Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 883 Victory and Cheating

Dead, dead?

Everyone in the ancient house opened their eyes wide and looked at the lifeless corpse nailed to the wall with a spear on the third floor, with a look of incredible shock on their faces.

"Liu Baimu was killed? Isn't this a joke?"

"How many seconds can such a person stand in front of Yang Jian?"

"The nails in the coffin are the nails that nail Liu Baimu. This Yang Jian just threw the nails out. He is so brave."

This white-haired young man seemed to be named Liu Baimu, and he had a relatively high status among this group of people, but his loss made everyone in the ancient house panic for a moment. It seemed that no one expected such a start.

The collision of supernatural beings is not about whoever has the most people wins, but about who can fully unleash the power of the supernatural without dying from the ghost's resurgence.

Therefore, killing a top ghost controller first can already affect the entire situation.

Yang Jian didn't even look at Liu Baimu after nailing him. He knew that this guy was dead. After all, there was no possibility of turning over after being nailed to the coffin. Even he couldn't stop this attack.

He kept walking and walked straight towards the person in front of him.

"Kill Yang Jian quickly, otherwise all of us will die." The brief panic did not make them lose their ability to resist.

Various supernatural phenomena appeared around Yang Jian.

While running, Yang Jian felt something pulling on his body behind him. The breath was cold and terrifying, like a ghost lingering around his body.

But his expression was as usual, and a black shadow shrouded his feet, and he forcibly broke free from the shackles of some kind of evil spirit.

"Are you kidding me?"

In front of him, a man in his thirties opened his eyes wide and looked at Yang Jian as if he had seen a ghost.

He even wondered whether the supernatural power had interfered with Yang Jian, but it had no effect at all.

You must know that even a real ghost can delay it for a while.

"Not good." The man panicked and turned around to escape.

But the next moment, he felt that his body was rapidly losing consciousness. He stumbled and fell directly to the ground. A cold black shadow was eroding his body and depriving him of control of his body.

"Help, help."

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he shouted for help.

But the next moment, he saw Yang Jian raising his feet and landing.


His whole body was shaken, and there was a sharp pain in his head. Then his consciousness fell into a coma and he could never wake up.

"You dare to participate in this fight after controlling a ghost. Do you really think that you don't die quickly enough?" Yang Jian snorted coldly and walked straight to the next person without stopping.

"Damn it, are you coming at me?" A man in a wheelchair was so frightened that his face changed and he wanted to leave in a hurry.

But it was already too late.

Yang Jian grabbed his neck with a blackened palm and lifted him up from the wheelchair, with a red light flashing in his dark eyes.

As soon as the ghost hand's suppression was completed, half of the man's body fell directly from his body.

That half of the body seemed to be spliced ​​to his body. It did not belong to a living person, as if it had been cut off from a corpse.


Without giving him any chance, his neck was cut off abruptly, and then he planned to kill the third ghost controller.

But at this time, Yang Jian stopped.

He lowered his head slightly, narrowed his eyes, and immediately saw that his feet were being hugged by a corpse with disheveled hair and rotting body.

He tried to struggle, but was unable to move. His feet were frozen as if they had taken root, and as the incident passed, the feeling of being out of control continued to spread.

"Yang Jian, don't be too self-righteous."

A woman in her early twenties, wearing a thick down jacket, stared at him: "No matter how powerful you are, you are just one person, so you don't take us seriously?"

"You are very good."

Yang Jian turned to look at her, the red light in his eyes becoming more and more obvious.

"No need for you to praise me." The woman said coldly.

Yang Jian said: "You misunderstood. I wasn't praising you. I said you were very good. It's just a little troublesome to kill. It doesn't mean I can't kill you."

After speaking, he raised his hand.


The golden spear that nailed Liu Baimu to death on the third floor was pulled out by a black ghost hand, and then fell from the building.

The woman looked up and suddenly became horrified: "Quickly, kill Yang Jian quickly, Fang Tong, what are you doing?"


A relatively short but very strong man gritted his teeth and came straight towards him. Although he was frightened, he did not flinch.

This man's name is Fang Tong, and his codename is Guichuangren.

Although he only controlled a ghost, this was a fatal killing pattern.

As long as one is hit by him, the living person will definitely die.

