Mystery Makes Me Strong

Chapter 1287: McCann pantheon

Ten years later.

The otherworldly golden apple, the world crystal, finally triggered a new war of the gods.

Achilles was sheltered by Gaia, the goddess of the earth, and was invincible in the mortal world. He collected many crystal fragments, about one-tenth of them.

Underworld God and Sea God, each collected 1/7.

Zeus forced the gods to hand over the shards and spit out what they ate, taking up half the share.

The rest are scattered in the hands of the gods.

Zeus ordered the sun **** Apollo to kill Achilles and retrieve the fragments.

However, Apollo, who was good at archery, was killed by Achilles instead.

A mighty Olympian **** has thus fallen, and may be resurrected later.

But anyway, it means that the mortal hero defeated the main god.

Just like Hercules later.

This is enough to prove that the crystal is powerful.

Zeus was about to take action himself, but Achilles entered the underworld first and challenged Hades.

No one knew why Achilles' wisdom suddenly became stronger, and no one knew why the earth goddess protected him.

After making up for the shortcomings of wisdom, Achilles, who is both civil and military, is very scary.

Hades was thrown into **** by him.

The crystal he had swallowed was snatched away by him.

Only then did the gods know that even if they eat the crystal, as long as they lose, the crystal will disappear.

The power of the crystal will only obey the strong.

Zeus went crazy, he killed his own children, his sister and subordinates, and ate them.

Just like he used to eat one of his own wives, lest the child he gave birth to overthrow him.

Only Athena and Hermes escaped.

And Hector and his kingdom of Troy were thus preserved, and no gods would pay attention to them again.

Wen Rensheng saw this and stopped looking at it.

Because the Dimensional War event has been completed.

"Dimensional War: The way to invade a world is to provoke their own civil strife, let them kill each other, and never let them unite."

"Mystery: 1254."

"Mysterious Composition: World Crystal, Golden Apple."

"You watched the conflict between the two worlds, and your mystery cap increased by 100 points, from 11175 to 11275."

He was about to leave when he heard Odysseus' prayer.

"I've done my assignments, and they'll make me a **** as agreed, but I haven't gotten my pay."

"I knew they would default, great **** of justice, please help me get my reward."

"Okay, I will give you the reward you deserve." Wen Rensheng said, and threw a crystal shard he had collected before to him.

Without this last fragment, that raft world cannot swallow the world of the Greek gods.

Odysseus was ecstatic when he got the shard.

It's not that he didn't want to collect it before, but he knew the danger of this thing, so he didn't collect it.

"Great God of Justice, how can I save this fragment from being robbed by others?"

"You dig a grave on the ground, then lie in it for seven days and seven nights without eating or drinking. After you wake up, you eat the fragments, and no one will find out that you own the fragments." Wen Rensheng replied lightly. .

"Thank you, praise you..."

Odysseus did so immediately.

Then Wen Rensheng cast a permanent mysterious concealment technique on him, allowing the other party to hide.

Yes, no one can find out that he owns the shard, and no one can see him again.

This is Wenrensheng's promise to this wise man.

After doing all this, Wen Rensheng said to Xiao Huan, "Go home."

"Ah, I'll go back now, I haven't seen enough, I still want to end up and fight a few fights myself."

"Okay, just take a look, do you really want to get involved?"


Wen Rensheng took Xiao Huan back to the real world and back to his home in the blood island world.

The two time flow rates are completely different.

The real world is only a few months away.

As soon as he came back, Xiao Huan started shouting:

"What's the matter? McCann's side, why are guns being shot everywhere? A bunch of old men and women died when they spoke."

"Isn't shooting their specialty?" The others said indifferently.

"No, I specifically ask those priests not to waste their lives casually. Those who want to die can participate in real competitive games." Xiao Huan said angrily.

"let us see."

Then Xiao Huan showed a scene in front of everyone.

Wen Rensheng turned his head to look.

I saw three 14- and 15-year-old teenagers on a football field, stepping on footballs and holding AKs in their hands, shooting at a group of middle-aged and elderly white, black, and brown people.

Those people fled wildly, but there was a fence on the football field, and there was only a narrow entrance.

Many people crowded around the entrance and exits, shouting frantically, pushing and shoving others.

"Let me go out first!"


"Stop shooting, for God's sake!"

The bullet passed through the crowd, and blood splattered all over the place.

"That's horrible!"

"What the **** happened?"

Wen Rensheng's family was shocked.

"Damn, I'm going to shoot!" Xiao Huan said angrily, but the next moment, her face turned pale and bitter, "It's over, it seems that my power can no longer be used on the land of McCann."

"Oh, so that's the case, no wonder there is such a big riot." Wen Rensheng nodded slightly.

"What's going on? I've only been away for a few months." Xiao Huan said with a headache.

"I remembered," Zhao Han said. "There was a notice from the Inspectorate Department earlier that there seemed to be an abnormality on McCann's side. The stories in various movies seem to be copied in reality. Let's not go there."

"Oh, I see, this is copying homework, copying the homework of Westerners. McCann has no ancient times, so there is no ancient mythology, so we can only use products concocted in modern times, Hollywood superheroes, Avengers, Iron Man Something like that..." Wen Rensheng was so smart, he could understand what was going on as soon as he heard it.

"It turned out to be like this, it seems that the effect is very powerful, even Xiao Huan can't handle them." Everyone was shocked.

"Hmph, it's not that they are powerful, it's that I didn't use all my strength at all." Xiao Huan said very unconvinced.

" Then let's see the effect of your full strength?" Zhao Han asked curiously.

Others are also waiting to see.

Xiao Huan sniffed when he heard the words, and then threw himself into Wen Rensheng's arms, sobbing loudly:

"Dad, someone bullies your daughter, you can't ignore it..."

"Cough, cough..." Zhao Han coughed out with a smile.

"Ah, this is your full strength. It's really fierce." Wang Wenwen also laughed and coughed.

Wen Rensheng looked helpless and could only rub the dog's head angrily.

"Okay, let me see who is behind all this."

McCann has two major forces, one is the Colossus system under the auspices of Xiao Huan, and the other is the original Eagle Castle system.

In addition, there are miscellaneous small forces, financial groups from all over the world, as well as the robot organization that Dr. Stein himself has engaged in.

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