Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1264: reverse

East Island copy.

Another batch of new players has landed.

Many people came this time.

"Everyone should remember the three things I said before:"

"First: Never reveal your true identity."

"Second: All actions are based on the task panel. If there is nothing on the task panel, even if the old man falls in front of you, you can't help it."

"Third: If the second and the first conflict, choose the first."

A female player with a grim face and a plump figure gave orders to seven or eight subordinates.

"Remember, Team Korea."



The messy response sounds, showing the essence of the player - chaos.

"Okay, let's act." Captain Han's full name is "Han Qian", she didn't say much, looked down at the task panel, and said.

Seven or eight people immediately separated excitedly.

Han Qian also formed a team with a female player "Du Tiantian", and the two walked towards a hospital.



In a workshop, a thick blue smoke rose.

Miyamoto Daoxiangzi stared blankly at the blue smoke rising in the distance. She felt that there was a lot of trouble. Maybe a fire will break out after a while?

"Dao Xiangzi, hurry up, what are you doing there?" Mom's voice sounded.

"But it seems that a workshop is about to catch fire in the distance... Let's hurry up and call the police." Miyamoto Inakako said.

"You can't call the police, someone will come to blackmail us if you report it. Taking the opportunity to ask us, I will do everything possible to connect you with the arsonist," the mother quickly covered her daughter's mouth, and then said bitterly,

"You are still young, and many things in society are completely different from what you hear in the classroom. Of course, in the classroom, you must teach the children to do all kinds of good things and have the courage to take on them, because in that way, the old men can enjoy their children with peace of mind. their sacrifices.”

"But if you don't do anything, the fire will burn people to death." Miyamoto Inakako wondered.

The blue smoke is getting bigger and bigger, but the people in the workshop don't seem to notice it. Maybe they are working too hard and falling asleep?

"What do you know? You have to remember that in this world, only parents, plus grandparents, brothers and sisters will sincerely care for you. What mom just said is the most precious survival experience, you must remember ."

Under the persuasion of her mother, Miyamoto Inakako crawled back to her small room in hesitation and covered her ears.

And my mother got into the living room and knelt down in front of a Maitreya Buddha and begged the Buddha for forgiveness.

"It's all the fault of the world," she muttered.

After praying, there was no sound of firefighting for a long time, and my mother turned her head strangely and looked outside:

I saw that cloud of green smoke, and I don't know when it turned into a red doll. It was pulling out the roof and seemed to be looking for someone to eat?

"Ah!" Mom hurriedly covered her mouth, and at the same time felt very grateful that she had just persuaded her daughter not to be too busy.

If you really want to call the police, the doll will come to eat his own family!

Early the next morning, Inakako Miyamoto went to class.

"I heard that Yueyingtian from Class A of the first year, his parents were eaten by monsters yesterday!" A girl chirped, seeming to be gloating.

"Ah, how pitiful." The other girl was a little sympathetic.

Miyamoto Inakako's head banged, Yueyingtian, wasn't that his three-year high school classmate?

I still have a good impression of him, because the other party is very motivated and a boy who can be depended on. However, my mother objected to me being with him, because his family background is really hard to see and can support him to go to college. The best result, That is, to work overseas.

"I didn't expect that the blue smoke I saw yesterday was not a sign of fire, but a monster." She muttered to herself.

"What are you talking about, Miyamoto?" the tablemate asked curiously.

"It's nothing, I'm going to read a book." Miyamoto Inakako hurriedly lowered her head to read.

However, her deskmate suddenly poked her arm: "Look, isn't Yue Yingtian, our middle school classmate in the corridor? What is he doing in our class?"

Miyamoto Inakako turned her head to look at the window in the direction of the corridor, only to see Tsukageda's eyes staring at her through the window!

Those red eyes and angry expression seemed to say:

"Why didn't you go to the police?"

"Why pretend you don't know?"

"You killed my whole family!"

"You forgot, when I was in middle school, I still helped you make up lessons every day!"


Miyamoto Inakako hugged her head and escaped from the classroom in one breath.

For some reason, she came to the rooftop.

The breeze blew on the tender face, surrounded by low-rise houses and barren and dilapidated urban areas.

She gasped for breath, her whole head dizzy.

"It's not me, it's not me, I don't know anything..."

"It's you, it's you, why didn't you call the police?"

Moon Shadow Field's voice came from behind.

"No, no, Moon Shadow-kun, I wanted to call the police, it was Mom... No, no, I didn't see anything." Miyamoto Inokako was incoherent, completely panicked.

"I see." Seven eyes appeared on Yueyingtian's face, terrifying.

Then he turned away.

Miyamoto Inokako kept staring at him, and found that the other party left the school, and the direction she went to was her own home.

"don't want!"


The corridor on the third floor of the ward building of Suzuki Private Hospital.

"The mission said that the girlfriend of an important NPC was injured in a coma. For some reason, she couldn't wake up. Her name is Miyamoto Inakako, and she lives in this single-person ward. Let us go to heal." Du Tiantian confronted In the room on the left, he spoke.

"I'm afraid her coma was caused by a monster hiding in the dark." Han Qian looked at the sleeping girl through the window.

The other party is only sixteen or seventeen years old, with a beautiful face, but his expression seems to be somewhat painful and fearful.

Are you having a nightmare?

Next to the girl, a boy was holding her hand, as if to comfort her...

"I think so too," Du Tiantian nodded, "then how should we treat her?"

"Go to the doctor to ask about the condition first." Han Qian said.

The two came to the nearby doctor's office and, as Miyamoto's family, found Miyamoto's attending doctor-a white-haired old man.

"Oh, Miyamoto accidentally fell from the stairs and suffered from intracranial hemorrhage. We have done a lot of treatment, but there is still blood congestion. The strange thing is that the image of the congestion is very strange." The old man said with a strange expression. .

"Let's take a look at the 3D reconstruction of the brain she did," Han Qian said directly.

"Okay." The old man operated the computer, and after some procedures, he showed a colorful skull image.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the CT film, because it is a slice image, and the reconstruction is a three-dimensional image, and the lesions are distinguished by coloring, which is easy to see at a glance.

Then the two of them saw a red doll on the surface of the back half of the skull! "Hey..." The two women took a step back in fright.

"When I first saw it, I was also taken aback," the old man smiled. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

Certainly not a coincidence.

The two women thought in their hearts, this involves the truth of the copy, will it be exposed.

Then the two of them thanked the doctor and walked out of the It seems that we are going to enter the dreamland of Miyamoto Inakako. "Han Qian thought for a while.

"Then you have to exchange for a skill called Dream Link, which requires 1500 points." Du Tiantian wondered.

"Change it, it can be used in the future anyway."

Half an hour later, the two daughters entered Miyamoto Inakako's dream one after another.

When they opened their eyes, they were amazed!

Because the other party's dream is the real Dongdao city scene!

Dilapidated, cramped, and disorganized, it used to be seen on the web.

Before the second girl came into this dungeon, she also collected a lot of information about Dongdao, so she knew this very well.

"No wonder the mission was released. It turns out that this woman saw the truth in her sleep." Du Tiantian was surprised.

"It's ironic. When you fall asleep, you see reality, but when you wake up, you see unreal." Han Qian sighed. .

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