Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1277: split big

In front of Wen Rensheng, a game soon appeared.

What made him ironic was that these people said, "In order to become a god, for the sake of Xizhou, you can give everything." However, their game location was placed in the game copy - the world of Go.

Everyone who competes is registered as a player.

They're going to play in a copy of the game, which is really clever.

In the game copy, the death will be resurrected, and there is no need to worry that the alien species will be snatched away.

In addition to this, there is another major reason for the greater evolution of game simulators-

It has been able to simulate most of the capabilities of the player's body.

This is also the basis of the game. If it is still the original game simulator, it can only provide a game shell, or start with mortals.

Only one day has passed in real time, and 1000 days have passed in the copy of Go.

The race is over quickly.

It was a man who no one could have imagined, who became Zeus.

The owner of the game emulator——

Lu Kuan.


"Didn't you lie flat all the time? Why did you suddenly become Zeus?" his three roommates asked in unison.

Wen Rensheng also came here, watching this scene with great interest.

"Because from the legend, after Zeus ascended the throne, he didn't do anything serious."

"It was also said in "Homer's Epic", 'sitting far away, neither caring about us nor looking down on us'." Lu Kuan lay on the sofa, playing with the game simulator in his mind .

He had just given himself a trumpet with a Western face.

And this has been reported. After in-depth and friendly exchanges, the Inspection Division agreed to his request.

It is very interesting that the people of Xizhou have worked hard to create the ancient **** system, but the king of the gods is a person of Dongzhou.

Someone objected to this, saying:

"Now that the world is facing an erosion crisis, why are we still doing these small actions? Everyone should be single-minded and united..."

However, Wen Rensheng, who was fully aware of the nature of the crisis, naturally understood that the so-called unity was neither possible nor necessary.

Keeping this messy situation will help fight the abscesses that the calamities discharge.

And if there is one organization that is unified, it is difficult to have a variety of solutions.

And the headmaster of disaster seems to intend to maintain a confrontational situation.

This opposition, which should give them some added benefit, helps resolve the abscess.

The superiors of the inspectorate, who also understood these essences, naturally suppressed this objection and allowed Lu Kuan to become the king of the gods, Zeus.

This is also a compliment to him.

Of course, it is not easy to play Zeus well, and the kidneys must be strong.


A few days later, Lu Kuan got a xenogeneic-

Even Wen Rensheng has no right to know the name of the alien species.

He just knows one thing, after activating this alien species, it is something related to loyalty, and it is impossible to betray.

However, after hearing this information, Wen Rensheng understood what this alien species was.

Seed of Order (below), he had seen once a while ago.

It cannot disobey the order of the Seed of Order (above).

It's very river.

He threw Lu Kuan directly into the river.

Lu Kuan may or may not know, but as long as he maintains his current state, he can float, otherwise he can only sink to the bottom like before.

The game simulator is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, the mind that controls it can only work 24 hours a day.


"The birth of the king of Zeus, Zeus is the son of Cronus, the second-generation god-king of the Titans. Cronus became the second-generation god-king by overthrowing his father Uranus, and Zeus also became the second-generation god-king by overthrowing his own father. The third generation of God King."

"Uranus is the grandfather of Zeus. He is the first generation of gods, the **** of the sky, born from the fingertips of Gaia, the **** of the earth. Gaia and Chaos (Chaos) were born at the same time, and he is the first superhero Primitive god, personification of the earth, the first true creator god."

The old man in white robe held an ancient book and preached to the crowd.

"So if we want to replicate the miracles of Zeus, we must first replicate the miracles of these related gods."

When everyone heard it, their heads were all big.

"So, we have to find a woman to play Gaia first, but who has the ability?"

"Yeah, Zeus is already the strongest alien, and Gaia sounds much stronger than him, who else is there?"

The crowd was noisy and couldn't think of a way.

At this time, Lu Kuan said, "Why don't you turn to that game? Isn't it the founding god? It can create the world, evolve all things, and has been privately called You Niang by players..."

Many things on the Internet have been dubbed "someone".

Everyone heard the words in agreement.

But another humane said: "Is that something belonging to the Eastern Continents? Can't our main **** system be free from the influence of the Eastern Continents?"

"You are too narrow. The main Greek gods also like to wear silk, which is imported from the ancient East."

The influence of silk is great and extraordinary. The country of silk is one of the earliest names of Dongzhou, transliterated as "Seris".

"Yeah, let's talk about that magical dimensional game, it's just that there are many Dongzhou people who log in. That's because they have the most wealthy population. It doesn't mean that the controllers are Dongzhou people. After all, all its rules are not obvious. biased." Someone emphasized.

"Yes, there is also a radiation world there, isn't it our Western Continent background?"

After a quarrel, everyone decided to accept the idea.

After all, they really couldn't find another symbol that could fit the status of Mother Earth.

"Okay, let that dimensional game, as the mother of the earth and also as a symbol of chaos, begin to deduce the history of Greek mythology from it..."

Wen Rensheng saw this and felt that they had overcome most of the difficulties.

Game simulators can simulate too many Greek gods.

In fact, the subsequent development of the story also went smoothly, as if there was God's help.

The Greek gods were born one after the other.

God-kings were born one by one, and then overthrown one by one, until Zeus stabilized.

Mount Olympus was opened up as a copy of the paradise of the gods by the game simulator.

This is the mountain range that exists in the real world.

Its current status is like the East Island copy.

Soon, the first God-Blessed One will appear.

Naturally, it is the favored one of Zeus.

An ordinary man sacrificed 99 bulls to Him in the square.

This is a huge amount of wealth, a cow is worth tens of thousands, and most people simply cannot afford it.

Wen Rensheng was watching from the side of the square, and many people were watching.

They want to succeed and they want to fail.

Hope for success because it means that they also have the opportunity to obtain extraordinary power, and hope for failure is naturally a simple human instinct.

" Great Zeus, King of the Gods, I sing your name, please grant me favor..."

The ancient sacrificial words that were dug out from ancient books were recited skillfully by this ordinary person.

I don't know how long ago, a cloud appeared in the sky.

Lightning appeared in the clouds, and a bolt of lightning struck the ordinary person.

The next moment, his legs and feet twitched, his eyes were white, and he passed out.

"Well, he offended the gods!"

"There must be something wrong with the ceremony!"

"It seems that you can't rely on bulls. Would you like to try goats?"

Everyone was chatting.

Wen Rensheng immediately turned his attention to Lu Kuan.

The news from the inspector department let him know the reason for the failure of the sacrifice.

"Damn, it's the first time to master the power of thunder, and it's big!"

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