Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1230: birth

Wen Rensheng did what he said and immediately called Lao Liu.

"Old Liu, the guy with the golden finger of the fourth natural disaster named Lu Kuan, what's the situation now?"

"I can eat and drink, I listen to the arrangements, and the cooperation is quite smooth, but there are many doubts now." Inspector Liu replied.

"It's normal to be suspicious. After all, he has been betrayed. Now there is something for him to do..."

Wen Rensheng then briefly explained what he wanted to do.

"Let Dongdao become a copy of the game? What are you trying to do? There is a riot there, just send someone to distribute some rice noodles. Why make such trouble?" Inspector Liu couldn't understand.

Of course he didn't understand that Wen Rensheng didn't tell the other party about the birth of "Chaos Omniscient".

"Of course it's to select talents. It's not enough to train players in the secondary world; just to take advantage of this East Island riot, turn it into a realistic copy of training players." Wen Rensheng said casually.

He can't tell the other party that he wants to know the details of Chaos and Omniscience through the player.

That is a guy who is afraid of even Aihandeb, the principal-level disaster. With the help of the fourth natural disaster and the game simulator owned by Lu Kuan, it is possible to really explore its details.

After all, that game simulator is infinitely growing.

"There's some truth to what I said, okay, I'll report it right away." Inspector Liu immediately agreed.

After half an hour, Wen Rensheng's suggestion was approved.

It turns out that the bosses above have noticed the movement of Dongdao long ago, and they are also worried that the chaos over there will cause major problems, the city gate catches fire, and Chiyu is affected.

As for Lu Kuan's golden finger, there are already many solutions on how to explore and utilize it, and now there is just an opportunity to use it.

In the past, it was sent to suppress the aliens, but there was a problem of casualties. Although there is now a soul reincarnation, there are still drawbacks. The drawback is that the soul is reincarnated, but the aliens cannot follow the reincarnation, and often become ordinary people.

Even if you activate the same alien species again, that alien species will think that you are too capable of death and ignore it.

Under this kind of price, it is natural that the subjective initiative of the aliens cannot be fully exerted, and everyone should save their lives first.


Turning Dongdao into a game dungeon is not difficult for Lu Kuan. Before, he didn't dare to open a dungeon in reality because he was afraid of being caught.

As a result, he went to the secondary world to open a dungeon, and he was indeed not caught, but was pushed down by the player's rebellion.

This time, I received a mission to turn Dongdao into a game copy.

He just built a new copy in the game simulator, delineated the East Island, and after some game settings, registered players can see this copy, and then choose to log in...

Then, he handed over the permission to issue tasks in the copy, and he didn't have much to do with the rest.

Inspector Liu then informed Wen Rensheng of the corresponding news, and also gave him a task release authority.

The way to use the permissions is very simple - Inspector Liu sent a link, Wen Rensheng clicked on it with his mobile phone, it would be connected to Lu Kuan's game simulator, and then some background operations could be performed.

"This is fun, play it with me, and I'll send the mission." Xiao Huan rushed out and snatched Wen Rensheng's phone away.

"Don't mess around, remember to do something serious." Wen Rensheng instructed.

"Understood." Xiao Huan happily played with his mobile phone, like those children who were addicted to mobile phones at the age of four or five.


East Island, in a square somewhere, at night.

There was silence, and Yueyingtian was in front of a group of people, telling about his own experience.

"My parents are both diligent workshop workers. When they were working, someone found that there seemed to be some problems with a doll. At that time, everyone threw it away and burned it..."

"The workshop owner went to the nearby resettlement to ask for help, but they ignored it at all."

"Afterwards, the burned doll turned red and came back again. In order to make a living, my parents knew there was a problem, so they continued to work in the workshop, and they were eaten by the doll together!"

At the end, Yueyingtian burst into tears.

Many of the people listening below were also crying.

"The same is true at my house. There is always noise in the bathroom at midnight, but I begged people to check, but no one took care of me. In the end, a strange catfish crawled out of the bathroom and ate all six of my family. I was the only one doing things outside. I just escaped!" Another middle-aged man said while crying.

"Someone wants to ask, why didn't I move, but where can we move? Our whole family works in nearby workshops and barely makes a living. How can we survive if we change places?"

"What a tyrannical government!" An old teacher sighed.

"Yeah, we can't get through this day! Even if we can endure it, even if we survive, there is a shogunate above and weirdness below, and we can't sleep peacefully every day. In the final analysis, it's all the shogunate who control the aliens and only care about themselves, no matter what. We live and die!"


"Down with the shogunate and reform!"

Once the complaint came down, the crowd was angry.

These people did not know that two Dongzhou players were watching them not far away.

Both were carrying video equipment.

"Isn't this Chen Sheng and Wu Guang?" Player A said.

"Almost, they will rebel after they can't survive anyway. Dongdao people are the most tolerant group of guys, and now they can't bear it anymore, which shows the intensity of the conflict." Player B sighed.

"Our side is actually similar, but our living standard is much better than theirs. When encountering these dangers, we can move, we can go to other cities to escape, and there are still people in charge. They have no conditions, they can't escape, and there is no one. No matter what, I can only endure it, so naturally, like a spring that is pressed to the extreme, it will inevitably explode." Player A shook his head.

"Forget it, let's do our task and help the locals clean up those weirdness." Player B looked at the recorder.

The two of them came to follow, because the people at these gatherings were all victims of disasters, and from their complaints, the most authentic information could be collected.

"Although we are players, Dongdao is also on Earth. What if that weirdness finds our home with our souls?" Player A worried again.

This is also the reason why Lu Kuan didn't use Earth as a copy in the first place, and he was also afraid of that.

"It's alright, UU Reading we are the fourth natural disaster, this is a game copy, it will be resurrected after death, no matter how weird it is, can it be better than the game system?" Player B didn't care.

"Yes, the system is invincible, this is an iron setting." Player A followed.

The two players immediately put their minds to work.

They listened to it for a long time, and the group of people were all incensed, and finally they talked about the drama of resistance.

"But there are so many aliens in the Tokugawa family, how can we resist them?" After someone got angry, they worried again.

"Don't be afraid, we also have our own strength! As long as everyone is united, we will have nothing to fear!"

"The omniscience of chaos, right in our hearts, He is the only Lord who can save us!" Yueyingtian said.

"All-Knowing Chaos? What kind of **** is that? Eight million gods of Dongdao, haven't you heard of its name?" An old man wondered.

"Chaos and omniscience, born in the heart of each of us, because we are confused, because we are angry, because we don't know how to live, so He was born!"

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