Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1239: journal

Both murders occurred in Dongshui City.

And they are all premeditated murders, you must know that ordinary people don't have the courage, unless they don't want to live in this peaceful place.

Wen Rensheng first went to the scene of the first murder, which was a studio - the murderer was indeed a painter, and the target was his own students.

Two patrolmen introduced him to the incident.

The murderer tricked the students into the studio, and then used psychedelic gas to fascinate them. When he was about to paint, he was caught by the city management system, and the two of them rushed over to deal with it.

At this time, the murderer was being tied to a pillar, and when he saw Wen Rensheng appearing, he kept saying:

"It wasn't me, it wasn't me, there was a strange, indescribable thing that appeared in my head. It had many eyes, wriggling tentacles, and lubricated skin. It occurred to me that there was a student who looked a lot like that monster. In part, the inspiration for painting now comes.”

The painter in his forties, his eyes were red, and halfway through, he shouted wildly:

"That must be a masterpiece! That inspiration can't be wasted, as long as you draw her death in it, it will definitely be a masterpiece!"

"For the sake of art, such a sacrifice is totally worth it!"

The students in the studio, both male and female, all huddled in a ball and hid behind Wen Rensheng.

"Oh, that's right, you don't have the right to deprive others of their lives. If you want to make that kind of painting, you should sacrifice yourself." Wen Rensheng shook his head.

"I will definitely sacrifice myself. Van Gogh can commit suicide because of art. What is my life? It's just that I will be the last one." The painter then said calmly.

When Wen Rensheng heard this, he suddenly understood the hidden meaning of the murder film "Painting" he had just watched——

The murderer wasn't really caught, and when he was beaten to death by detective Bao'er sister's assistant, he himself became the final part of the painting!

Really scary.

"Understood, I'll send you to a good place to paint in a while, where you can paint as much as you like." Wen Rensheng waved his hand, and two patrolmen walked out behind him and locked the guy away.

He glanced at the studio again, and saw a half-finished painting in the studio.

Above the painting is a dark background, but if you look closely, there are countless pairs of oval eyes hidden in the darkness!

Wen Rensheng knew that this should be a multi-layer painting method, and each layer did not completely cover the previous layer.

Then there are the two hands, the body has not been painted yet, obviously this is to wait for the murder before painting.

He blew a breath, and this horror work instantly turned blank.

At this time, a student's eyes showed regret.

Wen Rensheng naturally noticed, and he sighed secretly.

Weirdness occurs frequently, people's hearts are floating, thoughts are lifelong, and disasters are endless.

It seems that it is really better to make Dongshui City a copy of Dongdao.


Wen Rensheng then went to the next crime scene, which was an extra-large manor with a size of more than ten acres, where six generations lived together, with a population of seven or eight hundred.

This manor alone is worth two to three hundred million yuan in Dongshui City.

There are many such old families in Dongzhou, and they have accumulated over generations, and their wealth is naturally rich. Therefore, the status of family heirs is also very popular.

Not to mention, this manor is now located in the fragmented world, a rare place to live, and the price is rolling up.

Even if the heir has no other property to inherit, but only inherits the ownership of the manor, it will be a step to the sky.

Therefore, the competition for the successor is very fierce.

Two heirs, male and female, were caught on the spot when someone tried to murder the male heir during a family ceremony.

The plot at the back of the movie is therefore not reproduced.

Wen Rensheng went over to take a look and scolded them for not engaging in a feudal inheritance system. In the future, the heirs of the property will have a share. Isn't that all right?

The head of the family was immediately convinced, and repeatedly said that it was the master's opinion, why didn't they think of this...

Wen Rensheng knew that this guy was talking nonsense, and he was talking nonsense too. Anyway, he just wanted to see how it happened.

Now he understands that as long as the cases in the film can find a similar background in reality, it will happen in real scenes.

This is really a weird thing.

It's a pity that the mysterious seed didn't trigger the event, but Wen Rensheng didn't get anything.

The previous mysterious event "Chaos Prophet" has made some progress.

"Knowledge of Chaos: You have already touched one of its tentacles, do you want to continue to touch it?"

"Mystery: ???? 9?"

"Mysterious Composition: Conceptual Pollution, ??????"

I can see a number, but unfortunately it is in the ten digits.

One can also see a mysterious composition, concept pollution?

This is Cthulhu.

Continue to touch. When I was a child, I felt a turtle in the middle of the night, and I also touched a snake. What's there to be afraid of?

It's a pity that there is no upper limit on the mystery, it seems to be done after completion.

Just how to trigger the next stage?

Wen Rensheng also had no clue, so he resorted to "Following Fate Dafa".

Everything is random, let's meet again.

After thinking for a while, he returned to the world of Go and continued to hone his tens of thousands of mysterious skills.

Relying on this method of acceleration, one can upgrade the skills to the expert level, the master level depends on personal perception, and the master level also depends on fate.

Although it is difficult to increase the mystery, it can still increase the power.


Wasteland world.

One of the teams sent by Moon Shadow Field finally found Vault 114.

The captain opened the supervisor control terminal and used the BB boy to connect to enter.

"Refuge 114, Overseer XX."

"Experiment Name: Happiness Experiment."

"Experimental Design: Test people's well-being by offering different living conditions."

"Experimental method: 3513 people, divided into 32 groups, each group has different living conditions, and then tested."

"Experimental process: When the living conditions of the next-door group are unknown, and the basic living conditions are guaranteed, people spontaneously develop various tools and games to entertain themselves."

"There are a few people who want to explore the outside and feel that the space is small. After these people were released, they died outside. When they saw the bodies in the live broadcast, the happiness of the remaining people increased significantly."

"After discovering the living conditions of the next-door group, some people gave up entertaining themselves, but tried their best to target the next-door group and seize the resources of the next-door group. Others were quiet and did not want to participate in the competition, but were threatened by the former and had to obey."

"Experimental results:……"

"It's really cruel to take people's lives to do such a thing!" a female team member said indignantly.

Others didn't speak, this is nothing, compared to mutants, mutant beasts, gangsters and various forces, these sociological experiments, that is, pediatrics.

As they walked along the way, they often saw headless corpses hanging in the air, guts and sternums in shopping baskets, wreckage on stoves...

The cruelty of the wasteland makes people unable to think too much, and when they think about it, they will be too scared to live.

"Search around to see if there is any trace of that The captain did not comment and ordered.

Soon everyone scattered and cleaned up the remaining crazy ghouls, but nothing was found, only a diary was found, which may have been involved.

The captain opened it to see:

"July 9: Today I saw... I saw a series of inexplicable numbers 14159261141514927 appearing on the computer."

"July 10: That string of numbers is weird. There seems to be some pattern in it, but I can't think of it."

"July 11: Still can't figure it out, drink a rum bar."

"July 12: Drink, eat meat, do the indescribable."


"October 21st: I suddenly thought of what that string of numbers means, but unfortunately I don't have time to write in the diary. When I change the diary..."

It's a pity that the diary came to an abrupt end here, and the owner of the diary was already dead. He was a crazy ghoul, and the diary was found in his room.

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