Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1251: Aftermath

Player A, whose real name is Zhang Zhendong, is in his thirties and is a professional player.

Dongzhou is rich and can support his family by doing anything, as long as it is not illegal.

Player B, whose real name is Dong Zhenzhang, is in his thirties and comes from a teacher background.

After the two entered the real game at the same time, they chatted very well, made an offline appointment, and found that they were really destined, so no matter what tasks they did, they were all partners.

The last time I did a dungeon quest in the East Island, the degree of completion was very high, and the rewards were also very good. I have already changed a few shard world settlement places.

This thing is the current hard currency, which is much harder than Wen Rensheng's McCann green card in his previous life.

At this time, the two were relaxing in a cafe in Dongdao.

Whether it's a rest or a comfortable rest in the dungeon, with a little money, you can get the ultimate enjoyment.

The key is that this copy is safe, and there will be no abnormal events for several months.

"There are still three places left, I have to get the old Taishan family." Zhang Zhendong sighed.

"It's still easy for me, born from an orphan, born with a protagonist template, one person is full, and the whole family is not hungry." Dong Zhenzhang smiled.

"Yeah, I envy you sometimes. All the points I've earned from life and death are used to exchange for these offline rewards. When I do tasks, I can't keep up with your footsteps. I'm really ashamed." Zhang Zhendong said with a little guilt.

Many times now, Dong Zhenzhang is leading him.

"Don't say that, you can provide me with emotional value. As a person, I have a bad temper. I can see everything clearly, but I just don't want to interact with people." Dong Zhenzhang said indifferently.

"I have a wife." Zhang Zhendong was startled.

"Hmph, I'm pretty normal too, I have 8 outer rooms here in Dongdao," Dong Zhenzhang took out his phone and waved it, then said, "You have to put it down sometimes, you can't drag a whole family, and you're done. Lao Taishan's family, do you want Lao Taishan's brother to do it?"

"That's right, I'm not an alien after all, I can drag a family with one drag." Zhang Zhendong nodded.

To be honest, after spending a long time on the Dongdao dungeon, his feelings for the family are far less strong than before.

Dongdao women are too strong. He and Dong Zhenzhang, who have special identities, are simply calling for wind and rain, and they can do whatever they want.

Now it is entirely on the face of the children and wife, as well as the principle deep in my heart, that I insist on it through gritted teeth.

Just thinking about it, suddenly the task panel rang.

"Hey, brother, we have another mission!" Zhang Zhendong said happily.

Now he likes to come on missions.

Hurry up to help the husband's family, end the obsession in your heart, and quickly get rid of it.

Those who are close to the ink are dark, and seeing Dong Zhenzhang dashing around every day, he is also very itchy.

"Well, let me see." Dong Zhenzhang looked down somewhere, as if there was something there.

He then changed his face: "This task is not easy to do. There is a group of people who will use the Book of Chaos to find out what the 'King of Kings' is, and ask us to follow behind them and deal with hidden dangers."

"Fuck, this is using us as toilet paper." Zhang Zhendong looked at the task panel at the same time, and was suddenly very depressed.

"Uh, even though I'm doing similar work in Dongdao, I'm still a cleaner, and I still have some autonomy. This time, I'm going to work directly behind other people's ass." Dong Zhenzhang shook his head.

"Then shall we take it or not?" Zhang Zhendong asked.

Dong Zhenzhang hesitated for a while, then looked at the task panel carefully, and then said: "Unlimited number of times, do one task settlement once! Isn't this an infinite loop task? It must be accepted!"

"Okay, listen to you." Zhang Zhendong is also very happy. This kind of infinite ring task is the most exciting, because after doing it a few times, you will be very skilled, and it will be equivalent to picking up money in the future.

The two then packed up, threw down one million yuan bills, and went straight out.

Playing a real copy is so chic.

Just as the waiter was about to go over to collect the plate, the store manager behind him ran up and collected the fee...

Zhang Zhendong glanced at that scene and sneered: "These guys are really interesting. How do they know that wool comes from sheep."

"Ignorance is a blessing. At least in the past few days, the store manager will be in a good mood, and how many days can a person live?" Dong Zhenzhang shook his head.

"That's right, a happy day is a day." Zhang Zhendong did not refute his companion's words.

Game points can be exchanged for currency, and the entire Dongdao copy is controlled by the game system.

