Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1286: new golden apple

"Old Wen, what do you think that Lao Ao has to do to defeat those gods?" Xiao Huan sat on the sand dune, holding his chin, with a Conan fantasy style.

"Actually, I already guessed it, because of the method he's going to use, the city of liars has already told him." Wen Rensheng said confidently.

Xiao Huan immediately jumped to his neck and urged, "Tell me quickly."

"Do you like spoilers?"

"Like it."

"I do not like."

"Stingy, I thought to myself."

During the bickering between the two, Odysseus sneaked out of the sea pier, and then came alone under a dune.

Facing east, he made a seven-pointed star out of sand, then took out a dagger and slashed his fingertips.

After all this, he began to pray.

Xiao Huan immediately shut up, his eyes widened, staring at each other.

Too bad she couldn't see anything.

"Strange, why can't I see or hear what he is saying?" Xiao Huan said angrily.

"I said, you have to see your heart clearly before you can break the fog brought by that city." Wen Rensheng repeated.

"But I have no heart." Xiao Huan said angrily.

"My heart is your heart."

"Oh, you said it earlier, I said how can I not see." Xiao Huan plunged into Wen Rensheng's chest, turning his eyes to look hard.

"Do you want to be so real? What I show you is my noble character, my perfect humanity, my conceptual heart, not the red real heart. You have to imitate me and create the same crystal clear heart, Only then can we see through the mystery." Wen Rensheng said helplessly.

"You can't really see what you said, it's just like this person's heart can still see it." Xiao Huan said disdainfully.

At this moment, Odysseus stood up confidently.

He smoothed out the prayer and turned away.

After he left, a gust of wind blew, and all traces disappeared.

Wen Rensheng nodded, he just heard the other party's method, exactly as he expected.

Sure enough, his wisdom has been verified again.

Even the great wise man who is famous in ancient and modern times cannot be higher than him.


Three days later, after a grand sacrifice, the gods descended.

One of the advantages of the Olympian gods is that they are very down-to-earth and have exactly the same personality as mortals.

At this time, they came from the sea, and they were almost indistinguishable from ordinary hero kings.

This is why some mortals dare to deceive them, until they show their power, they are mortals.

They wore long robes of the Greek style, some with crowns on their heads, some with scepters, and some with shields on their shoulders.

Walking in the forefront, with a majestic face is Zeus, with a scepter in his left hand and a shield in his right.

A pair of divine eyes, radiant - very incredible, whoever sees them will have to be pregnant.

On his right was Athena, all in armor, with a spear in her left hand and a shield in her right.

On the left is the sturdy-looking **** of war Ares, the shame of the gods, the Greek Lu Bu.

Then there are the other main gods. Hera is not there, probably guarding Mount Olympus.

Poseidon with a trident and Hades from the underworld also appeared.

As the brother of Zeus and the sharer of divine power, it is unreasonable not to appear at this time.

There are some gods in the back, not very famous, Wen Rensheng was too lazy to look at them.

But he noticed one very obvious place.

This is a dimensional war, but other gods, such as the mighty Titans, did not have a single ruler from the previous generation.

This is the common weakness of man and god.

In the face of a huge disaster, there will be no option to "face together", only the option of running faster than anyone else.

Heroes and kings began to bow down.

Zeus drank the wine they offered, and the roasted bull beef, and this led the crowd to the expedition.

They crossed the desert smoothly and came to the city of deception.

Zeus first unleashed his own thunderbolt.

The most powerful symbol of power in the world.

Lightning strikes that modern city.

Buildings collapsed, traffic jammed, and people fled.

"Haha, you said that you are not afraid of force, it turns out that you are not afraid of the force of mortals." Hermes complimented his father's might.

Zeus nodded slightly, with a confident smile on his face, and then waved his hand.

Poseidon unleashed his seas and storms; Hades unleashed the fire of the underworld.

Athena threw the infinite spear, and Ares cut a **** storm.

The entire city was about to be destroyed in just half a day.

"That's it?" Zeus was smug, looking forward to his pride.

At this moment, the eyes of the gods suddenly lit up.

Because a giant blue crystal appeared on the ruins.

"World Crystal?" An inexplicable message appeared in the minds of the gods.

This is what the crystal passed on to them.

It tells the gods that it is the source of another world, and if you eat it, you can master all the authority and power of the other world.

"This thing can only belong to the great king of the gods." Zeus said first.

Although the gods were dissatisfied, they did not resist.

However, at this time, the crystal suddenly shattered, scattered in all directions, flew into the sky, into the earth, into the ocean, into the void...

There were so many pieces that rushed directly into the queue of the gods and were swallowed directly by some gods, and then their faces were overjoyed.

Seeing this, the gods immediately chased after him.

As the messenger of the gods, the fastest Hermes grabbed the most fragments, and after grabbing them, he gave them all to Zeus.

This is not the case with other people. They only handed back a few dollars, and they didn't get it when they asked.

Especially the two brothers, Poseidon and Hades, who both scrambled for the throne of God King with Zeus back then, let alone now?

After they grabbed enough crystal fragments, they returned directly to their territory, the sea and the underworld, and never met Zeus again.


"I understand!" Xiao Huan shouted happily after seeing this scene.

"Tell me about it." Wen Rensheng smiled.

"Hmph, isn't this the golden apple in disguise? This crystal is the golden apple, and it is also engraved with the words 'ruler of the new world'." Xiao Huan said triumphantly.

"Haha, it seems that you have really grown up." Wen Rensheng said with relief.

Yes, this is another golden apple.

What kind of strategy is the best to use, the simplest, and the proven strategy is the best to use, rather than elaborately conceived, with many routines, that kind of strategy, as long as there is a problem in one detail, it will not be successful.

And like now, clearly putting the temptation in front of the gods, even if they know this is a trick, they will be fooled.

Because of the commonality of human beings and gods, the gods cannot overcome their inner greed, and they will inevitably have many conflicts because of the **** of crystal fragments.

A mere golden apple or the title of the most beautiful goddess can trigger an epic Trojan War, not to mention such a huge temptation?

The authority and power of a whole If you master it, even a sea fairy can grow into a master **** that rivals Zeus!

The city of deceit destroyed itself, but brought deceit and discord, strife and slaughter to the Greek gods.

This is Odysseus' strategy for the city of deception, simple, deadly, clean, and neat.

It points directly to the core of the contradictions of the Greek gods-the endless struggle for theocratic power. The first generation, the second generation, and the third generation cannot escape a fate, and they will all be overthrown by their own children.

What happened next was dramatic.

A crystal shard fell on Achilles, who was ashamed, and his only weakness was made up for by the crystal.

Even if someone slashed at his left ankle, the damage would be blocked by the crystal.

"Get more crystal shards, and you can wash away the humiliation of being deceived before."

Under this prompt, he embarked on the process of collecting debris in the mortal world.

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