Mysterious resurgence

Chapter 893 Chen Qiaoyang

"Captain, what do you think will be at the end of this staircase? The supernatural phenomena that kept appearing before seem to be guiding us inside."

On the third floor of the ancient house, Huang Ziya fiddled with her thick black hair, her eyes always staying on the narrow, dim steps.

Driven by some kind of curiosity, she had the urge to explore inside.

"The wheelchair-bound ghost controller Zhang Qing, Wan Tong, codenamed Ghost Chuangren, and Liu Baimu entered it. I feel that there is a great danger in it, and I don't want to risk it just to kill these two people. , stop here, go back and say hello to Wang Chaling and then leave Dadong City."

"After all, Dachang City is our territory. It would not be a good thing if everyone leaves for too long."

Yang Jian took Liu Baimu's headless body and started to leave.

He needed this headless corpse to declare to the people in the supernatural circle that Liu Baimu, who was cursed by the pendulum clock, had been killed by him.

Everyone nodded and had no objections to this decision.

Immediately, they all began to evacuate the ancient house.

However, when they returned to the first floor, Huang Ziya said again: "Captain, it's strange. Li Yang's signal appeared here, but no one from him was seen."

"I kept sending text messages to him, telling him to leave the ancient house. He must have been lost. After the pendulum clock rang, the time in the ancient house was disrupted. Any supernatural power may have an impact on the restart of the bell. The signal may That's right, but he is not in this time period." Yang Jian said.

"I'll send a text message right now." Huang Ziya began to edit the text message and prepare to send it to Li Yang.

However, at this time, a dull crashing sound echoed inside the ancient house. The sound was like a wall collapsing, and the entire ancient house was shaking.

Dust fell rustlingly above everyone's heads.

"Earthquake?" Xiong Wenwen immediately held his head and prepared to squat down.

Feng Quan and Tong Qian frowned and raised their heads slightly to look at the roof.

Then he lowered his head.

"The sound didn't come from above, it came from below, but it wasn't an earthquake. It sounded like someone was tearing down the wall below."

Yang Jian immediately said: "Leave here and don't stay any longer. I have a bad feeling that something is about to happen."

Everyone looked stern and quickly left the ancient house. They wanted to get out of this place before this abnormality happened. They didn't want to be involved in any strange things.


Yang Jian took the time to look at the pocket watch in his hand again.

At this time, he discovered that the bell had not yet sounded, but the time on the pocket watch had an unexplainable phenomenon. The minute hand on it sometimes moved forward quickly, and sometimes moved backward crazily, as if it was out of control and could not operate normally. .

However, no matter how large the fluctuation of the minute hand on the pocket watch is, it is only within half an hour before and after, and cannot exceed this limit.

And this limit happens to be the time period when the ancient house is restarted.

"There is no such abnormality in the memories of Liao Fan that I have."

Yang Jian frowned: "I didn't hear the bell ringing at this time. Could it be that Zhang Qing and the others have obtained the pendulum clock and is controlling the time in the ancient house?"

"No, the probability is not high. That clock does not exist now, and it is impossible for them to find it."

"Then there are only two possibilities left. Either the pendulum clock is out of control, or someone else is moving the pendulum clock."

He surmised from a little bit of information.

But Yang Jian's analysis is very close to the truth.

The person who affected the pendulum clock time was not Zhang Qing or Liu Baimu, but a bizarre person they accidentally released.

The change here was caused by that person.


Yang Jian led the others out of the ancient house. He was indifferent to the huge movements in the ancient house.

But as soon as they walked out of the ancient house, everyone saw in front of the gate of the front yard of the ancient house, a lifeless, gray-white man, who looked like a corpse in a portrait, standing there stiffly and motionless, looking towards him with a lifeless gaze. over here.

"It's the ghost from before. It appeared again. This time he stopped us and didn't seem to want us to leave here." Feng Quan said.

It's easy to tell with such obvious intentions.

