Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 884 The person who came to life again

Seeing those who had just died reappearing in front of them, Yang Jian and others immediately realized what had happened when the bell rang.

This is a reboot.

The bell is the signal.

The entire ancient house underwent a restart and returned to half an hour ago.

The ghost masters who were here just now half an hour ago were still alive and not dead, so those who were killed by Yang Jian and others came back to life again.


It's incredible.

This reboot has affected both humans and ghosts.

"If the bell just sounded was really a restart, then why didn't we restart with it?"

Feng Quan asked a question that everyone had.

Yang Jian looked calmly and said: "It should be the pendulum clock curse. They all have one thing in common, that is, they all suffered from the pendulum clock curse, so after restarting, he also restarted, but it seems that the memory has been lost. This kind of restart is very Although he came back to life, he couldn't bring back his original memories, which is very similar to the resurrection of Ghost Mirror."

"So this is equivalent to restarting and resurrecting?"

Tong Qian frowned: "So don't we have to kill again? What if we kill again and restart? If the consumption continues like this, it will be unsustainable."

Others use the pendulum clock curse to restart. If you can't restart, it doesn't matter if you kill ten times and win. If you lose once, you will be dead.

"The reboot can't be without flaws, at least this ghost didn't reboot with it."

Yang Jian lowered his head and looked at the motionless body nailed under the spear in his hand.

This is a fierce ghost.

Before, I hugged my feet to prevent myself from moving. The level of terror was not low.

But as the previous bells restarted, the ghost did not disappear with it.

This shows that under the suppression of the coffin nails, the supernatural power of restarting the pendulum clock cannot be affected, so the ghost did not restart along with it.

Since the restart failed.

Then it would be impossible for the female ghost controller named Liu Yue to come back to life.

It seemed to confirm his suspicion.

One after another, ghost controllers came out of the depths of the ancient house, but the female ghost controller could never be seen.


The guess is correct.

Apart from this, Yang Jian stared at the pocket watch in his hand.

Half past five.

It's five thirty-one now.

The time in the ancient house returned to normal.

"Is the restart time limit here half an hour?"

"The bell will ring at six o'clock, and the restart will be triggered, and the range is only valid within the ancient house. It should be useless if you leave here. In other words, there are two ways to kill these people and avoid the restart. , the first is to kill them outside the ancient house, and the second is to do it within the first half hour of each hour."

"If I kill these people before five-thirty, even if I restart at six-thirty, it will only restart to five-thirty. Those who died before five-thirty will not be restarted and come back to life."

Yang Jian's eyes flickered, and he deduced some patterns based on the situation he had just experienced.

He was very unlucky.

It was around 5:40 that they were killed.

So the bell rang at six o'clock, and the ancient house returned to half past five, and by the way, almost all the ghost masters who died in the ancient house were rescued.

Except for the woman named Liu Yue.

Her restart failed because the ghost she controlled was pinned to the ground by Yang Jian.

While he was analyzing the situation, the ghost masters who came to life again stared at Yang Jian in shock and confusion.

"That's right, it's Yang Jian's team. Damn it, when did he come here? Why didn't he receive any news before? What are the people outside doing, not notifying them of such an important matter?"

"Let's take a look at the situation first. Yang Jian and the others don't seem to have any plans to take action."

"Ask Liu Baimu, how should we deal with it? Fight or not fight?"

"Liu Yue seems to be missing. Where has she gone? She was here just now, but now she has disappeared. Did she run away?"

Various voices of discussion came.

More and more ghost masters came in a hurry from the depths of the ancient house.

"All quiet."

With a deep voice, a young man with white hair jumped down from the third floor with a sullen face, and then landed firmly on the ground.

Liu Baimu?

His appearance immediately calmed down the somewhat chaotic scene.


Here Liu Baimu is the captain, leading and commanding these people.

"Yang Jian, you shouldn't be here." Liu Baimu stared at Yang Jian and said in a deep voice with a hint of warning.

Yang Jian raised his head slightly and stared at him: "Liu Baimu, you have already said this once, there is no need to repeat it again."


When Liu Baimu heard this, his eyes suddenly shrank.

He was a smart man and immediately got two key pieces of information from Yang Jian's words.

First, Yang Jian knows his name.

Second, I said this myself.

But this was clearly the first official meeting between him and Yang Jian. It was impossible for Yang Jian to know him, and it was impossible for him to say this.

Could it be that.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Liu Baimu suddenly laughed, and there was a bit of chill in his laughter.

