Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1284: true deception

"This strategy is not simple, it seems ordinary, but it is really powerful." Hector sighed.

As the commander-in-chief and the eldest prince, he is naturally very clear about people's hearts and understands how much people's wisdom will be weakened under the fanatical atmosphere.

"Hmph, I don't believe it, I'll go meet them myself!" Achilles said, and then quickly ran towards the city without waiting for the two to reply.

"Wait..." Odysseus stretched out his hand and waved. As soon as the voice came out, he saw Achilles disappeared, disappearing into the city not far away.

Sure enough, the first Greek warrior.

"It's useless, you can't persuade him." Hector shook his head.

He understands very well how sturdy the character of this warrior who can make him feel shocked.

Fortunately, he is not that kind of narrow-minded commander, otherwise, he can be punished by just chasing the other party's actions without obeying the order.

"No, I asked him to keep the artifact crutches." Odysseus said helplessly.

"Uh..." Only then did Hector realize the difference in wisdom between himself and Odysseus.

I am still sighing, people have already thought of the problem of stop loss.

noon the next day.

They heard a shrill scream from the city, and then with a heavy noise, a figure with bruises and bruises was thrown into the desert.

Hector and Odysseus hurriedly led people to the figure.

If not Achilles, who else could it be?

Odysseus was shocked.

Isn't Achilles invulnerable? Why get hurt?

He remembered a rumor that Achilles had an Achilles heel, the only place where he would get hurt, and if he got hurt, it meant death.

The two rescued Achilles back to the makeshift camp.

After returning, Achilles remained in a coma.

Unsurprisingly, the cane of the divine weapon was naturally lost. The only fortunate thing was that the clothes and armor on him were still there.

Odysseus took out an olive branch, plunged it into the water, and sprinkled it on the opponent.

I saw a flash of green light, and Achilles' injuries were completely healed.

It's just that he still hasn't woken up.

"It seems that we are going to send someone to send him back and ask the gods to treat him." Hector sympathized.

"Well, let's take him back." Odysseus also sighed.

However, when they were on their way, they encountered a problem.

Without crutches, the desert of more than 100 miles is obviously not as easy to pass through as it came.

"No, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth. We can't live up to the expectations of the gods. Let's keep him in the tent first, leave two people to take care of him, and let's go to the city together." Odysseus looked at Desert, changed his mind again.

Hector thought for a while and nodded.

So Achilles was left in the tent.

The other two went to the city together.

After the two left, Achilles opened his eyes slightly, then closed them immediately.

Wen Rensheng smiled, he had already seen it.

He also saw everything the other party had experienced.

After Achilles entered the city, he saw an advertisement on the big screen: "The strongest boxing championship in history... The registration fee is only 648, and the ultimate prize is 2 million!"

He immediately became interested, and in a daze, he sold his armor and handed it over to 648. Needless to say, the game did not exist at all.

Run away after paying the registration fee...

After such a few rounds, he became a pauper.

In the end, even the artifact crutch was deceived.

As for how to cheat...

A vision of a burly man with a beard told him: "I, Zeus, the king of the gods, slumbered on Mount Olympus after failing to fight Typhon, the father of monsters, and needed an artifact to restore power."

"Give me the artifact, and when I wake up, I will make you one of the twelve main gods."

He didn't know what was going on, but he actually believed the other party and sent the crutches eagerly.

Wen Rensheng was speechless.

At the same time, he also realized the power of this city of deception.

As long as you have a little bit of greed and a little bit of belief in your heart, you will be magnified to the extreme, and then you will be deceived.

Now it depends on whether Odysseus and Hector can resist the temptation and walk out of the city smoothly.

Wen Rensheng followed into the city.


Odysseus stood in a square, his expression dull, as if he had just passed through a storm.

Just now he saw a scene:

The Trojan War broke out, and he was besieged for ten years.

However, the fate of his great hero who completed the mission of the gods was—

Because he accidentally entered the island cave of the descendants of Poseidon, his companion was eaten by the Cyclops. In order to avenge his companion and escape from the island, he wounded the Cyclops with a trick.

After ten years of wandering at sea, the elite soldiers were killed and wounded, and the loyal companions were displaced and returned home alone.

At the same time, rumors of his death in the homeland, the palace was settled by suitors, to enjoy his wealth, to persecute his wife and children, and to usurp his kingdom.

During the whole process, the gods did not offer any favors, they were all treated as a joke.

At this moment, a voice-over sounded in the square:

"Have you seen it all? You worship the gods Zeus and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who are dedicated to offering large sums of wealth to sacrifice every year..."

"It's all a bunch of rubbish, a bunch of white-eyed wolves, they stand tall and treat your fate as a plaything!"

"They have never been fair, they only protect their relatives. Do you still want to be loyal to such rotten gods?"

"Your wisdom exceeds 99.9% of the gods!"

"You should be the creator of the new order, the master of the new order, and you should have more rewards!"

"What if you beat our city? You're going to suffer a worse outcome than before."

Odysseus shouted wildly: "No, it's all fake! It's all illusions and deceptions created by you!"

"Are you still deceiving yourself? Your wisdom is enough to make you understand that the scene just now is completely in line with the disposition of the gods. If we hadn't appeared, it would have become history. You will have nothing." The voiceover continued.

Odysseus was silent.

He will not deceive himself, the scene just now is indeed very likely to happen, no, it will definitely happen.

No one knows better than him the rot and filth of the gods of Olympus, and there are only a few who are truly kind and just to human beings, and they do not live on Mount Olympus.

His heart shook.

"What can I get?" he asked suddenly.

This is his ingrained temperament.

This great wise man is not a saint. After the Trojan War, when he was returning home, he used a warship to raid and loot a certain capital along the way to satisfy the greed of the soldiers and himself.

"Hahaha, wise man, what do you want?"

"I want……"


After seeing the temptation Odysseus faced, Wen Rensheng turned his attention to Hector.

Still the Golden Apple, or the Trojan War, or the Trojan Horse...

Same voiceover.

"You are the most innocent one, but what about your ending?"

"Because of the boring spirit of the Just because of a golden apple, just because of the title of the most beautiful goddess, your kingdom was destroyed, you were corpse three days after you died, your favorite The wife became a slave..."

"The royal capital you want to protect, your parents, brothers and sisters, people and women have all become playthings and looting objects of the enemy!"

"Do you still serve such rotten gods?"

"Do you still want to use up your blood and sweat and give your loyalty?"

"Unpredictable, childlike gods, they are not worthy of your loyalty and worship at all, you don't need them to stand on your head!"

"No, shut up, don't slander our gods!" Hector cried out in pain.

"Slander? No, it's a fact. You are the most perfect commander, the most perfect general, the most just brother and king. You only need to do one thing and you can avoid the tragedy..."

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