Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 892 Madman

Zhang Qing and Wan Tong listened to the second bell in the depths of the cell, but this time the time in the ancient house no longer restarted, but moved forward.

Moving forward didn't seem to change anything, and the two of them naturally didn't lose their memories.

But the sound of the bell brought some unimaginable and strange changes to the cell.

There was a strange figure in front of the originally empty desk.

The man lowered his head slightly, seeming to be writing something on the notebook on the table. The thick black ink was smeared, and lines of blurry handwriting appeared. There were bursts of rustling sounds in the quiet surroundings.

This movement immediately attracted the attention of two people.

With their bodies tense, they turned around cautiously.

"Could it be someone? There was obviously no one there just now. They should have appeared after the bell rang." Wan Tong's throat moved and he stared at the person in front of the desk.

Zhang Qing observed carefully.

The person sitting in front of the desk seems to be forty or fifty years old, with white hair on the temples, and slightly skinny yellowed hands. The whole person maintains an almost stiff movement to maintain the writing movement, although there is nothing strange at first glance. , but if you look closely, you will find a strange feeling everywhere.

And judging from the situation, this person seems to have been here for a long time, and there is even a feeling that this person has never left here.

But the conditions of the ancient house are not suitable for living people to live in at all. Even people who have been cursed by the pendulum clock only stay for a short time, and they have to leave if they encounter danger.

"Whether it's human or not, it's very abnormal. Let's get out of here." Zhang Qing looked solemn.

There are no normal things at all in this environment, all are horrors involving the supernatural.

If they weren't looking for the pendulum clock and avoiding Yang Jian's attack, they wouldn't have come to this place at all.

"You should go and take a look. Maybe it's the ghost master who was lost here before. If you can find some clues, I believe it will be very helpful to you."

Liu Baimu's head came to his senses again at this time. He also observed the person in front of the desk and reminded Zhang Qing.

"Even if the ghost controller who was lost before is most likely dead by now, he might be a real ghost now. Approaching him rashly is extremely risky." Zhang Qing hesitated and said.

"It really doesn't matter if there are no clues, as long as you avoid Yang Jian's pursuit and survive."

He was not very ambitious and did not dare to ask for anything else.

Liu Baimu said: "You are so naive. The fight between ghost masters is life and death. If you don't want to master the secrets of this ancient house, then you don't have the capital to fight against Yang Jian. Yang Jian will leave here one day." He will still hunt you down, he has already killed you once, and you are already on his death list."

"Maybe you will see yourselves wanted all over the world as soon as you go out, and it will only be a matter of time before you are killed."

"What Liu Baimu said makes sense." Wan Tong nodded in agreement.

Zhang Qing's face changed. He had also considered this problem, but he didn't think about it deeply. Moreover, he also knew that the reason why Liu Baimu did not let the two of them feel so comfortable was because he wanted to use himself to find the pendulum clock and restart it. For once, let yourself come alive.

Everyone has his own thoughts.

But the general direction is still the same, which is to survive.

"Then go take a look." Zhang Qing took a deep breath and was changed by Liu Baimu and Wan Tong.

"If we are really attacked by a ghost, we will turn around and run away immediately."

Wan Tong nodded.

Liu Baimu, who had only one head left, said nothing more.

If you really encounter danger that you cannot handle, you will naturally have to run for your life.

After getting close.

The strange man sitting at the desk writing suddenly made a move at this time. He stopped the pen in his hand, raised his head slightly, and looked in the direction of the three people.

What is surprising is that although this man raised his head, his eyes were closed.

His face was slightly pale, but it didn't look that obvious under the yellowing lamp next to him.


The two of them were shocked and immediately stopped moving.

It seemed that their movements had attracted this strange man with his eyes closed. Now that they had stopped moving, the man seemed to have fallen into calmness.

But this distance is already very close.

Zhang Qing could even see the contents of the notebook in front of the man with his eyes closed.

The notes that were originally intermittent and password-like can now be seen clearly.

