Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 210 Meaningless Assessment

Appointment of the person in charge of Dachang City.

Yang Jian drove to Dachang City and rushed to the designated location.

I learned from Liu Xiaoyu before that the assessment for the person in charge of Dachang City is relatively strict. In addition to being a ghost controller, mental state assessment and personality assessment are extremely important.

After all, while having to deal with supernatural events in a city, they also have great power. Once there is a problem with the appointment, it may bring unimaginable disaster to the city.

But Yang Jian belongs to Terry's special office.

He became the second ghost controller when there was a ghost controller named Zhao Kaiming in Dachang City.

The reason why the superiors agreed was actually because Yang Jian had made several contributions.

Whether it was the ghost knocking incident, the ghost shadow incident, or the Huanggang Village incident, he fully demonstrated his personal abilities. The rescuer Feng Quan, the ghost controller, and the previous Tong Qian also made the superiors face Yang Jian's handling style. Highly affirmative.

A person who can rescue other ghost masters and solve various difficult supernatural incidents will naturally not be left out in the cold.

If Yang Jian hadn't wanted to become the person in charge of Dachang City too early and used Li Gui's power excessively, his appointment would not have been delayed until now.

"Here we are, right here."

Yang Jian's car stopped in front of a building.

It was here that the appointment took place.

As soon as you get off the bus, there are people waiting here.

"Is this Yang Jian, Mr. Yang?" A middle-aged man in a suit who looked like a civilian employee walked over with a smile.

"It's me." Yang Jian said.

"I've already been told by the superiors, please come over here, Mr. Yang," the civilian staff said.

Yang Jian nodded.

The man did not enter the building, but instead walked towards a small independent reception room nearby.

"Isn't the appointment in the building?" he asked.

"I don't know much about this. I am only responsible for bringing Mr. Yang to the reception room. The rest is not my responsibility." The civilian staff said.

Yang Jian didn't ask any more questions.

Soon, he came to the reception room, and there were people standing guard inside and outside the reception room, with live ammunition and live ammunition, and the atmosphere was a bit solemn.

This reception room is loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Without permission, it would be impossible for ordinary people to enter here.

After entering an office, Yang Jian saw a decadent man, about thirty years old, sitting in the office. He was yawning and lying on the table, holding a frog made of paper and pressing the paper frog. Buttocks, bouncing up and down, playing quite seriously.

"Dong dong~!"

The civil servant said: "Mr. Sun Yi, Yang Jian has already arrived."

"People are here? Very good, you can go out first."

Sun Yi raised his head and took a quick look, then quickly put the paper frog away on the table.

"By the way, if nothing happens next, don't bother me. No one can approach this office without my permission, including the leaders of Dachang City."

"Okay, Mr. Sun Yi."

Yang Jian looked at this man, and a special instinct told him that this Sun Yi was also a ghost controller.

It's just that the level of danger is very low, and Ghost Eyes doesn't react too strongly.

Not even as good as the previous Ye Feng.

"Sit down." Sun Yi straightened up, pointed around and said, "Don't be nervous. The review this time is relatively loose, but there are still some procedures that need to be followed. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? By the way, here is a reminder. The call needs to be recorded."

"It doesn't matter. If you have any questions, just ask. Just don't take me too long." Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi asked: "Name?"

"Yang Jian."



"Place of origin?"

"." Yang Jian said; "You should be able to find these things."

"It's just routine, don't be nervous." Sun Yida said; "Why did you choose to be the person in charge of Dachang City?"

"For world peace."

"How long have you been a Ghost Rider?"

"More than a month."

"You look very young. Have you ever found a girlfriend? Have you ever thought about starting a family?"

Yang Jian said; "Is this issue important?"

"It's very important. Whether you have a girlfriend and whether you are willing to start a family affects the mental state of the ghost controller. Please be sure to answer honestly." Sun Yidao.

"I haven't considered it yet." Yang Jian said.

"Then you've thought about it." Sun Yi asked again: "Among the following photos, which type of woman do you like best?"

After speaking, he took out a stack of photos and placed them on the table one by one.

There are ten photos in total. The women in the photos do not look like real people. They should be computer-generated.

Moreover, the women in each photo are completely different in their clothing, appearance, figure, and temperament.

To put it bluntly, there are styles such as royal sister style, beautiful woman style, student style, cute style, etc.

