Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1206: Go Association

Wen Rensheng and Luo Qi appeared on the street at the same time when they came to the market town of the Go world again.

In order to facilitate the game of chess, the big cat has transformed into an adult, and it is still Wen Rensheng's appearance.

"Ah, what a place where the smell of chessboards fills the air!"

Roach stretched out his arms and hugged when he saw the people around him who were seriously playing games.

He finally came to a dream world!

A world where everything is decided by Go!

In the real world outside, even if he is a world champion, there are still too many things he can't do.

For example, some people think that his education is too low, and he doesn't even understand Newton's three laws.

It's just that as soon as he finished speaking, he heard the noise of a child.

"I don't learn, and I won't learn if I die!" A boy's voice came from the street.

The players frowned, but no one turned their heads, still focusing on their game.

"If you don't study, what will you do in the future? How do you go to school, how do you get married, how do you have children? You can't go to the ancestral grave when you are old!" The voice of a middle-aged man.

"I don't go to school, I don't get married, and I don't have children!" the little boy's stubborn voice.

"Then why am I raising you ass? Get out of here!"

"Go away!"

Wen Rensheng and Roach then saw a seven- or eight-year-old boy running out of an alley with tears in his eyes.

"Uh, this?" Roach scratched his head and looked at the little boy.

The latter ran too fast and bumped his head on top of him.

Roach helped him up and asked him what happened.

"I don't want to learn to play chess, I want to learn to saw wood, but my father doesn't let me learn, I just can't learn to play chess." The little boy cried and cried.

"Chess is very fun, I'll teach you." Roach said kindly.

"It's not fun, it's just not fun, it took a long time to put a piece, and Moji died!" The little boy refused directly.

Roach was embarrassed to say anything, yes, Go was originally a niche, living with an elegant label.

Most people just look outside the door.

However, this world is centered on Go and revolves around it.

Wen Rensheng, who didn't say a word, sensitively grasped a main line of conflict in this world.

People who don't like to learn chess will be forced to play chess.

There must be the majority of people who don't like to play Go, but the majority are suppressed by force and have to learn.

However, working in the fields is more tiring, bitter and less fun, and there have been many people who have gone to work in the fields for thousands of years.

Because in the face of survival, where can there be any fun?

Anyway, there is still a lot of fun in Go, at least it is much easier than working in the field.

Roach obviously can't teach children, he can only talk about how interesting Go is, how to inspire people's fighting spirit between winning and losing.

But these are like playing the piano to a cow.

Wen Rensheng stepped forward, waved to Roach, and put his hand on the little boy's head.

Five minutes later, the little boy woke up.

Then he ran back quickly: "Dad, I want to learn Go! No one can stop me from learning Go!"

"What did you do?" Roach asked in surprise.

"I just let him experience the severe beatings of the society. The most important part of the education of children is to let him understand that there are wind and rain outside the safe haven of the family. Small wind and light rain should let the child learn to bear it by himself. Parents who have gone through all the storms are short-sighted and short-sighted people. They are destined to make their children suffer more in the future." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"Then what happened to this little boy just now?" Roach asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I just experienced being kidnapped, forced to beg, struggling to survive... These are all things that will inevitably happen." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

It is a pity that many people are reluctant to bear hardships for their children, and they are unwilling to tell their children how hard life is, and as a result, the children will suffer more in the future.

"Isn't this plot going wrong? Under normal circumstances, shouldn't we support this kid in sticking to his hobbies and interests? Help him learn to saw wood?" Roach was a little confused.

Although he is a Go champion, it is actually difficult to see clearly in these matters.

"I didn't do anything, I just let him experience what is bound to happen by himself. All choices are made by him. If you follow what you said, he will inevitably hit a wall in the future. When you think he hits a wall, he will still Do you think it's right for you to support him in sawing wood?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

Roach was silent. This is obvious at a glance. How many children grow up complaining that their parents didn't strictly supervise them to attend various interest classes when they were young, so that they can have all kinds of talents, but they can't know anything.

However, they forgot that the people who didn't attend classes at the beginning were precisely themselves.

People can change.

So the best help is to let him choose and take responsibility for himself. Not the other's parents, you are not qualified to help him choose.

After a while, the little boy walked over with his father, a man in a long gown who looked like a middle-class citizen.

"Thank you two for letting my son's prodigal son come back. I, Zhao Changfa, and the steward of Tianxing Town's Dafa Restaurant, please come to the house for a talk." The man said, and bowed deeply.

In fact, he was also **** off just now, betting that his son would run back when he was hungry.

As expected, the son ran back very quickly, but when he came back, he said that he had met two uncles. Later, he was abducted and sold by other people. He became a beggar. field.

He will never run again in the future, and he must learn Go well.

As soon as Zhao Changfa heard it, he understood that he had encountered a capable person. There are many stories of immortals crossing people with their dreams.

So he quickly brought the child to thank him.

Wen Rensheng and Luo Qi naturally would not refuse, and followed Zhao Changfa to each other's house, a three-entry house with a small courtyard.

After a while of chatting, Zhao Changfa helped the two settle down in the market town.

As long as there is an official chess player who has passed and the world chess and does not lose 20 games, he can register as an official account in the market town.

In fact, this is to let God judge whether it is a thief or not, if not, then let the child, otherwise, there is no doubt that he will lose.

This gave Roach an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

The God here is equivalent to a large-scale computer management system. Ordinary people deal with it through Go to complete various businesses.

After some tossing, both of them have official accounts and can use Go to survive in this world.

These are two world champions.

Roach swears that he is bound to reach a new peak in this new world, and then return to the real world for a return of the Immortal Emperor.

A little excited to think about it.

"Where should we cut in now?" Roach asked Wen Rensheng after swearing.

"It's up to to either enter the government, enter a private association, or become a savage." Wen Rensheng gave three options.

He now knows more about the world than the native Zhao Changfa, so Roach didn't ask Zhao Changfa.

"It's better to join the civil society. The government is too strict and too strict, and the savages are too scattered." Roach quickly made up his mind.

He doesn't even have the ability to take care of himself, so washing and cooking is something he can't even imagine.

Fortunately, Zhao Changfa arranged for him a maid to serve him and take care of his daily life.

Wen Rensheng naturally didn't need these things. He, a puppet cat, would be fine if he didn't eat for the rest of his life.

"That's fine. There are local associations and national associations. This Tianxing Town is affiliated to Xing'an Prefecture. There is a Xing'an Weiqi Club. The income is large and the threshold is not high. We can join this first. "Wen Rensheng arranged it directly.

He has long seen that Roach, like many top chess players, is passive in his life except for Go, and he can be arranged by others.

Sure enough, Roach did not have any rebuttal, and agreed directly.

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