This kind of supernatural power comes from Liao Fan's ghost taxi, because he used to be the owner of an auto repair shop. After coming into contact with the ghost taxi, he was infected by some kind of supernatural power. He was destined to die, but he survived. The Curse of the Pendulum Clock.

In other words, he is the driver of the ghost taxi.

But the next moment.

A man with a dead face stood in front of Yang Jian.

"Do you really think we don't exist?"

Feng Quan grinned, his voice was low, like a dead person buried in the grave.


The next moment, he was knocked out by Fang Tong.

He rolled on the ground several times, but stood up like a normal person.

Mud was scattered all over the ground, and a large piece of the chest was dented. There was no living body inside, only white bones, and the internal organs and muscles were all made of wet soil. .

"not dead?"

The man named Fang Tong stared at Feng Quan in disbelief.

"I control three ghosts, why can you kill me in one go?"

Feng Quan's face looked a little ferocious. He felt a kind of dizziness and severe pain. This pain did not come from the body, but seemed to torture his consciousness.

It was as if this guy could knock the consciousness of a living person out of his body, just like that ghost taxi.

What a horrific attack.

If it were anyone else in the team, they would have died in this collision.

Yang Jian glanced at Feng Quan, and at this moment the cracked spear had fallen.


The woman ran over and tried to grab the thing.

Once this supernatural weapon falls into Yang Jian's hands, there is really no chance at all.

"Is there any chance?"

This woman was worried, and her eyes were filled with the spears that kept falling in the air.

If he could take it away, he might be able to kill Ghost Eye Yang Jian here.

This is an opportunity.

In the desperate situation of life and death, this woman burst out with unimaginable decisiveness and courage. At this moment, she had already thought about weighing the life and death of herself and Yang Jian on the scale to see who was better.


next moment.

The fallen spear was grabbed by this woman first. She grabbed the spear and had a dreamlike feeling for a moment.


Yang Jian couldn't move, he was restricted, and he watched calmly as the spear was taken away.

"Go to hell."

The woman yelled at the top of her lungs as she swung the strange weapon and struck Yang Jian's head.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened.

The terrifying hatchet that could dismember ghosts was easily held by Yang Jian with one hand before it landed on him.

"How could this happen?" The woman was stunned for a moment.

How could this supernatural object be so dull? Can't you even cut through human skin?

"That's not how a knife is used. If you don't have a trigger medium, it's just scrap metal."

Yang Jian's voice was cold, he held the spear and pulled hard.

A powerful force made the woman almost unable to hold on to the weapon in her hand, so she let go immediately, and because of the inertia, her body staggered towards Yang Jian.

"Liu Yue, be careful and stay away from him."

Another person nearby rushed over, hugged the woman named Liu Yue, and then backed away crazily.

"What a pity. I've obviously already obtained Yang Jian's supernatural weapon." Liu Yue gritted her teeth in regret.

She shouldn't bet that Yang Jian could be killed in one move.

If he could get the supernatural item and retreat immediately, and then find a way to use this supernatural weapon to carry out the next attack, then this Yang Jian would definitely die here.

But now, the best opportunity is gone.

"How naive. The opportunity you thought was just the opportunity I gave you." Yang Jian's tone was indifferent, and the black shadows under his feet covered his surroundings.

"I never thought you were a threat from the beginning to the end, and my supernatural weapons cannot be used just by holding them in my hands."

Media trigger.

Yang Jian held the spear and moved forward a little, lightly, without even touching anyone in front of him.

But the next moment.

The woman named Liu Yue froze instantly, and there was a blood-red crack between her eyebrows. This crack went deep into her head and penetrated the back of her head.


She immediately looked stunned and fell to the ground with dull eyes.

No breath at all.

There was only a pool of scarlet blood dripping continuously from the center of his eyebrows.

Yang Jian touched his split forehead. The wound was slowly healing under the influence of the ghost.

"You came to rescue her. It seems that we have a good relationship with her. In that case, let's send you on your way together."

The spear was raised to his feet, and the part that belonged to the coffin nail pierced the devil holding his feet.

Pressed to form.

Li Gui fell into a deep sleep, and Yang Jian resumed action again.

The man who rescued Liu Yue was terrified at the moment and no longer had the courage to fight.

How long has it been since then?

Yang Jian killed Liu Baimu, Liu Yue, and Zhang Qing in a wheelchair. Counting the unlucky guy who was trampled to death, there were four of them.

