Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1278: answer

After a full seven sacrifices, Lu Kuan mastered the power of Zeus, Thunder, and gave it to mortals in part.

There are nine levels of Zeus' favored ones, and other main gods will be lower, and different gods have different upper limits.

And like the primordial god, like the goddess of the earth goddess, there is no such thing, because he is the game simulator itself.

"Success, I feel the power of lightning!"

That ordinary person is a tall and strong woman who owns half the city's wealth and is the countess of this city.

No one thought that Zeus's favored person would be such a woman.

No one will discriminate against women, after all, there are even a little more women than men among the aliens.

"Shouldn't she be a very pretty and petite type?"

"It seems that this Zeus is not the same as the legendary one."

"Could it be a fake?"

When he heard everyone's discussion, Lu Kuan felt that the power of the trumpet had faded a lot - he paid the price for his unique hobby.

This is the weakness of man-made gods - they make mortals, and they are limited by mortals.

At this time, Wen Rensheng also got a prompt that the event was completed.

"Resurrection of the ancient gods: the first ancient **** appeared, Zeus, the king of the gods."

"Mystery: 777."

"Mysterious Composition: Greek Mythology, Artificial Gods."

"You peek into a huge secret, and the mystery increases by 100 points, from 11075 points to 11175 points."

Wen Rensheng couldn't help sighing when he saw this.

Now this world is really becoming more and more mysterious, and the rules of physics are gradually receding.

With myths and human hearts alone, ancient gods can be condensed, and the process is unimaginably simple.

He realized a problem - this must be the headmaster of the disaster.

So he summoned Ahhandeb.

Ahhandeb is still that little octopus.

It is said that Wen Rensheng's inspiration for sealing his memories of the old rulers originally came from it.

You don't have to be smart, but as long as you imitate what smart people do, the results won't be much worse.

I'm afraid that you are smart enough to not even imitate.

"It was those principals who helped the Western Continent?" he asked directly.

The little octopus was still confused, shaking his head, expressing that he couldn't understand what Wen Rensheng was saying.

However, one of its eight tentacles took the initiative to sign a "Y".

Hearing how smart Rensheng is, he quickly understood:

The octopus tentacles originally had some low-level intelligence. Now, while the main consciousness retreats, one of them will rebel.

Guys who have rebelled since ancient times have always liked to seek foreign aid, with almost no exceptions.

As for foreign aid, is there anything more suitable than Wen Rensheng?

So the tentacle was courting him.

Akhanderb never imagined that in order to avoid the threat of the old ruler, it chose to degenerate itself, but the real threat came from itself.

This is the terrible thing about fate, the more you try to avoid it, the more powerful its backlash will be.

Wen Rensheng also understood that the answer can only be "yes" or "no", or some simple numbers, because tentacles can't speak or write, and the information that can be drawn is limited.

He wants to take this opportunity to ask questions quickly.

"Are the principals doing this to deal with chaotic disasters?"

The tentacle continued to gesture "Y".

"Oh, does that make sense?"

still Y.

Got it, ancient myths are useful for Chaos-type scourges.

Wen Rensheng wanted to ask something again, but suddenly found that his memory was blocked, hiding behind a door, and the blocker was himself.

It seems that the remaining questions cannot be asked.

If you ask again, it will affect you.

But don't miss this opportunity to ask questions.

He realized that Akhandeb should have other measures to prevent this situation, so this situation could only happen once.

So he continued: "Do you know your actual age? Is it older than ten thousand years?"


"Is it older than a hundred thousand years?"


"More than 100 million years?"


Wen Rensheng was in a cold sweat, a living body that has spent 100 million years is unimaginable for human beings.

But he quickly thought that many stones are more than a billion years old, so what?

Humans want to destroy them, all they need is a bundle of dynamite that has just been produced.

Longevity does not represent strength and wisdom.

He continued to ask, "How long has it been since you were born with wisdom, is it older than a hundred years?"


Wen Rensheng was surprised. Ahhandeb has always been showing the attitude of an ancient existence, yet he didn't have the wisdom of a hundred years?

He grabbed the opponent's handle.

"Is it older than ten years?"


After asking them one by one, Wen Rensheng finally understood that Akhanderb's true age of wisdom was only between 60 and 70 years old.

He had a bottom line in his heart, no wonder Ahhandeb chose to back down when facing the Old Ones.

It has not really experienced horror and life and death, its predecessor has experienced a lot, but left only images, not memories.

It is like someone who has seen the history of the earth in one breath, but it only means that he has a lot of knowledge, but it does not mean that he has much experience.

It can be used to put pressure on the mouth, to fool people, but when the real fear comes, it is finished and its true shape is revealed.

Not as good as Wen Rensheng, at least Wen Rensheng still has the courage to face it.

No wonder it likes Xiaohuan, and the elderly like cute grandchildren the most.

Wen Rensheng took the time to ask, "Do you know how many principals there are in total?"

That cute and innocent tentacle gestured a number 12.

12 principals?

"It's just a coincidence, or does it have to meet a certain number, so all the extra disasters have been done?"

Tentacle gestures out 2.

It seems to be the second guess.

so smart.

"Will the disaster principals do this to the destruction of other worlds?"


As expected, most of the worlds he has been to are intact.

However, the ruined world still has one, the radiation world.

It's just that the Earth universe is huge enough, almost infinite, to delay them for infinite time.

This is why they give humans a lot of sweetness.

"What are they going to do next?" Wen Rensheng asked subconsciously, and immediately changed his words, "Will they open up more worlds to us next?"


Wen Rensheng had a headache asking, and he asked again:

"Can you write? I'll give you a pen."


Sure enough, this should be the backup left by Akhendeb to prevent the tentacles from reading.

Wen Rensheng had to call the Inspectorate and ask them to quickly find some questions they wanted to know most, but they had to be able to answer them with Y, N, and simple numbers.

This request made the researchers ecstatic.

This is not a request, but a great favor.

Everyone knows how hard it is to study an unknown problem, how much guesswork, how much verification, how much tears and blood.

Countless questions are organized.

Thirty percent of them have been answered.

It's not that the later answer can't come out, but the little octopus is impatient.

Although it is innocent and cute, it has no patience...

"I'm looking for Huanhuan to play, you disobedient hand, I'm going to throw you away!" it yelled at the tentacle that was doing things on its own.

There is no way, Wen Rensheng can only ask Xiao Huan to come out to play with it, and by the way, he is forced to agree that the next time he will play a shooting competition with Xiao Huan, he will shoot the missile with his bare hands...

When parting, he secretly made an appointment with the tentacle that only had questions and answers, and made an appointment to find a way to help it get free, and finally let the little octopus and Xiaohuan leave.

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