"The more this happens, the more we have to leave. The supernatural beings won't let us leave. Another change occurred in the ancient house, and time is irregular. We can't stay in this place any longer. Even if we haven't found Li Yang yet, we have to leave first. .”

"If this ghost doesn't let you go, then lock it up here."

Yang Jian's eyes moved slightly, with red light flashing in his dark eyes.

This is no longer inside the ancient house. His ghost domain has not been interfered with and can be used normally.

However, the coffin nails in his hand were still nailed to Liu Baimu's body, and there was no way to use them for the time being. But this was enough, after all, the entire team was dispatched together on his side.

Without hesitation or hesitation, he strode forward and directly faced the unknown ghost standing in front of the iron gate in the front yard.

Yang Jian was confident that even if he triggered the ghost's murderous pattern and was targeted, he would still be able to withstand the attack of the ghost. After all, he was now an alien and not just a ghost controller.

However, things didn't happen as expected.

After Yang Jian got closer, the ghost standing in front of the iron gate blocking the way started to move again. The ghost seemed to get out of the way and walked to the side.

"Get out of the way? Is it a coincidence or intentional?"

Others were surprised to see such a scene.

When will ghosts actively avoid people?

Yang Jian also frowned. Since the ghost blocking the road had gone away, he didn't want to waste time on this unknown ghost. Moreover, he had a vague feeling that this ghost seemed to have something different from this ancient house. relationship, otherwise they would not often appear inside the ancient house.

However, Liao Fan had no impression of any of this in his memory.

This is strange.

At around eight o'clock, Yang Jian and others walked out of the ancient house and came to the streets of Dadong City.

Although it was night, there were still pedestrians on the street, and you could see the street lights outside and hear the honking of cars.

This means that he and others have left the supernatural area and the surroundings have returned to normal.

"Finally we're out. I'm so exhausted, Dad. It's already past eight o'clock. Go to bed. Go back to bed. My mother said that children who sleep late don't grow taller." Xiong Wenwen cheered. He is not timid at all. I would like to stay in an old house.

"The movement inside is still going on, and it looks like something is wrong." Feng Quan said in a suppressed voice.

The huge noise in the ancient house could be heard from outside, as if the house was being demolished, attracting the attention of many people passing by.

"Go to Wang Chaling first. He seems to be hiding a lot of things from me." Yang Jian raised his head slightly.

He looked at a building in the distance.

It seemed that through the layers of barriers he could see the inside of the highest floor of the building.

When preparing to use the ghost realm to transfer everyone.

At this time, something seemed to be thrown out of the ancient house and hit the two women passing by.

"Ah!" A woman screamed in pain and fell to the ground after being hit by the thing.

"Who threw things at us?" A woman next to him complained angrily.

However, when the thing rolled down in the middle of the road and was reflected under the street lamp next to it, his anger suddenly turned into panic, and he no longer dared to complain.

Because that's a pale human head


The screams came, attracting the attention of some people around, and many people stopped and looked over in surprise.

But what they saw was two women who looked like they had collapsed and ran away.


Yang Jian turned around indifferently, peered with ghostly eyes, and saw the dead head flying out of the ancient house.

This dead head is Liu Baimu.

he died.

The head was thrown out of the ancient house, and the body was pierced by the cracked spear in Yang Jian's hand and picked up in his hand.

At the same time, the huge movement in the ancient house stopped.

The third floor of the old house.

At a broken window, a strange figure lingered there, seeming to be peering out at something.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At the same time, a bell sounded again in the ancient house. It was the familiar sound of the pendulum clock, but this time the pendulum clock did not ring on time as usual, but sounded at the wrong time.

"Pick up that head." Yang Jian gave the order to Ghost Boy at this moment.

A child hiding among the crowd, like a dead baby, trotted over with bare feet, picked up the dead head belonging to Liu Baimu that fell on the road, and then ran back immediately.

Yang Jian took a look.

Liu Baimu's head was not complete. There was an extra palm print on his face. The palm print was formed after the skull was sunken.

In other words, Liu Baimu's head was crushed.

