Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1215: Internal test

Of course Wen Rensheng wouldn't accumulate any points, and he wouldn't be able to accumulate that thing.

This sudden temporary mission made him understand that the mysterious props held by the opponent were indeed extraordinary, and the defense mechanism was triggered so quickly.

Before, when he dealt with opponents, it was many-to-one, but now the situation is reversed and it has become one-to-many.

Really thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi.

However, Wen Rensheng is not worried, can the stragglers be compared with the elite soldiers?

Most of these players are here to play, and they are expected to use their brains, and their professional performance is comparable to that of the inspectorate who takes these jobs as a meal?

Wen Rensheng didn't tangle too much, he returned his consciousness directly to reality, submitted the current situation, and asked for tactical guidance.

"Don't worry, we have sent someone to sneak in. According to the model analysis, the host behind the scenes is entering a period of depravity. Don't over-stimulate him at this time, I believe he will reveal more flaws himself." Lao An called and said .

"Oh, it turns out that this is the drawback of a single person." Wen Rensheng nodded.

In fact, there are many people who open up in history, but very few people reach the end. This is the reason. Once the situation improves and the constraints are released, the inertia of people will break out. There are too many people like this.

Now the manipulator behind the game, his biggest enemy, is not others, but his own heart.

The mystery of five question marks is enough for him to be able to deal with most enemies, but can he deal with his own heart?

Wen Rensheng was not very optimistic about this.

He is a man of two lives. He has been tempered by too many events and has the implicit constraints of different species to move forward and not go astray.

But the other party has no such conditions.

The pride of controlling the player, the freedom hidden in the dark, and the uncontrolled atmosphere, in this case, it is not easy to continue to go on for a long time.

After thinking about this clearly, Wen Rensheng decided to stay in the real world first and come back after a while.

Time flows fast in this Go world, just to see where the opponent will go.

As for how long to wait, it is natural to ask the experts.

Wen Rensheng called Director An:

"Old An, you should have research on related topics. How long does it take for an ordinary person to degenerate after mastering the supreme power?"

"This is uncertain. The fastest is one year, the slow is twenty years, and thirty years. The average fall time is between five and fifteen years."

Wen Rensheng nodded. People have different wills. Some people can fight tigers, while others are afraid to kill chickens.

In that case, he would wait another ten years to see. Ten years in the Go world is only equivalent to three or four days in reality.

Still, he had to find someone to keep an eye on the guy.

"Xiao Huan, don't you like playing games the most? Here is a real game for you to play..."

"Che, do you think I'm stupid? Going to move bricks every day, I don't feel the pickle game." Xiao Huan said with contempt.

"Uh, moving bricks is also fun, there is a feeling of hard work." Wen Rensheng followed suit.

"If I don't go, whoever likes to go will go." Xiao Huan won't be fooled.

"Forget it, I'll find someone else." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

This time, he found Wang Wenwen, because this is the only guy in the family who likes to play games.

"Oh, the world of Go? Teacher, I don't know how to play Go." Wang Wenwen said with a headache.

"Don't worry, there is AI assistance, and I can help you too." Wen Rensheng encouraged.

"Well, I'm not afraid of moving bricks, just to exercise."

"Unfortunately, it's a new body."

"Then hone your will."

"very good."

Then Wang Wenwen entered the game group and got a link, but because he needed to queue up, he couldn't get in for a while, and there were still thousands of people in front of him.

Of course Wen Rensheng would not waste time, throwing out five million to buy a place.

However, in the front, no one sold it.

This made him very embarrassed, and at the same time he deeply understood that the appeal of this game has far exceeded the appeal of real money.

And the ability of that game is something he can't do.

Although he can bring people through the world of Go, the lifespan of the opponent is limited, still a hundred years, and he cannot be resurrected indefinitely, and he will still be dead.

So for ordinary people, this kind of crossing is meaningless, unless he is a top player in Go, just like Roach before.

"What can I do? Teacher, can't I wait a few more months?" Wang Wenwen said helplessly.

"This is simple, find someone to do the work."

Wen Rensheng then asked Shi Shi to check the people who were lined up in front of him. After checking, he would do targeted work and finally get a spot.

There is not much work to do. The purpose of the first queuing person entering the game is to get a panacea to treat his father. This is simple, Wen Rensheng directly asked someone to help him treat his father.

The other party gave up the quota, and let Wang Wenwen replace his account in the front line, while he himself, of course, continued to line up, and let the whole family line up.

It's a pity that the game has restrictions, only limited to between 20-50 years old, no matter how old you are, you won't be allowed to play.

The brain can't keep up.

After getting the quota, it didn't take long for Wang Wenwen to become a player in that game.

Immediately, a fat girl appeared in the cottage, followed by several players.

"Uh, why can't you pinch your face to change your body shape in this game?" Wang Wenwen complained while looking at his fat body after entering.

I didn't expect to enter the real game, my body shape still can't change.

"After all, it's an internal test. The characters are copied directly from their original bodies, and pinching their faces may require a lot of work, and it's easy for some people to abandon their integrity..." A player next to him explained.

"When will it be officially released?" Wang Wenwen asked when he caught it.

"This can only depend on when the village owner has updated the game to The player shook his head.

"That seems to be hopeless." Wang Wenwen has played too many games, and many games have been in closed beta for ten years, causing countless people to cheat.

If there is a problem in the internal test, as long as it is not personal injury, there is no need to lose money.

"There is no hope, what profession do you want to play?" the player said enthusiastically.

"Occupation? Isn't there only one profession of chess player?" Wang Wenwen wondered.

"A chess player is not a profession, a chess player is a tool. We have various professions in our own game, architects, soldiers, engineers, researchers..." The player introduced them one by one.

"Oh, thank you for your explanation, give me a guide to take a look at, I didn't read much outside." Wang Wenwen said gratefully.

"Yeah, don't watch it outside, it's a waste of time, the strategy is in the east academy, it's very clear, and it's authorized, only players can enter and watch."

"Thank you, I'll go right now."

Wang Wenwen said, and trotted to the east of the stockade.

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