Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1257: sealed

Wen Rensheng understood.

The person they are looking for is the self before activating the alien species.

It's just that they need to cross the timeline and find themselves six years ago.

Is it possible for them to do it?


Earlier, Wen Rensheng guessed that in the headmaster-level disaster, there is an existence that can roll back the timeline, so he is not afraid of how humans will toss.

No matter how much you toss, just roll back.

But not anymore.

How did Wen Rensheng deduce this?

He discovered it through a phenomenon.

The appearance of the Old Ones——aroused the extreme fear of the disaster principals.

Why are they afraid?

There is only one explanation. The appearance of the old rulers has caused the biggest cards of the disaster principals to fail!

The Old Ones exist in the past, present and future.

In the process of rolling back time, it will find the timeline controller, pollute the other party, and turn it into chaotic time.

At that time, time and space are reversed, and any order will cease to exist.

Disaster principals, will be completely finished.

They never imagined that the vastness of the earth's universe would give birth to such monsters after the mysterious invasion.

At this moment, the mysterious seed appeared in my mind:

"The King of Kings: Done. Now only you know that the person you were looking for turned out to be you."

"Mystery: 50."

"Mysterious Composition: It's Me."

"You complete a mysterious event, and the maximum mystery degree is increased by 10 points, from 11014 points to 11024 points."

In fact, he should have thought of it long ago, the king of kings, how could others afford such a title?

Only he was barely qualified.

Alas, still not confident enough.

Wen Rensheng sighed.

But he was happy again, the upper limit of more than 10,000 has now risen by 10 points.

It seems that there is still potential to be tapped.

After being happy, Wen Rensheng thought about it, and those people will definitely continue to look for them.

I can't let them mess around, because their search is itself cultivating the old masters.

By the time they found themselves, the Old Ones had matured.

Still want to seal, pure dream!

It's just that the legs and feet grow on them, and they won't be allowed to find them unless they are hacked to death.

Wen Rensheng needs to think of a way.


However, to Wen Rensheng's surprise, in the next few days, the members of the Duzun Society, like lying flat, no longer searched for the King of Kings.

Everyone was eating and drinking at home, and there was no sign of work at all.

This is good news for ordinary people in Nanzhou, don't worry about being ravaged by these guys.

It's just that Wen Rensheng doesn't understand, doesn't the principal of the disaster just ignore it?


He thought of a possibility.


"Aikhandeb, get out of here!" Wen Rensheng roared.

After it turned into a small octopus last time, Wen Rensheng didn't put it on the blacklist again.

"What for? Who is Ahhandeb? I'm just a little octopus that no one cares about." The octopus appeared in his mind, his big eyes blinking innocently.

"Will you make it up for me again? Believe it or not, I will cramp and peel you!"

"Ah, so scary, Xiao Huan, come out to protect me..." The little octopus waving eight claws to cover his eyes.

"Oh, Lao Wen, what are you doing?" Xiao Huan also appeared in his mind.

"This guy betrayed me." Wen Rensheng said angrily.

"Xiao Zhang, that's what's wrong with you," Xiao Huan picked up the little octopus's claws, "Dad's secret can't be sold casually, and if you want to sell it, you can only sell it to me..."

"Oh, I see, but I really don't know what secret he has, only that he just had two dreams." Xiao Zhang said innocently.

"Sure enough."

Wen Rensheng was relieved, the self in the dream did not say the true activation conditions of the mysterious seed.

The true information about it, the Mysterious Seed itself will hide.

"Oh, what did my dad dream about just now, tell me secretly." Xiao Huan asked curiously.

"It's just that I'm lost, I can't find anything, and I think I look handsome, but I'm not as good-looking as you." The little octopus said honestly.

"Okay, Shi Shi, drag this guy into the blacklist too." Wen Rensheng didn't listen to it any longer. If you listen to this kind of slander any more, it's a heavy blow.

"Old Wen, you just like to escape and don't want to face the facts," Xiao Huan said triumphantly, "Hey, it is said that the blue is better than the blue, and I am the same."

"Che, it's an octopus, it looks good in its eyes, do you think it's a good word?" Wen Rensheng said speechlessly.

"Hmph, you're so stingy, you just can't allow others to look better than you."

Wen Rensheng was suddenly tired, he waved his hand and let Xiao Huan leave.

He went to sleep again.

Now he found out that when he slept, it gave him some omens of the future.


In Caishikou, seven people knelt.

Countless figures watched and smiled.

"Look at the door and stop thinking about Zhang Jian, and wait for Dugan for a moment."

"I will smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, and save the two Kunluns."

"It's noon, let's cut!"

Liu Jian suddenly woke up from his dream.

Then he saw the two men in black robes with golden embroidery stamps, the other was writhing in pain.

Countless eyes are spreading out from their bodies, which is shocking and gives goosebumps.

"What's the matter, are you two going to die? That's great, it seems I can go out early!" He said happily.

"Why are you all right?" The black-robed man said with difficulty.

His face was very surprised, and he was fighting against an unknown monster.

It whispered in its own ear, and said something in a mess.

"The tattered creek, the stopped tree, the noisy hippopotamus, the dead fly..."

I can't understand what it means at all, and the more I listen, the more confused my head becomes.

"Why should I have something to do?" Liu Jian asked in confusion.

"Didn't you hear the sound coming from outside the coffin?" The black-robed man B was also confused.

"The sound outside the coffin? It's very quiet. I was dreaming just now and didn't hear anything." Liu Jian shook his head.

"You are so lucky. Could it be that this is the so-called fool who has good luck?" The man in black robe envied.

The black-robed man B suddenly said: "Understood, because he is stupid, so he can't hear it. If we want to restrain our erosion, we must first make ourselves stupid!"

After speaking, he slammed his head against the stone beside him.


After a sound, his head cracked, but the black-robed man B was full of smiles: "Haha, I'm fine, I'm stupid, but I can live..."

The man in black robe was scared away from his companions: "You, you are crazy!"

"No, I'm not crazy, it's you who are crazy! If you're not crazy, you can't live! Hurry up and be crazy, we have to fight for another thousand years!" The black-robed man B laughed wildly.

Liu Jian really has a headache, what the **** is this fool doing?

Why did he not understand at all, just fell asleep, why did this happen?

It looks like this vampire is crazy.

The teacher entrusted the task to, but he made it like this, he is sorry for the teacher, sorry for the people, sorry for the world, he should kill himself!

Inexplicably, such a thought popped into his mind.

Just as he was about to commit suicide, another sentence suddenly appeared in his mind:

"Fight all the blood in the head, and vow to restore the power of Qiankun!"

He suddenly woke up, his mission has not been completed, why should he die?

He is sober.

"Come on, fight for another thousand years!"

After speaking, a golden light was drawn out!

The golden light slashed at the mad black-robed man B, then disappeared, passed through the coffin, and entered the moon.

A blue, expanding lunar surface suddenly shrinks.

Ugly craters, reappeared, beautiful blue waters, disappeared again.

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