Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1207: Fixed section

On a bumpy road.

Wen Rensheng and Luo Qi rode in a four-wheeled carriage from Tianxing Town to Xing'an House, a hundred miles away.

"Oh, it hurts my ass," Roach complained.

"You're content, Teacher Luo, it's good to have a carriage, so many people around can only walk." Wen Rensheng pointed out the window and said.

On both sides of the galloping road outside the window, many pedestrians and traders, carrying their burdens and facing the sun, were sweating, and they still walked forward step by step.

"I remember that you would fly. It's just over a hundred miles away. The driver said that it would take at least two days to run, and you flew over in an hour." Roach owed his body.

"I don't care, I'm just afraid that you will be treated as a monster." Wen Rensheng certainly didn't care, he didn't appear in real body, but Roach was an ordinary person.

He doesn't care about wasting this time, because there's not much else in this world, just enough time. One year in the real world is equivalent to a thousand years here.

"Aren't you still stealthy?" Roach couldn't stand the feeling that there was no spring damping system on the carriage.

"Stealth will also leave us behind." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"Oh, I want to go home a little bit now." Roach said depressedly.

He remembered the dry toilets these days, the smell, not to mention... It still lingers in his nose.

He boiled it for more than ten minutes and couldn't help but say, "Can you invent something for living at home so that we can live comfortably? I think we will spend at least ten years here."

"No." Wen Rensheng still shook his head.

"That's not right, I read the time-travel novels, either inventing soap and perfume, or inventing glass cement, and furthermore, muskets and cannons, why don't you want to invent anything?" Roach said depressedly.

He spoke to Wen Rensheng very casually, not because of the opponent's Go teacher, but because he found that Wen Rensheng was an easy-going person. He didn't seem humble like other top leaders, but in fact he was a high-ranking and arrogant person. Ling people.

Wen Rensheng smiled and did not explain directly to Roach, but said: "Don't worry, when you become famous and live in a rich mansion, the inconveniences you are worried about will naturally disappear without a trace. , there is no need to invent any modern daily necessities."

"Well, let me ask you one last question, can you cast a spell to make me forget the pain now?" Roach stepped back and asked.


"Why, I am your teacher?"

"Because it helps improve your chess."

"What theory is this, can you improve your chess skills while riding a broken carriage?"

Wen Rensheng smiled, then stretched out his hand, and a somewhat illusory book appeared in front of Roach.

Roach opened it and saw, "Life in Go".

"I suffered a lot when I was a child, and it was these hardships that enabled me to persevere when I faced the difficulties of chess in the future, because compared with those hardships, I lost a few championships, was abused by others, and I won't win one after another. Totally nothing."

"What are those hardships? In the winter, I can only wear a ragged cotton jacket with my three younger brothers, and I can only eat a little rice when I eat. In the early morning, I have to walk more than ten miles to go to school, and I have to go with the adults in hot weather. When you cut wheat, the thorns of the wheat leaves pierced your body, and it was hot and itchy."

Seeing this, Roach first nodded, then looked at Wen Rensheng: "It's well written, it's really motivating. But I still have a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Why are you floating in the carriage?"

"Because I don't need that motivation."

"Then I don't need it either."


In the end, Wen Rensheng left Roach hanging in the air, only three centimeters in the air, the kind that others couldn't see.

Two days later, the two came to Xing'an City.

It is much more lively here than the market town, and there are too many chess stalls on the street.

And the rule of watching chess without saying a word does not exist in this big city.

"Hey, you made a mistake, you should make up for it, but now it's okay, the flaws are revealed."


"Cut, if you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer in front of you."

Roach was very happy to see it, and urged Wen Rensheng: "Old Wen, where is the association, take me there quickly, I want to play chess now."

"It's right there." Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand and saw that there was a large courtyard on the left side of the city gate where he had just entered. In the courtyard was a vast three-story building.

There is a sign hanging on the door - "Xing'an Go Club".

Half an hour later, the two walked through a simple procedure, and after determining their chess skills, they joined the fan club.

You must have more than five dan in chess to join this club.

That is to say, there must be people who are qualified to play chess with five layers of the world.

Just like Dufferin before, he is at this level, and at this level, he has become the core for the survival of thousands of people in a village.

With the strengths of Wen Rensheng and Roach, it was naturally easy to pass.

No more, no less, they all won two sons of the Five Layers of Heaven.

Soon people gathered around.

"I paid attention to the whole process just now. I guess the chess skills of the two Xiongtai are at least eight, right?" An old man cupped his hands and called them Xiongtai without hesitation.

It's not just a compliment, because someone with great chess skills, who looks young, may be his grandfather at his age.

"This has not been confirmed yet, the town is only given to the sixth stage." Roach said modestly.

"The association has channels, and it can be set to the tenth stage, why not set it now?" the old man urged.

"Ten dan?" Roach himself has the title of "ten dan", and feels that the ten dan here should not be as strong as the nine dan on earth.

The reason is very simple. The communication channels on the earth are too frequent, and there is AI-assisted teaching of Go, so everyone's chess skills have increased a lot.

"Is Xiongtai sure?" the old man asked seriously.

"It should be five points, right?" Roach guessed.

"That's good. Set the stage earlier, and divide the room and the wife earlier. I think Xiongtai is not married yet, right?"

"This, that?" Roach blushed.

"Bring this way, brother." With the old man pulling and pulling, Roach followed in a daze with extreme enthusiasm.

Wen Rensheng made soy sauce the whole time, like a foil.

This is naturally because he has reduced his sense of existence. After all, he came here to find and not to play Go.

Above the third floor is a wide rooftop, where four or five hundred people have gathered.

"Come, come, make a good move." The old man was calling for his friends and betting on a table.

One is Roach's success, and the other is naturally his failure.

No wonder he was so enthusiastic.

Ten dan is not something you can decide. You must show the corresponding chess skills when playing chess before you are allowed to play against the ten layers of heaven.

The process is also quite complicated. First, you burn incense and pray, worship God, and you can start only after you get the permission of the secret.

The news that someone wanted to set ten paragraphs was immediately spread throughout Xing'an City. There are more and more people coming, and most of them naturally can't go to the third floor rooftop, but this is okay, the chessboard has been hung outside, just waiting for the chess sheet to come.

Wen Rensheng was watching patiently. He wanted to know how the world was operated and maintained for the thirty-three days behind the scenes.

I believe that this should raise a lot of the upper limit of mystery.

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