Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1283: tulip

Remember for a second【】

https:///>The olive branch was given to Odysseus. After several rounds of puzzles from the Sphinx, the wisest person, everyone had to admit, was him.

The crutch was given to Achilles, and in ten bloodless games in a row, every hero thought he was the strongest, and even the mighty Hector could only resign.

And the mirror, no one thought that its owner turned out to be Hector.

And to decide how it belongs, the mirror told them: very simple, after everyone has looked in the mirror, ask the mirror, who is the most beautiful person.

In the end, the mirror neither said the most handsome man nor the most beautiful woman, but instead said the name "Hector".

Paris looked surprised. He made that suggestion originally to give the mirror to a woman - Helen, the wife of King Menelaus of Sparta.

At the previous island party, he took a fancy to each other at a glance, and he could only say what should come, and he would come again.

He thought that as long as the mirror looked at Helen, it would definitely say Helen's name.

However, he never expected that the mirror was actually given to his elder brother.

This result was also beyond everyone's expectations, only one person showed a smile on his face.

That is Odysseus.

The most beautiful people are the most sacrificial heroes.

And Hector is the most perfect and tragic hero of the Trojan War, and there is hardly any fault in him.

Wen Rensheng used a little skill to let the mirror say his name.

As for why he did this, it's very simple. In this world with gods, the greater the responsibility you take, the later the time of death, and you can get a good position even after death.

Otherwise, it would be tragic.

Hector, who got the mirror, looked dull, but he quickly realized that this should be a gift from a god.

He sincerely worships the gods and is thankful for allowing him to take on such a great responsibility.

It's just the same as before, there is still no oracle sent by a **** for this.

The new expedition team set off.

Odysseus, intellectual security.

Achilles, security by force.

Hector, moral guarantee.

The 3 survivors of the first expedition last time, they still have the courage to wake up and set off again.

The rest is the camel team, there are more than 200 people, because considering that the camels may be separated, everyone brought five water bladders and a dozen pieces of cured meat with them.

The last captain and commander was Hector, whose character was much stronger than that of Agamemnon, the commander of the Greek coalition.

Wen Rensheng followed the expedition team stealthily all the way.

Guided by the survivors, they made their way to the desert due east-south.

Just after walking ten miles, I encountered a sandstorm.

At this time, Achilles, who was holding a cane, suddenly released ten thousand rays of light, dispelling the wind and sand.

They only lost two camels.

Soon after, it was dark and the sun disappeared, and they quickly lost their way.

At this time, the crutches fell automatically again, indicating the correct direction.

Following the guidance of the crutches, they walked fifty miles in just one day.

You must know that the last expedition team only walked less than ten miles on the first day, and began to circle in circles.

When they camped that night, their water sacs had leaked, and the cured meat had rotted, giving off a disgusting stench that seemed poisonous if eaten.

Everyone panicked.

However, Hector heard the mirror sound.

"Illuminate everything in front of you, and you will see that nothing is lost, only your heart is lost."

He held up the mirror, which also glowed.

The water bladder was intact and the cured meat was dry and intact.

All those illusions and smells disappeared.

"It turned out to be like this. We lost so much food and water in vain, and then more than half of the people died of thirst!" Several survivors cried.

"Okay, it's all men, crying here, what's it like?" Achilles said angrily.

Hector didn't speak, just patted them on the shoulder and motioned for them to rest.

"I think we should discuss the matter of entering the city." Odysseus looked around and motioned for the others to leave.

"Well, it shouldn't be a problem to cross the desert, and that city makes me feel a little bit scared." Hector nodded.

"They all say that in the city of deception, force is not effective, but I don't believe it. If they dare to lie to me, if I slash it, they will not die?" Achilles said disdainfully.

"Will you be hacked to death?" Odysseus asked rhetorically.

Achilles was speechless for a moment, because he himself was not afraid of swords and guns, and had only one fatal weakness.

But this weakness, he naturally won't talk about it.

"Do they all have the indestructible body of Achilles?" Hector wondered.

"It's very mysterious, so before we enter the city, we must send someone to inquire about the news carefully, and don't enter rashly." Odysseus suggested.

"I agree with your opinion." Hector, the most qualified commander, nodded in agreement.

Achilles didn't say much. He was brave and fearless, and despised the weak, but he was not rash.

the next afternoon

^0^ One second to remember【】

, they finally reached the city of deception.

Standing on the dune, looking from a distance, the prosperity in front of them made these heroes of BC stunned.

There are endless vehicles, flat and straight roads, a large clear lake in the middle, and vibrant green plants on the shore.

People had happy smiles on their faces, and everyone was so clean, tidy, and well-behaved.

The richest aristocratic manor is far from being comparable to this place. I am afraid that only the palace of the gods on the beautiful and solemn Mount Olympus can be compared.

"A place like this will corrode the whole world?" Achilles was a little puzzled and eager to try.

But then he seemed to remember something and calmed down again.

A glint of greed flashed in Odysseus' eyes, staring at those beautiful buildings and beautiful women, but then suppressed it again.

Hector looked back at the road, and seemed to think of his hometown in the distance.

Wen Rensheng took their performances into his eyes one by one.

The character characteristics of the three people are revealed incisively and vividly in this eye.

Odysseus then suggested: "Captain, we should send someone to contact them."

Hector nodded, then two men, gave them some supplies, ordered them to enter the city, and then they camped five hundred yards outside the city, waiting for news.

That night, the two were naked and ran back to the camp in embarrassment.

"Your clothes and money?" Hector asked in surprise.

The two spies were covering their lower bodies with a piece of white papyrus they had never seen before, looking ashamed.

Odysseus hastened to have them covered with blankets.

The two spies put the white papyrus on the desk, and then talked about their experiences in turn.

Spy A: "We entered the city, and they were very hospitable and warm, and then told us that as long as they had money, they could buy everything. We could understand what they said and what they wrote."

"They told us recently that a flower called tulip is very valuable and that if you buy and stock up, you can make a lot of money in the future."

"We didn't believe it at first, but soon we saw that everyone else was making a lot of money. One person said this, two people said this, a hundred people said this."

"In the end, we took out all the and used our manor in our hometown as collateral to buy that tulip."

Hearing this, Odysseus has already understood the process of their deception: "Oh, in the end, this so-called plant became unloved, and the ones you bought fell into your own hands, isn't it? "

"Yes, wise King Odysseus, nothing can be hidden from you." The spy said in shame.

"You will be fooled by such a simple strategy?" Achilles was furious.

Odysseus shook his head. This strategy sounds simple, but it has been tried and tested, as long as the name of the goods is changed.

He has a hunch that this kind of deception will be popular for thousands of years, and people will always be deceived and deceived.

For greed is an insurmountable human heart, just like himself.

The error-free chapters of "Mystery Makes Me Strong" will continue to be updated,

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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