The strength of a living person is not enough to crush a skull, so the only person who can do this is a ghost or a ghost controller.

Yang Jian's guess is biased toward the latter.

Because ghosts don’t throw heads out intentionally.

"Judging from the condition of Liu Baimu's head, he probably didn't die after I chopped him with a knife. He probably died later. Therefore, there are indeed other people in the ancient house,"

Yang Jian looked at the figure lingering behind the broken window on the third floor of the ancient house.

He couldn't see clearly because the supernatural power in the ancient house interfered with his ghost eyes and he couldn't peek into the scene inside.

Otherwise, he would have figured out everything in the ancient house long ago, and he would not be afraid and leave first.

"What is that?" Feng Quan also noticed the shadow.

"Ghost?" Tong Qian guessed.

"No, it's a human being. A real ghost won't keep staring at me like this." Yang Jian said, "But I can feel that it is a very dangerous existence."

The man lingering on the third floor was currently peeping at Yang Jian on the street outside.

The supernatural forces affecting the ancient house seemed unable to affect him.

"Is that Yang Jian? He is indeed a good junior. He has great ideas. He merged the hatchet and coffin nails to form a supernatural weapon of his own. This complicates the rules of the two supernatural items. Ordinary Even if a person holds it, it is difficult to figure out how to use it, and he can indeed be considered young and promising to obtain these two supernatural items."

The mysterious man smiled with a hint of meaning: "It's just a pity. It's not good to look like anyone from now on, but I have to look like the person I hate the most."

"Don't worry, the countdown has started. I will go to him soon to find out something."

There was a clear ticking sound behind him, and that sound was caused by the clock running.

It's just that this kind of time has obviously been sped up by someone, and time moves very quickly.

Behind this man, Zhang Qing and Wan Tong were so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath.

Because just now Liu Baimu had his head crushed and thrown out.

In this person's words, Liu Baimu only has one head left, unable to control the evil ghost, and it will be useless after resurrection.

So Liu Baimu died.

Because there is no resurrection value.

"I need two errand boys. If you do what you are supposed to do, I can help you survive and live well." The dangerous middle-aged man turned around with a smile.

It's not scary, but it makes people feel chilly.

This guy was definitely a murderer from the past era, but for some unknown reason he accidentally got trapped in the dungeon of the Wang family's ancient house, and stayed there for many years.

"You'd better not mess around. The current situation is different from what you knew before. The headquarters is still there and the captain is still there. If things get serious, it will be very dangerous. And you should also have relatives and descendants. You have to think about them." Zhang Qing said bravely.

"You can't understand what I'm going to do. Right or wrong doesn't matter. What matters is the result. And I do want to see some old friends again, if they are still alive."

"Also, my name is Chen Qiaoyang. I don't have the code name you call me. I only have a nickname that people often called me in the past. I remember it was Shepherd."

"Ghost Shepherd, Chen Qiaoyang."

"You can call me Ghost Shepherd, or you can call me Chen Qiaoyang. I don't mind. Don't forget it."

This dangerous middle-aged man said his name and a nickname with a hint of reminiscence and emotion.

This belongs to a forgotten name and nickname that no one remembers or knows.

Just like Yang Jian's father, no one can remember the name of a person who died in a supernatural accident.

"Ghost Shepherd, Chen Qiaoyang?"

Zhang Qing and Wan Tong muttered silently in their hearts and wrote down the name, preparing to go back and ask their friends in the circle to check it out.

Now in the information age, all the background information of a person can be found with a name, and some supernatural files from the past can be found with a code name.

During the conversation.

Yang Jian on the street had already withdrawn his gaze. He led his team away from here and disappeared.

And the man named Chen Qiaoyang also turned around and returned to the ancient house.

Inside the old house.

There were a few strange figures wandering around.

It seemed to be directed at him.

"The second-generation couple of the Wang family live together and die together. It's interesting. But it's a pity that the third generation of your family is too timid. If an old ghost from the Wang family comes here, I really can't do anything."

Chen Qiaoyang sneered, and his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

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