Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1270: grow

Where is the Zentraedi?

This is described in animation, but in the real universe, naturally it is not animation.

After the space was folded, Wen Rensheng saw a planet.

On the surface of the planet, walking giants dozens of meters high.

They are created combat weapons, have no gender relationship, are huge in size, and take combat as their only occupation.

In fact, the best technological warfare weapon is AI plus machinery. As long as you have unlimited resources, you can fight endlessly, without considering casualties, and without social pressure.

Completely solved the human fear of war, the creature itself is not the type that is good at fighting.

He floated out of Battlestar, and then unfolded his covered arm, aimed at the planet below.

Then I saw that on that arm, in addition to the heart that had just grown, the lungs had grown again...

He understood that this was for a complete person.

It's really fun.

Horror too.

If it was someone who was more timid, he wouldn't dare to look at it, let alone hold it like him.

In fact, apart from him, other aliens on earth basically go crazy when they encounter them.

The Zentraedi people removed some of the fighting madmen, and the others were just a group of complete tool people, and some of them were later integrated into the earth civilization.

Who's next?

Well, in the animation setting, the rulers of the Zentraedi are the robot rulers. They are the Telos intelligent races that master robotic technology, that is, the Telos.

In order to recapture prehistoric energy and prehistoric technology, this group decided to attack Earth.

So Wen Rensheng hid his arm again and flew back to Robotech.

By the way, he has already learned a piece of news - this Battlestar is No. 5, and the one that flies to the real world is No. 4.

The first three have been either destroyed in the war, or stuck in a colony galaxy guardian system.

"Go to Tyro Star."

"We don't know the coordinates there." The old captain said in confusion.

"Oh, let me think about it." Wen Rensheng suddenly realized that he hadn't finished watching Battlestar when he was a child. The child was impatient, and only watched some of the previous episodes before watching other animations.

I also know that there is a love triangle in it, the male protagonist Rick kisses Lisa, and then gives up Lin Mingmei, who has an uncertain temperament, and finally gets married to Lisa...

Well, children are so pure, I haven't seen other plots.

"Who knows then?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"Maybe in the X78 galaxy where Battlestar Six is ​​located, someone will know that they are tracking the origin of all this." The old captain thought for a while and replied.

"Okay, just go to that X78 galaxy, it sounds a little familiar."

Wen Rensheng agreed.


The ship soon jumped to the X78 system, the star system where Fort Six was colonized.

As soon as he came here, Wen Rensheng saw a violent conflict.

Groups of grotesque, praying mantis-like insects floated in space, besieging several satellite cities recklessly.

A spacecraft of the same standard is struggling to fight back.

The remains of space residents floating in space are horrific.

"Number six, this is number five."

"That's great, you guys are here. We need support very much. We were too far away to get in touch with you before." A woman's voice came from the opposite side.

"What group are these bugs? How did you conflict with them?" the old captain asked.

"We don't know, they came to besiege us inexplicably." The female captain said very depressed.

"It's inexplicable?" Wen Rensheng thought about it and made sure that he hadn't seen the animation of this scene.

But he knew that all Battlestar animations were indispensable for songs, and in the end they had to rely on a singer to save the market.

"Okay, after I asked Admiral Mike, I'll come to support you."

"Admiral Mike? Do we have this person?" the female captain asked in confusion.

"We chose it ourselves."

"Oh, then please hurry."

The two were communicating, and Wen Rensheng had already gone out and aimed his arm at the bugs.

This time, the arm grew a stomach and two waists.

It seems that the bugs are more powerful than the Zentraedi.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed a bug, and as soon as the illusion came out, the bug began to explain things to him...

It's just that he couldn't understand what the other party was saying.

Fortunately, he has learned tens of thousands of mysterious skills, and "mental communication" is suitable for this kind of scene.

It can share the thinking of two intelligent creatures, and what the other party wants to do, there will always be a corresponding picture in their minds.

With this skill, Wen Rensheng could see the figure of a girl appearing in the bug's mind, and then it wanted to rescue the other party.

And this girl is living quietly with other people in the satellite city.

Misunderstanding caused a battle?

Wen Rensheng created a large illusion again, and all the bugs left the satellite city one after another. In their perception, the target was somewhere else.

"The bugs have retreated!" There were cheers from the communication channel.

"It must be the appearance of your No. 5 fortress, which made them afraid, great, thank you!"

"Uh, maybe so." The old captain was also inexplicable, but repelling the enemy is always a good thing.

Then Wen Rensheng told the old captain, including the girl.

"So that's the case, I'll inform them immediately." The old captain understood the whole story and informed Fort No. 6 about the girl.

"A girl, **** it, just for this kind of misunderstanding, did we sacrifice so many heroic pilots and innocent residents? Hateful bug, can't we find an interpreter to spread the word first?" The female captain was furious.

"They are beasts after all." The old captain reassured.

"In this case, we can use that girl to completely wipe out these beasts who don't understand human language! Otherwise, there will be another misunderstanding!" The female captain said fiercely.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you ask them why they attacked you?" the old captain wondered.

"Of course we asked, and tried to translate their language, but unfortunately they use a special wave to communicate, and we don't understand it at all. And they give birth to ****, and they fight when they come up, and they don't give us a chance to communicate at all!" The captain replied.

"Understood, it seems that the responsibility lies with them, we will help you defeat these bugs and let them pay for your The old captain affirmed.

After hearing this, Wen Rensheng shook his head. He now understood why the escaped fortress number 4 would attack the earth.

Everything is arranged by the director, setting the bugs as a race that cannot communicate normally and is violent enough.

And you can't find anything unreasonable. After all, in reality, even people are unreasonable. If you owe you money, you will be blamed. If you don't like your eyes, you will bully you...

But if you are still angry after learning the truth, why can't you set a normal race?

If you want someone, we will leave it to you.

If you want to destroy us, then we will resist.

In the end, because of this misunderstanding, we fought from beginning to end. What is the reason for fighting?

However, considering that No. 5 Fortress has done a lot for him, Wen Rensheng still intends to help them, and by the way, let's see if there is anything new on the bug home planet.

So the two Battlestars formed a combined fleet to attack the bug's home planet.

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