Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1271: forming

The machine guns fired, and the bombs covered the plane.

"Da da da", "boom blah blah"...

Insects are flying all over the planet.

Everyone in the captain's room was opening champagne.

"It's too powerful. Is this the new technology you have recently developed? It can make the bugs dizzy and can't find any target to attack. It's like a plane hitting a submarine." The female captain of Fort No. 5 admired.

"Uh, that's right." The old captain of Fort No. 4 smiled awkwardly.

Wen Rensheng sat beside him, as if no one could see him.

Just suddenly, there was a melodious and vast Galaxy singing in my mind, and after the singing, there was an anxious girl's voice:

"Please stop and let those poor bugs go!"

"Insect? Poor? Are you talking about those strange creatures that don't even have their own brains and must rely on the Queen to order them?" Wen Rensheng responded indifferently.

"They caused all this to save me, please let them go." The girl's voice continued.

"I have no position to let them go, only the deceased has a position." Wen Rensheng refused.

"The dead? But they are dead."

"Yeah, so what I hate the most is for the living to speak forgiveness for the dead. Anyway, they are already dead, it doesn't matter what happens. Otherwise, people must have family and relatives, otherwise you will be arrested for no reason. You were beaten to death on the side of the road, and no one will hold you accountable to the end, they will only say that you are already dead, the criminal is still alive, and you can't kill any more..." Wen Rensheng's tone showed little emotion.

It was an overly clear past life memory that had an impact on him.

Extraordinary memory also has negative effects.

"..." The girl was silent.

After a long time, she said, "How long do you want to kill? They are also lives, although they are different from humans."

"You're going to ask them about this." Wen Rensheng showed the cheering crowd in the captain's room to the girl.

In fact, what he hates is not the girl herself, after all, the other party is also the character set by the director.

What he hates are those groups of similar personalities in reality.

"I can't communicate with them, I'm locked up." The girl said depressedly.

"Can't your singing penetrate the Milky Way?" Wen Rensheng asked.

"But they couldn't reach their minds, their minds were distorted by a layer of fog."

Oh, yes, it's their own hands and feet, so that they won't see their own existence and anomalies.

Having said that, there is also metaphysics and mystery in Battlestar.


"Aren't you distorting their hearts with your singing?"

"I just wake up their forgotten love, and let them use love to embrace those aliens."

"It's really nice to say. Tolerate it with love, but the reality is a real contradiction. Only blood and fire can solve it. It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it has always been like this."

"It's always been like this, right?" the girl retorted.

"Isn't it right, let the deceased say it himself." Wen Rensheng said lightly.

"The deceased said it himself?" The girl was confused.


In a confinement cabin, a girl in a blue dress just stopped singing.

She was still wondering what the man said.

The next moment, the pale silhouettes of the crippled pilots and space residents appeared in front of her.


The girl stepped back in fright.

"Aren't you going to forgive their murderers on their behalf? Why are you afraid of them now? What position and qualification do you have to sing such songs?"

Wen Rensheng appeared in front of the ghosts and spoke to the girl calmly.

"You, it's you! It turns out that people really have souls after death?" The girl recovered from her fear, and her eyes suddenly glowed.

"It turned out to be not there, but when I came, it was there."

"Can I see my deceased mother? Even just one glance," the girl pleaded.

"Those bugs? You're not begging for them?"

"I can lead them out of here, to another distant galaxy, and never hurt others again." The girl put her hands together.

"Oh, forget it, you can discuss with those people."


The two captains finally agreed to the girl's request because there was not enough ammunition.

The bugs began to run away. In order to avoid future hidden dangers, it is better to let the girl take them away at one time.

Before leaving, Wen Rensheng asked the girl to meet her deceased mother.

Although he couldn't speak or hug, but just looking at each other in his eyes, the Galaxy singer was satisfied, and then took all the bugs and embarked on a journey to find a new home.

"Okay, have you found Tailo planet? The home planet of the robot ruler?" The old captain said.

"I found it, but they are very powerful. They have robot technology and have countless robot warriors." The female captain shook her head.

"No, they lack prehistoric energy. Those robots have stopped moving. They are at the weakest point. We can take this opportunity to destroy them." The old captain said.

"Well, if the next battle can be like today, I'd be happy to send the main force."


Taylor Star.

A planet similar to Earth.

The people above are also similar, except that each has two clones.

It was their series of operations that destroyed the original earth and wiped out billions of people, leaving only a few people to develop new homes in space.

Forgiveness is impossible, only destruction.

Wen Rensheng took out his pale arm, on which the heart, lungs, stomach, and kidneys had grown, and this time, the liver, intestines, and spleen...

are growing like crazy.

The source of everything is indeed powerful.

I don't know how long ago, the whole torso had grown up, the right arm was hanging on the torso, only the head and other limbs had not grown.

Wen Rensheng didn't look at the rest of the battlefield, he left an illusion and let those people kill themselves.

There was never blood on his hands.

He is such a clean person.

I don't know how long ago, Tailuo became the earth.

"Everything is over!" The old captain of Fort No. 5 sighed.

"Yeah, the nightmare that haunts us humans is finally over." The female captain of Fort No. 6 also sighed.


Wen Rensheng thought in his heart, how is it possible, as long as there are audiences willing to watch, you will continue to fight.

Either the bugs come today, or the monsters come tomorrow, and then there are internal disputes...

But of course he wouldn't say it.

He just looked at the torso in his hands, it was still early.

Then go back to Earth first and see if it will attract new monsters.


Wen Rensheng returned to Earth again.

This time, he saw a dog appear on Earth.

A large dog, with a visual weight of more than 200 pounds, can sell for about 5,000 yuan.

"Strange, how can there be a dog?" After returning to Wen Rensheng, the old captain looked at the dog through the screen, very strange.

You must know that there is no large-scale life on earth, only some primitive life.

Wen Rensheng walked The dog suddenly swooped towards him, opened its mouth wide, and bit the torso held by his right hand...

He wanted to stop it, but stopped the thought in an instant. This should be an alien creature, and he let the big dog bite on the torso.

The next moment, the torso grew out of the head.

Is a dog head.

Four limbs left.

He let Battlestar V leave.

The fort jumped away.

"Strange, we seem to have a collective dream before, right?" The old captain, after the fort left the earth, finally woke up.

"Yes, it seems to have rescued the No. 6 Fortress and eradicated the robot ruler. It's a beautiful dream." The deputy captain sighed.

"The source of the dream seems to come from hearing a strange radio wave."

"Forget it, continue to chase No. 4. We must find out where they went."

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