Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1229: copy

When Wen Rensheng flew to the land of Dongdao again, he saw a cloud over the sky.

This is not a climate problem, but the mysterious world corresponding to Dongdao is covered with dark clouds, as if something is bred.

And the mysterious seed also gave an instant prompt:

"Chaos Omniscience: You don't want to know how terrifying this thing really is."

"Mystery: ??????"

"Mysterious composition: ??????"

Wen Rensheng was stunned. The fourth natural disaster of the last five-question mark has not been resolved. This time there is another six-question mark?

For a moment, he even wondered if there was something wrong with the mysterious seed.

This power was raised too quickly.

Isn't he supposed to fight monsters and upgrade step by step?

My mystery is only four digits, a fourth natural disaster with a five question mark, already Alexander, this time it is good, come directly with a six question mark!

He really wanted to turn around and leave.

But after thinking about it, I still can't leave. After leaving, isn't it just waiting for this "chaotic omniscience" to erupt?

Just thinking about it, Xiao Huan suddenly popped out of his head:

"Old Wen, Lao Ai told me just now that it asked you where do you need its help?"

"Oh, there is nothing to be courteous, what does it want to do?" Wen Rensheng's heart moved, his brows furrowed.

His current intelligence is so high that he can think of ten thousand possibilities in an instant.

"I don't know, why don't you ask it?" Xiao Huan played with his hair.

Wen Rensheng nodded and dragged Ahhandeb out of the blacklist.

"I caught a glimpse of your extremely tragic fate. As the protagonist on my stage, I didn't want you to leave the stage like this, so I decided to show mercy and give you a little mercy..."

"Okay, okay, don't use your boring routine on me. An extremely tragic fate can only be yours." Wen Rensheng said with contempt.

"Well, the protagonist is too smart, but it's troublesome and difficult to play with. No wonder the screenwriters rarely write protagonists with high IQs." Akhendeb shook his thousand heads, one thousand tentacles, and one thousand eyes. .

"Don't sigh, tell me how you can help?" Wen Rensheng returned the topic.

"The devil is in the bud now. You can channel the emotions of the people and make it stop growing. Your colossus is very suitable for this, and I can make your colossus stronger enough to cover the world." Khan Deb said.

"Why would I do that?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"If you don't, once it is born, it will destroy your world first," Ahhandeb threatened.

"But it will also destroy you in the end. When you peep at the universe where the earth is located, the universe is also peeping at you. Your reckless actions will finally be countered." Wen Rensheng laughed.

He now has a sudden sense of refreshment - those disaster principals are like a group of high-ranking dignitaries.

Those powerful people never looked down on the commoners below.

The "people" in their mouths are actually themselves—the gentry who can read and be officials, not the mud legs with mud under their feet and ashes on their faces.

They never really looked at the mud legs as human beings, just as leeks.

They always thought that their family would last forever, but every time the dynasty changed, they would be overturned by the furious poor people.

The streets of the sky are strewn with the bones of public officials, and the heads of dignitaries are hung all over the Yuanmen.

Raging the poor is equal to chaos.

"Hmph, we didn't act recklessly. We have been very cautious. Several crises of world extinction were all made by you humans." Akhandeb sneered.

Wen Rensheng was silent, he would not quibble, after all, at his level, useless quibbling was just a waste of time.

Indeed, apart from the acceleration of mysterious erosion, the calamities, it should be said that the rational calamities have not really launched an action to invade the earth, but just played two chess pieces, created a few fragmented worlds, and evolved some strategies.

The real bigwigs are still peeping behind the scenes, just like Akhandeb.

Only now, it is clear that something is out of their grasp.

This is very normal. If they can master everything, they are omnipotent God, and there is no need to invade the earth and the universe.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Wen Rensheng suddenly laughed wildly.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the only one in the sky, he must have died on the spot.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you for exposing your greatest weakness, your greatest fear. I now ask you to withdraw from our world, otherwise, I will let this chaotic omniscient grow up." Wen Rensheng said word by word.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Akhandeb also laughed wildly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I laugh at you, but you still don't understand. We can enter your world because of your inner pull, not our unilateral invasion. Your extreme desire for longevity, the afterlife, gods and ghosts, and your curiosity about the mystery are what lead you. Come to us."

"If we leave, your aliens will disappear, all your supernatural powers will disappear, and you will revert to the technological age of the 20th century. It's fine for ordinary people, but do you really want to live like that? Whatever you No matter how perfect, no matter how smart, no matter how handsome, after fifty years, it will be rotten and rotten, and after a hundred years, it will become a pile of rotten meat that smells of death..."

Wen Rensheng was silent again when he heard this.

He had to admit that the other party was right.

He couldn't imagine that kind of picture, and he couldn't have tolerated the state of his body.

MD, debating with this old guy will always suffer, which is another small reason why he dragged the other party into the blacklist.

"It seems that you understand, well, now let's cooperate a little to suppress the birth of that monster. This is a win-win." Akhandeb said in a persuasive manner.

"Why don't you do it yourself and let me do it?" Wen Rensheng asked suddenly.

"Well, cooperation requires frankness. It's very simple. A rational and mysterious thing like us is its best food. As long as we step in and let it smell us, it can continue to grow. "Akhandeb said honestly.

"I see, I have to think about it." Wen Rensheng received so much information, so naturally he couldn't make a decision right away.

"Yes, call me anytime if you need to." Akhandeb disappeared from his mind.

Shall we suppress the emergence of Chaos Omniscience?

This is the existence that can really deter the disasters at present.

It was impossible for Aikhandeb to cheat just now, and Wen Rensheng could still feel it.

He suddenly realized one thing, the mystery of six question marks, can deter the principal-level disaster, doesn't that mean that the mystery of the other party is between 10,0000 and 99,9999?

And he only has 5507 now, which is a little far away, but the hope is right in front of him, and he still has to work hard to increase the upper limit of mystery.

Thinking of Wen Rensheng seriously pondered this incident.

Chaos Omniscient This kind of chaotic disaster will be born in Dongdao, in fact, this is quite normal.

First, the people of Dongdao have a tradition of seeking death. Second, their mysterious background is deep enough. Third, the social contradictions have become very acute. Fourth, they have a tradition of education.

And a base of 100 million is enough to serve as a hotbed for the birth of chaos omniscience.

Unlike Nanzhu and Rezhou, although the contradictions there are more acute, the people are ignorant, their minds are chaotic, and they have an inexplicable self-confidence. They are the most stupid fools.

Wen Rensheng thought of one more thing: Isn't there an infinite number of game emulators?

As long as the East Island is closed off as a game copy...

It happened to be able to pass the way, the fourth natural disaster event of the five question marks.

This is called fighting poison with poison.

He is so smart, how can someone else come up with such a strategy?

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