Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1252: cost

Boundless, vast and vast.

Layers and layers of fog, eerie and indistinguishable.

The eighth and ninth elders of the Solitary Society were staring at this place with their mouths wide open.

I saw a vast ocean under my feet, and above the ocean, there was a lot of fog, and I could vaguely feel a stream of source power volatilizing.

The eight elders screamed excitedly: "Too, it's incredible!"

"I, I feel the limitless power limit! My alien is ecstatic, cheering, no, this **** wants to run!" The nine elders also exclaimed, and then covered his chest and abdomen.

His chest and abdomen were beating, as if something was about to come out.

He gathered all his energy into it, and muttered to himself at the same time, as if making countless promises, like a helpless husband who was constantly forced by his wife...

"Haha, back then, you had three better candidates than you. You used your tactics to push the other three back. Now it's different. It's quite normal." Said, "Look at my alien species, it's stable, this is the benefit of being of one heart and one mind!"

"Damn, please help me quickly! It's a great opportunity for us to come to this world. If you want to get more benefits, you can't do without my support!" The nine elders urged.

"Okay." The eighth elder just hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the opponent's shoulder, and a source of force passed through.

With the blessing of two sources, the alien species of the nine elders stopped, causing him to break out in a cold sweat.

He took a risk and came across the border, but it was not a gift from thousands of miles.

Being able to come here, in the final analysis, I have to thank the appearance of the old ruler.

Self-respect for raising pirates is universal in ancient and modern times.

Because of the threat of the old rulers, the God of Fire Eyes will open up such a precious and vast secondary world to them.

Otherwise, they don't even want to come in here, at most they enter the barren land of the flame world, and they won't get much benefit.

They are still thinking of being promoted to Xenogeneic Grandmaster, after all, this directly means an increase in lifespan.

It's just that on Earth, although mysterious invasions, accelerated erosion, and advanced xenogeneic masters are relatively easy, Grandmasters are still very difficult, but from the original one-thousandth chance to one percent chance.

In this world, as soon as they run the alien species, they find that a large amount of inexplicable power is pouring in continuously, transforming into source power.

They don't need to do things strictly according to the characteristics of the alien species, as they do on Earth, in order to obtain the source power.

Cultivating mysterious skills will also be much simpler.

In other words, they have entered the middle and low demon world from the recovering extremely low demon world!

And they have a feeling that the alien species can absorb the power here and grow on their own!

That's why the alien race of the nine elders wants to run, the other party no longer needs him as a promotion medium!

Find another fragrant, easy-going, obedient fan. Tender host, isn't it fragrant?

Why do you keep following a bad old man?

It's just that the two of them were complacent when an inexplicable voice suddenly came over. Although one syllable could not be understood, they understood each other's meaning in their minds:

"Hey, someone from outside the sky? With such a weak power, he actually possesses two Heavenly Pills? Today is the chance for this old man!"

"Hahaha, hahaha!"

"Who?" The nine elders became nervous at the moment.

Tiandan? what is that?

The two elders immediately released their source power and scanned around.

Finally, out of the fog, a young man in green shirt appeared. He looked like he was only in his thirties, but he claimed to be an old man. His real age must be over a hundred.

"Who is Your Excellency?" The Eighth Elder said cautiously.

"This is exactly what this deity wants to ask you. Answer honestly, and you can be reincarnated; otherwise, your souls will be destroyed!" The young man said lightly.

"Don't brag, do you know how we got here?" The ninth elder was still talking, but suddenly found that his body was out of control, and the young man stretched out his hand and flew straight over!

Before he could cry out, a palm landed on top of his head.

"Ah ah ah!" The nine elders suddenly felt as if they had been stirred by someone, and the pain was unbearable.

"Earth people? It's boring. Wait, a power that is not even at the third rank can actually summon a soul at will? Resurrect people's lives?" The young man first showed disdain, and then was shocked.

"Resurrection of human life, although it is technically difficult, is not unbelievable, right?" The eighth elder was very nervous at this time, but he was cunning and cunning. Hearing this, he already understood that the young people also seemed to have needs for them.

"Hmph, conjuring souls is taboo from heaven, and resurrecting human life will immediately attract heaven's punishment. How dare you do this?" The young man sneered.

"Heavenly Punishment? We don't have the Dao of Heaven, only the laws of the universe." The eighth elder already understood what the young man was doing, and he must be reading the memory of the ninth elder's brain.

So he didn't hide it, so as not to suffer immediate losses.

"Then you are really lucky. Say, how did you get here?" The young man couldn't wait to ask. At this moment, the tone and way of his speech became close to the two elders.

"Let go of my companion first." The eighth elder tentatively said.

"You are not qualified to negotiate conditions with the old man." The young man had to stretch out his hand again.

Only the next moment he stopped, because the eighth elder suddenly took out a fiery red eye from his arms and swung it at him.

The young man stepped back immediately, and at the same time cast aside the nine elders.

That eye actually made him feel a touch of heavenly breath, just like what he had experienced when he saved the calamity before!

"Where did you get this eye?" the young man said solemnly.

"Hmph, it was given by the **** who sent us here! How about it, you're afraid!" The nine elders covered their heads and said angrily.

The young man didn't refute. At his age, he had no intention of arguing.

He has a feeling that his big opportunity has come.

He has reached the peak of the tenth order, and there is no way to enter, and he is seeking to break the world and soar; but he has never dared, and his intuition tells him that breaking the world is death.

However, it won't work without breaking the world. All the methods to prolong life have been tried. Unless another Tiandan is found, otherwise, his time limit is approaching, and there are not many years to live.

Therefore, when these two people from the Outer Territory came through the world, he sensed it immediately, and then appeared in front of the two of them.

After appearing, he immediately sensed that the two weak chickens actually contained the Heavenly Pill that came once in 100,000 years!

That kind of thing, he once got one in an ancient residence, and after absorbing it, his life was extended for five thousand years.

It has the aura of the Great Dao on its body, so he can easily distinguish it.

"God? It's just more powerful and more intelligent. From your memory, it's not that you don't understand this. Why do you use such a common name?" The young man said lightly.

"Uh..." The eighth elder and the ninth elder had nothing to say, because they couldn't answer.

After all, they are just to live, they really have no faith in their hearts.

"Okay, the old man will not embarrass you. As long as you take the old man to your world, not only will you survive, but you must have something you want to do when you come to this world. The old man can also support it." The young man suddenly said. .

The eight elders and the ninth elders looked at each other and took him to their own world?

Does the God of Fire Eyes agree?

Well, I haven't had a chance to ask yet.

Let’s talk about it first. After all, the task is to find the King of Kings. When the time comes, can he follow me? Isn’t that the meaning of the God of Fire Eyes?

The two communicated secretly through the alien, so the eight elders said:

"Since Your Excellency is so reasonable, how can my brothers not be as beautiful as adults? As long as Your Excellency helps us complete the task of God, you will naturally be able to satisfy your wishes."

"Very good, sign this blood contract, and the agreement between us is reached." The young man said, throwing out two old parchments.

It was covered with cyan patterns, and on top of the patterns, there were some tadpole characters that could not be understood at all.

"Your Excellency doesn't believe the two of us. We don't understand this kind of thing. How can we sign it?" The eighth elder grabbed the parchment, glanced at it, and sneered.

"That's right, the old man forgot about this. With the strength of your third rank, you still can't understand the language," the young man said, throwing out two more pieces of sapphire. "This thing can help you learn the language quickly."

The eighth elder reached out and took it, picked up the fire eye and swept it on it, but there was no response.

Then he asked with confidence: "How to use it?"

"Just stick it between the eyebrows."

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