Fang Tong, codenamed Guichuangren, is not dead yet, but he will be soon.

At this moment, the man named Fang Tong had been caught by Feng Quan and was being buried bit by bit in an unexpected old grave.

Unable to struggle, only one head was outside, revealing a pair of frightened eyes.

And aside from here, other people are also engaged in their own supernatural confrontations.

"Xu Ming, Xu Ming."

A man named Xu Ming was sweating all over his body at the moment. He was stared at by a strange child wearing a shroud.

The child was like a ghost baby in the starving ghost incident in Dachang City.

As soon as he started, he saw with his own eyes that the child opened his mouth to call someone's name. A person named Liu Yu turned his head and then the person died. The body is still lying there motionless.

Now, this ghost kid is calling his name again.

"Xu Ming, Xu Ming?"

The ghost boy stood in front of Xu Ming, raised his head, looked at him blankly, and kept repeating his name.

The strange thing is that the person speaking is obviously in front of me, but the voice comes from behind.

Xu Ming tried to use his own supernatural powers to fight against this ghost child.

But it's disappointing that it's useless.

The shroud worn by the dead seemed to resist supernatural attacks, leaving him powerless.

"That's right, it can't be wrong. This must be Liao Fan's ghost calling people. The ghosts calling people can't look back, otherwise they will die."

Xu Ming recalled at this moment that the strange power of this ghost child was the same as Liao Fan's ghost calling people.

Considering that Liao Fan had died in Yang Jian's hands, it was not difficult to guess.

The ghosts and people were controlled by this little thing.

"Why is this happening? Liao Fan only used his abilities a few times to yell at people, but this kid stared at me and kept yelling."

Xu Ming found that the more the ghost boy called his name, the more he couldn't help but look back.

Wouldn't this thing be able to revive as a ghost?


Unable to resist, Xu Ming gritted his teeth and turned around, preparing to escape into the depths of the ancient house.

Only in this way can he have a slight turn for the better.

When he moved, the ghost boy also moved. No matter how fast he ran, the ghost boy always followed him and called his name from behind.

at last.

Xu Ming couldn't resist this supernatural power and couldn't help but look back.

"No, not good."

He realized something was wrong and wanted to stop his uncontrolled behavior.

But it was too late. This glance back triggered his fatal murder pattern.

Xu Ming fell directly to the ground.

The ghost boy stood next to his body, tilting his head slightly and looking at him: "Xu Ming. Xu Ming."

It's still shouting.

He even squatted down and pushed Xu Ming's body with his small hands.

But Xu Ming was already dead, and his body didn't respond.

After squatting for a while, the ghost boy stood up again: "Qin Zhifeng, Qin Zhifeng"

It walked barefoot, called another person's name, and then ran all the way over.


At the same time, Tong Qian's face was crying, and her cries echoed in the quiet ancient house, and then formed an echo and returned again.

The echoes in the ancient house seemed to echo surprisingly quickly.

In just a moment, the echoes had been superimposed three times.

"Quickly kill this grimace Tongqian, we can't let him continue to cry, the echo is superimposed with this supernatural power." Someone reminded others in horror while crying.

But before he finished speaking, he froze in place with a sad expression.

At this moment, a supernatural phenomenon appeared next to Tong Qian.

A reflection appeared on the ground.

It was a terrifying ghost figure. The ghost figure on the ground was entangled with Tong Qian's reflection, and was tearing apart Tong Qian in the reflection.


Tong Qian's face changed suddenly, and he felt the pain of tearing in his skin, cracking and bleeding.

The most disturbing thing is that his cries cannot interfere with the ghost on the ground killing his own reflection.

"Make the shadow disappear to avoid being attacked by ghosts." Xiong Wenwen reminded loudly at this moment.

This sentence is equivalent to telling the murderous rules of the devil.

"let me help you."

Huang Ziya has come to Tong Qian's side at this moment, and her long, thick, dark hair hangs down on Tong Qian's body, covering his body and blocking the reflection at his feet.

The ghost figure that appeared on the ground hovered next to Tong Qian, who was covered with thick black hair. It wanted to attack, but it had to peel off the hair bit by bit.

Huang Ziya immediately felt the hair on her back being pulled apart bit by bit.

