Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1246: petrochemical

It is difficult to cover the sky, but no matter how difficult it is, it is impossible for the whole people to go crazy.

When Wen Rensheng returned home, the first thing he did was to inform Shi Shi to completely isolate the inside and outside, and not let outside sunlight, air, water and other substances come in.

The fragmented world is equivalent to becoming an island.

Fortunately, there are enough energy reserves in peacetime, and three nuclear power plants are built.

Of course, it is a fission power station, but with the dual blessing of mysterious means and physical means, there is no need to worry about leakage and accidents.

The U fuel is more than enough, it can be used for five hundred years.

Forty million rivers and mountains is not just for fun.

The ancient aliens were the most powerful landlords, and the losers in internal battles naturally sought to expand outside.

If the outsiders can't beat the aliens from Dongzhou, they can only retreat. This is the most precious wealth left by the evil ancient alien class to future generations.

The lights are turned on and the farm is converted to industrial mode, producing all of it with electricity.

The cost of food has naturally risen sharply. Fortunately, the basic calorie subsidy is provided by the urban management system, and ordinary people will not spend too much income on food.

The so-called basic calorie subsidy is a calorie subsidy of 2,500 kcal. If you exceed this need, you will spend your own money.

Food consumption, like water and electricity, is also managed by a ladder system. The more you buy every day, the more you spend.

The same is true for air. The green plants in the fragmented world alone are not enough to produce so much oxygen. Industrial oxygen production must be used to supplement part of it, while reducing the production of various oxygen-consuming commodities.

Fortunately, most of the non-essential items were turned into virtual items made of stone.

Everyone put on the emperor's new clothes early, and the actual consumption of materials was very small.

Now it seems that it is really crooked, just to deal with the current situation.

Even the network was broken, and Dongshui City, which was in the fragmented world, had become a local area network.

Such a drastic change naturally caused the family to ask questions, but Wen Rensheng still said: "The water in there is too deep and involved too much, so I can't explain it to you in detail."

The result aroused a white eye.

Fortunately, Zhao Han knew how powerful it was, and he helped to appease everyone, so he didn't make any bigger waves.

Only Ouyang Ling was very sad: "Oh, you child, you have really grown up, and you don't want to discuss anything with your family."

Wen Rensheng was helpless, the matter related to the Heretic God is to discuss with whom, and who is unlucky.

Just like the bell in the middle of the night, the heroine in the film was entangled by Sister Sadako, and then consulted with her ex-husband. The ex-husband died, and she survived...

Since Wen Rensheng understood this truth, of course he wouldn't ask his family to discuss it.

"Auntie, the teacher is really good for everyone. Although he can't say it clearly, there are reasons why he can't say it." Zhao Han comforted Ouyang Ling.

"It's still Xiaohan who is sensible, forget it, I don't care, I'll still listen to my musical." Ouyang Ling picked up her handbag and left the house.

After settling down his family, Wen Rensheng controlled the puppet to leave the fragmented world.

Every time he goes in and out, the puppet people naturally have to go through the full-scale filtering of the three major alien species, and other people don't have this condition.

With his current level of mystery, it's more than enough to filter out this influence, but it's hard to say in the future.

From now on, he will race against the growth of the evil god.


"Unexpectedly, the vicious, manipulative, and mischievous principals who invaded the earth failed to make me work overtime; on the contrary, it was the by-product of their invasion that gave me a blessing."

In the middle of the night, Wen Rensheng, who was still solving the mysterious incident, lamented the heightened mystery.

There was a "real person challenge" mysterious incident before. He went to the scene, but he still didn't finish it.

I wasn't in a hurry at first, but now I can't. I have to solve it overnight so that a new one can be triggered.

After all, the law of three things seems to be very effective on the mysterious seed.

"A real challenge, do you want me to end in person?" Wen Rensheng was puzzled, so he could only resort to the elimination method.

So he let the puppet go off to take part in the challenge.

But he doesn't kill people, so he doesn't look down on those powers full of impurities, which goes against his perfect character.

It's just that he has to suppress the output of the puppets in order to get a match. Even after winning ten games in a row, he hasn't matched and challenged his opponent for a long time.

I don't know how long it took before he finally matched up with a mage named "Luo Yunshan".

He just killed his opponent, and now he is an 8th-order archmage, surpassing the power of the alien master.

Do you want to know how long did the Mage system come out in total? Just over a year.

"You are very arrogant." The mage, staring at Wen Rensheng, said lightly.

"Why?" Wen Rensheng smiled.

"You have never killed an opponent because they are not worth your shot. In your eyes, all opponents are worms. You are too lazy to kill them because you know how they struggle, and they are not your opponents." Luo Yunshan hum.

"Oh, so you think I don't respect them?" Wen Rensheng asked rhetorically.

"Yes, I want you to respect me, and I can defeat you! I want you to treat me with the attitude of a real decisive battle. I can't stand your humiliation in a decisive battle!"

Luo Yunshan suddenly became excited!

"I'd rather embrace death warmly than live with a worm!"


Wen Rensheng shook his head, those opponents were lucky to escape before, this is good, finally came here, but said that he likes to embrace death.

Bitch is hypocritical.

For a moment, he had the mood to grant the other person relief.

Only then did he calm down.

In any case, he wouldn't kill someone for no reason, even on this occasion.

The decision to kill is all handed over to the Inspection Division, who is only responsible for cracking down on the incident and arresting the murderer.

Perfect character does not allow him to undermine his deep-rooted principle.

The battle is imminent.

"The 99999th real-life challenge, an exciting duel, the decisive battle between the two super masters, before it even started, it has already been talked about!"

The arena host said excitedly,

"In the end, will the perfect one win, or the careful mage?"

The audience immediately exploded.

"That's right, that guy just insults us and doesn't kill our opponents every time. This is clearly saying, look, you rubbish, you are not qualified to be part of my power even if you die!" Someone shouted in the audience!

"Archmage, help me kill that **** handsome guy, seeing how handsome he looks, I want to tear his face to pieces!" Another man with six blue flowers on his face shouted in a twisted way!

"Trash, trash, you don't even dare to kill anyone, do you think you are the Virgin? Hypocrisy, shameless, I don't believe you have no life!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill everything!"

The voice in the auditorium was completely heard by Wen Rensheng.

A trace of doubt flashed in his mind, and a somewhat familiar voice was mixed in it.

"Kill everything?"

He let out a long breath, and the look in his opponent's eyes gave him a subtle sense of familiarity. At the same time, a memory of a past life appeared in his mind.

In his previous life, he loved to read A strange story that he had read appeared before his eyes.

He got it all!

Then Wen Rensheng aimed at the archmage Luo Yunshan in front of him and stretched out his hand.

A subtle smile flashed across Luo Yunshan's face, as if he had been waiting for Wen Rensheng's hand.

It was just the next moment, before he could move, the whole person solidified and turned into a stone statue.

"Mysterious petrification", which imprisoned people and turned them into a stone, but the soul consciousness was still alive.

The petrification time ranges from 3 seconds to 30 days, depending on the skill level of the individual, the entry is 3 seconds, the master is 30 days, and no one knows the master.

However, the mysterious petrification technique that Wen Rensheng displayed was master-level, and it was strengthened by 3143 times, taking the maximum value of 30 days*3143, that is 258 years!

"Since you don't want to be a worm and want me to respect you, then I will turn you into a stone statue and let people worship you forever. This should be the greatest respect for you, right?" Wen Rensheng said lightly.

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