Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1238: implicated

Entering the castle, Moon Shadow Field and Dufferin met a soldier named Garvey Prorera, who was General John's secretary or confidant.

"You want to build settlements, that's fine, I'll tell General John, and the general will help you build settlements," he said.

Yueyingtian couldn't believe his ears. His English was not very good, so he asked Dufferin for proof: "What is he talking about?"

"He said he would tell the general, and the general would personally help us build the settlement." Dufferin was also a little confused.

"The general will help us personally? What is this operation? Isn't the general a high-ranking person? He also wants to take care of us personally?" The thinking mode of the people of Yueyingtian Island completely cannot understand the current situation.

How can the superiors help the inferiors in person?

"Don't worry, the general is just a self-proclaimed, probably a captain's position." Dufferin could easily understand this.

It's just a leader of a non-governmental organization. In order to show the side of the people, it is normal to help in person.

More than half an hour later, a man in his forties with a full beard appeared beside them.

Beside him is a robot—a staggering biped with a laser in one hand and a screwdriver and other tools in the other.

"Kill everything!"

A voice suddenly appeared in Yueyingtian's mind, interrupting his observation of the general and his entourage.

Yueyingtian covered his head subconsciously.

"What's the matter with you, lad? Is it excessive radiation? I think you need electrotherapy." General John came over and pointed to an electric arch in the distance.

"I, I'm fine." Yueyingtian knew that this should be the omniscient Chaos, roaring to himself.

Sure enough, get rid of it quickly!

For a peaceful world!


After Wen Rensheng arranged everything, he was wandering leisurely, drinking coffee and watching movies.

There are very few movies that can catch his eye, after all, his brain is too smart.

This time I watched an old movie called "Painting".

In the movie, Sister Boa is a detective who encounters a series of serial killings - all victims are made part of the portrait, and there is a strange beauty in the horror.

The murderer is an artistic psychopath, and it is for this twisted and extreme beauty that he has created a series of murders.

The last deceased is Sister Bao'er, who is also the core part of the final painting, and her assistant, with the help of the clues she left behind, found the murder scene and killed the murderer.

The story is not bizarre, but the paintings are bizarre.

Wen Rensheng noticed that the paintings in the movie were changing as he watched them.

The twisted victims, as if they were about to come to life, emerged from the painting.

He sighed secretly, watching a slightly more curious movie at home may turn into a disaster, the current situation can be imagined.

It is no longer allowed to shoot all kinds of indescribable movies. Similarly, novels, music, dance... In short, all spiritual products are prohibited from creating indescribable content.

The movie he can see is still from before.

Perhaps, the Dongdao dungeon mode is the only way out for the earth at present?

By reducing the possibility of all disasters, delaying the arrival of danger as much as possible, let ordinary people live their lives in happiness.

Thinking of this, Wen Rensheng stretched out his hand, and the painting in the film that was mutating was now blank.

With his touch, he directly locates the binary data of the relevant content of the film, and then turns them all into "FFFFF".

To be honest, giving him a hard drive and letting him rub WIN10 by hand is not an unsolvable problem.

It's a pity that this kind of trivial matter can no longer touch the mysterious seed.

Then he turned his perspective to the current matter-"Chaos Prophet" versus "Principal-level Disaster".

Yueyingtian has been sent over, and the way to send it is, of course, by logging in the other party as a player through the game simulator.

After all, if you pass through Akhandeb, the other party will notice that there is a problem.

Don't worry that the Chaos Prophet will not pass, as long as that thing has a concept, it will spread in the past.

Wen Rensheng saw that at this time, Yueyingtian met a stage protagonist that Xiaohuan had played with, Dufferin. It was a coincidence.

However, it can't be said to be a complete coincidence. The world of Go is moving too fast. For such a long time, Dufferin must have made great progress in chess, and it is normal for him to hit the sky like himself.

The two build a settlement with the help of a white general and a robot.

Collect scrap steel and wood, and then rope, and use these things to build walls, and after the walls are built, water sources and fields are opened up.

Then they passed the castle's radio station to inform the wastelanders who wanted to live in peace, that there was a new settlement at such and such coordinates, the current capacity of the settlement and some simple information.

Can attract residents, of course, will attract gangsters and other intruders.

However, the gangsters often do not appear immediately. They are very smart. They will not come to loot until the settlement has been in operation for a period of time. Otherwise, they will only bite the bones and eat no meat.

But their settlement has an advantage, the force value is high enough - there is a player who can be resurrected infinitely, and a xenogeneic with strong basic strength.

In the wasteland, this can provide the most important security needs of the residents.

In fact, just like the real world, places that can provide safe havens are now becoming hot spots for immigrants.

Just as Wen Rensheng thought, the settlement of Yueying Field soon became a popular destination for immigrants nearby.

First the point, then the village, then the town, and finally the city.

Under the ultra-fast flow of time, Wen Rensheng was like watching a fast-forward live broadcast of field construction.

A small city was finally formed and expanded to the limit, because the security range that two people can provide cannot be too high.

There is a lot of free land in the wasteland, and there are actually not many basic resources.

It's just because there are mutants, androids, gangsters, mutant creatures in the wild... these chaos-type camps that continue to impact order, making those resources unusable at all.

In war, no one can farm, because you can't guarantee that the harvest will be yours.

After finishing the first step, Wen Rensheng took out the link to publish the game quest, and then started to publish the second main quest.

"You've built a sufficiently attractive settlement, and now use your leadership and organizational skills to pick out volunteers and form an exploratory team to find that peeper."

Then he continued leaning on the sofa and watching a movie.

Don't say it, it's really cool.

Otherwise, so many people are desperately trying to climb up.

Just moving your mouth, consumes too little energy. Some people have calculated that they can't boil a glass of water without talking about the previous year.

Wen Rensheng opened another suspenseful film and it seemed that this time it was a serial murder case that took place in an ancient setting.

Modern technology is too developed, which greatly reduces the dependence on personal ability to solve cases, and only depends on motivation and attitude.

If the background of the case is modern, the presence of the protagonist will be very low.

The film unfolds very quickly. This time it is a headless case. There are two family heirs, a man and a woman. At the thirteen-year-old ceremony, the male heir was killed and his head was lost.

Wen Rensheng guessed the murderer by seeing only one-fifth of it. If it is a real case, he guesses faster, because ordinary people can't act and lie in front of him. This kind of situation where the murderer is an insider is too good to solve the case.

When he was about to fast-forward, Zhao Han walked in with a nervous look on his face.

"what's the situation?"

"Teacher, are you watching a murder movie?" she said hesitantly.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Wen Rensheng was surprised at first, then suddenly, "By the way, you can predict."

"Teacher, you can't watch it any more, if you watch it once, there will be a place where the same murder case will occur according to the same Zhao Han said with wide eyes.

"Uh..." Wen Rensheng certainly believed that Zhao Han was telling the truth, and the other party would not make such a boring joke.

"So, what happened? I'll go and see."

It is his principle to deal with the things that he caused by himself.

"It's in a nearby community. Fortunately, the city management system has revised the death rules before, preventing the murderer in advance and not allowing him to kill successfully." Zhao Han said happily.

Wen Rensheng nodded: "Well, I'll deal with it."

The modification of the death rules was because of him. A passerby who was somewhat related was killed. Shi Shi's clone found that the other party was related to him, so he was rescued.

Urban management needs to be treated equally, so the accidental death is also modified.

Accidental deaths receive early intervention.

Fortunately, otherwise, when he saw the disaster movie, wouldn't they all die?

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