Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1214: will

Wen Rensheng watched the big cat move bricks while observing various players.

An hour later, when someone went to collect points, he found a problem: he didn't come in through normal channels, so others could collect points through a certain game mechanism, but he couldn't.

Because in the normal sense, he is no different from the local natives.

So he no longer moved bricks, but wandered around, chatting with players occasionally, and observing the ecology of those players...

To be honest, moving bricks is hard work, especially picking stones. It is more tiring than farming, and there is no game fun at all.

If it weren't for the attraction of a thousand times longer lifespan and the temptation to bring power back to reality, Wen Rensheng believed that only fools would play this kind of game.

Now it seems that under those huge temptations, they still have a lot of energy to work.

This is also normal. After all, there are N people lining up behind. If you don’t work hard, some people will take your place.

Carrots are in the front and knives are in the back. If you don’t work hard, you will be slaughtered and eaten for meat. Can the donkeys of this production team not work hard?

It's just their players, don't you know that this is actually being played?

Wen Rensheng had another question.

He found a few players who moved bricks and asked this question privately.

"Of course I know that there must be a black hand behind the scenes who treat us as free labor, but there is no way that others can master the method of logging in to the game. We only have labor. Apart from working honestly, what else can we do?" The player shook his head.

"Yeah, even if we want to rebel, we have to wait until the later stage." Another player raised meaningfully to Wen Ren.

"Uh, low-key, low-key, be careful that you are banned for life." The first player reminded.

"Well, I didn't say anything just now, and you didn't hear anything." Another player hurriedly said.

Wen Rensheng smiled, nodded, and left.

The fourth natural disaster in the real world, without the mysterious cloak of infinite resurrection, its core is still the relationship between the means of production and labor.

The GM is the end product. The player has nothing but sells his own labor. Everything is ultimately owned by the GM.

Players only get a little leftovers.

However, the goals of the players are lifespan and strength. What is the goal of the behind-the-scenes manipulator—the game GM?

Take over the world?

Or grab more power?

Or is it a more ambitious goal?

Wen Rensheng's superhuman wisdom instantly made up countless grand possibilities.

He needs to find out these mysteries in order to fulfill the Mysterious Seed's request.

At present, the person who is most likely to know the target of the game should be the owner of the village, that is, the man over two meters tall who just issued various bans.


Lu Kuan has always felt that his name is very good, the road is wide and the road is wide, and the road is wide and wide.

And now, he feels that no one on earth can have a wider road than his future!

With a game simulator bound in his mind, holding billions of players in his hand, and conquering the heavens and the world, he is destined to be the only savior of the earth and even the entire universe in the future.

It's just that he, the savior, has not been recognized by many people, only in his game group.

He's only just taken a small step now.

Fortunately, this step, he walked solid enough.

He also knew that the two things that happened before, the spaceship figure, and the doomsday skeleton, the two men with golden fingers were taken away.

After all, this matter is too big.

He expressed disdain for those two people: How can the wisdom of a single husband be undefeated by the wisdom of the world?

Our ancestors have long said that those who gain the Way help more, and those who lose the Way get little help.

No matter how awesome a person is, even if his intelligence is extremely high, his mental strength is limited. You can't be 24 hours a day, thinking about dealing with others every minute and every second; but other people can do this, and they can work shifts.

Unlike him, he has access to the intellectual resources of billions of people.

And he wouldn't take the path of those two fools, wouldn't it be fragrant to live well? Don't look for trouble with the world's human beings.

Those whose interests conflict with those of the majority are doomed to fail.

In a word, you have narrowed your way.

And he won't.

Just like now, he has taken root in a small world. Although it is only a stockade with hundreds of people, it is considered to have taken root.

At that time, it was chosen to open up the world of Go because it had one major advantage: that is, the opening game would not be directly crushed by force, but confronted by chess force.

The power of chess, any ordinary earth person, can rely on the AI ​​of Go to abuse those ancients.

And if it were another world, even if it was a primitive society, it would be possible to be besieged by a group of primitive people at the beginning, and the last white and hairless guys would become the next food of others.

So he thought he was too smart.

Just after the ban was announced to a group of new arrivals, he returned to his exclusive big room to rest.

There are melons and fruits and beautiful women from several villages down the mountain.

Not long after, the sound of feeding fruit came from inside...

Life is really beautiful. I heard on Earth that only aliens from outside can live it.

Especially in the case of players moving bricks, they can get double the happiness.

Happiness is in contrast.

Lu Kuan lay on the chair, thinking happily.

Just at this moment, a voice suddenly came from his mind:

"Crisis Mission: You have been spied on by an unknown existence. The consequences are unpredictable. Please solve it as soon as possible."

finally come.

Lu Kuan was not in a hurry, and was still lying on the chair.

He just moved his hands and filled in one in the task release module.

"Protect the stockade (temporary): There are unknown beings peeping at our emerging stockade, please find out this threat."

"Reward: 3,000 points, 50 favorability points for the village master, and one servant."

After filling it out, he checked it carefully, and then released it.

"This is not good, players have something to do, nothing to do..."

He looked at the beautiful woman beside him, not to mention the remoteness of this mountain village, there are still many young women among them.

The woman cast a charming look at him... seducing males is the natural ability of females.

Lu Kuan did not expect that his willpower was wearing down a little bit.

At this time, he was just indulging in the gentle village, indulging in the exhilaration that countless people would unconditionally execute an order.

This is the magic of power. Dong Zhuo, who was once wise, ended like this in those days. Under its corruption, he forgot the crisis hidden in peace.

But at this time, Lu Kuan's golden finger still has a strong vitality and is still developing vigorously.

"Hey, another temporary mission!"

"Is the reward so generous?"

"Unknown existence? Wouldn't it be the heavenly people in the mouths of the natives?"

When Wen Rensheng returned to the village, he heard the players talking a lot.

"What temporary assignment?" he asked an old hand.

"Strange, you didn't receive it? Oh, yes, it may be because you don't have enough points," the veteran said naturally without doubting, "It's a temporary crisis mission, Saying there is an unknown being spying on our burgeoning stockade, let's identify the threat."

"Oh, the unknown exists? There are many Go worlds. Heavenly chess players are peeping every day to see if there are any awesome players below." Wen Rensheng said casually.

In fact, he has realized that this is probably talking about himself.

However, he will not admit this, he is a newbie at this time.

His words and deeds are exactly the same as that of an ordinary earth player, so no one suspects him.

"Yeah, that's what we think too. Thirty-three layers of heaven, I don't know what it is, this task is not easy to do, it's a pity." The old hand sighed.

"Are the rewards very rich?" Wen Rensheng asked curiously.

"Of course it is very rich, with 3,000 points, 50 favorability points for the village owner, and one servant, it would be nice if it were a beautiful maid." The veteran said with saliva.

"Well, it's really good, then I have to hurry up and earn points." Wen Rensheng replied casually, and then left.

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