But she also controlled another ghost.

next moment.

A vague ghost figure stood behind her, stretching out his thin and slender arms to hug Huang Ziya and Tong Qian.

This is a ghost hugging people. The ghost controlled by Huang Ziya can strangle living people to death, and can also hug himself to form the protection of the ghost and block other supernatural harm.

Suddenly, the feeling of his hair being moved stopped abruptly.

The attack could no longer work and was blocked by Huang Ziya.

Ghost faces cry, voices echo,

"Little brat, don't you think you can die quickly enough?" a vicious man growled.

This Xiong Wenwen stopped himself from killing Tong Qian.

next moment.

Xiong Wenwen's reflection appeared strangely on the ground again.

The Li Gui who was pestering Tong Qian next to him turned towards Xiong Wenwen.

"Damn, are you bullying me, Father Bear?" Xiong Wenwen was startled, and hurriedly took out a bamboo tube and drew a lot.


The bamboo stick has a twisted font written on it.


The reflection of Xiong Wenwen that appeared on the ground quickly disappeared. As if affected by something, the reflection was blocked and could not be shown.

"Damn it." The vicious man was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

There is no doubt that Xiong Wenwen has a supernatural item in his hand that can protect him from other supernatural beings.

"Go to hell quickly, this is already Tong Qian's fifth wave of crying."

Xiong Wenwen was still mocking and raised a middle finger.


The echo echoed back from the ancient house, and combined with the cry emanating from Tong Qian's grimace, it formed a fifth superposition.

This time the crying seemed to have reached a certain critical point.


Someone fell to the ground while crying.

One, two, three, four, four ghost masters were killed instantly.

The vicious man was among them. He fell down and died in tears.

But in an inconspicuous place, two ghost masters desperately tried to open a dilapidated door.

When they fought just now, they focused on the new ghost controller named Li Yang.

Two against one, there is no reason to lose.


Li Yang escaped.

I escaped into an inconspicuous small room in the old house, and then the wooden door was closed and could no longer be opened.

The wooden boards had obviously fallen off, and the incomplete wooden door didn't react at all no matter how hard it was bumped.

And the supernatural power cannot affect it either.

A flimsy door seemed to shut out everything.

"I thought I could bully a newcomer, but I didn't expect this guy to be so stubborn. He would hide in and never come out. The situation in the hall seems to be wrong. Let's not waste time here. Let's confirm the situation and withdraw if the situation is not right."

A man blocking the door looked uneasy.

Fights between ghost masters are brutal.

They came after Li Yang because they didn't want to get involved in the melee, lest they die from the inexplicable supernatural.

"That makes sense." Another person agreed.

They don't want to waste time with Li Yang here.

But just when they were about to leave, the broken wooden door opened with a creak.

It was dark inside, and only a vague figure could be seen standing there.


One man was immediately alert, but then he looked panicked.

A huge pulling force came from the door behind him.

"Damn it, this Li Yang, he controlled more than one ghost." After reacting, he wanted to resist, but it was too late.

The man was instantly sucked into the gate.


The old wooden door was closed, and it was quiet inside.

"Open the door for me."

Another person wanted to save him, but after crashing into him, he still couldn't shake the shaky wooden door.

After several collisions, the result was the same as before, unable to rush in and rescue his friend.

But before he could try any more.

The strange crying sound echoed in the corridor.

This crying sound had always existed before, but I didn't feel it and it didn't seem to have much impact, but this time something was wrong.

Tears were streaming from the corners of this man's eyes, and he had a sad look on his face.

"How could I do this? This cry." He reached out and touched his tears.

Then his expression froze.

There was no movement.


The dilapidated door opened again and bumped into the man.

He fell to the ground with a thud, already a stiff corpse.

In the room, Li Yang's figure emerged, but the person who was pulled in just now had disappeared without a trace. Then his expression changed, he hid in the room again, and closed the door.

This cry is already the sixth wave.

A Ghost Controller who has mastered two ghosts cannot be stopped.

It has been able to kill almost everyone below the captain level.

The sixth wave of crying echoed in the ancient house, and it had become a source of terror.

No one can survive this cry.

Even Yang Jian felt a little surprised.

Fortunately, he has become an alien now, and this kind of killing pattern cannot be used against him. Otherwise, all the ghost controllers here may be killed by Tong Qian.

