Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1208: genius

The chess game begins.

360 people who act as pawns have gathered on both sides of the chessboard.

Starting to guess first, Roach got black.

Here, the rule of black sticking purpose is to stick six eyes.

In a relatively ordinary opening, Roach made a sound in the upper left.

"Seventeen horizontally, sixteen vertically."

A man turns into a man in black and walks into the position he left.

"Four horizontally, sixteen vertically."

There was no one on the opposite side, only a crisp female voice appeared in the air.

Tenth Heaven, is she a female chess player?

Wen Rensheng calculated in his heart.

Generally speaking, due to physical problems, female chess players are often at a disadvantage when playing against male chess players, and only a few very good players can compete.

"Heizi, sixteen horizontally, three vertically." Roach went on to say, in order to worry about his own people going to the wrong place, he also added the title of black and white.

Actually not so.

"Fifteen horizontally, seventeen vertically."

Simple starts go down quickly.

About half an hour later, fighting began in the left area.

Beating, sticking, punching, sharp... a series of means, everyone was dazzled and excited.

At this time, Wen Rensheng keenly noticed a phenomenon, that is, among the black and white people who acted as chess pieces, various disparities began to appear on the top of their heads!

Wen Rensheng once played a game called Chess Soul. If a player made a good move, various special effects would appear on the chessboard——

Such as flowers, the universe, the sun...

But now, with the beginning of the killing between the two sides, every fierce conflict will cause the people in black to appear out of phase, or the people in white to appear out of phase.

The fight on the left also determines the overall victory or defeat.

With Black playing at two horizontal and vertical eleven, White conceded defeat.

Because this matchup requires a robbery, and black is not only ahead on the ground, but also has a lot of robbery materials. If White cannot win, if he cannot win this matchup, he will lose.

"Win!" The crowd watching on the rooftop, as well as the people watching the chess sheet in the courtyard downstairs, cheered.

They saw the birth of a ten dan again!

The benefits that this class can get include territory, that is, being an official!

Moreover, it is still at the level of a feudal lord, not the kind of county magistrate who is dispatched by others.

"Xiongtai is really amazing, I admire it." The old man who had just encouraged Luo Qi to set the stage had already come over. Seeing his blushing appearance, he must have won a lot.

"Nothing, the opponent's chess is a little weak." Roach said truthfully.

The old man's face turned pale all of a sudden, this guy is really crazy about playing chess.

He hurriedly said: "You can't say that, this is just a chess player encouraging us mortals to play chess, so I didn't use all my strength, you should be humble in the future."

"I didn't use all my strength." Roach said naturally.

As a former world champion, his inner pride is very strong, otherwise, he would not be brooding about losing to AI, and he would not be able to recover.

This is precisely because he is too proud and does not want to lie down completely.

"Uh, then Xiongtai, let's do it on your own. Listen to what the little old man said. The way of playing chess requires not only chess quality, but also character." The old man shook his head and walked away with his hands behind his back.

Obviously, he does not intend to continue to befriend Roach.

However, Wen Rensheng smiled, the old man, this time he was wrong.

Roach's aggressive and fighting spirit is precisely the favorite of chess players!

Because only he knows the fundamental meaning of these people playing chess—the contest of wills between the two sides, to stimulate mysterious power, and to extract source crystals.

This is also the reason why people are used as pawns. Those people seem to be ruthless, but in fact their hearts are full of emotions. Every time the situation changes, the emotions of the pawns fluctuate.

As for why they couldn't show their emotions, couldn't speak, and could only be expressionless, just to prevent them from affecting the players on both sides.


Xing'an House, in a small courtyard somewhere.

Four people are chatting in the yard, two men and two women, all young people in their twenties.

"Have you heard that there is another ten-dan contestant..." a long-haired woman in ancient costume said quietly.

"Oh, just another fool." Another short-haired woman in ancient costume chuckled.

"Damn, in this suffocating world, everyone is spinning on a boring chessboard. They forget about reality, forgot to create, and forgot to support themselves, and only hope that God will reward them with food!" A shirtless man, holding A sledgehammer hit the ground hard.

"Who made this bowl of rice taste so delicious? Even a child of a farm family, as long as he shows his talent, he can become a son-in-law. ." A man with a folding fan in his left hand and his index finger and thumb in his right hand, wrote lightly.

"Hey, those people in the sky are really good tricks. They only use black and white to surround everyone in it. They can't see the real and the fake, and they will spend their whole life spinning around in a square inch!" The sledgehammer man said angrily.

"Yes, the only people who can see these means clearly are the geniuses among us." The man with a folding fan said proudly.

"Unfortunately, we are all geniuses among geniuses. The only thing is that we don't have the talent in Go. I have worked hard for ten years, but I am only eight dan. This person who appeared out of nowhere can reach ten ..." The long-haired woman in ancient costume was very It is regret.

"So, let's change the gameplay." The folding fan man's eyes turned cold.

His name is Jiang Zinan. He is a master of classics, history, chess, calligraphy and painting. He has mastered seven of the eight disciplines, but he cannot understand the chess.

As the direct son of the family, he came from a famous family in the mansion, but he is not as high as a concubine in the mansion. The reason is that the concubine has a very high talent for chess, is a master of chess, and has ten dan.

Go is very talented, and hard work can determine whether you can continue to advance, but talent determines the ceiling of progress, whether you will be first-class or super-class in the future, whether you can win the world championship, or you can only spin around in the first-class.

And that concubine gave birth to a son, who was unreasonable and simple-minded, and all kinds of people were played around by him.

However, just because he has ten dan chess skills, he can be a lord, sit on a thousand hectares of land, and have the title of "Marquis of Xing'an".

He can only gain a place by pleasing the other party, how can people endure this?

However, he still can't calculate the other party, and even guarantees that others will not calculate this concubine and give birth to a Otherwise, the family territory will be taken away, and his status will plummet.

Many of his social positions still depend on this concubine brother to maintain, protect, and seize.

For him who is arrogant by nature, this is a great shame!

The same is true for the other four people in the hospital.

Ding Yong, a sledgehammer man, is extremely talented in force and has a terrifying intuition.

However, because he has no talent for chess, he can only act as a thug, and cannot be a general in his life.

Because before hitting someone, you have to play chess first, and you can only be allowed to conquer by force if you beat the opponent... But this guy has a chaotic mind and is not sensitive to numbers at all, and he can't even count a thousand.

The other two women are similar, the long-haired female worker is scheming, and manages the huge family in an orderly manner at a young age, while the short-haired girl is good at organizing, establishing a brothel chain, and knowing all the information in her heart.

It is a pity that these abilities of them are also due to chess skills and cannot be fully exerted.

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