Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 1608 Extra: Soul Calling (2)

The souls of the dead who appear in this world due to soul summoning can only stay for a short time, so these top ghost masters during the Republic of China want to take advantage of their last waking moments to meet the person who is rumored to be able to end the age of supernatural beings.

And the fastest way to get to know a person is undoubtedly to try him out.

It only takes one supernatural confrontation for them to understand the weight of the person in front of them.

So what Luo Wensong said is not wrong.

Several people looked at the figure shrouded in golden light in the sky. They all said nothing, but they exuded a cold and dangerous aura.

"Are you really going to take action?"

He Yin'er's face moved slightly at this moment. This situation was no longer under her control, unless she lifted the spirit summons and forcibly quelled the conflict.

However, it doesn't seem necessary.

The older generation didn't rush to kill Yang Jian, they just wanted to see Yang Jian's strength.

Thinking of this, He Yin'er stepped back again, trying to avoid being affected.

"Time is limited, I'll come first." Luo Wensong slowly walked out of the ancestral hall at this moment.

With his appearance, the surrounding light dimmed, making people feel like they were in a ghost post office that was about to turn off the lights.

The surrounding will-o'-the-wisps were burning, trying to engulf Luo Wensong, and even want to pull him into the hell where countless ghosts were trapped. However, the burning will-o'-the-wisps were blocked by the ghost realm that belonged to him.

But even so.

The hell that was like a raging fire was still extremely hot.

This kind of scorching heat can roast the ghost master alive, and even a ghost master of Luo Wensong's level will not feel comfortable.

"This kind of supernatural fire is not terrifying, but it becomes extremely terrifying when it is fed by countless ghosts. Sure enough, the person who can end the supernatural era should not be underestimated. You cannot weigh him alone. We have to do it together."

Luo Qian's dead eyes turned slightly at this moment. He also walked out of the ancestral hall, and as soon as he appeared, the ground around him began to be covered with thick layers of grave soil.

The grave soil merged into Luo Wensong's ghost realm, and their supernatural powers superimposed on each other, forming a dark cemetery that could bury many ghosts.

With the appearance of the dark cemetery, the terrifying heat was offset by the cold aura.

However, they are not in the state they were in when they were alive, and they cannot remain in a stalemate for too long, so they must make a quick decision without procrastination. Otherwise, once the soul summoning time is over, they will only waste this opportunity for recovery.

Luo Wensong squinted his eyes, still staring at the figure in the sky.

The doors and windows in the entire Taiping town began to shake violently at this moment. Behind every door and window there seemed to be a terrifying ghost figure lingering. Those figures were restless at the moment and began to impatiently want to open the doors and windows in front of them. From unknown sources The supernatural depths invade into reality.

"Boom, boom!"

A dull and suppressed knock on the door suddenly echoed.

Then the number of knocks on the door gradually increased. In just a few seconds, dense knocks on the door sounded near the ancestral hall.

Mortal supernatural beings are superimposed in the shortest possible time.

"Luo Wensong is serious. It's rare to see him take this seriously." Meng Xiaodong, who was still in the ancestral hall, moved his face slightly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Zhang Youhong next to him chuckled softly: "In our time, there were only a few ghost masters in the supernatural circle who were worthy of Luo Wensong's full strength. He finally woke up. With his character, of course he would not miss this opportunity, and the other party is He claims to have ended the existence of the supernatural age, but if he still holds the idea of ​​educating future generations, I'm afraid his old face will be completely disgraced by then."

"Besides, if the opponent can't even defeat Luo Wensong and Luo Qian, what qualifications does he have to stand above us and act like a ghost?"

"Not bad." A tall figure strode over, and Li Qingzhi replied in a deep voice: "So let's not stand here and watch the show, be ready to take action at any time, and see where the opponent's limit is. I also want to know Is he alone worthy of all of us joining forces?"

Zhang Youhong smiled frivolously and said: "In my opinion, he deserves at most five of you to join forces. If I were to take action, I would be really afraid of accidentally beating this young man to death."

"The speed of your supernatural superposition is too slow, and the time for summoning souls is not enough for you to do this. And don't be too confident. Whether you can defeat us old guys will soon be the result." Zhang Bohua was still at this moment. He raised his head and seemed to be looking at the figure in the sky.

It's a pity that his eyes are blind and he has long been unable to see the outside world clearly. He can only feel the presence of that figure.

At this moment, in the middle of the conversation, the terrifying supernatural attack was already brewing.

There was a sound of a series of doors and windows being smashed open.

Luo Wensong's fatal supernatural attacks have been superimposed to the extreme at this moment.

At this moment, the sky shrouded in golden light dimmed instantly, and the steps that looked like they were made of gold were instantly eroded clean by a terrifying supernatural force.