"I understand. We fought half an hour ago. This ancient house has restarted again. We survived after the restart. No wonder Liu Yue disappeared. She was nailed to your coffin and there was no way to follow her. Reboot, so she’s dead.”

"Yang Jian, I didn't expect that you actually defeated us."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth with a bit of solemnity.

"But how can you guys defeat us?"

Liu Baimu almost roared after saying this.

But his words completely shocked the others.

"Are you kidding? We have already fought Yang Jian once and lost?"

"The restart of the ancient house was triggered. Liu Baimu's analysis was correct. Liu Yue disappeared, but her ghost is still there. Now she is being pinned under Yang Jian's feet, and Yang Jian's team seems to have fewer people. The newcomer Li Yang is not here, he should be dead, died in the last battle."

Zhang Qing, who was sitting in a wheelchair, said calmly.

Everyone has seen the information about Yang Jian's seven-member team, and Li Yang's absence was immediately noticed at this moment.

However, Li Yang did not die, but was temporarily separated from the previous fight.

"Yang Jian, did you really defeat us half an hour ago? Did you defeat so many of us?"

Liu Baimu asked again. He didn't believe the result. He was confident that Yang Jian's team would be wiped out. He couldn't believe that he and others would be wiped out. The other party only paid the price of a newcomer Li Yang, and the others were even unscathed. .

"The answer is already obvious, isn't it? You lost and were killed by me. If it hadn't been restarted, you would have been corpses on the ground now. And I have almost figured out your situation. Even if I try it again, the result will be the same. It's the same, you just die one more time." Yang Jian's tone was cold.

Liu Baimu stared at Yang Jian with squinted eyes.

He guessed that half an hour ago, he should have killed the opponent's Li Yang first, and then he was defeated by Yang Jian's coffin nail, otherwise he would not have lost so quickly.

The others probably couldn't resist the attack of Yang Jian's team.

As soon as these words came out, others suddenly became panicked.

After all, no one can calm down even if he knows that he was killed once half an hour ago.

Before the fight, everyone was already retreating.

It would be unwise to fight Yang Jian's team.

This is what everyone is thinking.

If it really restarts, the results from half an hour ago will not lie.

If you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

It will be the same again, even the probability of winning will be even smaller.

Because Yang Jian already knew the strength and abilities of people like him, but he had lost his memory for half an hour and still knew nothing about the other party.

"Once you restart, you'll lose one teammate. If you do it again, you'll lose one more teammate. Even if you win, you can't afford the price. You can withstand how many times we restart."

Liu Baimu's voice was low, as if he wanted to give it another try.


Yang Jian slightly raised the hair-splitting spear in his hand and knocked it on the ground.

The dull crashing sound echoed in the quiet ancient house.

"In the next wave of restarts, no matter whether other people will survive or not, but you, I'm sure will disappear."

Yang Jian seemed to be telling a cruel fact.

Liu Baimu's eyelids suddenly twitched.

Looking at the golden spear in Yang Jian's hand, I didn't doubt that Yang Jian could really do it.

Because Liu Yue is dead, she failed to restart and could not be resurrected. If the nail in the coffin is her next time, she will also end up like this.

Think of this.

He couldn't help but clenched his fists, struggling internally.

At this moment, Liu Baimu actually lost his confidence.

The previous confidence was gone, and for a moment I didn't know what to do.

Before the fight started, he was fully confident that he could wipe out Yang Jian's team, but after restarting, the facts told him that this confidence was blind. The reality was that he and others were wiped out by the team.

But he had no memory of that tragic defeat, and he was still a little unsure.

If you try it again, be careful, maybe you won't lose.

Yang Jian was not in a hurry to take action at this moment. That was because the time was only 5:40, and it was still within the restart range of 6:00 sharp.

If the pendulum clock restarts at six o'clock, then these people will be killed in vain.

The best thing is to delay the restart time at six o'clock sharp.

But it is obviously very stupid to waste twenty minutes standing here.

Because the other party will definitely react and even guess his purpose.

"Yang Jian, since we have already fought a battle and both sides have suffered losses, maybe we should find another way to deal with Xu Feng, Liao Fan and their invasion of Dachang City. It will not be good for everyone if we continue to fight. Will you? If a teammate dies, we will also pay the price. After all, we are strangers and have never met. Strictly speaking, there is no grievance or enmity, and there is not even a conflict of interest."

"So, let's negotiate, set your terms, and that's the end of it for everyone."

Liu Baimu's expression changed uncertainly. In the end, he made some compromises and concessions and chose peace talks.

He didn't dare to bet that he could survive the next wave of restarts.

Having died once and lost once, fear has arisen in my heart.

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