Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1258: All players

One monk carries water to eat, two monks carry water to eat, and three monks have no water to eat.

After waking up from sleep again, Wen Rensheng found himself in this situation.

You, the Sovereign Society, and the principal of the disaster are the three monks.

It's like a house is on fire, and the three neighbors around are sleeping.

Some people will think that someone else's house will definitely put out the fire, so they continue to sleep.

At this time, it is often the honest person with the most moral level, that is, the honest person who is most often despised by people and the most inseparable, and rises up to put out the fire.

If the three families were all extremely selfish ghosts, they would all be burned to death in one wave.

This is why there are always people with a very high moral level in the ethnic group that has been passed down; because there is no ethnic group with such people, the inheritance has long been cut off by the fire.

Wen Rensheng believed that his moral level was not bad, and he also understood that the other two also knew this, so he dared to lie down unscrupulously.

Because they know that they will definitely fight the fire.

It's a pity that they estimated one thing wrong. In the process of putting out the fire, they will grow to an unimaginable level, and finally crush them all to death!

This kind of thing happened in a similar situation in a previous life, so what Wen Rensheng has to do is to do what he should do.

Just thinking about it, Lao Liu called again:

"There is good news, the blue water on the moon is disappearing!"

"Oh, do you know why?"

"I was about to ask you," Lao Liu wondered, "Don't you even know?"

"Oh, I thought of a reason, but I haven't determined it yet." Wen Rensheng replied.


"can not say."


After the two talked, Wen Ren rose out of the fragmented world and came to the vicinity of the moon again.

Indeed, the area of ​​blue water is visibly decreasing.

He naturally knew the reason, which meant that Liu Jian already understood what was happening now, and the four alien species in his body were rapidly purifying the scourge of the old domination.

Looking back at the earth again, under the strong eyesight, you can see that a floating curtain has been added over most of the cities, and they are suspended by helium or hydrogen balloons.

He asked the inspector to cover the sky. Some people tried to cover the moon, but they failed. Of course, there are many smart people who can’t cover the moon. It’s okay to cover the city first.

Of course, there will be many problems with this kind of cover, wind, rain, thunder and lightning are all tests.

The most cost-effective way is to limit people to look up at the sky and only walk with their heads down.

In fact, most places do.

There is no way, raise your head to look at the bright moon, bow your head and turn into a monster.

This kind of thing happens endlessly.

Is there any other solution?


"Yes, that is to turn the whole people into players." One of Lu Kuan's roommates stood in the conference room and talked eloquently.

Lu Kuan himself was in the conference room, drowsy.

He found that it was quite easy without having to think for himself.

Just make a move, don't think about planning, don't worry about the consequences.

He now believes that as long as he is not a demon, he is not afraid of losing his golden finger.

Because he figured out a reason - the Inspectorate will not deprive others of their golden fingers for no reason, otherwise, it will only cause all the aliens to be eccentric - the aliens are also golden fingers.

A powerful person like Wen Rensheng is fine, what is he worried about?

Although he felt that his golden finger should be the strongest, but his development time was too late, the water in it was too deep, and he couldn't hold it for the time being.

"Players of all people? Xiao Lu, how many people can log in your game simulator now?" Inspector Liu asked.

"Well, it can accommodate 23,544 people now. The main reason is that the points are still not enough. To expand a player requires 1,000 points. The source of the points is the world strategy, the source crystal absorption, etc." Lu Kuan woke up from the drowsy state. Then back.

"Now that we have 1.4 billion people, it takes 14 trillion points. How many do you currently have?"

"Points have always been used as you go, and now it's less than 20,000." Lu Kuan wondered.

"How can I quickly expand my points?"

"Swallow a world and turn the whole world into a game copy."

"What is the specific process?"

"It's just that players have established bases recognized by game simulators in various places - villages and towns, and even main cities. In this way, game simulators can continuously extract power from those worlds and convert them into points." Lu Kuan did not hide it. .

"It's obviously going to be a violent conflict with the locals." Inspector Liu was a little embarrassed.

"It's not necessarily. As long as the player's productivity in the past is far greater than that of their locals, and they can support both parties at the same time, there won't be much conflict, but it will be slower."

"Slow down, slow down, the conflict is fierce, it will lead to the birth of evil thoughts, and a little bit of peace will make you happy for a long time." A researcher said.

Everyone nodded.

The McCanns, who often like to go around in trouble, at the same time choose the path of mechanization of people's hearts and entertainment of the whole people, and reduce various human desires, which has fully explained this truth.

"Then what world should I look for?" Inspector Liu asked again.

"This is not something that can be found casually. Only by discovering the space channel can you enter those worlds." Lu Kuan spread his hands.


"A suitable copy of the world?" Wen Rensheng immediately gave the answer after hearing Lao Liu's request, "Of course, I just returned from a world that is huge, has a high ceiling, and is rich in resources. "

"Send the address." Old Liu was very excited, Wen Rensheng used three "very" in a row, which shows how suitable it is.

"Get it to you ASAP."

Wen Rensheng immediately sent the spatial coordinates of the immortal world.

In the process of entering that world, he had already memorized the spatial coordinates.

And that game simulator, as long as it has spatial coordinates, it can be forcibly entered.

From this point of view, it is not much worse than the principal of the disaster. After all, there are five question marks.

"That's great, you are reliable, there are solutions to every problem, it's like a living dictionary." Lao Liu said with sincere gratitude.

"It's still a little bit." Wen Rensheng smiled, the future of the mysterious seed is probably the encyclopedia of the universe.

"Okay, I'll let them deal with it. By the way, how many player slots are left for you?"

"Keep it, it will come in handy sometimes."

Wen Rensheng answered the phone and went back to the living room.

"Do you know about the players?" he asked his family.

"I know, I'm still queuing up to receive the number," Wang Wenwen said angrily. "The problem is that there is always a queue cut, and the reasons for cutting the queue are also normal. Some are rationalizing suggestions, and some have unique talents."

"You say that you are a xenogeneic will definitely be ranked first." Zhao Han smiled.

Wang Wenwen shook his head and said, "Cut, that's boring, I just started from 0."

"You rock."

At this time, Xiao Huan jumped out and said, "Old Wen, aren't you familiar with that guy? I want to play business simulation, give me a number."

"What simulation business?" Wen Rensheng asked in confusion.

"It's just building a house, building blocks."

"You haven't had enough time in McCann?" Wen Rensheng asked in confusion.

"I'm tired of playing, I want to change the background to play."

"Alright then, I'll give you a full VIP number."

"VIP is out now? Why didn't I know." Wang Wenwen said in surprise.

"It hasn't come out yet, but since I said it, he will come out." Wen Rensheng was so confident.

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