There is a sentence written on the notebook: Anyone who sees this notebook should cover it. This is a cursed notebook and please do not open it again.

This sentence is like a hint and a request for help.

Zhang Qing and Wan Tong both paused after seeing this sentence, feeling an inexplicable uneasiness in their hearts.

Because they were so bold just now and were flipping around on this desk. They didn't expect that this notebook was actually a supernatural item that could cause people to be cursed.

Although I don’t know what the curse is, it’s definitely not a good thing.

"Follow the instructions above and try to see what happens." Liu Baimu, who had only one head left, said immediately.

"This is too reckless. Maybe this is a trap. This person can tell at a glance that something is wrong. What if we touch this notebook and a ghost attacks us?" Zhang Qing hesitated, not wanting to take the risk.

To put it bluntly, they are greedy for life and afraid of death.

However, the members of the Pendulum Clock Curse are afraid of death and timid in doing things, so they can't achieve anything.

"You are also ghost masters. If a ghost attacks you, you will not necessarily die. What are you afraid of?"

Liu Baimu said coldly: "Close the notebook and see what will happen. We need to explore the secrets of the ancient house. If we do nothing, we will never be able to control this ancient house."

"If I hadn't lost my body, I wouldn't have needed the help of the two of you at all. It seems that Yang Jian made the right decision. He killed me first and then dealt with you slowly, because he knew that you would not be a threat or a threat. "

"Liu Baimu, please don't provoke me. I'm not really afraid of ghost attacks. I just don't want to be in a dilemma." Zhang Qing said.

Although he was timid, he was not brainless.

"Then are you going to do it or not?" Liu Baimu said.

Zhang Qing's eyes flickered, still hesitant.

Wan Tong on the side said: "We have come to this point, let's give it a try. Liu Baimu is right. The worst we can do is run away when we encounter danger. We are not the ones in charge. We need to deal with supernatural incidents. We can't beat this." There is still no problem in escaping.”

As he spoke he was already taking action.

Carefully, he reached out and picked up the notebook in front of this strange man with his eyes closed, and closed it.

The notebook had an indescribable cold feeling, as if holding it in my hand was touching a cold corpse.


Wan Tong put the notebook down again and did not dare to take it away.

After closing the notebook.

The man with closed eyes holding the pen suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were slightly dull, but as time passed, they slowly regained their energy.

A strange smile appeared on the stiff face.

"Damn it, you really shouldn't have touched this notebook." Zhang Qing's expression immediately changed, and he was even prepared to be attacked by ghosts.

"Wrong, you should move this notebook. If you don't move, how can I return to the present." However, the next moment, the strange man suddenly spoke, and he seemed to be a little happy.

Have you spoken?

Then it should be a living person.

Zhang Qing was relieved at first, and then asked: "Who are you?"

"An unlucky man lost in an ancient house. This desk and notebook are a trap. Everyone who enters here will look at the notebook curiously. The result is that he is trapped by the notebook and cannot escape. Only the right person meets the right person at the right time. Only those who have the opportunity to escape this shackles.”

The middle-aged man stood up slowly.

He seemed to have been sitting on that chair for a long time, and when he stood up, his bones crackled, as if he was stretching his muscles.

Zhang Qing and Wan Tong were extremely alert and subconsciously stayed away from the middle-aged man.

Because this person looks out of place with today's people. Judging from his clothes and appearance, he looks like a person from the 1980s.

If it's true.

Then this person has been trapped here for at least several decades.

But can ordinary people live so long?

Even top ghost masters cannot survive being trapped for decades.


Suddenly, this weird middle-aged man's eyes moved and he looked at Liu Baimu's head.

"This friend is interesting. He relies on the curse of the pendulum clock to interfere with his own time and prolong his death? But he can't live long with only one head left. He will still die in the end, but the wound on your neck is the only one."

The middle-aged man strode over. He snatched Liu Baimu's head, held his hair and looked at his neck.


