Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 209 Appointment

"To perfectly control the ghost shadow, I need to use the ghost rope and the ghost mirror's ability."

"After talking so much nonsense, you successfully aroused my curiosity, so what's the method?" Yang Jian narrowed his eyes.

The writing on the human skin paper disappeared completely, leaving only a line of large black characters: Integrate the ghost shadow into the body and then hang yourself with a ghost rope in front of the ghost mirror.

Seeing this method appearing on the human skin paper, Yang Jian was shocked and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

An inexplicable fear surged into my heart, making me feel chilly and chilly all over.

Incorporate the ghost shadow into the body, and then hang himself with a ghost rope in front of the ghost mirror?

In just one sentence, three fatal endings were revealed.

First of all, the ghost shadow is completely integrated into the body, and death is inevitable.

Once the ghost is out of control, his body will immediately fall apart, and he may even take off his own head when he is unable to sleep. This is why the ghost has always been restricted outside the body.

Hanging yourself with a ghost rope is the second fatal outcome.

The ghost rope has been revived. Once entangled, anyone will be dead. Even the ghost controller will have a hard time escaping. Not every ghost controller has the shroud on Ye Feng, which can isolate the attacks of other ghosts.

Stand in front of the ghost mirror.

That's even more impossible.

He could clearly see the situation of his eldest cousin Shangguan Yun before. Once the ghost mirror shines on it, it will leave your shadow. That shadow is not you, but the ghost in the mirror. This point has changed from This can be seen from Zhang Wei’s experience.

Once you stand in front of the ghost mirror for a long time.

Yang Jian will be locked in the mirror, and the ghost who replaces him will appear.

This is the third fatal ending.

And this human parchment actually allowed him to do it all in one go.

This is simply suicide.

If there was an award for the best suicide attempt in this world, Yang Jian felt that no one could beat him with this skill, and the trophy would be properly placed in front of his grave.

However, writing continued to appear on the human skin paper.

"If you want to perfectly control a ghost, you must revive the ghost. Using a ghost rope to commit suicide can perfectly stimulate the complete recovery of the ghost shadow. Even if there are ghost eyes in the body, it cannot suppress it. Once the ghost shadow is successfully revived, It will completely take away my body. This is a certain death outcome, but this is also the prerequisite for perfectly controlling a ghost."

"The ghost in the ghost mirror can put me into the mirror. However, the ability of the ghost mirror is useless to other ghosts. After I die, the ghost shadow will completely revive, and I will form a special self after committing suicide in front of the ghost mirror. The situation is that the ghost shadow controlling the body and the ghost mirror are fighting for my body."

"So who will win in the end?"

"No one will win. The final winner will only be me. When my head came out of the ghost mirror again, I was resurrected. At the same time, the fight between the ghost mirror and the ghost shadow disappeared. I perfectly controlled my body. The ghost inside."

When Yang Jian saw this terrifying and crazy method, he felt it was unbelievable but also kind of fucking reasonable.

This is like using the characteristics between ghosts to artificially create a logical infinite loop.

The final result was that the two ghosts died together, and the third party, Yang Jian, became the final winner.

"You are such a fucking genius. You can actually think of this method."

Yang Jian stared at the piece of human skin paper, with fear in his heart but also an urge to act.

If he really succeeds, his body will be completely transformed into a ghost.

How could this not be powerful enough?

However, the sentence below on the human skin paper made him blush: "Of course, there is a possibility of failure in this method. If I fail, I will hang from the ceiling and successfully complete a wave of perfect suicides. No one dares to come and collect my body.”

Not 100% successful.

What if the two ghosts did not die together when they were fighting, but one ghost was stronger and defeated the other ghost.

Then Yang Jian will die miserably, miserably.

It's like a gamble of life.

This is not a game. If you fail, you can start over. If you don't play well, a group of evil ghosts will resurrect.

"This method is too scary. If I take this risk just to deal with Ye Feng, it's not worth it. I might as well spend time with Ye Feng. There is a chance of failure in hanging myself, so it's not cost-effective."

In the end caution triumphed over impulse.

Yang Jian collected the human skin paper, sealed it in the gold box again, and then put it away.

He left the fifth floor with a thoughtful expression.

Before leaving, I took a look at the room with the ghost mirror.

Although he did not make an immediate decision, the crazy method revealed by the human skin paper tonight has been deeply imprinted in Yang Jian's mind.

He will not make this decision now. Once he reaches a certain desperate situation, Yang Jian will definitely use this method to fight to the death.

But right now, the time is not ripe.

"You can't take risks by following the human-skin paper method. I've tried my best too many times, and I can't be so lucky to survive every time. It seems I have to find a way to increase my abilities."

With this idea in mind, Yang Jian went back to his room to sleep.

But rest was rest, but he did not fall asleep.

His physical condition does not allow him to sleep completely, and he does not need to sleep now. The normal operation of the human body has long been broken.

The next day, Yang Jian received a call from a satellite positioning mobile phone.

It's Zhao Jianguo calling.

The person in charge of Dachang City has been appointed.

The person in charge of this matter was a man named Sun Yi, and asked Yang Jian to go to the designated place to meet. At the same time, Zhao Jianguo also revealed to him that once the appointment was completed, all forces in Dachang City would support Yang Jian in completing the investigation of Wang Xiaoqiang and Ye Feng. Personal wanted.

"I came at the right time. It seems that Zhao Jianguo has also made a choice." Yang Jian put down the phone and thought to himself.

If Zhao Jianguo chooses to delay, he will undoubtedly be prepared to keep Wang Xiaoqiang.

But he didn't.

Because from a business perspective, Yang Jian's contribution was obviously much greater than Wang Xiaoqiang's.

Wang Xiaoqiang will only add chaos, but Yang Jian can solve supernatural incidents in Dachang City.

If such a simple choice would be wrong, Yang Jian would never choose to become a person in charge.

"I'm going out."

After putting down the phone, he took the car keys and immediately prepared to go out.

"Where are you going? Take me with you. I'm scared here alone."

Jiang Yan was wearing a decent professional attire and looked more capable. She hurriedly walked out and took Yang Jian's hand and said in a coquettish tone.

"I'm going to deal with the supernatural incident, are you going?" Yang Jian said.

"I'm going to work. Come back early. I love you, Mengmeng." Jiang Yan immediately let go of Yang Jian's hand and waved goodbye.

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