"Children make choices, of course men want them all," Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi looked at Yang Jian in surprise, but in the end, he felt a little annoyed in his heart.

Damn, there’s this answer, why didn’t I think of it at the beginning, so I struggled with it for more than two hours.

"The following are some ability test questions, mainly to test emergency capabilities. Please ask: When five people below run towards you at the same time, and one of them is a ghost. In this case, there are only two bullets in your gun. Assume that the bullets can Damn it, what would you do to deal with the current situation?"

Then he took out another photo.

The background of the photo is a dim, dark city, a scene of doomsday desolation.

At this time, there was a man standing on the road pointing a gun at the five survivors who were running towards us.

One survivor is an office worker wearing a suit, one is a woman returning from shopping for groceries, one is a child carrying a schoolbag and coming home from school, one is an extremely beautiful girl, and one is full of facial expressions. Wrinkled old woman.

"This is a free-form question, there is no fixed answer." Sun Yidao.

"Turn around and run away. These five people are all ghosts." Yang Jian took a look and said calmly.

Sun Yi was surprised: "Tell me the reason?"

"Needless to say? Not even a retarded person can see that. The first one is in a suit and leather suit, holding a briefcase, as if he is going to work, and the city in the background should have fallen. It is impossible for anyone to go to work, and it is impossible to buy groceries. , it’s even more impossible to go to class with children, and that woman is even more outrageous. Although she is very beautiful, she is a bit too clean, and she has not even taken off her makeup.”

"That old woman shouldn't be suspicious," Sun Yida said.

"The old woman in the painting is running at the front. Is this the speed an old man should move at?" Yang Jian said; "If you continue to ask questions like this, I will doubt your professionalism."

"Or maybe the person who asked the question is not very intelligent."

Sun Yidao: "Don't worry, this is the first question, and the following is the second question."

"Conditions remain unchanged, assuming that only one of these five people is human, what method will you use to rescue this person?"

Yang Jian said: "If we don't save, there are five people, four are ghosts and one is a human. I am a ghost controller, and life is more precious than ordinary people. Why should I save an ordinary person and sacrifice myself? And that person is still alive among the four ghosts." Being alive and well means that a certain balance has not been broken. If I take the initiative, I will die faster."

"Uh" Sun Yi was stunned for a moment.

You are not answering the question according to common sense.

"Okay, then the third question is an extension of the above question. Suppose that only one of the five people is a ghost and the other four are people. You have two bullets. How can you kill Zang with a gun? The ghost among the five?"

Yang Jian frowned: "Your question is a little more difficult than the two low-IQ questions above. It has reached the level of ordinary people, but it is also very simple. Warn them to lie on the ground and not move. Who can move forward? Hit me to kill anyone."

"You will accidentally injure the masses." Sun Yidao.

"But it's possible to kill a ghost, right? I have a one-fifth chance of killing a ghost with one bullet. If one person listens to my warning and gets down, my chance increases to one-fourth. If there are three people If I get down, I have two bullets and can kill a ghost 100%, and any normal person would stop given the previous warning."

"If a gun is fired and a person dies, the person who continues to rush forward must be a ghost."

Sun Yidao said, "Why don't you choose to shoot a blank gun into the sky as a warning?"

Yang Jian smiled and said: "That is the most stupid behavior. I wasted a bullet. What if the warning is ineffective? Then the chance of me killing the ghost is only one-fifth. I killed one person before the former. By the way, the gunshot warned The chance of survival is much smaller. If it fails, four survivors and one ghost master will die, and my method also has the possibility of killing the ghost with the first shot."

"You are gambling with the lives of the people. It is a very selfish act." Sun Yidao.

Yang Jian said: "No, this is the fairest thing for me to do. Don't forget, the ghost controller is also present. If he can't kill the ghost, he will die too. The reason why he chooses the ghost controller to shoot is because the ghost controller has already determined in his heart, Among the six people present, he is not a ghost. With the other five undecided, he must make a choice. Although this choice may sacrifice one or two people, it is better than the group being wiped out."

"After you discharge the gun, there is only one bullet left. You bet the lives of five people with the only bullet left. This is the greatest irresponsibility. A person cannot be responsible for himself, nor can he be responsible for others."

"Everyone wants to save, but it is destined that no one can be saved. I have not read many books, and I also know that it is difficult to achieve great good without doing small evil. Sometimes the necessary sacrifices are worth it."

