and then looked around again.

"So that's it. Do you need a medium to see it?" Li Qingzhi quickly reacted and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, what is the medium?"

"A name, when the supernatural appears and someone calls out that name, it will definitely appear." He Yin'er took out a newspaper at this moment.

The newspaper was published three months ago and was sold privately by a reporter named He Feng. I heard that the reporter named He Feng was later locked up and investigated for this reason, but he was later released due to some reasons.

The newspaper only has one page, describing the ghosts in this world and some hidden facts.

But in the middle of the newspaper, there were two big characters written, which took up almost half of the newspaper.

"Is this name the media?" Meng Xiaodong's expression changed slightly as he looked at the newspaper, seeming to have an impression of this name.

Luo Wensong said: "Zhang Bohua, let me be the first to meet this person who can end the supernatural era."

After the words fell, he shouted the name without hesitation.

"Yang Jian!"

As long as the conditions are met, these two words are already taboo in the supernatural world. When they are shouted out at this moment, the sky above this ancient town of Taiping immediately changes.

The night sky was suddenly shrouded in a bright golden light.

A staircase leading to the sky appeared in the golden light.

Those steps were as dazzling as if they were made of gold, and at the end of the steps stood a figure that no one dared to look directly at.

Ordinary people could not see the figure clearly, they could only vaguely see it. The figure was holding a red spear and had a terrifying eye on its forehead.

And with the appearance of this figure, the entire Taiping Ancient Town seemed to be enveloped in fire and burning.

The burning fire did not have any impact on the ordinary people sleeping at night, but many strange and terrifying ghosts could be seen in the sea of ​​​​fire. Those ghosts wailed in the fire and made piercing screams, just like hell. generally.

The six top ghost masters from the Republic of China frowned slightly at this moment and looked up at the invisible, god-like figure in the sky without saying a word.

As seniors in the supernatural world, they can clearly feel how terrifying that person in the sky is who is said to be able to end the supernatural era.

However, the more this happens, the more restless they become.

"Can the six of us join forces to weigh this one-in-a-million special case that can end the supernatural era?" Luo Wensong narrowed his eyes, still ready to make a move.

Several people were slightly moved when they heard this.

If the six of them are no match for themselves, then the future of this world will be really bright.

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