The middle-aged man sneered: "Interesting, it was the wound made by the hatchet. Was that thing taken away after all?"

"It was taken away by a man named Yang Jian. His code name is Ghost Eye. He is the person in charge of Dachang City. We are being hunted down by his team."

Liu Baimu immediately said: "If you can save me, I can help you get that supernatural item."

Looking at the situation, the man who escaped from trouble seemed to know a lot of supernatural things, and he could actually tell at a glance how his wounds were caused.

"Yang Jian? That's a good name. I used to know a guy named Yang, who was also a difficult guy. I don't know if he's dead now." The middle-aged man seemed to recall something unhappy, and he asked again: " You want to kill someone with a borrowed knife, which is a good idea, but unfortunately I have more important things to do."

"What generation is the Wang family in now?"

"The third generation, the head of the family is Wang Chaling, the person in charge of Dadong City, a captain-level figure." Liu Baimu answered immediately, without any intention of hiding anything.

The more cooperative you are at this time, the greater the chance of survival.

"Sure enough, the little guy who studied abroad eventually followed the path of his father and became the third generation of the Wang family, but it was only the third generation. It seems that I was not trapped for as long as I thought."

Liu Baimu's heart trembled.


My guess was correct. This person was not a ghost controller of the same era as me at all. He was a remnant of the previous era.

He also collected some intelligence information. Although the resurrection of the evil ghost happened in recent years, some people had dealt with the evil ghost as early as twenty years ago. However, the information was not available at that time, and the trouble was not serious, so there was no Being given special attention, we can only collect some information that is either true or false from some urban ghost stories passed down by word of mouth.

But that information can only be used as after-dinner stories to tell to children and grandchildren, and cannot be used as evidence.

"You guys are really interesting. You came to this damn place looking for the pendulum clock. This is the dungeon of the Wang family, where generations of Wang family have used to imprison evil ghosts. But looking at you, you can tell that you haven't found the pendulum clock." The young man sneered somewhat mockingly.

"Do you know where the pendulum clock is?" Zhang Qing asked hurriedly.

"Of course I know, the pendulum clock is in this ancient house." The middle-aged man said.


Isn’t this nonsense?

The middle-aged man added: "Those who are not capable enough can't access the pendulum clock of the Wang family. That clock does not exist in the present, but in the past. Only those who have mastered restarting, or those who use the ability of ghosts to restart, can Find the pendulum clock."

"So that's it."

After hearing this, several people suddenly opened their eyes.

So many people have been searching for love for a long time, but they are all in vain.

"You know so clearly, you must also know how to get the pendulum clock." Liu Baimu said.

"I am indeed looking for that thing, but it is not particularly important to me. What I want to do now is to release the ghosts in this dungeon." The middle-aged man said calmly, but revealed cruelty and Crazy meaning.


Several people were shocked.

The man in front of him actually wanted to release the evil ghost in the cell.

"Sooner or later, this dungeon will not be able to contain these evil spirits. Why don't many people know this?" As he spoke, he walked to the other end of the prison.

It was darkness, and it seemed that there was a secret to opening the cell in that darkness.

"This is bad."

Zhang Qing was dumbfounded at this moment. They thought they could get some help after saving this man, and even help them kill Yang Jian.

Unexpectedly, this was actually a lunatic who wanted to release the evil ghosts imprisoned in this dungeon for generations by the Wang family.

Although I don't know how many ghosts there are here, it is obvious that there are not many.

If these things are released, then Dadong City will be doomed. What on earth is this person thinking?

He is actually willing to do this kind of thing that is harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

If it were them, they would never take the initiative to release these evil spirits, because it would also bring them a lot of trouble.

"This is a lunatic." This was the thought in several people's minds.

"What now? It seems we have unleashed an incredible individual."

After a moment of silence, Zhang Qing's voice was filled with helplessness and regret.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before he finished speaking, there was a crashing sound in the dark dungeon.

The nearby iron fences were shaking and seemed about to collapse.

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