The sky was once again shrouded in cold darkness.

Day and night completed the alternation at this moment.

However, the figure that was shouted out still stood motionless in the mid-air, but without the background of various strange phenomena, the figure was no longer mysterious, but became a bit cold and terrifying, and the energy emanating from that eye was also It was no longer golden light, but scarlet like blood.

Scarlet light instantly covered it, colliding with the darkness that soaked the sky.

But soon, the supernatural collision came to fruition.

Darkness swallowed everything, and a fatal supernatural attack fell on the figure. The red light that had just appeared seemed to suddenly extinguish at this moment.

"Succeeded?" Luo Qian's dead eyes moved slightly, as if looking for some clues.

Luo Wensong said nothing, and his old face covered with corpse spots was particularly solemn.

His expression told everyone the result.


A flash of red light lit up again in the darkness. Facing the endless darkness, this flash of red light was like a wisp of sparks in the strong wind, and it seemed that it might be extinguished at any time.

But this ray of red light is extremely tenacious, and no matter how terrifying the mortal supernatural being is, there is no way to extinguish it.

If the mortal spirit cannot make the other party die, it means that Luo Wensong's attack has failed.

Luo Qian reacted and took action immediately.

The ray of red light in the darkness was extinguished again, and countless graves surged, directly burying it.

Moreover, the grave soil squirmed, adding layers upon layers, as if it was pulling it into a bottomless abyss.

"Has it been buried?" Luo Qian was unsure at this moment.

He has buried countless evil ghosts in his life, but today he is not as confident as before that he can leave them in his own cemetery.

That ray of red light is like the fire of hope, which can neither be swallowed up by darkness nor buried in the grave.

Although small, it can set the whole world on fire.


The red light appeared again.

In the red light, a figure walked towards him holding a spear.

An indifferent voice echoed: "If you woke up sixty years ago, I might not be your opponent, but today, you still want to weigh me, and you really can't understand the importance."

"Not to mention that it is Luo Qian and Luo Wensong who are taking action now. Even if you, a seven-member team from the Republic of China, gather together, they are still not qualified. I have exceeded the limit of a ghost controller and have embarked on an unprecedented path."

"In that case, let us old guys who have come to an end see what kind of supernatural power a person who can single-handedly end this supernatural era possess." Luo Wensong narrowed his eyes and said.

As he finished speaking, Zhang Youhong, Meng Xiaodong, Zhang Bohua and Li Qingzhi also walked out of the ancestral hall.

The result of the confrontation just now was obvious. Luo Qian and Luo Wensong lost. Not only that, but they didn't even test out each other's supernatural power.

The gap seems to be wider than imagined.

If you still want to save some face, six people must join forces, and they can't be careless.

"If you want to see it, then I will satisfy you. Let me use the supernatural power to end this era to send you, the old-timers of the Republic of China, on your way."

Yang Jian's footsteps stopped at this moment, and his figure was revealed in the red light.

"I see. No wonder the attack just now was useless to you. You don't exist in the present?" Luo Qian saw the clues at this moment. His grave soil could only bury the present, not the past and the future.

Yang Jian responded indifferently: "I exist in the past, present and future."

Then, his voice echoed over the small town again, and there seemed to be countless accents in the voice.

"I say, the darkness before your eyes will dissipate."

"It's a superposition of supernatural beings." Luo Wensong's eyes narrowed, a little horrified.

The speed of this supernatural superposition is too terrifying. It seems to be completed in an instant, as if the person in front of me really exists in the past, present and future.

With just one word, the darkness shrouding the town was instantly torn apart, making it impossible to resist.

"I said, the grave soil in front of me disappeared immediately." The voice echoed in the sky came again.

It's like God is giving orders and no one can disobey them.

Luo Wensong's palms twitched slightly at this moment, and he was extremely horrified in his heart.

No one knows the situation in front of him better than him.

This man opened his mouth and spoke as if he was making a wish to a ghost, allowing the supernatural power to interfere with reality and realize everything he wanted. This kind of supernatural power was originally extraordinary, but now through countless supernatural superpositions, this kind of wish-like effect has been made The supernatural has become the legendary golden saying.

Moreover, the price of supernatural beings was directly ignored.

"We can't win against such a person." Meng Xiaodong was silent at this moment. She did not take action, but she knew that even if she could exist in the past, she could not block this person's past.

Because this person's past is more terrifying than his own.

"There is no need to take action. Even if I return to my prime, if I take action against him, I will be dead in one encounter." Li Qingzhi also spoke, and he frankly admitted that he was no match.

The next moment, the grave soil that buried everything disappeared.

Taiping Town returned to its previous appearance, as if nothing had changed.

"If you want to weigh him, I'm afraid you have to come here from Zhang Dong." Zhang Bohua said in a low voice.

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