Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1245: blue

No one knows that Liu Jian once worked as a lurker in the Republic of China world, as a general, as a general, as a businessman, and as a Lengjian. I don't know how much he has experienced.

He realized a truth:

If you want more people to remember you, you have to get more benefits for more people.

This seems silly to some people.

However, why don't they think about it, you are a completely selfish person, and you live a comfortable life, what can you get in the end?

A pile of loess, after three generations, even the descendants will not remember you.

Some people want to say that it is meaningless to be remembered, but you have never seen the future, so how do you know that future technology cannot resurrect the ancients?

Not to mention, in this mysterious world, the ancients can already be resurrected.

Obviously, those villains, traitors, and traitors are not qualified, even a street vendor is more qualified than them.

Liu Jian was enlightened.

The process of his transformation was observed by Ahhandeb.

Akhanderb immediately summed up the concept of "God of the Future", passed it on to Xiao Huan, and added new content to the stage.

Because it hates those false beliefs in gods and the self-comfort of vulnerable humans, it doesn't like that stuff mixed into its own stage, and it will make the drama it sees absurd and uninteresting.

A group of preaching based on falsehood, what's so good about it?

This is the origin of the Future Society, the **** of the future.

And Akhandeb's observation of Liu Jian has become a fatal point at this moment.

Akhandeb was polluted a little by Chaos Omniscience, and this little bit began to spread all its connections, spreading out in all directions.

Liu Jian, who was at the center of the mysterious battle, was the first to attract it.


A pattern on the coffin board began to wriggle.

It's just an ordinary pattern, a simple oval.

However, at this time, it came alive, like a drop of water, sliding off the coffin board and dripping on the deep rock formation.

Then the rock formation slowly came to life and turned into a patch of water.

Liu Jian had seven ancient tombs, and at the same time, the same thing happened on the other six coffin slabs.

This point, even Wen Rensheng could not have imagined.

After all, who can think of someone who was buried early?

After all, being buried means exiting the stage, and exiting on the stage of life, no matter how troublesome people are, they will no longer seek his own help.

The moon has water.

Water means the source of life.

There is no shortage of sunlight on the moon, and there is no shortage of energy.

There is one last element, air.

This is the last resistance of the real universe to the mysterious creation. If you want to pollute this planet, you must abide by the basic conditions for the birth of ordinary protein life: energy, water, and air.

How is air produced?

In fact, there are very thin gases in the universe, provided that the planets have a high enough mass and a strong enough gravity to pull them into their surface, and also use the internal crustal movement to throw many gases out to form a primitive atmosphere.

Now Liu Jian's seven ancient tombs are forming an inexplicable gravitational force, which does not attract the earth, but only the air.

It is also strange to hear that Rensheng, at that time, arranged seven ancient tombs in the shape of seven stars, which is probably the obsessive-compulsive disorder of the perfect person.

After all, he really can't stand it, why would someone put things around meaninglessly?

Either it's easy to find, or it's easy to take, or it's symbolic.

There is energy, there is air, and there is water.

The stage of life is set.

Life is born.

To be precise, the monsters were born without human suppression.


"Look, why has one piece of the moon turned blue!" an astronomy enthusiast exclaimed.

"Close your eyes, don't look at it!" A companion next to him kicked him and kicked him away from the telescope!

"What are you doing? William?" The fan was very dissatisfied, lying on the ground, waving his hands, furious.

"When it turns blue, it means that something strange has happened. For strange things, what we have to do is not ask or see, but just report," his companion rolled his eyes, "You forget these taboos again! I am saving you!"

"Sorry, I'll call right now." Astronomy enthusiasts held back their pain and thanked their companions for their kindness.

Of course he didn't know, his companion William was thinking: Hmph, I've been looking for an opportunity to kick you hard, so that you can afford such an expensive telescope!

And this William did not know that his own eyes were like the moon, with a small blue patch...

Wen Rensheng learned the news that the moon had turned blue, a little bit earlier than everyone else, just a little bit.

When there was an abnormality in Liu Jian's tomb, he felt it.

Just wait until he sends puppets to see, the mutation has been completed.

He even felt that it could be done so quickly, precisely because of his proximity...

And no matter what he does, it just gets faster.

This is the horror of the evil god. You seem to expel it, suppress it, and seal it. In the end, you will only be entangled by it more and more deeply.

It's no wonder that the headmaster, as strong as disaster, is also talking about it.

It is the final stage of all chaotic disasters, just as monopoly capitalism is the final stage of capitalist development.

Compared with the pollution of the evil god, the previous mysterious erosion will also make the aliens crazy and ordinary people crazy.

However, mysterious erosion is like a warm soup without water, the taste is too weak, and there are many ways to escape and filter. For example, by isolating the place where the disaster occurred, such as the alien itself...

But the evil spirit pollution is different, if you want to escape, it is impossible.

As long as you have been in contact with physical objects and concepts related to the evil gods, as long as you are alive, as long as you are still in this world, you will continue to accumulate pollution.

The earth has been mysteriously invaded for so long, and it has finally come to this point.

Having said so much, in fact, one sentence.

Earth Pills!

Wen Rensheng's puppet stood on the moon and looked at the blue sea below, seemingly filled with endless vitality.

However, only he knew that this blue was the blue of poison, the blue of pollutants, but not the blue of life.

He glanced at it indirectly through the puppet, and felt a little dizzy.

The three alien species in the body are running rapidly, filtering the spiritual pollution, so that he can wake up again.

If you change to an ordinary person, you will go crazy at a glance, or even explode in situ.

Wen Rensheng looked back at the earth, the same blue, but the opposite.

He immediately let the puppet fly back to Earth and stay there to die.

And the first thing he has to do is to fly directly to Zhongjiang and personally inform the Inspection Division to do one thing:

"Cover the sky!"

Although it can't be eliminated, it can at least buy a lot of time.

"Covering the sky? We also know that the moon has turned blue, but that should be just a special mysterious event, should we be so cruel?" Inspector Liu asked.

"Yeah, why cover the sky? Covering the atmosphere, how much effort will it take? Even if there are mysterious methods to assist, the cost will be sky-high." Director An had a headache.

"I can't tell you in detail," Wen Rensheng shook his head directly, "I understand everything I know, and I don't understand if I don't understand it. Don't ask me carefully, there's too much involved here. It's not good for you to understand. All I can say is that the water is very deep, and the relevant information must be deleted. Well, don't ask, just do as I say."

After everyone listened to for the first time, the idea of ​​wanting to fight Wen Rensheng came up...

You play mystery every day, and you don't play like that.

Now they are almost at their peak, approaching the level of streaking on the court, drifting hearses, and dancing on graves.

"This can't be done. If we don't ask clearly, we can't get through this process." Director An said with a headache.

"Ask clearly, your process is gone." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"Okay, I believe you won't aimlessly, just do as you say. If something goes wrong, I'll be responsible." Director An made a final decision.

It seems like a simple sentence, but it consumes the trust that Wen Rensheng has accumulated over the years. If trust also has a value, then this time it can consume almost 1%...

That's right, Wen Rensheng's reputation with the Inspectorate is as hard as a steel plate.

"Very well, you will thank me in the future."

After Wen Rensheng finished speaking, he turned around and left without giving them a chance to ask questions.

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