The allocation of labor and resources is completely controlled by the game system. As long as the basic supply does not collapse, currency is just a number.

Both of them know this, so the money here is just wasted, and they can't take it out to spend anyway.

Since Dongdao became a copy, the trade with Dongzhou has become a different model.

Dongdao accepts the input of basic materials, and then only outputs strictly tested spiritual products.

This can be regarded as a little compensation for them, who made a big pirate sealed here?


The world of chess.

"Young man, I see that you have a peculiar skeleton, and your eyes are bright. I will sell this book of "Innate Divine Calculation" to you. As long as you read it, the responsibility for saving the world rests on you!"

The sixth elder of the Sovereign Society is now a registered player in the game simulator.

At this time, he was holding an ancient green leather book and seduced a 15- or 16-year-old Go boy.

"Can it help me improve my chess skills?" the boy wondered.

"Of course you can, do you remember the chess **** who defeated the thirty-third heaven?" Sixth Elder laughed.

"I know, who doesn't know that sage? Even the emperor didn't do it, and he became an immortal in the end!" The young man was so excited.

Play chess and become immortal.

This is one of the things that these chess geniuses have been talking about the most in recent years.

If he knew that the sky was actually a wasteland, he probably wouldn't think so...

"Haha, the reason why he can defeat the Thirty-Three Heavens is because of the technique of deduction. He can deduce the opponent's chess path, so he can be invincible. And this book can help you understand That kind of deduction." Sixth Elder continued.

If it weren't for the fact that the Great Elder said that before testing ordinary people, he must not use mysterious methods, let alone coercive methods, he would not bother to waste his words.

Go straight down with a whip, you have to see it, and you have to watch it!

"How much is it?" The boy touched his pocket.

"Five hundred is enough." The sixth elder was a little impatient, and said the number casually.

"I didn't bring that much money, I only have thirty cents." The young man weighed it, hesitantly said, this is his meal money for three days.

"Thirty articles? You can only read it here, you can't buy it home." The sixth elder regretted the high price.

If I knew it earlier, I would say ten words.

But after all, he was new here, didn't know the price, didn't bother to inquire, and couldn't use mysterious methods, so he couldn't see how much money this young man had.

Give it away for free or set it too low, and I'm afraid this guy won't believe it.

"That's fine too."

The teenager looked immediately.

Just after reading three pages, the teenager went mad with surprise:

"Haha, I got it! I got it, I know how to defeat the three paparazzi!"

Saying that, he ran away with the book in his hand!

Alas, not really.

The Sixth Elder chased after him abruptly, gave the other two big mouths, and snatched the book back.

You can't use coercion. Before the temptation, the temptation is over, then it's natural...

If it weren't for the restriction of the player's identity, he was not allowed to kill the NPC casually, and he would have slapped this kid to death at this time, saving trouble.

"Give me the book back!"

"Fuck you, court death! Thirty Wen still wants to **** my treasured book!"

The sixth elder scolded and left.

And not long after he left, Zhang Zhendong and Dong Zhenzhang came out and took the boy to another place.

What they have to do is one thing, psychotherapy, hypnosis and forgetfulness, to make this teenager forget what he just saw.

This kind of skill, they are redeemed through game points, the psychiatric medical skills that ordinary people can master, and it doesn't cost too many points.

Now that there are more and more points, the skills they can redeem are getting more and more powerful, and there are already some mysterious side skills for them to choose from.

"It would be great if the game points could be exchanged for Xenomorphs This game is good for everything, but there is no way to prolong the lifespan." Zhang Zhendong suddenly sighed.

"Don't worry, I think this game has been evolving, and there will be sooner or later." Dong Zhenzhang comforted.

Who doesn't know that aliens are precious?

Especially as the mysterious erosion becomes more and more severe, and the spiritual pollution becomes more and more terrifying, while the alien species can resist erosion and filter pollution, the preciousness of this thing is naturally getting higher and higher.

And the number of its output has always been so small. With the size of Dongzhou, there are only 20 pieces per year. The annual output in the world does not exceed 100. Not to mention there are still lost. Descend, it's fine.

Just like when they do a task, every time the spiritual pollution reaches the limit, they have to be reborn once before they can be cleaned up.

However, the price of rebirth is the loss of points, and the longer and longer cooling time, which is much more serious than death in online games.

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