Sun Yi was speechless. He admitted that this answer made sense.

But the perfect answer before was that the gunfire warned, and anyone who didn't listen to the warning must be a ghost, and then shot to death.

It not only conforms to the style of the ghost controller, but also complies with the rules of work. It is a textbook answer.

However, Yang Jian was right to remind him, what if the warning is ineffective?

How can one bullet choose to kill one ghost among five people?

"Okay, your answer has been recorded. The following is the fourth question, which is also an extension of the previous question. As long as the situation remains unchanged, you only have one bullet in your hand, and there is a bullet hidden among the five people opposite you. Ghost, if you want to shoot at this time, which one of these five people will you choose? Or your intuition tells you which one of the five people may be the real ghost." Sun Yi asked again.

Yang Jian raised his eyebrows: "This is the unsolvable mode."

"Almost." Sun Yi nodded.

The fourth question is the same as when a ghost controller encounters an unsolvable supernatural event. He must make a choice, but if he fails, he will die.

Because the ghost controller in the title only has one bullet left.

He is an office worker in a suit and leather shoes.

Or the lady who came back from shopping for groceries.

Or a beautifully dressed beauty.

Even the kid carrying a schoolbag to school.

And the old woman with a wrinkled face and an old look.

Only one shot can be fired.

And this shot must be fired.

There is a 1 in 5 chance of killing the ghost, and there is no other choice.

"If I had to kill one, I would choose the kid with the schoolbag." Yang Jian said.

"What's the reason?" Sun Yida said.

Yang Jian said: "The office workers may have strayed into this city because they went out to work. The woman buying food may be a survivor of the city. Her food may not have been bought by someone, or it may have been taken from an empty supermarket. A beautifully dressed beauty, I don’t think a ghost would dress up like this, that old woman might be in love with her family and unwilling to leave her hometown.”

"Except for the child who goes to school with a schoolbag on his back, I can't think of any reason why the parents would not care about such a child wandering around the city, unless the entire family, including the child, is dead."

Sun Yidao: "Then why can't the child sneak out of the survivor's home to play?"

"It's impossible to sneak out to play with a schoolbag on your back. When the city falls, the first people to evacuate are women and children, right?"

"If you have any questions, ask them quickly." Yang Jian said.

Sun Yidao; "The next question is not about this. For example, after you become the person in charge, what method do you plan to use to deal with supernatural events in a city?"

What follows is equivalent to a future work plan.

Yang Jian just fooled around a bit, and the answer was quite satisfactory, which sounded pretty good.

I questioned him for a full two hours.

All kinds of tricky questions, all kinds of private hobbies and so on were asked clearly, for example, do you like watching movies, what types of movies do you like to watch, do you play games, have you ever had the idea of ​​killing someone?

Please, watch movies and play games as normal people do every day.

Yang Jian had thoughts of killing people every day, and today he was still thinking about how to kill Wang Xiaoqiang and Ye Feng.

"Congratulations, you have become the person in charge of Dachang City today. I hope you can work harder in the future." After asking the last question, Sun Yi stood up and shook hands with Yang Jian enthusiastically.

"Is this the end?" Yang Jian said.

Sun Yidao said, "Yes."

"Then what's the point of asking those previous questions?" Yang Jian said.

Sun Yi thought for a while and said: "Strictly speaking, it is meaningless. After all, you are the appointed person in charge. This is just a routine. However, this assessment will not only be audio-recorded, but also video-recorded, and this information will become Your files will follow you for life.”

"." Yang Jian.

Sure enough, I was wasting my time.

"Besides, this is your new satellite positioning phone, as well as your ID."

After speaking, Sun Yi took out a suitcase containing a mobile phone, ID, and uniform.

"Zhou Zheng's satellite positioning phone needs to be recycled, I hope you won't mind." Sun Yidao.

"Of course." Yang Jian said.

"Next, you need to get to know the important personnel from various departments in Dachang City so that they can assist you in your work in the future. By the way, the previous ghost controller Zhao Kaiming is also there." Sun Yidao.

Zhao Kaiming?

Yang Jian's face suddenly darkened when he heard the name.

The first person on his death list was not Ye Feng or Wang Xiaoqiang, but Zhao Kaiming.

After all, he is the real murderer hidden behind the scenes.

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