Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1265: Parse

Du Tiantian looked around, a little disbelieving: "Han team, you say this Dongdao copy is really a fake thing? This kind of power is comparable to a miracle, right?"

"It's all said to be a copy of the game, so it must be fake." Han Qian said without hesitation.

"Even if it is a copy, it may be built on the real scene. I really can't understand it. Everyone is dreaming, and what we are doing now is doing things in dreams." Du Tiantian was still incredulous.

"People's eyes can deceive themselves, and hands and feet can also deceive themselves," Han Qian shook her head. "My president told me that if you want to check the truth, you should carefully feel it from the time you eat. The taste of food is the most important thing. Hard to deceive."

"Food? I understand, no matter how fake it is here, if you want to keep everyone moving, they still have to eat." Du Tiantian suddenly realized.

"Okay, after watching the dream, let's appease the little girl." Han Qian patted her companion on the shoulder, and then walked to a residential area first.

The environment there is slightly better, more spacious and less cluttered than elsewhere.


Yueyingtian, with seven eyes on his face, two normal and five black and red, holding a kitchen knife, is chasing and killing a housewife.

"Monster! Help!"

"There's a fire, come and put out the fire!"

The housewife fluttered with her hands and shouted loudly, and her voice came far away.

However, the surrounding neighbors closed their doors and windows one after another...

The passers-by stepped up and left the neighborhood.

Yueyingtian walked unhurriedly, but no matter how slow he walked, he could always be seen behind the housewife.

When Han Qian and the two came here, they saw Miyamoto Daoxiangzi walking in from the door, and as soon as they walked in, they rushed towards the Moon Shadow Field.

"Tian Jun, don't kill your mother!"

However, Yueyingtian chased the housewife with a kitchen knife as if she hadn't seen her.

"They don't seem to be able to see the two of us?" Du Tiantian was surprised in fear.

"Because we were watching a horror movie in her dream," Han Qian said solemnly.

"Then how to wake her up from her dream? You can't just go up and wake her up, right?" Du Tiantian said with a headache.

"We can manipulate the context here and make her understand that this is a dream."

After Han Qian finished speaking, she started to get busy.

She toured the room and placed a group photo in the living room.

The background in the group photo was modified by her into a copy scene outside.

The dilapidated TV, the program that was being broadcast, was replaced by the sports meeting.

As long as you look closely, you can find that the athletes in the games are dressed and named as the people in the copy.


Miyamoto Inakako finally woke up.

She noticed something was wrong with the scene and woke herself up from her dream.

"Doctor, doctor, come on, my girlfriend is awake!" Yue Yingtian called the attending doctor happily.

However, when Dao Xiangzi opened her eyes to see him, she immediately ran to the wall in fright.

"do not come!"

"What's the matter? Daoxiangzi, it's me, I'm Yueyingtian!" Yueyingtian was surprised, he didn't understand why his girlfriend would be so frightened when she saw him after waking up.

"What exactly is real? Am I still dreaming?" Dao Xiangzi hugged her head and slammed into the wall.

The attending doctor and nurse who arrived quickly grabbed each other.

"I'm afraid the patient still has some psychological problems. Mr. Yueying, please go out and wait for the patient to calm down." The attending doctor turned his head and said.

Yueyingtian had no choice but to go out.

Then he saw two strange women outside the ward.

Just by looking at her temperament, you can tell that she is not a Dongdao woman, probably the opposite.

It's just very strange, why did these two women show fear in their eyes when they saw him?

Although he disappeared very quickly, he had experienced a wasteland dungeon after all, and he had also been the mayor, so he could see it.

"Hello." He just said hello, and looked worriedly into the ward through the window.

Han Qian and Du Tiantian looked at each other, feeling a little nervous.

After all, the other party was in a dream, and the sight of the seven eyes was still vivid in his mind.

But in any case, the two sides still have to contact.

The two introduced themselves as relatives of Miyamoto Inakako's mother. They heard that her daughter was sick, so they came to visit.

This is also the identity given by the game copy, and it is impossible to find out the problem.

Yueyingtian then hurriedly greeted the two of them again, using the etiquette of a junior meeting an elder.

After a long time, the ward was a little quiet, and the old doctor came out.

"The patient is quiet, and she just had an injection, but don't see her for the time being," the old man said to Yueyingtian.

"But, why is she afraid of me?" Yue Yingtian didn't understand.

With seven eyes and a kitchen knife in hand, who is not afraid?

Han Qian and Du Tiantian secretly complained.

"Hey, it might be that she dreamed of some terrible things in her dream, it's related to you, I'll recommend a psychiatrist for you, her name is Kazama Ryo, she is studying at McKen Hopkins University Doctor of Psychology." The old man thought for a moment.

Then Yueyingtian met a very beautiful female doctor, cold and arrogant.

Han Qian and Du Tiantian followed suit.

"This world is fake!" Kazama Ling said directly after seeing the three of them, "Someone can see the truth in a dream, Dao Xiangzi's injury is real, she was in a coma and resisted the deception of the world, Real memories come out, and that's why it's all there at the moment."

"What evidence do you have?" Du Tiantian asked anxiously.

She subconsciously clenched the pistol at her waist, do you want to destroy this awakened NPC?

But if there is no task in the task panel, it cannot be moved.

"I'm actually a psychic, and I sensed the abnormality of the world from the very beginning, so I came here to work in the hospital and wanted to obtain evidence from some patients."

Fengjian Ling said lightly,

"Dao Xiangzi is in the ranks of my collection. I channeled her dreams and saw the truth."

Then her cold and arrogant face showed a frenzy: "It's an incomparably powerful miracle. Someone can drag an entire island, nearly 100 million people, into an illusion. How powerful is this spiritual power?"

"Nonsense, this is the real world, the most real!" Not to mention how terrified the two women were, Yue Yingtian became furious.

He pinched the opponent's neck and said savagely: "You are the fake, you are a monster, you are the monster in my dream!"

"Stop, don't kill!" Du Tiantian hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Hmph, you can't kill me, because this is an illusion, I will be resurrected tomorrow, and you will forget everything." Fengjian Ling said without fear.


Wen Ren went home.

"Xiao Huan, stop playing, go out and repair the Dongdao dungeon, there will be a big mess." Wen Rensheng said while covering his brows.

Just now, Shi Shi informed him that there was a problem with the Dongdao A few points began to appear, and it was no longer something that could be suppressed by usual means.

In a word, there is a big bug in the game, which cannot be corrected by GM, and must be modified from the bottom by writing code.

"It's really troublesome, I don't want to maintain your copy every day. I just built a town, and I'm about to fight the old ancestor next door." Xiao Huan came out of his ear angrily.

"Can you show up normally? Aren't you afraid of scaring your neighbors to death?" Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"It doesn't appear normally," Xiao Huan said, and disappeared in a flash, "I'll come when I go."

Wen Rensheng shook his head and looked into the distance.

Constantly showing the truth, no matter how suppressed, it must come out.

Is this a truth contained in Chaos Omniscience?

If you want to parse it, can you start from this point?

A light flashed in his mind.

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