"Stop, it's enough, it's too dangerous. I feel like I've been affected." Feng Quan struggled to walk out of the old grave.

But after he came out, the old grave was still there.

A person is buried inside.

A ghost controller named Wan Tong, codenamed Guichuangren.

Tong Qian used laughter to balance her surroundings, so that her teammates were not attacked. Otherwise, both Feng Quan and Huang Ziya would be killed.

Xiong Wenwen was not affected. He drew a life lottery and would not be killed by supernatural power within ten minutes.

This made him feel at ease and stand in the middle of the hall without fear.

"Are they all dead?"

Tong Qian stopped crying, and he glanced at the swaying corpses in the hall.

It seemed that no strangers were still standing except for a few of them.

"It looks like the result is similar to what was predicted."

At this moment, Yang Jian strode back with a corpse. The spear in his hand was still standing beside him, with a ghost nailed underneath.

"The pendulum clock curse is nothing more than that. Although it is indeed a bit more dangerous, it is still within the range that can be dealt with outside." Feng Quan nodded.

Xiong Wenwen said: "This is all the result of your father Xiong. If I hadn't predicted it, Tong Qian would have died, and I would have died soon after. In addition, if the white-haired guy killed one of us first, we would have died." If you lose three people, the ending will be different, and it is really possible to be wiped out by the group."

"Those people are really good at picking places. There is no need for a ghost domain in this place." Feng Quan felt a little restricted and was very unhappy.

Yang Jian raised his head and looked deep into the ancient house: "It's not that it can't be used, it's been interfered with. This kind of intervention is very strange. It's not suppression or influence, but the ghost realm cannot affect certain parts of this ancient house."

But Xiong Wenwen is right.

If it weren't foreknowledge, if three people were injured, the result would indeed be different.

But this is not entirely true.

Because Yang Jian still had reservations, he didn't try his best.

"But I finally won." Huang Ziya breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Although the process seems easy, you can feel the thrill later.

Yang Jian frowned, what he wanted to say.

But at this moment, a bell sounded from somewhere deep in the ancient house.

This is the sound of the pendulum clock.

It seems that at a certain point in time, the pendulum clock is telling time.

"Something's wrong."

As soon as the bell rang, Yang Jian felt some indescribable feelings.

"Something is wrong. Look, the corpses of those ghost masters are disappearing."

Suddenly, Huang Ziya pointed at the crying corpse not far away and said uneasily.


In the quiet hall, the corpses of the ghost masters they had just killed were disappearing.

Together with the ghosts in their bodies, they disappeared together.

It seemed as if it had been erased by something more terrifying.

"This is impossible. Even if the bell can affect the corpse, it cannot affect the ghost."

Feng Quan guessed that there was something wrong with the bells, but he didn't believe that ghosts could be affected by the bells.

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly. He seemed to have thought of something and hurriedly took out a pocket watch from his pocket.

That was the pocket watch Wang Chaling gave him before coming here.

He said that the time on the pocket watch was consistent with the time in the ancient house.

But now.

The time on the pocket watch showed six o'clock.

But now, as the bell rings, the time on the pocket watch is rapidly going backwards.

Five fifty, five forty, five thirty-five.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The pendulum clock rang and stopped at five-thirty.

At this time, Yang Jian and others were still walking on the street outside the ancient house and did not enter the ancient house.

"You, are you Yang Jian?"


Deep in the ancient house, several people were walking into the hall. One of them was pushing a wheelchair with a look of astonishment on his face.

The people next to him are also very familiar.

They were all ghost masters who had been killed before.

"Are you kidding?" Yang Jian's face looked a little ugly at this moment.

The time on the pocket watch showed five-thirty.

But the actual time is six o'clock sharp.

Half an hour was erased by the pendulum clock, and it seemed like we were back half an hour ago.


Feng Quan also gritted his teeth at this moment, looking a little ferocious.

"How is this possible?" Huang Ziya and Tong Qian were also shocked.

The person he had just killed appeared in front of him and others again. How could he not be shocked?

Xiong Wenwen couldn't help but cursed loudly: "They are cheating, they are cheating, how can they play like this? Isn't this bullying? Although my father Xiong also likes to play, he has never played like this."

"Yang Jian, let's go home and don't play with these scoundrels."

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